Read Being Diane Page 20

  Chapter 20

  I slept like a baby all night. I dreamed of Julie taking me on picnics and the people around me didn't care that I was dressed like a southern belle. They even gave me lots of comments. I did think that one of the dreams had me driving a tractor while wearing a dress was weird, but no one seemed to care about it. I guess I was dreaming about acceptance and how I would like the world to be.

  I got up and got ready for school and was going to put on my old boy clothes and Ms. Givens stopped me and made me put on a pair of slacks and a blouse with my saddle oxfords. She also made me wear panties and a bra so I wouldn't sag. I was a little concerned about it, but she was insistent. So

  I did. I did wear my old coat though and with it on you really couldn't tell that I had a bra on. Some of the guys kind of made snide comments but I just ignored them. The biggest thing that got attention was my hair. it had curls and body in it and it definitely looked feminine and Carey even noticed that it looked cute.

  “Diane, I wonder how you would look with one of our cheer outfits on? I mean you look hot right now especially with the way you have fixed your hair. And I love the pants and shirt. Oh my, you even have ear rings, how wonderful. Now if we could just get you to come in like this every day.” She took my hand and wouldn't let go until the bell rang.

  I really needed to figure out how to stay cleaner. I believed that the reason I got so sick was because I wasn't able to stay clean. I didn't have access to a tub at the house, so that was out right now I wondered if I could come in a little early and use the showers in the school? I was going to make a point to ask Mr. Alverez today. I didn't have to wait long to do it because he met me inside and asked to talk to me for a minute.

  “Dennis/Diane which ever I want to talk to you about your personal hygiene or the lack of it. You are going to have to start taking a bath or shower I have gotten several complaints about you lately coming in with hay in your hair and being dirty. So if you could do something about it I would appreciate it very much.” he said.

  “Yes sir. You see I don't have access to a bath at home and I was wondering today if I could come in early and use the shower in the gym?” I asked.

  “Ralph takes a shower so why can't you?” he said.

  I really didn't want to tell him, but I knew that I had to. “I don't live with him or Mom anymore. She has refused to have anything to do with me. So to have a place to live I have moved into the barn. I apologize for being so dirty all the time, but I can't help it right now.”

  “How do you eat?” he asked.

  “I found a part time job with the police department dispatching and cleaning the station at night and on the weekends and I make just enough to live on. Mostly I have enough to buy Smokey some food and have enough left over to eat on here at school.” I said.

  “You know I have to report this to the Department of Human Services don't you?”

  “No sir, I didn't know that, but it will be a moot point since I have filed to be declared an emancipated minor. At that point, I won't be under their jurisdiction. And I am working on the loft to make it more livable. In the spring I am going to run some water from the farm well to the barn and put in a tub so I can take a bath.” I said.

  “Alright I am going to let you use the shower in the morning and I will hold off on reporting your situation, but I need to know when you hear about the emancipation thing. Now get going or you are going to be late for class and I will have to put up with you in detention.”

  “Yes sir.” and started to leave.

  “Oh I really like your hair it looks nice.” he said and turned and walked away. Mr. Alverez was a really confusing person.

  That afternoon I went up to the station and met the chief and showed him the path that I had found. Then we went to the other two women's homes that we knew he was frequenting and looked around them and found the paths that he was using to get to their houses. I had to admit that he was creative and had found ways of disguising them so they wouldn't be seen without somebody really looking hard for them. He was taking me out to my home when he got a call that someone was trying to rob one of the liquor stores in town. Instead of dropping, me off he took me with him and handed me the shotgun. I really didn't want to touch it, but I figured he wouldn't understand so I took it and walked in behind him. He was a big man so when I was behind him I couldn't be seen. The robber suddenly jumped up from behind a counter and yelled at him to stop. I moved behind one of the shelves just inside the door and could see a hand holding a sawed off shotgun.

