Read Being Diane Page 8

  Chapter 8

  When we got to the house we found George asleep on the couch with Smokey curled up at his feet. Uncle Will said he would leave him there and come by in the morning to get us to go to school. I went on and got in bed after I put a blanket on George, Smokey came back with me and jumped up and got in bed with me. I never realized that Smokey wanted to come in the house before, but then Mom and Dad didn't want him in the house. I really liked him being here with me, it was like having a security blanket with teeth. Although I have to say, he hogged the bed and I had to push him back on his side of the bed twice.

  The next day while at school it hit me that I almost died last night and I started shaking all over while I was sitting outside at lunch. The pain in my leg was intense and moving around was quite a chore. The memory of the sound of the gunshot came rushing toward me like a bullet and when it hit it did more damage than the bullet ever could. I felt scared, cold and vulnerable. Why hadn't I been scared last night, was it the adrenalin rush that I was having. Whatever it was it had worn off and now, I realized that I wasn't invincible and I would have to be more careful. Finally, the shakes subsided and I was able to get up and go in.

  Sally saw me and came up and threw her arms around me. “I have missed you. I thought that it was something I did that made you not want to come back to school. If I did I'm so sorry.”

  “Sally you can't run me off with a gun, (I could say that factually) I have been having some family problems that have made it really hard for me to go to school and if it's any consolation I have really missed you too.” I said and to break the tension I told her. “Has anybody told you today that you are one of the ten most beautiful women in the world?”

  She suddenly broke into tears and was smiling at the same time. “You are so sweet, I am so glad that it rained that day. I talked to Ms. G. and she was upset that you didn't come back the next day also. She said that you may think you are a girl inside. Is that right?”

  “I really don't know if I am or not. All I know is that the kiss you gave me has been on my mind ever since. Well that and the feel of you sitting on my lap.” I said and smiled at her in an effort to get her to stop crying. “Listen, Sally, if you don't stop crying I am going to start and it will make my mascara run.”

  She stopped and looked at my eyes, then she punched me on the arm. “You liar you don't have any mascara on. But damn you don't need any with those eyelashes.”

  “I made you look though and stop crying.” I said.

  She swatted me on the leg with her purse and hit the wound and I almost fainted. The pain was so great that I almost couldn't stand it. She saw it and asked what was the matter. “Dennis are you alright?”

  “Yeah I had a little accident and you hit me right where it hurts. Sorry I didn't mean to scare you.” I said getting my composure back.

  “Is that what happened to your head too?” she asked.

  “Uh, no that is something else.” I said and turned away.

  “Did you get beaten?” she asked. “I mean it's pretty obvious, you come in with bruises and cuts that shouldn't be there. I won't tell anybody if you don't want me to. Please talk to me.”

  “Sally I can't tell you what happened it would get my Mom and Dad into a lot of trouble. Please don't ask me to tell you what happened again.” I pleaded. “Listen I have been living in a hay loft and working during the day on the farm to survive and last night I got shot while stopping a couple of thugs who were trying steal a tractor. It has been pretty rough for me so please don't ask me to tell you what happened.” I was sobbing by that time and realized that I had just told her what had happened.

  “You got shot?” then she suddenly realized that was why my leg hurt when she playfully swatted me. “Did you tell anybody? I mean like the Sheriff?”

  “Come on outside where we can talk and I'll tell you about It.” and I turned and walked back out the door. I walked out to the edge of the school where no one could hear me and I told her what happened. I left out the part about Mom hitting me but I told her about having to live in the barn and not being able to go to school. I told her that I had decided to come back anyway and about finding out about the complaint about me being gay to get me thrown out of school and how I found out it was false and was set up by one of the teachers.

  “You poor thing! I didn't know.” she said.

  “I know and I don't want anyone else to know. So please don't tell.” I said. And the bell rang for the next class. As we were walking into the building, I was approached by the counselor who ordered me into his office.

  “Dennis, I want you to know that I am sorry about the complaint thing and the false charges that were put into your file.” said Mr. Thompson.

  “Thanks.” I replied.

  “Let me tell you what the tests that you took the other day showed. The IQ test shows that you have a very high IQ that you are not using to your full potential. I think that with some tutoring we can get you back on track to do very well. The personality test showed some anomalies like a very feminine character. They don't tell what your sexual preferences are though. The Doctor that reviewed it would like to see you professionally to go over some of the results that he wouldn't reveal to me. I think you might want to do that. I am going to write his name down and I want you to have your parents call me as soon as possible.”

  “I will tell them as soon as they get back in town.” I said.

  “Where are they?” He asked.

