Read Behind the Green Door Page 13


  "Do you always talk to yourself?" inquired an amused voice from behindPenny.

  Glancing up from the newspaper, the girl saw Maxine Miller standingbeside her chair. For an instant she failed to recognize the actress, soelegant did the woman appear in a sealskin coat and matching hat. Theoutfit was so new that the fur had lost none of its glaze, an observationwhich caused Penny to wonder if Miss Miller had misled her regarding thestate of her finances.

  "Good evening, Miss Miller," she smiled. "I didn't know you for amoment."

  "How do you like it?" inquired the actress, turning slowly about.

  "Your new fur coat? It's very beautiful. And you're looking well, too.You didn't by chance get that role from David Balantine?"

  Miss Miller's painted lips drew into a pout. "No, he left the hotel thismorning."

  "Oh, that's too bad. I suppose you'll be going soon, then?"

  The actress shook her head, and laughed in a mysterious way.

  "No, I've decided to stay here for awhile. I like Pine Top."

  Penny was puzzled by Miss Miller's sudden change in manner andappearance. The woman acted as if she were the possessor of an importantsecret which she longed to reveal.

  "You must have fallen heiress to a vast fortune," Penny ventured lightly.

  "Better than that," beamed Miss Miller. "I've acquired a new job. Takedinner with me and I'll tell you all about it."

  "Well--" Penny deliberated and said honestly, "I didn't bring very muchmoney with me, and I'm not dressed up."

  Miss Miller brushed aside both objections as if they were of noconsequence.

  "You'll be my guest, dearie. And your clothes don't matter."

  She caught Penny's hand and pulled her to her feet. Her curiosityaroused, the girl allowed herself to be escorted to the dining room.

  Miss Miller walked ahead, strutting a bit as she brushed past the crowdedtables. Heads lifted and envious feminine eyes focused upon the actress'stunning fur coat. Penny felt awkward and embarrassed, clomping alongbehind in her big heavy ski boots.

  The head waiter gave them a choice table near the orchestra. Miss Millerthrew back her coat, exposing a form-fitting black satin gown with abrilliant blue stone pin at the neck line. She knew that she was creatingan impression and thoroughly enjoyed herself.

  A waiter brought menu cards. The actress proceeded to order for bothherself and Penny. She selected the most expensive dishes offered,stumbling over their long French names.

  "How nice it is to have money again," she remarked languidly when thewaiter had gone. "Do you really like my new wardrobe, dearie?"

  "Indeed, I do, Miss Miller. Your dress is very becoming, and the fur coatis stunning. Isn't it new?"

  "Exactly two days old."

  "Then you must have acquired it since coming to Pine Top. I had no ideasuch lovely skins could be bought anywhere near here."

  "We're very close to the Canadian border, you know." Again the actressflashed her mysterious smile. "But the duty is frightful unless one isable to avoid it."

  Penny gazed thoughtfully across the table at her companion.

  "And do you know how to avoid it?" she asked as casually as she couldmanage.

  Miss Miller steered skilfully away from the subject.

  "Oh, this coat was given to me. It didn't cost me a cent."

  "And how does one go about acquiring a free coat? You've not become aprofessional model?"

  "No," the actress denied, "but your guess is fairly warm. I do have anice figure for displaying clothes. No doubt that was why I was given thejob."

  "Who is your employer, Miss Miller? Someone connected with the hotel?"

  The waiter had brought a loaded tray to the table, and the actress usedhis arrival as a pretext for not answering Penny's question. After theman went away she began to chat glibly about other subjects. However,with the serving of dessert, she once more switched to the topic of herwardrobe.

  "You were asking me about my fur coat, dearie," she said. "Would you liketo have one like it?"

  "Who wouldn't? What must I do to acquire one--rob a bank?"

  Miss Miller laughed in a forced way. "You will have your little joke.From what you've told me, I imagine your father has plenty of money."

