Read Behind His Lies Page 14

  I swallowed hard as Andrew looked at me with a narrowed eye.

  “Yes. It is. You look lovely as well.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled. “You look as handsome as always in your tux, Andrew.” She fiddled with his bow tie.

  He took her hands and removed them.

  “Thank you, Ellie. Now if you’ll excuse us, we have people we need to talk to.”

  “Aren’t you going to say anything about how I look?”

  “You look nice. Enjoy the gallery.”

  Andrew lightly grabbed my hand and led me across the gallery and up the stairs to the second floor.

  “You saw her today at Neiman Marcus and didn’t tell me?” he spoke in an irritated tone.

  “It was for a second. We were both coming out of the fitting room at the same time.”

  “Did you tell her we were going to be here tonight?”

  “No, of course not. I barely spoke to her.”

  “I thought I told you to stay away from her.” He scowled.

  “Well, how the fuck am I supposed to do that when these are public places? I can’t help it if she shops at Neiman Marcus. Her favorite store, where you used to come home from with bags full of things you bought for her.”

  “She told you that?”

  “Yeah. She did.”

  He stood there and shook his head.

  “She’s lying. I never bought her a damn thing on my own. She would shop herself.”

  “Listen, Andrew.” I placed my hands firmly on his chest. “We’re going to run into her from time to time and there’s nothing we can do about that.”

  “No, Addison. Something isn’t right. It’s been happening too much. That isn’t a coincidence. There’s millions of people in this city.”

  “So, what you saying? She’s stalking me or us?”

  “I don’t know, to be honest. But, I want you to be extra careful when you go out by yourself. In fact, I’m hiring you a bodyguard.”

  I let out a laugh.

  “You are not. You’re overreacting. I am not going to live like that or in fear of some stupid woman.”

  “Promise me you’ll be careful, and you better tell me if you run into her again. Do you understand me?” He placed his finger under my chin.

  “Yes. I understand, and I will. Same goes for you too.”

  He leaned in and softly kissed my lips.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  I walked into my office and noticed a beautiful bouquet of white roses sitting elegantly in a crystal vase. Walking over to them with a smile, I looked for a card, but there wasn’t one.

  “Hey, Sam?” I called my assistant from my desk.

  “What’s up, Addison.” She smiled.

  “When did these flowers come?”

  “They came while you were in your meeting. The delivery man dropped them off.”

  “There isn’t a card,” I spoke.

  “Does Andrew really need to attach a card?” She smirked.

  “No. I guess he doesn’t. They’re beautiful.”

  “They sure are. You’re one lucky girl.”

  I pulled my phone from my purse and started to send him a text message, but instead, I decided to thank him in person. I stepped out of the elevator and headed to his office.

  “Hi, Maria. Is he in there?”

  “Yeah. He’s on the phone, but go on in.”


  I opened the door, and the moment he saw me, he waved me in. After a few moments, he finished his call and set his phone down on his desk.

  “Well, hello there, beautiful. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”

  I walked over to him and took a seat on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  “Thank you.” I smiled as I kissed his lips.

  “You are so welcome,” he growled.

  “They’re beautiful.”

  “What’s beautiful?” He pulled back and looked at me.

  “The white roses you sent me. They were delivered while I was in a meeting.”

  “Addison.” He narrowed his eye. “I didn’t send you roses.”

  “What?” I cocked my head.

  “Was there a card?” he asked.

  “No. I assumed they were from you.”

  I got up from his lap.

  “I’m sorry, Angel, but I didn’t send them. Maybe they’re from Charlie. Text him and ask.”

  “My phone is in my office.”

  “Then let’s go down there. I want to see these roses.”

  We took the elevator down to my office, and as soon as we stepped inside, I grabbed my phone from my desk and sent a message to Charlie.

  “Hi. Did you send me a dozen white roses?”

  “No. I didn’t. Why?”

  A sick feeling settled inside me.

