Read Becoming His Awesome Beauty: Volume 1 Page 9

  Awsty applied the dark charcoal eye shadow to one of her eyes. Suddenly that dark charcoal didn’t seem like it looked right anymore. She wished she had some of that pinkish brown eye shadow that Sheria had put on her eyelids during her makeover yesterday. Oh… wait! Sheria gave that to her! She told her it was new. But, she’d tried it on herself and didn’t like that color, so she gave it to Awsty, telling her that that color was just perfect on her with her new hair. Actually, it did look pretty good on her. Maybe she’d try that shadow today. She’d probably go back to her charcoal, but today she’d try something a little different. And, it really didn’t matter if anyone liked it or not. She wasn’t going back to this church again after today. When she got her job this week, she’d find herself an apartment or rent a room in someone’s house, and she’d be her own boss, and that included not going to this church, or any church again.

  Unfortunately, Awsty couldn’t remember what she’d done with the new eyeshadow. She knew it had to be in her room, but where? After searching through every drawer, under her bed, and in her backpack, she sat down on the edge of her bed to think. That was when she heard a crunch sound under her left hip. Reaching to the origin of the sound, she grabbed what turned out to be the very item she had been seeking. Only now, the container had a large crack in the lid that reached the entire way across its surface. It only took her one-finger swipe across the crack for the entire lid to fall in half. Wouldn’t you know it? She was given this gift, and within twenty-four hours it was broken! Fortunately, it didn’t disturb the eyeshadow beneath. So, it was with care that Awsty applied some of the eyeshadow to her lids. After smearing coat after coat of charcoal on her eyelids for so long, she felt unsure how much to apply of this new color. Her first inclination was to apply an abundant amount like the charcoal, but instead she decided to duplicate the way Sheria had done it yesterday, which was very soft. Almost just a hint. Not bad! It’d have to do!

  Once she had put on her top and jeans, Awsty began to hang the chains, but stopped midway. For some reason, the chains didn’t seem quite right now. Was it because her hair and eyeshadow made her look different? Unfastening the chains she had hung, she stood and looked down. Wow! She looked weird to herself. She felt kind of naked without all the weight of the chains. Ok, so what was she supposed to do now? She could still wear her dog collar, but while it still rested in her hands, she shook her head. None of her jewelry was going to work. It just didn’t look right.

  Awsty had almost decided to just give up with the accessorizing, when she peripherally saw the two-strand beaded necklace atop the dresser that Lydia had helped her make yesterday. It had a few black beads in it, but mostly it had pink and light blue throughout. Wonder what that would look like? Holding the necklace up to her neck, she turned, trying to find something in the room in which she could see her reflection. The bedroom window. She walked forward to it. Not bad. It’s not the kind of jewelry she was used to wearing, but it wasn’t too bad. It’d do for today.

  Pulling her lace-up platforms from the floor of the closet, she took them back to the bed. After the first was laced up, she started to put the second one on. But, before she could even pull it up on her almost fully healed foot and leg, she could see it was hopeless. It hurt, and it wasn’t even pulled on the whole way, much less laced up. She was actually surprised, because her ankle wasn’t even hurting her this morning. Well, so much for that idea!

  With the one platform shoe still on and the other in her hand, Awsty left her room. She could hear Grammy in the kitchen, no doubt fixing some breakfast for them before their trek to church. Stumbling to the kitchen, Awsty almost fell through the doorway. Realizing that ambulating would be a whole lot more simple if she took off the shoe that didn’t hurt, she reached down with her free hand, and unlaced it. She ripped it off and tossed both shoes on the floor.

  “Grammy, I tried to get ready for church this morning, but my ankle,” pointing to it, “hurts when I put it on. I guess I won’t be able to go today.” She pulled out one of the chairs from the table and plopped in it. She couldn’t figure out why, but she was actually disappointed.

  Grammy made no verbal response at all. She stood looking at Awsty with her mouth slightly open in a tiny smile.

  “Grammy, did you hear me? I can’t wear these shoes. My ankle just won’t take it!”

