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  Betrayal: A Bella Terra Deception Novel

  Scarlet Deception Novel [3]

  Christina Dodd

  A Signet Select Book (2012)

  Rating: ****

  * * *

  Product Description

  Only New York Times bestseller Christina Dodd could bring you this series about three brothers, tormented by their pasts...

  At nineteen, Noah Di Luca was Bella Terra's golden boy, handsome, confident, and untouched by the shadows that tormented his brothers...or so it seems. Driven by ambition, beautiful teenage Penelope Alonso fought her way out of the ghettos. During one hot summer, they came together in the sweetness of first love...until his past reared its ugly head and Noah walked away.

  Nine years later, Penelope returns, never imagining she'd see Noah or that one glance would wake their fiery passion. As peril builds around them, Penelope has one choice: to survive, she must once again trust the man who betrayed her.Even with terror stalking through Bella Terra's streets, love may be the most dangerous choice of all.

  Customers who like books by Nora Roberts and Barbara Freethy might enjoy this story.

  From the Author

  Only beloved author Christina Dodd could bring you the Bella Terra Deception series with the three handsome, sexy, tormented Di Luca brothers who seek justice, and sometimes, find love...

  Noah's relationships were joyous, short-term and trivial. He fell a little in love with each woman. They fell a little in love with him. But his lovers knew the score, and they were never surprised when he kissed them good-bye.

  He had broken his own rule only once.

  Now, as he watched his brothers, he envied them fiercely. They had what he would never have.

  Eli, always solemn, always mature, laughed and tried to wrap Chloë in his sweaty, dirty arms while she scampered away screaming, "No! No! You're yucky!" But she didn't scamper very fast.

  Rafe willingly made a fool of himself by flexing his muscles while Brooke made cooing noises and ran her fingertips over his pecs.

  Nonna laughed aloud at their antics.

  And an image rose unbidden in Noah's brain. Penelope Alonso, her heavy, long, black hair hanging in a braid down her back, her exotic brown eyes peeking from beneath the sweep of long, thick, dark lashes, her full lips smiling as she watched him make a fool of himself ... for her ...

  He told himself it wasn't surprising he had broken his rule for Penelope. He had been almost twenty, and still grieving over his ruined future and the inevitable loss of his own life.

  More important, she had been everything he'd ever wanted: tough, proud, joyous, ambitious, hard-working, smart and brash. He supposed she hadn't been beautiful; a little short, very curvy, a quarter white, a quarter Hispanic, and half something else ... she didn't know who her father was. Not that she'd cared. Nor had Noah. Because he'd seen her, and he'd loved her, and she'd loved him back. At the end of that summer, he'd realized what a bastard he'd been, and he'd sent her away.

  Noah promptly put her image out of his mind. He saw no point in remembering Penelope. She'd moved on, and he was glad. Because no woman deserved a man who kept secrets, a man who had plumbed the depths of dishonor, a man doomed to die for his misdeeds.

  Thank God Penelope Alonso was the only woman who had ever tempted him, and thank God she had moved forever beyond his reach...

  Readers who enjoy Nora Roberts and Julie Garwood will enjoy BETRAYAL. To read more about Bella Terra and the Di Luca brothers, visit


  —Jayne Ann Krentz




  “Delivers sensual sizzle.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “Excitement, passion, and romance.”

  —Romance Reviews Today

  “Witty, adventurous, and unexpected.”

  —Fresh Fiction


  “An action-packed Victorian era romance.”

  —Midwest Book Review

  “A wonderful tale of love and intrigue…a story to be savored for its colorful history, dark intrigue, and sweet tenderness.”

  —TwoLips Reviews

  “An adventurous romantic fairy tale.”

  —The Romance Dish



  “Once again Christina Dodd is thrilling readers with her imagination and intricate plots.”

  —Night Owl Romance

  “Dodd concocts the perfect blend of romance, drama, and excitement.”

  —Romantic Times


  “An incredibly entertaining story.”

  —Romance Junkies



  —Errant Dreams Reviews




  “The best of the series so far…unique—and edge-of-seat thrilling.”

  —Romance Reviews Today

  “The urgency of plot ratchets up the emotional drama, giving the story an exhilarating edge.”

  —Romantic Times (4½ stars)


  “High-stakes action and high-adrenaline adventure provide the literary fuel for the latest addictive addition to Dodd’s scorchingly sensual the Chosen Ones series.”

  —Chicago Tribune


  “Something for everyone who enjoys paranormal romance.”

  —Darque Reviews

  “A riveting new series.…The action and romance are hot! I have no idea what is next in this series, but…the suspense is killing me.”

  —The Romance Readers Connection

  “Fabulous urban romantic fantasy…a stupendous thriller.”