  “I don't know, but I talked to Mom last night and she said they would be back tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” He said slowly. “Go on to your next class then.”

  “Thanks.” I said and left.

  The rest of the day was a blur except for band and it was great we got a lot of work done. I have to admit that I wasn't exactly myself in English because I couldn't remember what was talked about. I don't even remember looking up at Ms. Givens like usual. I was deep in thought about how to approach Mom about this doctor that the counselor wanted me to see. At the end of the class, I stopped and asked Ms. Givens when I could restart the tutoring to get caught up.

  “How about this afternoon since Chrissy will be there?” she said. “I am so sorry that I made you wear those clothes. I just knew that was why you didn't come back to school. I am so sorry.”

  “Ms. Givens that wasn't why I couldn't come back. My Mom wouldn't let me, but I decided that I wanted to come back anyway without her permission and I just want you to know that I loved the clothes and the bath with the beautiful smells and having my hair done and all of it. I was in heaven that day but as with everything else in my life it just wasn't meant to last.” I said and looked into her eyes and saw sadness.

  Band was great, Billy pulled out some new music that was kind of upbeat and fun. We started working on some cool jazzed up versions of Christmas carols. The whole band was having fun with it. The saxophone section was kind of being pushed hard since a lot of the music centered on us and the brasses. It was so cool and like all things fun it came to an end too soon.

  I headed out to the bus on purpose. I didn't know if I was ready for another afternoon with Ms. Givens. I mean I loved it and learned a lot but it seemed as though things went terribly wrong after that day, what with my Mom getting so mad at me and hitting me with the pan. Then not letting me go to school. I couldn't take a lot more right now. My bullet wound hurt like hell and I needed to clean it up and change the bandage. I didn't have anything at home to use so I hadn't changed it. Then I thought I would walk up town and see if I could charge what I needed at the drug store until I got paid on Saturday.

  I went to the first one that I came to. “Mr. Paschal, I need to buy some bandages and some hydrogen peroxide but I don't get paid until Saturday. Would you mind if I charged them until I get paid?”

  “You're Reba Allen's boy aren't you?” He asked.

  “Yes sir I am.” I replied.

  “Then I can't help you.” he responded and turned his back on me.

/>   I went down to the next one and walked in. The clerk was a friend of Mom's so I approached her. “Hi, Mrs. Clark.”

  “Well hello Dennis. What are you doing in town?” she asked.

  “I need some bandages and some hydrogen peroxide, but I don't get paid until Saturday. Could I charge them until I get paid. Please?” I asked.

  “I don't see why not both your mother and your Uncle have accounts here I'll just put it on your Mom's and you can come in and pay for it after you get paid.” She said. Then she got curious. “Uh, Dennis why do you need these things anyway?” Then she saw my head and said, “I see.”

  I didn't respond and I didn't see why I should have to so, I just got what I needed and left. I went to Ms. Givens house since I had agreed to be there. I figured I would change the bandage when I got home that night, I hoped. As I was walking up to her house I passed Sally's house and started to go knock on the door, but that would put me late to Ms. Givens and I didn't want her mad at me. I had gotten about two houses down when I heard Sally call my name. I turned and saw Sally come running up.

  “What-cha-doing?” She asked in that beautiful singsong soprano voice. “Are you going to Ms. Givens house to study?” and she winked at me.

  I could feel my cheeks burning, why was it that she was the only one that could make me do that? I could smell her perfume and see the lite pink lipstick she had on and I felt like I was getting lite headed again. I don't know why she did this to me, but I liked it. “Uh, yeah.” I stammered.

  “Why are you blushing? Do I make you do that?” She said. “So do you mind if I go with you?” and she took my arm since my hands were full with books and the sack from the drug store.

  “I..I..Don’t mind at all.” I stammered. “I would love it if you would walk with Me.” and we took off walking with her holding my arm and just chattering along.

  “Isn't this just a beautiful fall day? I just love it when the weather is like this. Not hot and not cold, but just right and the birds are still around and they are singing in the trees.” and she smiled at me and it just about made my heart melt.

  I suddenly didn't have a care in the world and she was right, the birds were singing in the trees. A beautiful melody to match the beautiful sun shining down on me and the beautiful girl at my side. Wow I never realized that fall was so beautiful or was it from being close to such a beautiful girl. I really didn't care, both were the truth and I was actually happy for a change. I tried to make small talk and to be honest I really didn't do that well at it.

  “The day is gorgeous and I really think that you have a lot to do with it.” I said. “I don't believe that I have ever seen such a beautiful person as you are and I really appreciate you even talking to me. I mean all I have ever done is just admire you from afar and now I am walking down the street with you. I am the luckiest guy in school.”

