Read Beechcroft at Rockstone Page 24

  Events came on rapidly that spring. Mr. White was anxious that hismarriage should take place quickly--afraid, perhaps, that his prizewould escape him, and be daunted by the passive disapproval of herfamily, though this was only manifested to him in a want of cordiality.This, being sincere people, they could not help; and that outbreak toKalliope had made the sisters so uneasy, that they would have willinglyendured the ridicule of a broken engagement to secure Adeline from therisks of a rough temper where gentlemanly instincts were not inbred.

  Adeline, however, knew she had gone too far to recede, though she wouldwillingly have delayed, in enjoyment of the present homage and shrinkingfrom the future plunge away from all her protectors. Though the strong,manly will overpowered hers, and made her submit to the necessities ofthe case and fix a day early in July, she clung the more closely to hersisters, and insisted on being accompanied by Jane on going to London topurchase the outfit that she had often seen in visions before. So MissMohun's affairs were put in commission, Gillian taking care of them, andthe two sisters were to go to Mrs. Craydon, once, as Marianne Weston,their first friend out of their own family, and now a widow with a housein London, well pleased at any recall of old times, though inclined,like all the rest, to speak of 'poor Ada.'

  Lord Rotherwood was, as his cousins had predicted, less disgusted thanthe rest, as in matters of business he had been able to test the trueworth that lay beneath the blemishes of tone and of temper; and his wifethought the Italian residence and foreign tincture made the affair muchmore endurable than could have been expected. She chose an exquisitetea-service for their joint wedding present; but she would not consentto let Lady Phyllis be a bridesmaid; though the Marquis, discoveringthat her eldest brother hated the idea of giving her away to thestonemason, offered 'not to put too fine a point on it, but to act thepart of Cousin Phoenix.'

  Bridesmaids would have been rather a difficulty; but then the deepmourning of Kalliope and Maura made a decided reason for excluding them;and Miss Adeline, who knew that a quiet wedding would be in much thebest taste, resolved to content herself with two tiny maidens, Primroseand the contemporary Hablot, her own goddaughter, who, being commonlyknown as Belle, made a reason for equipping each in the colour and withthe flowers of her name, and the idea was carried out with great taste.

  Valetta thought it hard that an outsider should be chosen. The youngMerrifields had the failing of large families in clannish exclusivenessup to the point of hating and despising more or less all who interferedwith their enjoyment of one another, and of their own ways. The absenceof society at Silverfold had intensified this farouche tone, and thedispersion, instead of curing it, had rendered them more bent on beingalone together. Worst of all was Wilfred, who had been kept at home veryinconveniently by some recurring delicacy of brain and eyes, and who,at twelve years old, was enough of an imp to be no small torment to hissisters. Valetta was unmercifully teased about her affection for KittyVarley and Maura White, and, whenever he durst, there were attempts atstings about Alexis, until new game offered itself on whom no one hadany mercy.

  Captain Henderson was as much in the way as a man could be who knew butone family in the place, and had no resource but sketching. His yellowmoustache was to be seen at all manner of unexpected and unwelcometimes. If that great honour, a walk with papa, was granted, out hepopped from Marine Hotel, or a seat in the public gardens, evidentlylying in ambush to spoil their walk. Or he was found tete-a-tetewith mamma before the five-o'clock tea, talking, no doubt, 'Raphaels,Correggios, and stuff,' as in the Royal Wardour days. Even at Clipston,or in the coves on the beach, he was only too apt to start up from someconvenient post for sketching. He really did draw beautifully, and Mysiewould have been thankful for his counsels if public opinion had not beenso strong.

  Moreover, Kitty Varley conveyed to Valetta the speculations of Rockstonewhether Gillian was the attraction.

  'Now, Val,' said Mysie, 'how can you listen to such nonsense!'

  'You said so before, and it wasn't nonsense.'

  'It wasn't Aunt Jane.'

  'No, but it was somebody.'

  'Everybody does marry somebody; but it is no use for us to think aboutit, for it always turns out just the contrary to all the books one everread; so there's no going by anything, and I don't believe it right totalk about it.'

  'Why not? Every one does.'

  'All the good teachings say one should not talk of what one does notwant one's grown-ups to hear.'

  'Oh, but then one would never talk of anything!'

  'Oh, Val! I won't be sure, but I don't believe I should mind mamma'shearing all I say.'

  'Yes; but you've never been to school, and I heard Bee Varley say shenever saw anybody so childishly simple for her age.'

  This brought the colour into Mysie's face, but she said--

  'I'd rather be simple than talk as mamma does not like; and, Val, do onno account tell Gillian.'

  'I haven't.'

  'And don't; don't tell Wilfred, or you know how horrid he would be.'

  There was a tell-tale colour in Valetta's cheeks, by which Mysie mighthave discerned that Valetta had not resisted the charm of declaring'that she knew something,' even though this was sure to lead to torturesof various kinds from Wilfred until it was extracted. Still the youth asyet was afraid to do much worse than look preternaturally knowing at hissister and give hints about Fangs' holding fast and the like, butquite enough to startle her into something between being flattered andindignant. She was scarcely civil to the Captain, and felt bound toexpress her dislike on every possible occasion, though only to provoke agrin from Wilfred and a giggle from Valetta.

  Lady Merrifield's basket-carriage and little rough pony had been broughtfrom Silverfold, and she took Kalliope out for quiet drives wheneverit was possible; but a day of showers having prevented this, she wasconcerned to find herself hindered on a second afternoon. Gillianoffered to be her substitute.

  'You know I always drive you, mamma.'