  "I don't remember saying anything about it," responded Penny dryly. "As amatter of fact, my father isn't wealthy."

  "At least your family is comfortably fixed or you wouldn't be at thisexpensive winter resort," Miss Miller went on, undisturbed. "Now wouldyou be able to pay as much as a hundred dollars for a coat?"

  "I hadn't even thought of buying one," replied Penny, trying not todisclose her astonishment. "Can you really get a good fur coat for aslittle as a hundred dollars?"

  "You could through my friend."

  "Your friend?" asked Penny bluntly. "Do you mean your new employer?"

  "Well, yes," the actress admitted with a self-conscious laugh. "He is afur salesman. You've been very nice to me and I might be able to get acoat for you at cost."

  "That's most kind," remarked Penny dryly. "Where could I see thesecoats?"

  "My employer has a salesroom here at the hotel," Miss Miller declared. "Ican arrange an appointment for you. Say tomorrow at two?"

  "I haven't enough money with me to buy a coat even if I wanted one."

  "But if you liked the furs you could wire your parents for more," theactress wheedled. "It is a wonderful opportunity. You'll never haveanother chance to buy a beautiful coat at cost."

  "I'll have to think it over," Penny returned. "I suppose you get acommission on every garment sold?"

  "A small one. In your case, I'll not take it. I truly am interested inseeing you get your coat, dearie. You have just the figure for it, you'reso slim and svelte."

  Penny was not deceived by the flattery. She knew very well that theactress had treated her to dinner for the purpose of making her feelunder obligation and as a build-up to the suggestion that she purchase afur coat.

  Glancing at the bill she was relieved to see that she had enough money topay for her share of the meal.

  "No, no, I won't hear of it," Miss Miller protested grandly.

  Summoning the waiter, she gave him a twenty dollar bill.

  "Let me know if you decide you would like to see the coats," she said toPenny as they left the dining room together. "It won't cost you anythingto look, you know."

  "I'll think it over. Thanks for the dinner."

  Penny looked about the crowded lobby for Ralph Fergus or Harvey Maxwell,but neither man was to be seen. While at the hotel she would have likedto acquire a little more information about the Green Room. With theactress hovering at her elbow it was out of the question.

  She considered speaking of the matter to Miss Miller, and then abandonedthe idea. However, it had occurred to her that the mysterious room of thehotel might have some connection with the actress' present employment,and so she ventured one rather direct question.

  "Miss Miller, you're not by chance working for Ralph Fergus or thehotel?"

  "Dear me, no!" the actress denied. "Whatever put such an idea in yourhead?"

  "It just occurred to me. Well, good-bye."

  Penny left the hotel and ventured out into the cold. After so muchcigarette smoke, the pure air was a pleasant relief. She broke off a longicicle from the doorway, and stood thoughtfully chewing at it.

  "Miss Miller must be working for some dishonest outfit," she mused. "Hertalk about getting a fur coat at cost doesn't fool me one bit. If I werein her shoes I'd be more than a little worried lest I tangled with thelaw."

  A remark by the actress to the effect that the Canadian border was closeby had set Penny's active mind to working. It was not too fantastic tobelieve that Miss Miller might be employed by an unscrupulous man whosebusiness concerned the sale of furs obtained duty free. She had evendared hope that Ralph Fergus or Harvey Maxwell might be implica
ted in thedishonest affair. What a break that would be for her father if only shecould prove such a connection! But the actress' outright denial thateither man was her employer had put an end to such pleasant speculation.

  Penny bent down to pick up her skis which had been left at the side ofthe hotel building. As she leaned over, she noticed a small object lyingon top of the snow in the square of light made from one of the windows.It appeared to be a small piece of colored cardboard.

  Curiously, Penny picked it up and carried it closer to the window. Thecard was green. Her pulse quickened as she turned it over. On its facewere six engraved words:

  "Admit Bearer Through The Green Door."