Read Beginnings, a YA Paranormal Romance (Prequel to The Guardians of Vesturon) Page 1


  Prequel to the Guardians of Vesturon Series


  Beginnings: Prequel to the Guardians of Vesturon Series

  Copyright 2012 A.M. Hargrove

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever including Internet usage, without written permission of the author.

  Digital edition by: GoPublished



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10



  I’d like to dedicate this prequel to all the wonderful fans that have been asking when the third book in the series will be released. I wrote Beginnings because there is a scene in Survival that takes place between Rayn and his father, Rowan. It is an argument about Rowan’s displeasure with his son over Rayn’s poor judgement. I received messages from fans stating how much they didn’t like Rowan. So, I thought it best to let Rowan tell his side of the story so you could find out what type of male he truly is. I hope you are not disappointed! And thank you for loving the world of Vesturon as much as I loved creating it.

  Please visit me at:

  Chapter 1

  I was in my second month at the Academy for Guardians. My best friend, Voldruk Monteveldo, and I were sitting in the cafeteria, eating our dinner.

  “How was your hand-to-hand combat training today, my liege?” Voldruk asked, in his usual sarcastic manner.

  “Cut it, Voldruk. If you want me to converse with you, stop with the ‘my liege’ crap. You know how I hate that,” I said as I rolled my eyes.

  “Sooorrryy! What has you in such a dither today?” Voldruk leaned in as if I were getting ready to share some super secret information.

  “You. I was fine until you tried to provoke me.”

  “I would never do that,” Voldruk insisted.

  “Oh yes. Like I believe that! You haven’t earned your reputation as a scoundrel without good reason.” My eyes narrowed with suspicion.

  His sophomoric behavior could be so exasperating on one hand, but on the other, he always had my back. I knew how important it was to have a friend such as he. As First-Born, I was usually the target of those with not so honorable intentions.

  My father was the Great Ruler of the planet Vesturon. Vesturon was one of the greatest powers in the universe, and I stood to inherit his position. This fact had been drilled into me from a very early age. Every move of mine was scrutinized, not only by my father, but also by the Council of Elders, the ruling contingency of Vesturon. The importance of having a loyal friend did not go unappreciated.

  “So, Rowan, I was thinking about where we should try to be assigned after we complete our training. I hear the females on Delgas are enticing.”

  “Voldruk, is there nothing else in that wee brain of yours besides your lascivious thoughts?”

  “I didn’t know there was anything else out there besides the lovely lasses,” he responded. “Take for instance, that kitchen maid,” he stated, flicking his head to the right.

  My eyes followed his gesture and when they landed on the object of his statement, I bristled.

  “Stop it this instant,” I hissed before I realized what had burst from my mouth.

  “Well, well, well. What have we here, Rowan? Is it possible? A female finally capturing your interest? She is quite fetching, I’ll admit.”

  I shook my head, not wanting this discussion to continue. Now that I had brought his attention upon me, he would be relentless in interrogating me.

  “Come, come, tell Voldruk everything,” he said, annoying me further.

  I gave him a disdainful look and refused to answer.

  “Shall I call her over here?”

  “No! Now stop it this instant,” I snapped. “I mean it, Vodruk. This is not up for discussion!”

  “Seriously, Rowan? If you think I will let this go, then you really have no concept of my persistence.”

  “It is not persistence, Voldruk. It is annoyance!”

  That gave rise to a chuckle. I threw a dubious look his way and broke into a laugh as well.

  I stood up saying, “I have to go. I have things I must attend to and I must meet my father in an hour’s time.”

  “This is not over, Rowan,” he replied, wagging his finger at me. “You have escaped from me this time, but I will not give up on finding out this secret you insist upon hiding.”

  When I reached my quarters, I pondered over what Voldruk said. There was definitely something about the blond female that more than appealed to me. Every time I looked at her, I felt a warmth spread throughout my body. I had not spoken a single word to her, and yet, I could not deny this unusual attachment I felt.

  Being the son of the Great Leader, I was used to females throwing themselves at me. I suppose I was attractive enough. I was often told I had pleasing features—black hair and green eyes. I was quite tall and strong in my physique. I did not care much about this though. It made me quite uncomfortable to discuss it. The blond beauty didn’t seem to notice, as she never spared me a glance. I was fine with that as it gave me ample opportunity to inspect her, whom I found to be quite extraordinary. There was no use in pursuing her though, as she was not of my class. My father would have an apoplectic fit, if he knew.


  My meeting with my father was brief. He wanted to be personally apprised of my progress at the Academy. He could be very demanding and overbearing, so I complied with his requirements to please both him and myself. He did inform me that upon completion of my Guardian training, I would not be stationed on one planet, but placed on a rotation that would take me all over the universe. He felt that this would be more advantageous to my leadership development.

  Voldruk would not be happy with this news, I thought. Then I outright laughed as I imagined the expression on his face when I informed him of it! If he wanted to go with me, he would be welcome, I am sure, but it would give him less opportunity to chase females, which was his original intention. We would be stuck on a Star Transporter much of the time. I laughed even harder at this thought!