  The Chief started trying to talk the man into dropping the gun and going peacefully, but it was pretty certain that the guy wasn't going to do it. He seemed to be sweating real hard and was shaking and was nervous. This went on for a while. People were trying to get into the store even though there was a man with a gun inside. I turned and told them to move on, but one of then told me you aint the pol-lice. I don't have to listen to you. That was when I noticed that he had a pistol tucked in his pants. I pointed the shotgun at him and told him to drop the gun. He stopped then and I could tell he was thinking about it hard. He started to move off, but I ordered him to drop the gun again and racked a shell in the chamber. I guess that spooked the robber because he threw down his gun and gave up. The guy that I was facing started to reach for the pistol in his waist band but I stopped him and told him to use his other hand and only use his thumb and forefinger to pull it out. The crowd had backed up from him and he was completely alone. The chief was bringing out the robber and saw me facing down this guy. He was staring at me hard and finally reached down with his left hand and pulled out the pistol with his thumb and forefinger and dropped it on the ground. The crowd cheered as I walked out and made him get on his knees and put his hands behind his head. I picked up the pistol and put it in my back pocket.

  The chief walked by me and said, “Damn fine job. Now put him in the car.”

  It turned out that they were working together. The one I got was to take the police out when they showed up, but he screwed up and let the Chief in before he could stop him and he wasn’t counting on me being there. The first one was a heroin addict, which was why he was acting the way he was. He needed a fix. Chief had me to ride with him to the station where he booked both of them in and then asked if a deputy could come and get them and take them to the county jail to await trial. I told the Chief I would walk home since he was going to be busy for a while. Instead, he called and got one of the state troopers to give me a ride home.

  The next day Mrs. Johnson wasn't at school. Annie told me Mr. Johnson got caught peeping in someone’s window and was in jail and that he tried to fight the police.

  I had started out to school a lot earlier than usual and took a shower and got cleaned up early. I felt so much better being clean. I even had time to dry my hair and style it a little. I had to put a head band on to keep my hair out of my face revealing my ear rings. That might have been a mistake because the guys really razzed me about them. Although I got a real surprise when one of the seniors told me that they looked, great and he wanted to get some when he left for college at the end of the year. He said his parents wouldn't let him get any while he was at home. I guess being independent wasn't all that bad after all.

  Ms. Givens saw me in the hall that morning. “Hi Sis. Are you back in the house?”

  “No mam. Why?” I said.

  “You are cleaner and don't have any hay in your hair.” she said.

  “I talked to Mr. Alverez yesterday and he gave me permission to use the shower in the gym in the morning before school. I feel better being clean. I have found a bucket and I am able to wash my clothes in it. I really liked wearing the slacks and blouse yesterday though. Not to change the subject but Annie told me Mr. Johnson got caught last night and is in jail, is that right?” I asked.

  “Yes, that is the rumor. I haven't actually heard if it is true or not. I hope they did catch him. I found a spot on one of my windows where someone had tried to open it. By the way I
understand that you had a rather exciting afternoon yesterday.” she asked with a concerned look on her face.

  “Yes mam, the Chief was taking me home when he got a call to a robbery. He got the one in the store and I got his partner that was standing outside. I have to admit it was exciting, but I really don't want to do it again. I think I would rather be a model. That was much more exciting and safer.” I said.

  “Honey, I want you to be careful. I know he didn't mean to put you in harm’s way, but it happened.” she said.

  “I know but things turned out alright. That’s all that counts isn't it?”

  “Yes I guess. Have you done your homework for this evening?”

  “Yes mam. I have, but I am still a little short on the story. I only have three of the five pages you asked for. I really am having a lot of trouble writing about living in a barn. I mean there is only so much to say about it.”

  “Try fleshing it out some with your feelings instead of just what you see and can touch.”

  “Okay I'll try.”

  “Good, now scat you have to go to class.”

  That afternoon I met Ms. Givens at her car and went to her house as usual on Tuesday. She seemed to be preoccupied about something. “Julie, is something wrong? You seem to be thinking about something serious.”

  “Diane I have to talk to you seriously after the lesson today.” she said and went quiet.

  I didn't pursue the subject. I knew it was bad I just hoped it wouldn't be so bad that I couldn't handle it. She looked like the whole world was caving in on her and she didn't know what to do. I wondered why she wasn't at band practice to supervise. Then it came to me. The Department of Human Services they must have been called after all, but by who?

  Chrissy and Mrs. Killibrew were at the house when we got there. Mrs. Killibrew and Ms. Givens went in to the bedroom and closed the door after Chrissy and I were given our assignments. Then Mrs. Killibrew came out and called her husband and asked him to come to the house right away.

