Read Beginnings, a YA Paranormal Romance (Prequel to The Guardians of Vesturon) Page 4

  “Well, I disagree. You are most dashing at all times… beautiful even with your black, wavy hair and your brilliant green eyes. And your smile… well, it makes my heart lurch wildly in my chest. But when you become frustrated or exasperated, you turn ever so cute!”

  “Cute! Bah! If anyone, especially Voldruk, ever heard you say that, I would never live it down. It would forever tarnish my reputation!”

  “You have nothing to fear, my lord! Your secret is safe with me. Well, it is really my secret, is it not?”

  “Hmm, I suppose it is,” I said, grinning. I sat next to her again and took her hand in mine.

  “Annalise, my world crashed upon me this morning when I was informed of what happened to you. I never want to feel that way again… ever! I think you understand my feelings for you, but just so you know, I love you with everything in my heart. You are my one true amashan, my life-long soulmate. Without you in my life, my world would cease to exist. I have made a decision today. Well, several actually.”

  I looked in her eyes and I saw them shimmering with tears.

  “Please don’t cry, Annalise.”

  “Forgive me, Rowan, but my emotions are running a bit wild right now.”

  I placed my hands upon her cheeks, using the pads of my thumbs to brush away her tears. “I have decided that if the Council will not change our covenant, I will forsake my birthright so we can be together.”

  “No, you cannot do such a thing. I will not allow you to do that!”

  “My decision is made. I do not want any other female in my life. The past weeks with you have shown me how life can be with the one I love, body and soul, and that is you. Without you in my life, I am an empty male.” I bowed my head to her in deference, placed my hand over my heart and made my vow. “I forswear to honor and protect, to love and worship thee with my entire being and to be ever faithful to thee for so long as there is breath in this body of mine,” I promised in the Ancient Tongue of Vesturon.

  “I am yours for all time, Annalise,” I declared.

  Her face brightened as her eyes brimmed with joy. I gently took her into my arms, for I did not want to cause her any discomfort.

  “Rowan, I love you as well and I have never been happier since I have known you. You have brought me great joy and I always want to be right here, in your arms. You are my shelter from a storm and I feel safe and loved.”

  “What?” I asked as I saw a shadow pass over her face.

  “What about the Council?”

  “I have a strong feeling we will be getting a decision from them soon and it will be the one we want. I sort of told them I would pester and hound them daily until they did what was right!”

  She shook her head and my mother knocked on the door, bringing in a tray for Annalise. She was followed by our housemaid, Zanna, who carried a tray of food for me.

  Chapter 9

  That evening, I met with my parents to discuss the evolving events. My father, upon being informed about my behavior with the Elders, had actually burst out laughing.

  Shaking with mirth, he said, “Leave it to you to hand it to them. Rowan, it was something that needed to be said for a long time, but son, I am impressed by your audacity! I think it’s time that we have some changes made to our structure of governing. The Elders serve a useful purpose, but they have become too controlling and set in their ways. We need to change the amount of time they serve in those positions.”

  “That’s a very good point, Father. That is something I may bring to the people’s attention as well.”

  “I think you need to take this one step at a time. Trying to do too much at once will dilute your efforts,” he said thoughtfully.

  “Father, you have a good point. I plan on visiting the Elders until they change their decision on my first request. Once that is accomplished, I will move to my next goal.”

  “So, Rowan, what of Annalise? What are your plans?”

  I was convinced there was someone else behind the abduction of Annalise. Everything pointed in that direction. I feared for her safety and did not want her to live away from protection.

  “So are you saying you believe the group was hired by someone?”

  “Exactly. The group had no motive. Oh, they spout out crazy statements all the time, but they have never before done anything this heinous. Annalise was beaten, Father. What kind of responsible male would beat a female? There is something deeper occurring here and I plan to find out what it is.”

  “Rowan, please be careful. This is a dangerous thing you are suggesting so whoever did this may try to harm you as well.” My mother’s ashen face was enough for me to see her worry.