  My mind flipped one hundred and eighty degrees as it shifted to the blond female again. It angered me that I did not even know her name. I stared out my window, contemplating her. The sun was setting, casting an amber glow across the horizon, and the clouds were tinged in lavender, rendering it to appear like a masterful painting. Vesturon was unmatched in its splendor. The mountains were spectacular, with their craggy peaks and diverse hues; and the azure seas looked like a multitude of gems in varying shades of blue. Vesturon was known as paradise. Some even theorized it was the true Eden. Whatever the case, it was the most stunning planet I had visited to date. And for no particular reason, the scene in front of me reminded me of that gorgeous blond.


  A week later, Voldruk and I had completed another round of grueling exams and we found our way to the cafeteria to enjoy a relaxing meal.

  As we sat at a table and set our trays of food down, the blond beauty came by to offer us a beverage.
My breath caught in my throat as I numbly stared at her. I nodded my head in response to her question, although later, I could not recall what it had been. Every time I saw her, she appeared lovelier than the last.

  She continued on her way with her pitcher of water and I rose to follow her like an automaton. I ignored Voldruk completely. In fact, I did not even bother to acknowledge him.

  When I reached her, I said the first thing that came to mind.

  “Name?” I demanded, my voice hoarse.

  She turned to me and gave me a withering look. “I beg your pardon, my lord!”

  My stomach knotted as I stared into the most beautiful blue eyes in the universe.

  “Er…your name. What is your name?” I stammered.

  She bent her head and lowered her eyes to the floor. “Annalise, my lord. Annalise Drakkar,” she murmured.

  “Annalise.” Her name sounded like a symphony to my ears. “Annalise,” I repeated to myself. I could not resist reaching out to her and lifting her chin. I had to see her eyes again. Her lids were closed. “Please, look at me, Annalise,” I whispered.

  She opened her eyes and I felt myself suck in air as I gasped. She mistook my action for something other than what it was—pure and simple awe. Her beauty stunned me. She attempted to pull away, but my words halted her.

  “Please, don’t. My intentions are honorable. I want to look into your eyes. They are quite extraordinary.”

  Her lashes fluttered as she opened her eyes and I melted into them. I was incapable of speech or action. We stood there as if the world had ceased to function. Eventually, I stepped back and bowed my head to her.

  “Annalise.” Her name felt like honey on my tongue. “A beautiful name for a beautiful female. I must see you again. Away from here… away from prying eyes and ears. I must know more about you.”

  She looked at me and her mouth opened and closed several times as she tried to speak. I wanted to take her into my arms and taste her as I stared at her inviting lips.

  Finally, “My lord, you must be aware that it would not be possible for us to meet.” Suddenly, as if she realized what was happening, her eyes began to dart around the room. Fear darkened her visage.

  “Annalise, do not fear. I mean you no harm and as I said earlier, my intentions are nothing but honorable.”

  “My lord, it is not you I fear, but my superiors. They will be wondering about our interaction. You should know it is not allowed for me to associate with you or any of the Guardians. My rank is beneath yours…” Her voice was edged with tension.

  I interrupted her before she could continue, “I care not about your rank. It is a meaningless thing to me and you are doing nothing wrong. If your supervisors have an issue, tell them to speak to me.”

  “My lord, I…”

  “Rowan! My name is Rowan and I will not have you calling me anything else!”

  “Oh, my lord, I cannot…”

  “Rowan. Please… I need to hear my name on your lips,”I begged.

  Her eyes shimmered as she said my name. “Rowan,” she whispered.

  Her voice was like an angel’s.

  “When can I see you? Tonight?” It was an urgent request.

  “Oh, I do not think it would…”

  “Do not think, Annalise. Just give me a time and a place and I will be there.” My eyes were pleading with her. My heart was hammering. If she refused, I knew I would die.

  “Eight tonight then,” she replied, reluctance tinging her voice. “By the lake behind the Academy. The grove of trees where the benches are located.”

  “Yes. I know the place well. I will eagerly await for eight to get here, Annalise.” I took her hand and raised it to my mouth, brushing my lips across her knuckles.

  I did not go back to my table, or to Voldruk and his invasive questions. I went to my quarters and counted every minute until I could meet Annalise. Annalise Drakkar, the beautiful female that had stolen my heart with her few words.

  Chapter 2

  I sat on the bench, awaiting her arrival. I was early. I could not bear to remain in my quarters one minute longer so I left to wait anxiously by the lake. It was a balmy evening and I heard night creatures singing their tunes in the distance. At exactly eight, I heard the soft clicking of heels as they approached. My pulse quickened at the very thought of her.

  When she moved the low hanging branch to get closer to the bench, my breath caught in my throat. The light of the moon reflected off her blond tresses, making her look like a magical creature. I rose to my feet and pulled her into my arms. I frightened her by my quick actions, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself. I looked at her face and inhaled her essence. Seeing how her eyes filled with fear, I regretted the action and immediately released her.