  'These are worse hills than at Silverfold, and I don't want you to comedown by the sea-wall.'

  'I am sure I would not go there for something, among all the stupidpeople.'

  'If you keep to the turnpike you can't come to much harm with Bruno.'

  'That is awfully--I mean horribly dusty! There's the cliff road towardsArnscombe.'

  'That is safe enough. I don't think you could come to much real damage;but remember that for Kally a start or an alarm would be really ashurtful as an accident to a person in health.'

  'Poor old Bruno could hardly frighten a mouse,' said Gillian.

  'Only take care, and don't be enterprising.'

  Gillian drove up to the door of Cliff House, and Kalliope took her seat.It was an enjoyable afternoon, with the fresh clearness of June sunshineafter showers, great purple shadows of clouds flitting over the sea,dimpled by white crests of wave that broke the golden path of sunshineinto sparkling ripples, while on the other side of the cliff road laythe open moorland, full of furze, stunted in growth, but brilliant incolour, and relieved by the purple browns of blossoming grasses and thewhite stars of stitchwort.

  'This is delicious!' murmured Kalliope, with a gesture of enjoyment.

  'Much nicer than down below!'

  'Oh yes; it seems to stretch one's very soul!'

  'And the place is so big and wide that no one can worry with sketching.'

  'Yes, it defies that!' said Kalliope, laughing.

  'So, Fa--Captain Henderson won't crop up as he does at every sketchableplace. Didn't you know he was here?'

  'Yes, Alexis told me he had seen him.'

  'Everybody has seen him, I should think; he is always about with nothingto do but that everlasting sketching.'

  'He must have been very sorry to be obliged to retire.'

  'Horrid! It was weak, and he might have been in Egypt, well out of theway. No, I didn't mean that'--as Kalliope looked shocked--'but he mighthave been getting distinction and promotion.'

  'He used to be very kind,
' said Kalliope, in a tone of regretfulremonstrance. 'It was he who taught me first to draw.'

  'He! What, Fa--Captain Henderson?'

  'Yes; when I was quite a little girl, and he had only just joined. Hefound me out before our quarters at Gibraltar trying to draw an oldSpaniard selling oranges, and he helped me, and showed me how to hold mypencil. I have got it still--the sketch. Then he used to lend me thingsto copy, and give me hints till--oh, till my father said I was too oldfor that sort of thing! Then, you know, my father got his commission,and I went to school at Belfast.'

  'And you have never seen him since?'

  'Scarcely. Sometimes he was on leave in my holidays, and you know wewere at the depot afterwards, but I shall always feel that all that Ihave been able to do since has been owing to him.'

  'And how you will enjoy studying at Florence!'

  'Oh, think what it would be if I could ever do a reredos for a church!I keep on dreaming and fancying them, and now there really seems a hope.Is that Arnscombe Church?'

  'Yes, you know it has been nicely restored.'

  'We had the columns to do. The reredos is alabaster, I believe, and wehad nobody fit to undertake that. I so longed for the power! I almostsaw it.'

  'Have you seen what it is?'

  'No; I never had time.'

  'I suppose it would be too tiring for you now; but we could see theoutside.'

  Gillian forgot that Arnscombe, whose blunt gray spire protruded throughthe young green elms, lay in a little valley through which a streamrushed to the sea. The lane was not very steep, but there were loosestones. Bruno stumbled, he was down; the carriage stood still, and thetwo girls were out on opposite sides in a moment, Gillian crying out--

  'Don't be frightened--no harm done!'--as she ran to the pony's head.He lay quite still with heaving sides, and she felt utterly alone andhelpless in the solitary road with an invalid companion whom she did notlike to leave.

  'I am afraid I cannot run for help,' said Kalliope quietly, thoughbreathlessly; 'but I could sit by the horse and hold his head while yougo for help.'

  'I don't like. Oh, here's some one coming!'

  'Can I be of any use?'

  Most welcome sound!--though it was actually Captain Henderson theubiquitous wheeling his bicycle up the hill, knapsack of sketchingmaterials on his back.

  'Miss Merrifield! Miss White! I trust no one is hurt!'

  'Oh no, thank you, unless it is the poor pony! Kally, sit down on thebank, I insist! Oh, I am so glad you are come!'

  'Can you sit on his head while I cut the traces?'

  Gillian did that comfortable thing till released, when the ponyscrambled up again, but with bleeding knees, hip, and side, though theCaptain did not think any serious harm was done; but it was even moreawkward at the moment that both the shafts were broken!

  'What is to be done?' sighed Gillian. 'Miss White can't walk. Can I rundown to the village to get something to take her home?'

  'The place did not look likely to supply any conveyance better than arough cart,' said their friend.

  'It is quite impossible to put the poor pony in anyhow! I don't mindwalking in the least; but you know how ill she has been.'

  'I see. Only one thing to be done,' said the Captain, who had alreadyturned the carriage round by the stumps of the shafts; 'you must acceptme in lieu of your pony.'

  'Oh yes, thank you!' cried Gillian eagerly. 'I can lead poor Bruno, andtake care of your bicycle. Jump in, Kally!'

  Kalliope, who had wisely abstained from adding a useless voice to thediscussion, here demurred. She could not think of such a thing; theycould very well wait in the carriage while Captain Henderson went on tothe town on his bicycle and sent out a midge.