  “Awesome Beau…, I mean Awsty… you look really nice today. And, I think I might have something you can substitute. I was at the thrift store one day with one of my neighbors, and I saw a pair o’ ballet shoes. I didn’t know what size they were, but I thought they was so cute, I bought ‘em. They was only a couple dollars, so I figured if they didn’t fit, I’d just give ‘em to somebody or somethin’.”

  “Ballet shoes?! Grammy, I don’t want to wear any dance shoes. That sounds weird! No, I don’t think so. It would just look…”

  Before Awsty had even completed her comments, Grammy had run out of the kitchen and back to her own bedroom. Within one minute’s time, she returned with a pair of shoes and a long scarf.

  The shoes didn’t look at all like Awsty thought they would. They were just plain flat soft, bendable flats. And, they were in the same color of blue that was in Awsty’s beaded necklace. Both of them noticed the match right away.

  Awsty kind of liked them, although she didn’t want to seem too excited about them. At least they looked comfortable. And comfort was definitely what her healing ankle needed. Taking them from Grammy’s hand, she placed one on her foot. Tipping her head left and right, she looked at it. Kinda cute! She now placed the second one on her other foot and stood up. She knew that like them or not, the decision would be whether or not she could walk without pain.

  Taking multiple steps back and forth in the room, Awsty was delighted not to have any pain when she walked, and Grammy was delighted to see her granddaughter looking so put together. Well… other than the partially blown-out-knee jeans.

  Hoping above hope, Grammy softly asked, “What d’ya think? Can ya walk aw’right in ‘em?”

  Trying not to look too thrilled, Awsty responded, “I think they’ll work ok for today. I’ll probably just need to get home quickly after church and get them off and my leg up.”

  Grammy smiled, then handing Awsty the long scarf, she said, “This scarf has the black, pink, and blue in it. Ya wanna wear it?”

  “There’s no way I’m wearing a big bow around my neck!”

  Not wanting to embarrass Awsty by telling her that she agreed, that would look ridiculous, she simply said, “Hey, I saw a magazine at Sheria’s yesterday where the model took a long scarf like this and just hung it around her neck with the ends hangin’ down straight. She didn’t tie it at all. Ya wanna try doin’ that and see how it looks?”

  “No, I feel weird enough dressed like I am. The scarf’s just way too much.”

  “Well, I’d say ya look lovely just as y’are, with or without the scarf.”

  While standing, each ate a few bites of toast and swallowed some orange juice, but it was time to go, so Grammy told Awsty to just wait outside the front door. She had to run back to her bedroom and get her Bible. When she came out of her room and exited the apartment, there stood Awsty, complete with long scarf slung around her neck.

  Grammy knew better than to say a word.

  Chapter 21

  Awsty wouldn’t have admitted it for anything, but she actually enjoyed the walk to church. The weather was sunny and comfortable, the flowers were blooming everywhere along the route, and friends that drove past on their way to services first waved at Grammy, but when Awsty looked their way, they smiled and waved to her too. She responded with a shy smile and tiny hand wave.

  By the time they had arrived at the church front doors, Awsty realized that she’d probably greeted fifteen or twenty people this morning already. That is, if a smile and hand wave counted as a greeting. She didn’t know who any of them were, but it was still nice having them acknowledge her existence, rather than turning their heads awa
y and walking around her like when she was on the streets. This must be what community felt like. She liked this. It was… pleasant? Yeah, she guessed that was the right word.

  Unfortunately, the feelings imparted didn’t last long. She and Grammy were within fifteen or twenty steps of reaching the doors through which they’d enter the worship center when she spied Pastor Greg just inside the doors to one side, warmly welcoming people when they entered. She was, frankly, embarrassed by the last interaction with him. She knew she couldn’t make another ‘first impression’, so she turned to Grammy quickly, told her she was going to try the Singles class this time, so she would meet Grammy there at the garden bench after the second hour.