  “Mother, I promise to take care at all times. Please do not concern yourself so.”

  “It is my duty as a mother to concern myself where your safety is involved,” she said softly. She pulled me to her and hugged me tightly.

  My father echoed her and added, “Annalise is welcome here for as long as you deem it necessary. But son, what of your future with her?”

  I felt the creeping flush of embarrassment. Why I should feel this way baffled me. I suppose it was because I didn’t like to air my emotions to my father.

  My mother, recognizing my discomfort said, “Rowan, dear, we don’t mean to pry, but you wear your feelings for her on your sleeve. We know you adore her and we were just wondering of your plans.”

  I nodded saying, “Am I that obvious?”

  They looked at me and grinned. “That was not a serious question, was it? You have never shown the least bit of interest in a female before her and now she is your world. Of course, it is that obvious,” my father said.

  “Yes, well, I should like for us to be united if the Council will remove the restriction. If they do not, then I still plan on making her my mate. I have pledged myself to her and frankly, my life would be empty without her.” There, it was said and out in the open. No more secrets from them.

  “We thought as much. We just wanted to be sure. I plan on joining you in your efforts with the Council. It is long overdue that Vesturon become the planet it proclaims itself to be.” His eyes glowed with admiration.

  I felt myself beaming. “Thank you, Father. I am proud to have you by my side.”


  The next morning, my father and I made another appearance at the Council. They tried to prevent us from entering, but that only lasted briefly. My father explained his support of my actions and I told them of my plans. They were not pleased with our information, but there was no recourse for them.

  Afterward, I made my way to the Guardians’ headquarters. I spoke with the commander about my suspicions concerning the group that abducted Annalise. He agreed with my inkling so we began our investigation. All communication devices owned by the group were confiscated and analyzed for data.

  It wasn’t long before we identified the sources of contact. One was the pinched-faced Elder who was most displeased with my first request. The second was another Elder who had also expressed his distaste for the commoners.

  My father and I gathered all the information and made our visit to the Council. During our presentation, a group of Guardians entered the chamber to escort the two Elders to prison, where they would await their trial. It was quite an ordeal and the resulting fury of activity over it convinced the remaining Elders that they must move to make a decision.

  “How can you possibly sit there and still believe it is not the right thing to do? Your colleagues went so far as to kidnap Ms. Drakkar, and if we had not located her when we did, she could have been brutally murdered. Not acting upon this is the same as condoning those horrific actions!” I argued.

  My argument must have been sound, for the next day, the Council of Elders announced to all of Vesturon that the convenant prohibiting the High Born and commoners from mingling, socializing, courting and mating, had been repealed.

  My father slapped me on the back when the news was announced. “Well done, my son! This, I believe, is the first of many
accomplishments you will achieve in your lifetime as a Leader.”

  I sensed a flood of joy wash over me. “Thank you, Father! Coming from you, that is quite a compliment!”

  “Go to Annalise, Rowan. You need to share this wonderful news with her.”


  I charged into the palace, ignoring everything except my urge to find Annalise. She was seated in the small den that we used for intimate gatherings. She glanced at me and her eyes danced with pleasure. That look brought me to a screeching halt. I drank in her beauty as she sat in the sunlight, glowing. Somehow, the room always seemed to inch up in temperature when she was near and I felt the pull of the magnetic force that she possessed. She drew me like a moth to a bright light on the darkest night.

  I drew her into my arms and my lips descended on hers. I tasted her and reveled in her sweetness. My fingers found their way into her golden tresses and I felt myself responding to its silken texture. Her arms encircled me and held me tightly as I thought I wanted to remain in her embrace forever. She was my breath, my life, everything I had ever dreamed of.

  “When shall we have our unification ceremony?” I managed to say between kisses.

  That stopped her in her tracks and she looked up into my eyes.

  “What did you just say?” she queried.