  But there were showers about, and a damp feeling in the lane. Boththe others thought this perilous; besides that, there might be rudepassengers to laugh at their predicament; and Captain Hendersonprotested that the weight was nothing. He prevailed at last; and sheallowed him to hand her into the basket, when she could hardly stand,and wrap the dust-cloth about her. Thus the procession set forth,Gillian with poor drooping Bruno's rein in one hand and the other on thebicycle, and the Captain gallantly drawing the carriage with Kalliopeseated in the midst. He tramped on so vigorously as quite to justify hisdeclaration that it was no burthen to him. It was not a frequented road,and they met no one in the least available to do more than stare orask a question or two, until, as they approached the town and RockstoneChurch was full in view, who should appear before their eyes but SirJasper, Wilfred carrying on his back a huge kite that had been for manyevenings in course of construction, and Fergus acting as trainbearer.

  Thus came on the first moment of Gillian's explanation, as Sir Jaspertook the poor pony from her and held counsel over the damage, with manyhearty thanks to Captain Henderson.

  'I am sure, sir, no one could have shown greater presence of mind thanthe young ladies,' said that gentleman; and her father's 'I am gladto hear it!' would have gratified Gillian the more, but for the impishgrimace with which Wilfred favoured her behind Kalliope's impassiveback.

  The kite-fliers turned, not without an entreaty from the boys that theymight go on alone and fly their kite.

  'No, no, boys,' said their father--'not here; we shall have the kitepulling you into the sea over the cliffs. I must take the pony home; butI will come if possible to-morrow.'

  Much disappointed, they went dolefully in the rear, grumbling sotto vocetheir conviction that there would be no wind to-morrow, and that it wasall 'Fangs's' fault in some incomprehensible manner.

  At Cliff House Kalliope was carefully handed out by Sir Jasper, trying,but with failing voice, to thank Captain Henderson, and declaringherself not the worse, though her hand shook so much that the Generalwas not content without giving her his arm up the stairs, and tellingMaura that he should send Mrs. Halfpenny up to see after her. The maimedcarriage was left in the yard, and Captain Henderson then took chargeof his iron horse, and the whole male party proceeded to the liverystables; so that Gillian was able to be alone, when she humblyrepeated to her mother the tale parents have so often to hear ofsemi-disobedience leading to disaster, but with the self-reproach andsorrow that drew the sting of displeasure. Pity for Bruno, grief forher mother's deprivation, and anxiety for Kalliope might be penance andrebuke sufficient for a bit of thoughtlessness. Lady Merrifield made noremark; but there was an odd expression in her face when she heard whohad come so opportunely to the rescue.

  Sir Jasper brought a reassuring account of the poor little steed, whichwould be usable again after a short rest, and the blemish was the lessimportant as there was no intention of selling him. Mrs. Halfpenny, too,reported that her patient was as quiet as a lamb. 'She wasn't one tofash herself for nothing and go into screaming cries, but kenned betterwhat was fitting for one born under Her Majesty's colours.'

  So there was nothing to hinder amusement when at dinner Sir Jaspercomically described the procession as he met it. Kalliope White, lookingonly too like Minerva, or some of those Greek goddess statues they usedto draw about, sitting straight and upright in her triumphal car, drawnby her votary; while poor Gillian came behind with the pony on one sideand the bicycle on the other, very much as if she were conducting thewheel on which she was to be broken, as an offering to the idol.

  'I think,' said Mysie, 'Captain Henderson was like the two happy sons inSolon's story, who dragged their mother to the temple.'

  'Only they died of it,' said Gillian.

  'And nobody asked how the poor mother felt afterwards,' added LadyMerrifield.

  'I thought they all had an apotheosis together,' said Sir Jasper. 'Letus hope that devotion may have its reward.'

  There was a little lawn outside the drawing-room windows at Il Lido.Lady Merrifield was sitting just within, and her husband had justbrought her a letter to read, when they heard Wilfred's impish voice.

  'Jack--no, not Jack--Fangs!'

  'But Fangs's name is Jack, so it will do as well,' said Valetta's voice.
  'Hurrah--so it is! Jack--'

  'Hush, Wilfred--this is too foolish!' came Gillian's tones inremonstrance.

  'Jack and Jill went up the hill To draw--'

  'To draw! Oh, that's lovely!' interrupted Valetta.

  'He is always drawing,' said Gillian, with an odd laugh.

  'He was brought up to it. First teeth, and then "picturs," and then--oh,my--ladies home from the wash!' went on Wilfred.

  'But go on, Will!' entreated Valetta.

  'Jack and Jill went up the hill To draw a piece of water--'

  'No, no,' put in Wilfred--'that's wrong!

  'To draw the sergeant's daughter; Fangs dragged down unto the town, And Jill came moaning after!'

  'I didn't moan--'

  'Oh, you don't know how disconsolate you looked! Moaning, you know,because her Fangs had to draw the other young woman--eh, Gill? Fangsalways leave an aching void, you know.'

  'You ridiculous boy! I'm sure I wish Fangs would leave a void. Itwouldn't ache!'

  The two parents had been exchanging glances of something very likeconsternation, and of the mute inquiry on one side, 'Were you aware ofthis sort of thing? and an emphatic shake of the head on the other. ThenSir Jasper's voice exclaimed aloud--

  'Children, we hear every word you say, and are shocked at yourimpertinence and bad taste!'

  There was a scatter. Wilfred and Valetta, who had been pinioning Gillianon either side by her dress, released her, and fled into the laurelsthat veiled the guinea-pigs; but their father's long strides pursuedthem, and he gravely said--

  'I am very sorry to find this is your style of so-called wit!'

  'It was only chaff,' said Valetta, the boldest in right of her girlhood.

  'Very improper chaff! I am the last person to object to harmlessmerriment; but you are both old enough to know that on these subjectssuch merriment is not harmless.'

  'Everybody does it,' whined Valetta, beginning one of her crying fits.