  “Some were delivered to the office and there was no card. Andrew didn’t send them, so I thought maybe you did.”

  “No, Rosebud. I didn’t. If Andrew didn’t send them, who did?”

  “I don’t know. I’ll call the florist.”

  “Good idea. Let me know.”

  “What did he say?” Andrew asked.

  “He didn’t send them.”

  “There’s no florist card and there’s a hundred florists in this city,” he spoke.

  “Maybe they’re from a client,” I spoke.

  “A client would have included a card. Sam, can you come in here for a moment?”

  “Yes, Andrew?”

  “What did the person look like who delivered these flowers?”

  “He was about five foot ten and he was wearing a navy blue jacket and a hat with an ‘S’ on it.”

  “How old do you think he was?”

  “I don’t know. I’d say late forties, maybe.”

  “And he didn’t say which florist he was from or have you sign anything?”

  “No. He just said he had a delivery for Addison Belle and I told him to set the flowers on her desk.”

  “Thank you,” Andrew spoke. “I’m going to go down to the security office and take a look at the security footage. If he entered in through the lobby doors, we’ll see him.”

  Later that evening, as Andrew and I were sitting at the table eating dinner, my phone rang. It was Jasper.

  “Hello,” I answered.

  “Addy, were you here today?”

  “No. Why?”

  “Then someone’s been inside the apartment. Your room is destroyed.”

  “WHAT?!” I exclaimed.

  “You better get over here.”

  “What happened?” Andrew asked.

  “Jasper said my room at the apartment is destroyed.”

  “Jesus. Let’s go.”

  We both got up from our chairs, climbed into the Escalade, and Philip drove us to my building. When we stepped inside, I immediately ran to my room and saw that it was turned upside down. All my dresser drawers were pulled out and dumped all over the floor, every piece of clothing in my closet was ripped from the hangers, my mattress was flipped, and the lamp I had sitting on my nightstand was knocked over.

  “What the hell?” Tears started to fill my eyes.

  “That’s it. I’m calling the police,” Andrew spoke.

  “Addison, what’s going on?” Jasper asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  Shortly after Andrew called the police, Detective Mason Ginn arrived with two other police officers.

  “There’s no forced entry, so whoever did this had to have a key. Do you know where your key is, Miss Belle?”

  “It’s in my purse. I’ll go get it.”

  I walked over to the coffee table where I had set down my purse and rummaged through it.

  “It’s not in here.” I looked up at Andrew in confusion.

  “Are you sure, Angel? Dump it out.”

  I dumped the contents of my purse on the table and the key wasn’t there.

  “When was the last time you had it, Miss Belle?” Detective Ginn asked.

  “The last
time I was here, which was three days ago. I stopped by to grab a couple of things.”

  “And you haven’t seen it since?”

  “No. I threw it back in my purse and never took it back out.”

  “Do the two of you have your keys?” Detective Ginn asked Emma and Jasper.

  “Yes. We have them right here,” they both replied as they held theirs up.

  “I know who did this, Detective,” Andrew spoke.

  “And who would that be, Mr. London?”

  “Her name is Ellie Grant. She’s my ex-wife.”

  “Did she change her last name after your divorce?” he asked.

  “Yes. She told me she did.”

  “And why do you think your ex-wife would do this?”

  “Because she’s fucking crazy. That’s why. Ever since she got out of rehab, she’s been showing up at places we’ve been and showing up when Addison is alone. In fact, Addison received some flowers today at work. There was no card attached and no florist name. Listen, Detective Ginn, it took me over a year to get her to sign the divorce papers. She just wouldn’t let go. She’s mentally unstable. Check her medical records.”

  “I’d need a court order for that, and unless we have proof, there isn’t anything we can do. I’ll have the apartment swept for fingerprints. Hopefully, we’ll find something. Is there anywhere the two of you can stay tonight?” He pointed at Jasper and Emma.