  I couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across my face as my heart soared with joy.

  “It is done. They have repealed the covenant! We can unite. Tomorrow if you wish. Or tonight!” I was utterly jubilant.

  “Tonight? We cannot possibly do it tonight!”

  “You decide. Name the day, the time and place and I will be there!”

  “What about my parents? My family?”

  “What do you mean?” My face twisted in confusion.

  “How…? Who…?”

  “Annalise, tell me what you want to know, please.”

  “My family cannot afford a ceremony or a celebration.” I saw a shadow pass across her face.

  “Is that what is worrying you? I will take care of that. Your family need not be concerned with that. But, if you would prefer, we could do something small. It matters not to me. I am only concerned with your happiness.”


  Annalise’s parents joined mine for dinner that night at the palace. We made a joint decision to be united on the palace grounds, on the back terrace that overlooked the mountains. It was my favorite place at the palace and had quickly become Annalise’s. It was a surreal setting and an appropriate one for a unification ceremony.

  The event would take place in two months time, to be followed by a reception of moderate size. Annalise did not care to have anything too large and I wanted to defer to her in all the details.


  Several days passed before Voldruk made an appearance. We were on the very terrace where our ceremony would take place, discussing it intimately, when Voldruk announced his presence. With everything that had taken place in the last few days, I had not given Voldruk a thought. I felt a brief moment of regret when I saw him approaching Annalise and me.

  “So is this the commoner who has stolen your heart?” he asked in his annoying manner.

  Before I could even think, I was on him like lightning. I landed a punch across his jaw and as he dropped to the ground, I savagely boomed, “I Command you to Silence!”

  Voldruk’s body became rigid and his eyes darkened with panic.

  “Never, ever refer to my mate as a commoner again. She has more class in her little finger than you will ever have. Do I make myself clear?” I clamped my jaws together.

  Annalise rushed to my side and said, “Please, Rowan. You must release him.”

  My chest heaved in anger. How dare he speak to her in that manner? My eyes looked into hers and I saw her concern mired in their depths.

  “My love, I will not tolerate him speaking of you in such a way.”

  “Rowan, please! He is suffering and he is your best friend. I beg you to release him.”

  “Release,” I commanded.

  Voldruk’s body immediately went slack. He rolled to his side and lay in the fetal position, drawing in huge gulps of air. When he was recovered enough to move, he rolled to his back, casting his eyes on me. I could see apprehension clouding them. He slowly sat up and rubbed his jaw, his fingers inspecting the damage.

  When he was finally able to struggle to his feet, he looked at me and said, “Please forgive me, my lord. I meant no disrespect and will, in the future, refrain from ever using that term again. Please forgive me, Rowan.”

  “It is not I whom you should ask forgiveness from. It is Annalise. She was the one you so callously insulted. I mean it, Voldruk. I swear to you in front of the Deity Himself, if I ever hear a derogatory comment directed at Annalise, I will kick your bloody arse. I will not stand for that kind of behavior, even if you are my best friend. And you would be wise not to forget it.”

  “I give you my most solemn vow, Rowan,” he said. Turning to Annalise, he continued, “Please accept my deepest apology, my lady. The insult was inexcusable and I am dreadfully sorry for that,” he finished as he bowed to her in deference.

  “Thank you, Voldruk, and I accept your apology.” Annalise’s voice always sounded like music to my ears, as it did even now. I pulled her into me, encircling her in my arms, nuzzling her neck. I looked into her eyes again, to satisfy myself that her feelings had not been hurt by his remark.

  “Damn, Rowan, you certainly pack a punch!” Voldruk exclaimed, still massaging his jaw.

  I begrudgingly felt the corners of my mouth turn up. “Well, you’ve been long overdue that, my friend. I warned you that your remarks would one day be the death of you. You should have paid me some heed.”

  “No doubt you are correct, as always. I came to offer you my congratulations on your coup with the Elders. Well done, my friend. I did not expect to have my posterior kicked for it though!”