  'I am sorry you have been among people who have led you to think so.No nicely-minded girl will do so, nor any brother who wishes to see hissisters refined, right-feeling women. Go in, Valetta--I can't sufferthis howling! Go, I say! Your mother will talk to you. Now, Wilfred, doyou wish to see your sisters like your mother?'

  'They'll never be that, if they live to a hundred!'

  'Do not you hinder it, then; and never let that insulting nickname passyour lips again.'

  Wilfred's defence as to universal use in the family was inaudible, andhe was allowed to slouch away.

  Gillian had fled to her mother, entreating her to explain to her fatherthat such jests were abhorrent to her.

  'But you know, mamma, if I was cross and dignified, Wilfred would enjoyit all the more, and be ten times worse.'

  'Quite true, my dear. Papa will understand; but we are sorry to hearthat nickname.

  'It was an old Royal Wardour name, mamma. Harry and Claude both used it,and--oh, lots of the young officers!'

  'That does not make it more becoming in you.'

  'N--no. But oh, mamma, he was very kind to-day! But I do wish it hadbeen anybody else!'

  And her colour rose so as to startle her mother.

  'Why, my dear, I thought you would have been glad that a stranger didnot find you in that plight!'

  'But it makes it all the worse. He does beset us, mamma; and it is hardon me, after all the other nonsense!'

  Lady Merrifield burst out laughing.

  'My dear child, he thinks as much of you as of old Halfpenny!'

  'Oh, mamma, are you sure?' said Gillian, still hiding her face. 'It wasnot silliness of my own; but Kitty Varley told Val that everybody saidit--her sister, and Miss Mohun, and all. Why can't he go away, and notbe always bothering about this horrid place with nothing to do?'

  'How thankful I shall be to have you all safe at Clipston!'

  'But, mamma, can't you keep him off us?'

  Valetta's sobbing entrance here prevented more; but while explaining toher the causes of her father's displeasure, her mother extracted a gooddeal more of the gossip, to which she finally returned answer--

  'There is no telling the harm that is done by chattering gossip in thisway. You might have learnt by what happened before what mistakes aremade. What am I to do, Valetta? I don't want to hinder you from havingfriends and companions; but if you bring home such mischievous stories,I shall have to keep you entirely among ourselves till you are older andwiser.'

  'I never--never will believe--anybody who says anybody is going to marryanybody!' sobbed Valetta desperately and incoherently.

  'Certainly no one who knows nothing about the matter. There is nothingpapa and I dislike much more than such foolish talk; and to tease yoursister about it is even worse; but I will say no more about that, as Ibelieve it was chiefly Wilfred's doing.'

  'I--told--Will,' murmured Valetta. 'Mysie begged me not, but I had doneit.'

  'How much you would have saved yourself and everybody else if you hadlet the foolish word die with you! Now, good-night, my dear. Bathe youreyes well, or they will be very uncomfortable to-morrow; and do try tocure yourself of roaring when you cry. It vexes papa so much more.'

  Another small scene had to follow with the boy, who was quite willingto go off to bed, having no desire to face his father again, though hismother had her fears that he was not particularly penitent for 'whatfellows always did when people were spooning.' He could only be assuredthat he would experience unpleasant consequences if he recurred to thepractice; but Wilfred had always been the problem in the family.

  The summer twilight was just darkening completely, and Lady Merrifieldhad returned to the drawing-room, and was about to ring for lights, whenSir Jasper came in through the window, saying--

  'No question now about renewal. Angelic features, more than angeliccalmness and dignity. Ha! you there, young ladies!' he added in somedismay as two white dresses struck his eye.

  'There's no harm done,' said Lady Merrifield, laughing. 'I was thinkingwhether to relieve Gillian's mind by telling her the state of the case,and Mysie is to be trusted.'

  'Oh, mamma, then it is Kalliope!' exclaimed Gillian, already relieved,for even love could not have perceived calmness and dignity in hersitting upon Bruno's head.

  'Has she ever talked about him?' asked Lady Merrifield.

  'No; except to-day, when I said I hoped she was safe from him on thatroad. She said he had always been very kind to her, and taught her todraw when she was quite a little girl.'

  'Just so,' said Lady Merrifield. 'Well, when she was a little older,poor Mr. White, who was one of the most honourable and scrupulousof men, took alarm, and saw that it would never do to have the youngofficers running after her.'

  'It was an uncommonly awkward position,' added Sir Jasper, 'with such aremarkable-looking girl, and a foolish unmanageable mother. It made poorWhite's retirement the more reasonable when the girl was growing too oldto be kept at school any longer.'

  'And has he been constant to her all these years? How nice!' criedMysie.

  'After a fashion,' said Lady Merrifield. 'He made me the receptacle of agood deal of youthful despair.'

  'All the lads did,' said her husband.

  'But he got over it, and it seemed to have passed out of his life.However, he asked after the Whites as soon as we met him in London;and now he tells me that he never forgot Kalliope--her face always camebetween him and any one whom his mother threw in his way; and he camedown here, knowing her history, and with the object of seeing heragain.'

  'And he has not, till now?'

  'No. Besides the absolute need of keeping her quiet, it would notexactly do for him to visit her while she is alone with Maura at CliffHouse, and I wished him first to see her casually amongst us, for Idreaded her not fulfilling his ideal.'


  'When I think of her at fourteen or fifteen, with that exquisite bloomand the floating wavy hair, I see a very different cr
eature from whatshe is now.'

  'Peach or ivory carving,' said Sir Jasper.