  I looked and she had the most beautiful green eyes I had ever seen. The only green eyes I had ever seen. Hell, they were the only ones I had ever seen because I had never been able to look a girl in the eye. I had always been so shy and introverted that I wasn't even able to stand close to a girl. Now here I was walking with one and she was holding my arm, how did the song go? 'Heaven.....I'm in Heaven' yeah that was me. I was in heaven. I would sneak a look at her as we walked and she was still talking. I noticed that her nose was little and petite and turned up at the end a little. She had long natural eyelashes and her brownish blond hair was a little curly even though she tried to keep it straight. When she talked, she punctuated her speech with hand movements. I was in heaven.

  We walked up to Ms. Givens house and Sally knocked on the door. Ms. Givens came to the door and when opened it and saw the two of us standing there she said. “I was wondering where you had gotten off to. Now I see why you are late. Sally you know he has work to do this afternoon.”

  “I didn't do anything. I found him wandering the streets lost and in need of direction so I took him and brought him over here.” said Sally.

  I didn't even get a chance to defend myself and I wasn't sure I wanted to. I knew it only took a few minutes to walk the two blocks here from Sally's house but it seemed like I had been in some kind of time warp where time stood still. I didn't want it to end either.

  “So do you have an excuse for being late?” inquired Ms. Givens.

  I was still looking at Sally and didn't hear what Ms. Givens said. Sally elbowed me and I turned and looked at Ms. Givens sheepishly. She just grinned and pulled the two of us into the house. When she did, she accidentally bumped my leg and the pain shot up and down my leg and I couldn't hide it. Sally gasped and held onto me. Ms. Givens was surprised and grabbed me to keep me from going down. I got my composure and even though tears were running down my cheek, I told her. “I'm fine. I just had a little leg pain. That's all.”

  “Dennis is there something you're not telling me?” demanded Ms. Givens.

  “You might as well tell her, Dennis.” pleaded Sally. “You know she won't give away any of your secrets.”

  “What is it you need to tell me? Come on you know I'm not going to let it go.” said Ms. Givens.

  I knew when I was caught so I told her. “Last night I got shot in the leg when I surprised two thugs trying to steal a tractor. Now it hurt's pretty bad. I had to go to the drug store to get some bandages. That's why I'm late. I'm sorry I guess I should have told you.” I said.

  “Have you been seen by a doctor? Have you notified the police?” She asked.

  “Yes and yes. I saw Doc that night and the Sheriff is looking for them now. I just haven't had anything to change the bandages with until now. I'm alright. I promise.” I said.

  “Alright if you say so, but I want to see the wound. So come on into the bathroom and show me. Sally you take his books and put them on the table and make sure you don't put them on Defiance.” ordered Ms. Givens.

  “Awww. I wanted to see it too.” whined Sally.

  “I know what you wanted to see and no you aren't, so put his books on the table. Come on Dennis. I have a surprise for you anyway.” said Ms. Givens.

  “Is this necessary? I mean I have it bandaged and it might be messy and I haven't been able to take a bath since it happened so I am a little dirty.” I said trying to get out of having to show her but I could tell she was determined so I had to do it.

  She took me into the bathroom and had me to lower my pants. The old bandage was a little ripe and had fresh blood on it. I guess that was from the bump. She took a pair of scissors and cut the old one off and it really smelled then. She took the bottle of peroxide and poured a little on the wound and took some of the cotton bandage material and cleaned the exit wound. It hurt like hell but it had to be done.

  “Thanks for helping me with it. I really needed to do that bad.” I said.

  “You are welcome. So do you know who shot you?” She asked as I pulled my pants back up.

  “No, I've never seen them before and I really don't want to see them again. If you know what I mean.” I said. I was still concerned about the shakes that I had today, it was really scary to me.

  I saw Chrissy sitting at the table with her books open but she was playing with Defiance instead of working. She was so pretty, but in my opinion, she couldn't hold a candle to Sally. Chrissy seemed to be having to work at being pretty and Sally came by it naturally. She did look good in the plain dress she was wearing and the matching sweater. I couldn't help but notice that it was a little shorter than I had seen her wearing before. “Hi, Chrissy. I like the dress you are wearing it seems to be a big departure from what I am used to seeing you in.”

  “Thanks, Mom is coming around slowly. But she is coming.” She said. “Oh and by the way, Ms. G., Mom wants to know if you will call her when it is time to leave and she wants us to go out for supper.”

  I was scared to think that she would ask me to go with them. That meant I would have to dress up again and I really wasn't in the mood for that. Not today any way.