  “You two can with us at my place,” Andrew spoke.

  “Thanks, Andrew, but I’ll stay with Lucas.”

  “You’re staying with us, Emma.” I smiled at her.

  “Sure.” She smiled as she hooked her arm around me.

  Chapter Thirty

  One Week Later

  Detective Ginn found nothing in the apartment. No fingerprints, nothing. I was angrier than anything that someone would invade my space and personal things. I felt violated. Andrew was convinced that Ellie was the one who had sent the roses and broke into my apartment. The police couldn’t do anything since there wasn’t any proof. If she was the one, she covered her tracks very well.

  I was sitting at my desk, when my phone rang from a number I didn’t recognize. I answered it and they immediately hung up. Not thinking anything of it since that happened from time to time, I went about my work, and a few moments later, the same number called again. I answered it and they hung up. I blocked the number in my phone.

  As Andrew and I were getting ready to go out, my phone rang.

  “Can you get that?” I asked Andrew as I was curling my hair. “Who was it?”

  “I don’t know. They hung up. Probably a telemarketer.”

  A sick feeling emerged again in the pit of my stomach. Once I was finished getting ready, I grabbed my phone from the dresser and looked at the number. It was different from the one earlier, but I blocked it anyway. When we arrived at the movie theater, I put my phone on silent, and when the movie was over, I pulled it from my purse and noticed I had twenty-six missed calls. All from different numbers.

  “Jesus, Addison. Who called you?” Andrew asked as we climbed into the Escalade.

  “I don’t know.”

  “What do you mean you don’t know?”

  “They’re all different numbers. Look.” I showed him my phone.

  “What the fuck?” He looked at me. “Is this the first time this has happened? Because I get the feeling it isn’t.”

  “I received some calls earlier today. When I’d answer, they’d hang up. So I just blocked the numbers and forgot about it.”

  “Damn it, Addison. Why didn’t you tell me?” Andrew snapped.

  “Because I didn’t need you overreacting.”

  “Turn your phone off. First thing tomorrow morning, we’re getting your number changed.”

  “Fine.” I rolled my eyes as I stared out the window.

  “Don’t roll your eyes at me. I’m doing this for your safety, and I’m hiring you a bodyguard until this shit stops,” he spoke in a stern voice.

  “Okay. Stop yelling at me. I’m stressed enough.”

  He hooked his arm around me and pulled me into him.

  “I’m sorry, Angel. I don’t mean to yell at you. I love you and I’m worried.”

  “I love you too, but I don’t need the added stress of you taking your anger and worry out on me.”

  “I know. Please forgive me. I’m going to get to the bottom of this.”


  Another week had passed. The phone calls stopped since I got my number changed and all seemed quiet.

  I awoke to light kisses all over my back. I smiled as I turned around in Andrew’s arms.

  “Happy birthday, Angel.” He grinned as he kissed my lips.

  “Thank you.” The corners of my mouth curved up into a smile.

  “I have a surprise for you.”

  “You do? What is it?”

  “You’ll see. You need to pack a small bag.”

  “We’re going on a trip?”

  “Yeah. Just for the weekend. I already spoke to Madeline, Emma, and Jasper. We’re going to have a nice birthday dinner for you when we get back.”

  “Madeline had to be pissed she’s not seeing me for my birthday.”

  “She was cool with it. Plus, I told her when she comes here, I’m treating the both of you to a shopping spree on Fifth Avenue.” He smirked.

  “Ah. Okay.” I laughed.

  “So, come on. We need to shower, get dressed, and you need to pack.”

  “What about you?”

  “I already packed last night while you were at dinner with Emma.” He kissed me. “Come on, we have to get going.”

  After we made love in the shower and got dressed, we climbed into the Escalade and Philip drove us to the heliport, where a helicopter was waiting for us.

  “We’re flying in a helicopter?” I nervously asked.

  “Yes.” Andrew smiled.