  'Yes; she is nobler, finer altogether, and has gained in countenancegreatly; but he may not think so, and I should like her to be looking alittle less ill.'

  'Well, I can't help hoping he will be disappointed, and be too stupid tocare for her!' exclaimed Gillian.

  'Indeed?' said her father in a tone of displeased surprise.

  'He is so insignificant; he does not seem to suit with her,' saidGillian in a tone of defence;' and there does not seem to be anything inhim.'

  'That only shows the effect of nursing prejudice by using foolishopprobrious nicknames. Henderson was a good officer, he has shownhimself an excellent son, always sacrificing his own predilections forthe sake of duty. He is a right-minded, religious, sensible man, hisown master, and with no connections to take umbrage at Miss White'sposition. It is no commonplace man who knows how to honour her for it.Nothing could be a happier fate for her; and you will be no friend toher if you use any foolish terms of disparagement of him because he doesnot happen to please your fancy.'

  'I am sure Gillian will do no such thing, now that she understands thecase' said her mother.

  'Oh no, indeed! said Gillian. 'It was only a first feeling.'

  'And you will allow for a little annoyance, papa,' added LadyMerrifield. 'We really have had a great deal of him, and he does spoilthe children's walks with you.'

  Sir Jasper laughed.

  'I agree that the sooner this is over the better. You need haveno doubts as to the first view, now that Gillian has effected theintroduction. No words can do justice to her beauty, though, by the bye,he must have contemplated her through the back of his head!'

  'Well, won't that do! Can't he be sent off for the present, for as tolove-making now, with all the doubts and scruples in the way, it wouldbe the way to kill her outright.'

  'You must take that in hand, my lady--it is past me! Come, girls, giveus some music!'

  The two girls went up at bed-time to their room, Mysie capering anddeclaring that here was real, true, nice love, like people in stories,and Gillian still bemoaning a little that, whatever papa might say,Fa--Captain Henderson would always be too poor a creature for Kalliope.

  'If I was quite sure it was not only her beauty,' added Gillianphilosophically.

  Lady Merrifield went up to Cliff House as early as she could the nextday. She found her patient there very white and shaken, but not so muchby the adventure of yesterday as by a beautiful bouquet of the choicestroses which lay on the table before her sofa, left by Captain Hendersonwhen he had called to inquire after her.

  'What ought I to do, dear Lady Merrifield?' she asked. 'They came whileI was dressing, and I did not know.'

  'You mean about a message of thanks?'

  'Yes; my dear father was so terribly displeased when I wore a rose thathe gave me before the great review at Belfast that I feel as if I oughtnot to touch these; and yet it is so kind, and after all his wonderfulkindness yesterday.'

  The hand on the side and the trembling lip showed the painful flutteringof heart, and the voice died away.

  'My dear, things are very different now. Take my word for it, yourfather could not be displeased for a moment at any kindness between youand Captain Henderson. Ten years ago he was a very young man, and hisparents were living, and your father was bound in honour, and for yoursake too, to prevent attentions from the young officers.'

  'Oh yes, I know it would have been shocking to have got into that sortof thing!'

  'But now he is entirely at his own disposal, and a man of four orfive-and-thirty, who has gone through a great deal, and I do not thinkthat to send him a friendly message of thanks for a bunch of flowersto his old fellow-soldier's daughter would be anything but what CaptainWhite would think his due.'

  'Oh,'--a sigh of relief,--'please tell him, dear Lady Merrifield!' Andshe stretched out her hand for the flowers, and lovingly cooled hercheek with their petals, and tenderly admired them singly, venturing nowto enjoy them and even caress them.

  Lady Merrifield ventured on no more; but she carried off ultimatelyhopeful auguries for the gentleman who had been watching for her, veryanxious to hear her report. She was, however, determined on persuadinghim to patience, reinforcing her assurances with Dr. Dagger's opinion,that though Kalliope's constitution needed only quiet and rest entirelyto shake off the effects of the overstrain of that terriblehalf-year, yet that renewed agitation would probably entail chronicheart-complaint; and she insisted that without making any sign the lovershould go out of reach for several months, making, for instance,the expedition to Norway of which he had been talking. He could notunderstand at first that what he meant to propose would not be the bestmeans of setting that anxious heart at rest; and Lady Merrifield had todwell on the swarm of conscientious scruples and questions that wouldarise about saddling him with such a family, and should not be put torest as easily as he imagined. At last, by the further representationthat she would regard her mother's death as far too recent for suchmatters to occupy her, and by the assertion of the now fixed convictionthat attentions from him at present could only agitate and distress herharmfully, and bring on her malicious remarks, the Captain was inducedto believe that Rocca Marina or Florence would be a far better scene forhis courtship, and to defer it till he could find her there in betterhealth.

  He was brought at last to promise to leave Rockquay at once, and disposeof himself in Norway, if only Lady Merrifield would procure him onemeeting with Kalliope, in which he solemnly promised to do nothing thatcould startle her or betray his intentions.

  Lady Merrifield managed it cunningly. It had been already fixed thatKalliope should come down to a brief twelve-o'clock service held at St.Kenelm's for invalids, there to return thanks for her recovery, in whatshe felt as her own church; and she was to come to Il Lido and restthere afterwards. Resolving to have no spectators, Lady Merrifield sentoff the entire family for a picnic at Clipston, promising them with someconfidence that they would not be haunted by Captain Henderson, and thatshe would come in the waggonette, bringing Fergus as soon as he was outof school, drink tea, and fetch home the tired.

  Sir Jasper went too, telling her, with a smile, that he was far too shyto assist her in acting chaperon.

  'Dragon, you had better say--I mean to put on all my teeth and claws.'