  Grammy was pleased that Awsty was taking some initiative. From her perspective, Awsty was trying to find the best Sunday school class fit. Good for her! So, she squeezed Awsty’s shoulder and smilingly told her she’d meet her at the bench in the courtyard after second service. At the conclusion of Grammy’s words, Awsty darted behind a couple upcoming congregants and veered down the walkway to the ginormous Sunday school class building. She wasn’t exactly sure where the Singles class was, but she could ask someone once inside the building. Whew! That was a close one! She just couldn’t face Pastor Greg today! In fact, she couldn’t have stood going to the college class this morning. Everyone there had seen her last week. It wasn’t so much that she cared what they thought, but she knew that she looked radically different from last week, and she couldn’t bare the quizzical, confused looks and any questions that might arise from her changed appearance.

  Once inside the building, Awsty began searching for either the name of the class on the doors, or someone who could direct her. She actually crossed paths with several people, but they always seemed to be going in the opposite direction. And, while they smiled and told her good morning, they didn’t slow down. So began the trek from door to door, looking for any indication that she’d reached her desired destination. She had checked maybe three or four doors, each time saying audibly, although softly, “No. Not the Singles class,” when someone from behind said, “Singles class is four doors further on, on the left. That’s where I’m headed. I’ll walk you there.”

  Awsty wasn’t expecting anyone behind her, so she jumped a bit, before turning around to simply say, “Thanks, but I can get there ok by myself.” When she turned, it was none other than Mason. He smiled a broad smile and said, “Hi, I’m Mason.” Cute young woman! Must be new.

  Every emotion imaginable intersected within Awsty. Surprise, defensiveness, vulnerability, and a touch of disdain. She expected him to drop the smile and walk around her on to the room he too was headed for. But, he didn’t. He continued the smile, and said, pointing, “It’s that room there. Are you…” It was at this point that he changed from an approving smile at the cute young woman, to a shocked wide-eyed half-smile to a young woman he recognized. His eyes never left hers. He refinished the sentence. “Are you able to get there without help,… Awsty? Or do you want me to take you in?” He was sure she knew he was going to ask if she was new, but it was the best ‘save’ he could come up with in his current condition… stunned at her change!

  “I’m ok, thanks.” And, she walked on ahead. She grinned. She did love any shock she could produce. Since her back was to him, she could smile broadly without him seeing.

  Mason, on the other hand, was too rattled to continue walking to class. He immediately turned back to the men’s room to get a grip on his emotions before going to the Singles class.

  Lord, I didn’t think she’d come back, or at least not to the Singles class. She’s supposed to be in the college class. I’m glad she came, but this is so awkward. I’m sure she saw how shocked I was to see her. And, Lord, I asked You to change her heart. I didn’t know You’d change her whole appearance. Thank you, Jesus, but next time give a guy a break. I feel so stupid!

  Lord, she made it very plain last week that she didn’t like me and didn’t want anything to do with me. Help me respect that and back off.

  It wasn’t until this moment that Mason realized how undone he was when he recognized her. Whew! He could finally breathe! Ok… on to class.

  When Mason entered the class, Awsty had already been offered a seat by another young man in the class. She accepted the offer, but only because there were only two seats empty in the room. Both next to him. She first seated herself in the folding chair, with one empty between them. But, he smiled at her and asked her to move over next to him. At first she thought he was flirting with her, but then saw on his other side a young woman. When they took each other’s hand affectionately, she realized he was only being friendly, so she moved next to him. There wasn’t time to say anything, because the leader stepped forward and began the class, welcoming her and one other girl to class as first-timers. When people turned around to greet her, she shyly looked down, but did smile. When she glanced back up, some of them were still looking at her with broad, friendly smiles on their faces. She actually breathed for the first time since walking into the room and waved a tiny, shy wave. Once she had acknowledged their welcomes, they turned back around to the front.

  It was at this moment that Mason came into the room. The leader asked him to go ahead and come forward to give the announcement with regard to tonight’s activity.

  While inviting everyone to his folks’ house this evening for games, movies, and ‘eats,’ Mason made a concerted effort not to look at Awsty. He was sure he was blushing while talking. Blushing?! He didn’t blush! He was, after all, a grown man. Whoa, is it hot in here?! With the very last word of tonight’s activity invitation given, Mason almost ran out of the room and straight back to the men’s room.

  Checking below the stall doors, and seeing that he was alone in the restroom, he began talking out loud.