  His tone indicated there were no hard feelings between us. I would not have cared though, if he had resented me for my actions. What he said was completely unacceptable to me.

  “And I also hear congratulations are in order for something else?”

  “Yes, Annalise and I will be united here in two months time,” I responded carefully.

  “That is wonderful news. I am happy for you, Rowan,” he said to me; then turning to Annalise, he bowed, saying, “and for you as well, my lady.” He took her hand and placed a kiss on the top.

  I felt the stirrings of jealousy come to life. I snatched her hand out of his and they both turned to me, their eyes glazed with surprise.

  “Sorry, I am a bit protective over her, Voldruk. Especially considering what happened recently,” I grimaced.

  “I understand. Know this, Rowan, and you as well, Annalise. I vow to protect you both with my life, should it ever become necessary. So, my friend, your precious Annalise will always be safe with me.”

  “Thank you, Voldruk. That’s very kind of you,” Annalise replied.

  “Yes, thank you, Voldruk. Now if you will excuse us, we have a meeting with both of our families.”

  He bowed to both of us and left.

  “Rowan, why did you tell him we have a meeting? That is an untruth.”

  “Not exactly. I have arranged for us to have a gathering with both of our families to wrap up the final plans on our ceremony. I failed to mention it to you. Forgive me?”

  She smiled adoringly at me and I felt my arms reaching for her. I had a need to soothe both her and myself. Voldruk’s callous remark had shaken and angered me, which was another reason I sent him on his way.

  I pulled her toward me and melted in her arms.

  “Oh, Annalise, how you make me feel! If I could remain wrapped in your arms for eternity, I would be the happiest of males.” My heart was on fire for this female. I leaned back so I could look into her exquisite eyes. “I am so sorry he treated you thus. I never expected him to be so disrespectful toward you.”

>   She traced my lips with her fingers and finally said, “Words cannot hurt me, my lord. Especially coming from someone who said them in jest. It is not necessary for you to overreact where I am concerned. I know you love me, Rowan, but you must think before you act, my love.” She touched her lips to mine and I was lost in her.

  I wanted to lift her in my arms and carry her away, but that was not possible. I reluctantly broke our contact, saying, “Your lips are swollen from our kiss and it makes me want to kiss you even more. You have enchanted me, Annalise.”

  Her heartwarming smile was bewitching. “Come, let us talk with our families.”

  Chapter 10

  Two months later, on a splendid summer evening, Annalise and I were officially united in true Vesturion fashion. She was wearing the traditional Vesturion garments made of the softest creamy suede. Her tunic came to her thighs and her legs were encased in body-hugging pants of the same material that softly pooled at her bare feet. What allured me most was her tunic, which draped from her shoulders to her waist, leaving her back bared. She looked stunning. Her blond tresses had been woven into intricate braids, forming a coronet upon her head. She wore no adornments except the solid gold armbands that bore the Yarrister family crest and a jewel-encrusted belt that loosely hung around her hips. The belt was exchanged during the ceremony for a different one, indicating she was now united with me. Her wrists were bare, but during the ceremony, she was given the marks of Vesturon that declared she was now officially a Yarrister.

  As I waited for her to make her procession down the aisle, I marveled at the beauty of the setting. How appropriate!

  The sun was sinking on the horizon, casting everything in its golden hue, while the craggy mountaintops looked masterful in their stately elegance. The gardens and terrace were dripping with tiny white blossoms, intertwined with sparkling lights. The setting looked ethereal. But it paled in comparison to Annalise, when she appeared at the foot of the aisle, on her father’s arm.

  My breath caught in my throat and my heart began its usual fluttering. I felt my body diffusing with warmth as I gazed upon her loveliness. I had never seen her look this radiant. She positively glowed. Will I ever tire of looking at her? Seriously, Rowan, are you kidding? She is unmatched in her beauty and elegance.