  These were not, however, very visible at the church door when she metKalliope, who had come down in a bath-chair, but was able afterwards towalk slowly to Il Lido. Perhaps Captain Henderson was, however, aware ofthem; for Kalliope had no knowledge of his presence in the church or inthe street, somewhat in the rear, nor did he venture to present himselftill there had been time for luncheon and for rest, and till Kalliopehad been settled in the cool eastern window under the verandah, with anIndian cushion behind her that threw out her profile like a cameo.

  Then, as if to call on Lady Merrifield, Captain Henderson appearedarmed, according to a wise suggestion, with his portfolio; and there wasa very quiet and natural overlooking of his drawings, which evidentlygave Kalliope immense pleasure, quite unsuspiciously. Precautions hadbeen taken against other visitors, and all went off so well and happilythat Lady Merrifield felt quite triumphant when the waggonette cameround, and, after picking up Fergus, she set Kalliope down at her owndoor, with something like a colour in her cheeks and lips, and thanksfor a happy afternoon, and the great pleasure in seeing one of the dearold Royal Wardours again.

  But, oh mamma,' said Gillian, feeling as if the thorn in her thoughtsmust be extracted, 'are you sure it is not all her beauty?'

  'Her beauty, no doubt, began it, and gratifies the artist eye; but I amsure his perseverance is due to appreciation of her noble character,'said Lady Merrifield.

  'Oh, mamma, would he if she had been ever so good, and no prettier thanother people?'

  'Don't pick motives so, my child; her beauty helps to make up the sumand substance of his adoration, and she would not have the countenanceshe has with
out the goodness. Let that satisfy you.'


  The wedding was imminent by this time. The sisters returned from London,the younger looking brilliant and in unusual health, and the elderfagged and weary. Shopping, or rather looking on at shopping, had beena far more wearying occupation than all the schools and districts inRockquay afforded.

  And besides the being left alone, there was the need of considering herfuture. The family had certainly expected that a rich and open-handedman like Mr. White would bethink him that half what was sufficient fortwo was not enough for one to live in the same style, and would haveresigned his bride's fortune to her sister, but, as a rule, he never didwhat was expected of him, and he had, perhaps, been somewhat annoyed byMr. Mohun's pertinacity about settlements, showing a certain distrustof commercial wealth. At any rate, all he did was to insist on payinghandsomely for Maura's board; but still Miss Mohun believed she shouldhave to give up the pretty house built by themselves, and go intosmaller quarters, more especially as it was universally agreed thatAdeline must have Mrs. Mount with her, and Mrs. Mount would certainly bemiserable in 'foreign parts' unless her daughter went with her. It wasdemonstrated that the remaining means would just suffice to keep upBeechcroft; but Jane knew that it could be only done at the cost ofher subscriptions and charities, and she merely undertook to take nomeasures till winter--the Rockquay season.

  Sir Jasper, who thought she behaved exceedingly well about it,authorised an earnest invitation to make her home at Clipston; butthough she was much gratified, she knew she should be in his way, and,perhaps, in that of the boys, and it was too far from the work to whichshe meant to devote herself even more completely, when it would be nolonger needful to be companionable to a semi-invalid fond of society.

  However, just then her brother, the Colonel, came at last for his longleave. He knew that his retirement was only a matter of months, anddeclared his intention of joining forces with her, if she would havehim, and, in the meantime, he was desirous of contributing his fullshare in keeping up the home. Nor did Jane feel it selfish to accept hisoffer, for she knew that Clipston would give him congenial society andshooting, and that there was plenty of useful layman work for him inthe town; and that 'old Reggie' should wish to set up his staff with herraised her spirits, so that cheerfulness was no longer an effort.

  The wedding was to be very quiet. Only just after the day was finallyfixed, Mrs. Merrifield's long decay ended unexpectedly, and Sir Jasperhad to hasten to London, and thence to the funeral at Stokesley. She wasa second wife, and he her only son, so that he inherited from her meansthat set him much more at his ease with regard to his large family thanhe had ever been before. The intention that Lady Merrifield should actmistress of the house at the wedding breakfast had, of course, to begiven up, and only Primrose's extreme youth made it possible to let herstill be a bridesmaid.

  So the whole party, together with the Whites, were only spectators inthe background, and the procession into church consisted of just theabsolutely needful persons--the bride in a delicate nondescript coloureddress, such as none but a French dressmaker could describe, and coveredwith transparent lace, like, as Mysie averred, a hedgeback full ofpig-nut flowers, the justice of the comparison being lost in theugliness of the name; and as all Rockquay tried to squeeze into thechurch to see and admire, the beauty was not thrown away.

  No tears were shed there; but afterwards, in her own familiar room,between her two sisters, Adeline White shed floods of tears, and,clinging to Jane's neck, asked how she could ever have consented toleave her, extracting a promise of coming to her in case of illness.Nothing but a knock at the door by Valetta, with a peremptory messagethat Mr. White said they should be late for the train, induced her todry her tears and tear herself away.

  Kalliope and Maura remained with Miss Mohun during the bridal journeyto Scotland, and by the time it was ended the former had shaken off theinvalid habits, and could hardly accept the doctor's assurance that sheought not to resume her work, though she was grateful for the delightsbefore her, and the opportunities of improvement that she was promisedat Florence. Her health had certainly been improved by Frank Stebbing'sdeparture for America. Something oozed out that made Miss Mohun suspectthat he had been tampering with the accounts, and then it proved thatthere had been a crisis and discovery, which Mr. White had consentedto hush up for his partner's sake. Alexis had necessarily known of theinvestigation and disclosure, but had kept absolute silence until it hadbeen brought to light in other ways, and the culprit was beyond seas.Mr. Stebbing was about to retire from the business, but for many reasonsthe dissolution of the partnership was deferred.