  I got up and walked to the bedroom and found Ms. Givens sitting on the edge of the bed crying.

  “Okay I need to know what is going on. And I have the right to know now.” I said.

  “I guess that you are right. This afternoon Mr. Alverez called me into his office and told me that Mr. Johnson had said that I was having sex with you, Annie and Sally. The Sheriff’s department called your mother and found out that, you were living in the barn and that she had no contact with you at all and that it was your decision to have it that way. They called the Department of Human Services and they are on the way to pick you up as a delinquent minor. They are going to send you to a holding facility for as long as it takes to conduct an investigation.” I am supposed to keep you here until they show up and if I let you get away, they are going to file a complaint with the school board and get me fired. I'm so sorry. I don't know what to do.” she said. “I understand that they are going to take Annie and Sally also. Mr. Alverez doesn't think that they can keep Annie or Sally for more than a few hours, but you are going to probably be committed to a juvenile facility until you are eighteen. He was very upset by this and has contacted the school's lawyer and the board of education in the capital. So far he hasn't heard anything back from them.”

  The phone rang and Mrs. Killibrew answered it. She said it was a man and he wanted to talk to me. “Hello.” I said.

  “Listen very carefully and don't say anything. I want you to go out the back door and go to the next street where you will be met by someone you know and trust. He will take you to a place where you can hide for a little while until I can get this sorted out. The women from DHS will be there in about five minutes. Go and good luck.” and he hung up.

  I walked by my coat and stood there for a few seconds and then I grabbed it up and ran out the back door. I did as I was told and there was the chief sitting there. I ran up to the car and got in the front seat. He didn't say anything, but he waved me down in to the seat so I couldn't be seen. The car started moving and after a while, he spoke. “You saved my bacon yesterday and you are a great dispatcher so I owe you. I don't like those women. They come in and make all sorts of demands and if they don't get what they want then they start threatening. Don't worry Annie and Sally have already been moved out of town. They are safe. Johnson isn't though. He said all of that stuff to Clyde’s investigator to get a deal. Then the investigator called DHS to have you taken away. Now I want you to understand this. You have not seen me nor anybody else who is going to give you a ride to safety. I know how the DHS works. They will put you in a juvenile detention center and once every week they will come in and ask you to tell the truth, but the truth that they want is a lie and if you don't tell them, what they want to hear you will be put back with the general population. They will shave your head and make you wear a prison uniform. The kids in there are pretty bad and some of the guards are worse. So stay low until you hear from someone that you know personally.”

  We drove north and were met by another man who I recognized as a deputy from the next county. He was not in a patrol car but a private vehicle. Chief made me put a pair of big sunglasses on and a hooded jacket. I got out and got in the back seat of his car and he drove me to another place on the interstate. Another man met us and I got in with him and he drove me to Dyersburg where he dropped me off and gave me a piece of paper and money for a bus ticket. I didn't talk to him and he didn't say a word. I caught the bus to the address on the piece of paper. I was met at the bus station in Jackson and taken to a home somewhere outside of Jackson. The people only gave me their first names and set me up in a room in the back. They told me I had to lay low for a while and that I couldn't leave the house except at night. They both seemed real nice and treated me well. I found out that he was a security guard at night and she worked in a store during the day. I also found out that they had a boy who was taken by DHS because of a false complaint and he was killed waiting on the “investigation” while being held in a juvenile detention center in my home state.

  I was there about a week waiting to hear something when woman called me to the phone one afternoon. “Diane, you can come home now. Call your lawyer to let him know when you are going to be back.” and the phone went dead.

  I called Mr. Rosenthal at his home. He answered the phone. “Hello.”

  “Mr. Rosenthal this is Dennis. Can I come home now?”

  “Yes. I have gotten a restraining order to prevent the DHS battle axes from taking you and the man who made the complaint is now being held in jail without bond. The Sheriff has called in the State Police to investigate and they have found no truth to the charges against Ms. Givens or you. I am sorry that this had to happen but I have found that DHS is not exactly a reliable agency and I knew that once they had you they couldn't be compelled to reveal your location to anyone. It is for the safety of children who really need to be protected. Although I have found that sometimes, where they send the children is more dangerous. I will be looking forward to seeing you soon.” and he hung up. He didn't ask where I was or how I knew it was safe I guessed that he knew more than he could tell.