  “Lord, thank You for bringing Awsty back this morning. I’m thankful that You’ve answered that prayer… I’m kind of stunned that she showed up, and in the Singles class! But, this is where You’ve chosen for her to be. Help me be friendly, but not overly friendly… supportive, but not obnoxious about it… and mostly, let me be a friend to her… at least as much as she’ll let me be. And, Lord, You did a good job cleaning up her appearance. She looks really cute this morning, actually kind of pretty.”

  Feeling guilty that he’d even noticed her as a man notices a woman, he threw in, “And, be with Geneva today. I haven’t seen her in days, and we keep missing each other’s calls. Take care of her. Amen.”

  Able to breathe evenly now, Mason slowly walked back into the classroom. There was only one chair available, and that was next to Awsty. He would normally have taken it, and greeted whoever happened to be next to him, but not today. He veered away from the empty folding chair and walked to the back wall, leaning against it for the remainder of class.

  Awsty noticed Mason’s avoidance of her. At first she thought, Good! I don’t want him sitting here! But immediately on the heels of that, she questioned. Why didn’t he want to sit next to me? Is something wrong with me?!

  Not two minutes later, a good-looking young man walked in and walked directly to the empty seat. He leaned over to Awsty and whispered, “Good morning. Do you mind if I sit here?” Awsty shyly looked down, but leaned just enough in his direction to barely be heard by him. “No, that’s fine.” He whispered back, “Good, because if I sit on the floor, I’d feel like was back in kindergarten. Although I wouldn’t mind taking a nap on one of those mats we had in our school room.” Awsty covered her mouth to keep her giggle quiet. She nodded affirmation, then flashed a big, bright smile. When the teaching portion started, the young man shared his Bible with Awsty.

  Mason saw them whispering off and on during class, and just a small twinge of jealousy attacked his heart. What makes Ben ok, but she doesn’t like me at all?!

  During class, Mason found it hard to concentrate on what was being said. Because he could see Awsty, but she couldn’t see him, he found himself watching her more than he’d like to admit. It just
rankled him no end that she was giving plenty of attention to Ben, but couldn’t even be civil to him.

  When class had concluded, Ben stood and turned to Awsty.

  “I’m Ben.”

  “Hi, I’m Awsty.”

  “Uh…there’s a group of us that are driving altogether tonight to the thing they announced. Would you like for us to drop by and pick you up too? I think we can squeeze one more person into the car, if you’d like to come.”

  “Oh, I don’t know…”

  “You don’t want to miss this opportunity to see six or seven adults all squished together into one compact car. It’ll be like a Ripley’s Believe It or Not episode.”

  Awsty had no idea what Ripley’s Believe It or Not was. Her mother had never owned a tv, she didn’t have one while living on the streets, and Grammy’s was rarely turned on. But, she could tell by the comical look on his face that he was joking around with her, so she grinned.


  “Tell you what. You can give me your phone number, or I’ll give you mine, and we’ll talk later this afternoon. You can let me know then if you want to go with.”

  “Um… Ok.” And, she gave him Grammy’s phone number. She hoped that would be ok with Grammy. She was sure she wouldn’t be going, but he was being so persistent that she didn’t know what else to do.

  When Mason saw Awsty give her phone number to Ben, that was the last straw! He strode out of the room and started down the hall toward the worship center. It galled him no end that she would be so friendly to Ben, and treat him with total revulsion. Ok! No big deal! I don’t even care! I’ve got my awesome beauty, Geneva. And, Awsty… well, she can go live her life, and I’ll go live mine! Even as he nurtured these thoughts, he knew how ridiculous he was being, but he didn’t care.

  His breathing was slowing down finally, by the time he reached the exit of the building. He took a couple of steps out into the fresh air and breathed deeply. Just then he remembered he’d left his Bible on the table next to where he was leaning against the wall. He turned brusquely around and ran directly head first into Awsty, who was rushing to the worship center to not be late for worship service. Somehow she thought Grammy would have spies watching for her, so she better not be late. When Mason literally bounced off the front of her, and she bounced back into the arms of a woman she didn’t know, he grabbed for her. It lessened the impact of the hit the woman took, but by no means did it deflect it altogether.