  Alexis was now in a post of trust, with a larger salary. He lodged atMrs. Lee's, and was, in a manner, free of Miss Mohun's house; but hespent much of his leisure time in study, being now able to pay regularlyfor instruction from the tutor who taught at Mrs. Edgar's school.

  Maura asked him rather pertly what was the use of troubling himselfabout Latin and Greek, if he held himself bound to the marble works.

  'It is not trouble--it is rest,' he said; and at her gasp, 'Besides,marble works or no, one ought to make the best of one's self.'

  By the time Mr. and Mrs. White came back from Scotland, the repairsat Clipston had been accomplished, and the Merrifields had takenpossession. It all was most pleasant in that summer weather goingbackwards and forwards between the houses; the Sunday coming into churchand lunching at Aunt Jane's, where Valetta and Primrose stayed for Mrs.Hablot's class, and were escorted home by Macrae in time for eveningservice at Clipston, where their mother, Gillian, and Mysie reigned overtheir little school. There was a kind of homely ease and family life,such that Adeline once betrayed that she sometimes felt as if she wasgoing into banishment. However, there was no doubt that she enjoyed herhusband's pride in and devotion to her, as well as all the command ofmoney and choice of pretty things that she had obtained, and she lookedwell, handsome, and dignified.

  Still it was evident that she was very glad of Kalliope's companionship,and that the pair were not on those exclusively intimate terms thatwould make a third person de trop.

  By Sir Jasper's advice, Lady Merrifield did not mention the possibilityof a visit from Captain Henderson, who would come upon Mr. White farbetter on his own merits, and had better not be expected either byAdeline or Kalliope.

  Enthusiastic letters from both ladies described the delights of thejourney, which was taken in a leisurely sight-seeing manner; and as toRocca Marina, it seemed to be an absolute paradise. Mr. White hadtaken care to send out an English upholsterer, so that insular ideas ofcomfort might be fulfilled within. Without, the combination of mountainand sea, the vine-clad terraces, the chestnut slopes, the magicalcolours of the barer rocks, the coast-line trending far away, the azureMediterranean, with the white-sailed feluccas skimming across it, filledKalliope with the more transport because it satisfied the eyes thathad unconsciously missed such colouring scenes ever since her earlychildhood.

  The English workmen and their families hailed with delight an Englishlady. The chaplain and his wife were already at work among them, andtheir little church only waiting for the bride to lay the first stone.

  The accounts of Kalliope's walks as Mrs. White's deputy among thesepeople, of her scrambles and her sketching made her recovery evident.Adeline had just been writing that the girl was too valuable to bothherself and Mr. White ever to be parted with, when Captain Hendersoncame back from Norway, and had free permission from Lady Merrifield toput his fate to the touch.

  English tourists who know how to behave themselves were always welcometo enliven the seclusion of Rocca Marina, and admire all, of whichAdeline was as proud as Mr. White himself. Recommendations to itshospitality did not fail, and the first of Adeline's long letters showedwarm appreciation of this pleasant guest, who seemed enchanted with thespot.

  Next, Mrs. White's sagacity began to suspect his object, and thereensued Kalliope's letter, full of doubts and scruples, unable to
helpbeing happy, but deferring her reply till she should hear from LadyMerrifield, whether it could be right to burthen any man with such afamily as hers.

  The old allegiance to her father's commanding officer, as well as thekindness she had received, seemed to make her turn to ask their approvalas if they were her parents; and of course it was heartily given, SirJasper himself writing to set before her that John Henderson was nosuddenly captivated youth unable to calculate consequences, but a man oflong-tried affection and constancy, free from personal ties, and knowingall her concerns. The younger ones all gave promise of making their ownway, and a wise elder brother was the best thing she could give them.Even Richard might be the better for the connection, and Sir Jasper hadtaken care that there should be some knowledge of what he was.

  There was reason to think that all hesitation had been overcome evenbefore the letters arrived. For it appeared that Captain Henderson hadfraternised greatly with Mr. White, and that having much wished foran occupation, he had decided to become a partner in the marble works,bringing the art-knowledge and taste that had been desirable, andKalliope hoped still to superintend the mosaic workers. It was agreedthat the marriage had far better take place away from Rockquay, and itwas resolved that it should be at Florence, and that the couple shouldremain there for the winter, studying art, and especially Florentinemosaic, and return in the spring, when the Stebbings would haveconcluded their arrangements and vacated their house.

  Mr. White, in great delight, franked out Alexis and Maura to be presentat the wedding, and a longing wish of Kalliope's that Mr. Flight wouldofficiate was so far expressed that Lady Merrifield mentioned it to him.He was very much moved, for he had been feeling that his relations withthe Whites had been chiefly harmful, though, as Alexis now assured him,his notice had been their first ray of comfort in their changed life atRockquay. The experience had certainly made him older and wiser. Mrs.White--or, as her nieces could not help calling her among themselves,the Contessa di Rocca Marina--urged that her sister Jane should join thecompany, and bring Gillian to act as the other bridesmaid. This, aftera little deliberation, was accepted, and the journey was the greatesttreat to all concerned. Mr. Flight, the only one of the party who hadtravelled before in the sense of being a tourist, was amused by the keenand intense delight of Miss Mohun as well as the younger ones in allthey beheld, and he steered them with full experience of hotels and ofwhat ought to be visited, so as to be an excellent courier.