  “I’ve never been in a helicopter before.”

  “You’ll love it. I promise.” He kissed me.

  We boarded the helicopter and I sat there, gripping Andrew’s hand so tight that both our knuckles were turning white.

  “Relax, baby. It’s an experience. Take it all in.”

  Easy for him to say. He’d been in a helicopter before. I stared out the window as we flew over familiar territory.

  “Andrew, are you taking me to the Hamptons?”

  The corners of his mouth curved up into a beautiful smile, but he didn’t utter a word. When we arrived, we climbed into the back of the black limo that was waiting for us.

  “Okay, so I know we’re in the Hamptons. Why are we here and where exactly are we going?” I asked.

  “We’re here to celebrate your birthday and you’ll see. Be patient.”

  I swallowed hard as we pulled up to the house Andrew’s parents rented every summer.

  “This is the house you stayed in.” I smiled.

  “And there’s the house you stayed in.” He pointed.

  If Charlie was really dead, I would have been in a full mode panic attack. But knowing what I did, I was happy to be here.

  “You’re okay with this, right?” Andrew asked as he gently squeezed my hand.

  “Yes. I’m perfectly okay.”

  We climbed out of the limo and Andrew grabbed our bags. He slid the key into the lock and when he opened the door, the memories of our time here came flooding back.

  “First things first,” he spoke as he set our bags down in the bedroom. “We’re hitting the beach and building sand castles.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. I didn’t plan on spending my birthday building sand castles, but I could see the excitement in Andrew’s eyes and the idea sounded fun. We both took off our shoes and rolled up our pants. Andrew grabbed the buckets, shovels, and sculpting tools from the hallway closet, took hold of my hand, and we headed down to the sand.

  “Remember this spot?” he asked as we stopped.

  “Yep. This is where you first kissed me. Eight years old and y
ou were already thinking about sex.” I smirked.

  “Please, Addison. It was a quick peck on the cheek, and if you recall, both our mothers saw it and I got in trouble.”

  I let out a light laugh. “I remember.”

  “Shall we build our sand castles here?” He grinned.

  “Of course.” I smiled as I sat down in the sand. “Contest?” I arched my brow.

  He narrowed his eye at me. “You’re on.” He tossed me a bucket.

  We started building our castles as the light wind swept over our faces. I was never happier than when I was with him.

  “Hey, no looking over at mine and stealing my ideas!” he spoke.

  “I don’t need to steal your ideas, Mr. London. I have my own and they’re better.” I stuck my tongue out at him as I got up and filled up one of my buckets with the ocean water.

  He laughed as he shook his head and continued to build his castle. People walking along the beach stopped and stared at us as we each worked hard, trying to outdo one another.

  “Looking good, Miss Belle.” Andrew grinned.

  “Yours is looking pretty cool, but I’m not worried.”

  I glanced over at him from time to time as he sat there with a smile on his face. We spent the entire afternoon in the sand, and finally, mine was finished.

  “I’m done!” I held up my arms.

  “Me too.” He smiled. “Let me see yours first.”

  He walked over to the front of my castle and studied it as he placed his hand on his chin.

  “I like it. You included a lot of intricate detail. Not bad.”

  “What do you mean ‘not bad’?” I shoulder bumped him. “Let me see yours.”

  “Suit yourself, but I think mine’s better.”

  “Oh really?” I arched my brow at him.

  He took hold of my hand and walked me over to the front of his castle. I stood there in shock as I stared at the words written on the front of it.

  “Will you marry me, Addison?”

  I gasped as I placed my hand over my heart.

  “Andrew.” I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

  He pulled a small blue box from his pocket and got down on one knee as the people who were on the beach gathered around us.

  “I love you so much. I’ve been in love with you since we were children, sitting in this very spot building sandcastles together. You complete me, Addison, and I can’t imagine my life without you.” He flipped open the box. “Will you marry me?”