  “That would be wond
erful. Now let's get busy.” Said Ms. Givens. “Sally you can stay and study or go home, but I would prefer you stay.”

  “I’ll stay since I need help also.” And she gave me a little wink and a smile and sat down next to me. Chrissy was grinning from ear to ear at us. She knew what was going on and so did Ms. Givens. She made Sally sit by Chrissy on one side of the table and I had to sit on the other side of her.

  “There now you will actually get some work done.” Said Ms. Givens.

  Chrissy decided to have some fun with Sally and she reached over and took my hand and said. “Besides I don’t get to see the love of my life as much as I want.”

  I pulled my hand back and looked at her like she was nuts or something. Sally frowned at me and crossed her arms and gave me a really harsh look. “So, I see how it is.” She said.

  “Sally, I don’t know what is going on. You have to believe me.” I said.

  Chrissy gave me an evil smile and continued. “Oh, Dennis don’t you remember confessing to me the other day?”

  “Confessing what?”

  “You know.” Chrissy said.

  “What did you confess to her?” Sally demanded.

  “I didn’t confess anything to anybody.” I stammered.

  Chrissy started laughing and just about fell over to the floor. Sally realized what was going on and jumped on her. “You little stinker.” She started tickling her and the two of them fell in the floor. Ms. Givens came in and stood in front of them with her hands on her hips and a frown on her face. Both girls jumped up and got back in their seats.

  I sat down but not where I originally intended to I sat at the other end of the table and got busy. That was when I saw Defiance in his bed. Ms. Givens had taken a shoebox and made a home for him and placed a washcloth in it for him to sleep on. She had a small bowel for his water and a small dish for his food. I smiled when I thought of how he had scared her so badly and now she seemed happy to have him here. “I see Defiance is still here and doing very well for himself.”

  “Oh, yes and the little booger is quite the companion. At night when I go to bed, he climbs in with me and sleeps on the pillow next to me. I can't believe I have a mouse for a pet, but he is so sweet I can't put him outside.” said Ms. Givens. “I can't get over the fact that he is so well behaved. It is almost like he has been trained to act this way. I can get him to do somersaults and roll over and I didn't have to train him to do it. He's amazing.”

  “I wonder if he was meant to be here and to watch over you?” I mused.

  “Could be, who knows.” said Ms. Givens. “Well let's get to work on the math, Dennis do you remember how to do the quadratic equations?”

  I told her I remembered and did a few to show her. Then we moved on to other things and we managed to use up all of the rest of the time on math. But it really helped us and I was doing much better. At the end of the hour Ms. Givens gave us an assignment, “I want you to write a poem for the next session. I think that you need to work on your English a lot more. So write me a poem and I want it to be serious not something, like some of the boys in my senior class would write. Okay?”

  “Does it have to be about anything in particular?” asked Chrissy.

  “No, just write a poem.” answered Ms. Givens. About that, time there was a knock at the door and Ms. Givens answered it and I heard the unmistakable sound of my cousin Will asking if I was here.

  “Yes, we are just finishing up would you like to come in?” She said.

  “No, If you would tell him that Will is here to pick him up I would appreciate it very much.” he said.

  “Okay, I'll send him right out. Dennis, I believe your cousin has come to get you. So get your books and I'll see you in the morning.” She said and gave me a hug on the way out and she surprised me with a kiss on the cheek.

  “Thanks. Bye everybody.” And I looked at Sally and she smiled and waved at me and my heart melted again. Then she jumped up and ran over and gave me a big hug and a kiss. I almost fainted. She just tears me up no matter what. Gosh, I don't think I will ever get used to her hugs and kisses. Or I hope I don't anyway.

  I got in the truck, “Hi Will, what's going on I could have walked home without any trouble, but I appreciate you picking me up.”

  “Dad wanted me to pick you up and bring you home. I guess he's worried that you might accidentally run into those guys again. So how long do you have to come here and get tutored?” He inquired.

  “I hope I get caught up soon and don't have to come here anymore. That was the deal I have to get caught up and back in the learning groove. I enjoy it but I think I need to find a job in the afternoon so I can support myself. So what did y'all do this afternoon?” I asked.

  “We cleaned up the pickers and got the last of the trailers back. George is still cutting cotton stalks and as soon as he gets through, we are going to be through for the year. I thought about going squirrel hunting this Saturday if we get through in time. How about going with us? It'll be fun. I think we have quite a few squirrels in the wood lot this year.” He stated.

  “That would be great. What time are you going?” I asked.

  “Oh about six. I want to get there before daylight so we can be set up and waiting for them.” He said.

  “Okay, I'll meet you in back of the house and go with you.” I said.