  As to Rocca Marina, where they spent a few days, no words would describetheir admiration, though they brought home a whole book of sketches toback their descriptions. They did not, however, bring back Maura. Mrs.White had declared that she must remain to supply the place of hersister. She was nearly fifteen years old, and already pretty welladvanced in her studies, she would pick up foreign languages, thechaplain would teach her when at Rocca Marina, and music and drawingwould be attainable in the spring at Florence. Moreover, Mr. Whitepromised to regard her as a daughter.

  Another point was settled. Alexis had worked in earnest for eightmonths, and had convinced himself that the marble works were not hisvocation, though he had acquitted himself well enough to induce Mr.White to offer him a share in the business, and he would have acceptedit if needful. He had, however, made up his mind to endeavour to obtaina scholarship at Oxford, and Captain Henderson promised that whethersuccessful in this or not, he should be enabled to keep his terms there.Mr. White could not understand how a man could prefer being a poorcurate to being a rich quarrymaster, but his wife and the two sistershad influence enough to prevent him from being offended, and this wasthe easier, because Theodore had tastes and abilities that made itlikely that he would be thoroughly available at the works.

  What shall be said of the return to Rockstone? Mr. Flight came homefirst, then, after many happy days of appreciative sightseeing, AuntJane and Gillian. They had not been ashamed of being British spinsterswith guide-books in their hands; nor, on the other hand, had they beenobliged to see what they did not care about, and Mr. White had put themin the way of the best mode of seeing what they cared about; and aboveall, the vicissitudes of travel, even in easy-going modern fashion,had made them one with each other according to Jane's best hopes. It wasdeclared that the aunt looked five years younger for such recreation asshe had never known before, and she set to work with double energy.

  When, in May, Captain and Mrs. Henderson took possession of the prettyhouse that had been fitted up for them, though Miss Mellon might whisperto a few that she had only been one of the mosaic hands, there was notmuch inclination to attend to the story among the society to which LadyMerrifield introduced her. These acquaintances would gladly have seenmore of her than she had time to give them, between family claims andhome cares, her attention to the artistic side of the business, forwhich she had not studied in vain, and her personal and individual carefor the young women concerned therein. For years to come, even, it waslikely that visitors to Rockstone would ask one another if they had seenthat remarkably beautiful Mrs. Henderson.

  Mrs. White, reigning there in the summer, in her fine house and gardens,though handsome as ever, had the good sense to resign the palm ofbeauty, and be gratified with the admiration for one whom she acceptedas a protegee and appendage, whose praise reflected upon herself. AndCliff House under the new regime was a power in Rockstone, with itsgarden-parties, drawing-room meetings on behalf of everything good anddesirable, its general superintendence and promotion of all that couldaid in the welfare of the place. There was general rejoicing when it wasoccupied.

  Adeline, in better health than she had enjoyed since her early girlhood,and feeling her consequence both in Italy and at Rockstone, wasoften radiant, always kind and friendly and ready with patronage andassistance. Her sisters wondered at times how absolute her happinesswas; they sometimes thought she said too much about it, and about herdear husband's indulgence, in her letters, to be quite satisfactory;and when she came to Rockstone there was an effusiveness of affectiontowards her family, an unwillingness to spare her sisters or nieces fromher side, an earnest desire to take one back to Italy with her, thatbetrayed something lacking in companionship. Jane detected likewise suchas the idolising husband felt this attachment a little over much.

  It was not quite possible to feel him one with her family, or make himfeel himself one. He would always be 'company' with them. He had indeedbeen invited to Beechcroft Court, but it was plain that the visit hadbeen stiff and wearisome to both parties, even more so than that toRotherwood, where there was no reason to look for much familiarity.

  In the same way, to Reginald Mohun, who had been obliged to retire asfull Colonel, Mr. White was so absolutely distasteful that it was hissister's continual fear that he would encourage the young people'ssurreptitious jokes about their marble uncle. Sir Jasper, always feelingaccountable for having given the first sanction, did his best for thebrother-in-law; but in spite of regard, there was no getting over theuncongeniality that would always be the drop in Adeline's cup. Theperfect ease and confidence of family intercourse would alter on hisentrance!

  Nobody got on with him so well as Captain Harry May. For I do not speakto that dull elf who cannot figure to himself the great family meetingthat came to pass when the colonists came home--how sweet and matronly'Aunt Phyllis' looked, how fresh and bright her daughters were, and howsurprised Valetta was to find them as well instructed and civilised asherself, though she did not like Primrose, expect to see them tattooed.One of the party was no other than Dolores Mohun. She had been veryhappy with her father for three years. They had been at Kotorua at thetime of the earthquake, and Dolores had acquired much credit for herreasonableness and self-possession, but there had been also a younglady, not much above her own age, who had needed protection and comfort,and the acquaintance there begun had ended in her father deciding on amarriage with a pretty gentle creature as unlike the wife of his youthas could be imagined.

  Dolores had behaved very well, as her Aunt Phyllis warmly testified,but it w
as a relief to all parties when the proposal was made that,immediately after the wedding, she should go home under her aunt'sescort to finish her education. She had learnt to love and trust AuntPhyllis; but to be once more with Aunt Lily and Mysie was the greatestpeace and bliss she could conceive. And she was a very different beingfrom the angular defiant girl of those days which seemed so long ago.

  There is no need to say more at present of these old friends. There isno material for narrative in describing how the 'calm decay' of Dr. Mayin old age was cheered by the presence of his sailor son, nor inthe scenes where the brothers, sisters, and friends exchanged happyrecollections, brightened each other's lives with affection andstimulated one another in serving God in their generation.


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