  “Forgive me, Annalise. That was not appropriate and I am sorry for causing you alarm. It seems I am… er, a bit overwhelmed by you.” I massaged my neck, trying to ease my tension.

  Her eyes opened in alarm and she shook her head.

  “My lord…”

  “It is Rowan,” I insisted once again.

  “Yes, Rowan. I came to tell you that we must not see each other. We are from two different worlds. It would not be acceptable for you to be here with me. It will only cause problems for both of us.”

  “Please, Annalise. Do not say anymore.” Her words were like a knife twisting in my heart.

  “But do you not see? It serves no purpose!” she insisted. She was right. I knew it deep down, but would not allow myself to admit it.

  “No. That is not true. There is something between us. I can feel it. Tell me you do too!”

  “Yes, I cannot deny it. But it does not change a thing. We are from two different castes. It would never be accepted for us to converse, much less this. This can only bring us grief.”

  “No. I won’t let you say those things.” I pulled her into my arms. It felt like the most perfect and natural thing for her to be there. She was made to fit against me. I felt her arms creep around me as she leaned her head against my chest. I put my hand on her head and felt her silken strands glide beneath my fingers.

  “Oh, Annalise. You belong in my arms, right here, always,” I whispered.

  Moments later, she backed away from me, shaking her head. “This is not right. It cannot be. I am beneath you, my lord. I come from a family of servants, the working class.” I attempted to speak, but she would not allow it. “No! You must listen to me. We do not know each other and no one would ever accept this.”

  “I will make them accept it. And I want to learn everything about you. I am drawn to you, Annalise. I have been from the moment I saw your beautiful face.” I would accept no less. I had to be with this female.

  She sighed and dropped her head, knotting her fingers.

  “My lord, I will do whatever you command of me,” she whispered.

  “No, Annalise, I do not wish to command you to do anything. I want you here of your own free will.” Her subservient demeanor tugged at my heart, and the last thing I wanted was for her to feel forced. I regretted making her feel thus.

  “I am sorry, my lord. I never should have agreed to meet you here.” She moved so quickly, she was gone before I could try to stop her.

  Chapter 3

  I looked for her everywhere, but each day became more of a disappointment. When I could finally take no more, I inquired of her whereabouts. It was explained that she had been terminated from her duties for insubordination. After further investigation, I uncovered the facts. Her supervisor had seen us talking that day in the cafeteria and blamed her for the contact between us. Upon hearing this news, I shook with rage.

  I demanded an audience with the supervisor. When I entered his office, I could barely keep my feelings concealed. My words resounded throughout the building.

  “What have you done with Ms. Annalise Drakkar? Why is she no longer employed here?” I bellowed.

  “My lord, she overstepped her bounds.”

  He barely got his words out before
I cut him off, saying, “She broke no rule. It was I who made contact with her. She used the utmost propriety when she spoke to me and I command you to give her back her job!” My fists convulsed with rage.

  “My lord, that is most unusual. It is never…”

  “Did I ask you to do it? Do you think you have a choice in this matter? You bloody fool! Hire her back or you can start looking for another job yourself!”

  “Yes, my lord. I will do it right away, my lord.” He was back-pedaling himself now, trying to redeem himself.

  My eyes darkened and I snarled at him, “See that you do.”

  When I returned to my quarters, I was appalled at my audacity. I had never acted as such and was sure to hear from my father regarding it. What would I tell him? That I fancied myself smitten with a beautiful blond cafeteria maid, and threatened to fire the supervisor over her? Or that I wanted permission to court her? That I felt an undeniable attraction toward her? And even though she was not of our class, I wanted his approval to date her? No doubt, he would think I had lost my mind.

  I threw myself across the bed, lacing my hands behind my head. I wondered where my Annalise had gone. Rowan, she’s not your Annalise! Well, not yet anyway. She has no idea how persistent I am!

  My transcom lit up with the holographic image of my father. “Rowan, get to the palace now!” he thundered.

  “Um, hello, Father.”

  “I am not of a mind for light banter. I need you here now,” he commanded.

  “Well, I am not in possession of a teleporter, so unless you want to take care of that for me, I am not able to comply.” My sassy words had no sooner left my mouth, when I felt myself materializing.

  As soon as I took form, the storm began.

  “Would you care to explain what happened earlier?” His mood was dark so I knew not to mince words.

  “Yes, my lord. I defended an employee against unfair termination.” That should do it. I stared him in the eye, so he could assess if I had told the truth.

  I should have expected it, but when he reached into my mind using his Power of Telepathy, I couldn’t contain my shock. My thoughts were bared to him, every last one of them. My face burned with embarrassment. My palms became instantly sweaty, along with the rest of my body. He knew now… everything. Way to go, Rowan. Now you’ve made a mess of things.

  When he finished his mental pillaging, he released a heavy sigh. I lowered my eyes, unable to look at him any longer.