  —Midwest Book Review


  “The taut, suspenseful plot, intriguing characters, and a smooth, natural style show that Dodd has earned her place on the bestseller list.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “A fast-paced tale with intriguing paranormal elements, and treats them to a deliciously steamy romance.”

  —Darque Reviews

  “Quirky, unusual, fun, tense, surprising, sexy, and wild!”

  —Errant Dreams Reviews


  “A joy to experience!”

  —Romantic Times (top pick, 4½ stars)

  “[C]harming and likable characters…an enjoyable read.”

  —Fresh Fiction

  “Christina Dodd is a master.”

  —Romance Reviews Today


  —Kristin Hannah


  “Sizzling sensuality and dark emotions.”

  —Romantic Times

  “Once again Christina Dodd weaves her spell.”

  —Fallen Angel Reviews

  “[A] stunning tale.”

  —Romance Reviews Today


  “Ms. Dodd has once again created an amazing novel.”

  —Eye on Romance

  “Another stellar book from a most talented author!”

  —Romantic Times

  “Sexy and…darkly appealing.”



  “A sweeping saga of good and evil.”

  —Library Journal

  “Readers will be riveted until the final page.”

  —A Romance Review


  “The first in a devilishly clever, scintillatingly sexy new paranormal series by Christina Dodd.”
  —Chicago Tribune

  “[A] fast-paced…paranormal with a full, engaging mythology.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “A scintillating and superb novel!”

  —Romantic Times (4½ stars, top pick)


  “This romantic suspense novel is a delicious concoction.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “A delight.”


  “Sexy and witty, daring and delightful.”

  —New York Times bestselling author Teresa Medeiros


  Danger in a Red Dress

  Thigh High

  Tongue in Chic

  Trouble in High Heels

  In Bed with the Duke

  Taken by the Prince


  Secrets of Bella Terra

  Revenge at Bella Terra


  Storm of Visions

  Storm of Shadows

  Chains of Ice

  Chains of Fire


  Scent of Darkness

  Touch of Darkness

  Into the Shadow

  Into the Flame







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  Copyright © Christina Dodd, 2012

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  For Joyce,

  thank you for so many years of sharp critiquing

  and true friendship.

  Cilantro will always burn in our firepit

  on the summer solstice

  in remembrance.


  Leslie Gelbman, Kara Welsh, and Kerry Donovan, my appreciation for your support. Thanks to NAL’s art department led by Anthony Ramondo. To Rick Pascocello, head of marketing, and the publicity department with my special people, Craig Burke and Jodi Rosoff, thank you. My thanks to the production department and, of course, a special thank-you to the spectacular Penguin sales department: Norman Lidofsky, Don Redpath, Sharon Gamboa, Don Rieck, and Trish Weyenberg. You are the best!

  Thank you to Roger Bell for reading Betrayal, and always being so kind in your critiques.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59

  Chapter 60

  Chapter 61

  Chapter 62

  Chapter 63

  Chapter 64

  Chapter 65

  Chapter 66

  Chapter 67

  Chapter 68

  Chapter 1

  For Penelope Alonso Caldwell, the distance between Portland, Oregon, and Bella Terra, California, was five hundred miles and nine years.

  She hadn’t expected to remember the way. As she and her mother left Bella Terra, Penelope had been crying so hard.… Her eyes had been swollen; every breath had hurt; her eighteen-year-old self had thought she would die of agony.

  But she must have soaked it all in: the scent of pine, the asphalt slashed by sun and shadow, the sudden descent into the valley, where grapevines stretched in unending rows, where boutique wineries nestled in groves of trees, where here and there an old-fashioned farmhouse sat sometimes ramshackle and abandoned, and sometimes… sometimes it was tended lovingly by the descendants of the very family that had built it.

  The highway plunged from the mountains to the flats created by the wanderings of the Bella River and took a turn to the south.

  Then she knew she was close to her destination. She knew by the strength of the sunshine against her knuckles on the steering wheel, by the breeze against the arm she rested through the car’s open window, by the intoxicating scents of sunshine on fresh-turned earth, of ripening peaches and wine-scented oak barrels. Here in Bella Terra, spring hung on the cusp of summer, and the air smelled like broad green leaves, like freshly mown grass, like breathless first
love and young hope dashed.

  What a fool she’d been.

  So why did this place smell like home?

  It did not. Could not. She would not let it.

  Penelope had been raised in Los Angeles and Portland, and she’d lived most of her adult life in Cincinnati. Hot pavement defined the smell of home, so she concentrated on the odor of asphalt baking beneath the California sun, and watched for her destination.

  She’d been afraid she wouldn’t recognize the Sweet Dreams Hotel, but there it was on the right, twenty-five rooms of ramshackle inn glowing with the same violent turquoise paint that had graced it nine years ago.

  She turned into the parking lot and noted the changes: The doors had been replaced; a new sign pointed the way to the office; the trim had been changed from vibrant peach to staid white, as if that change made any difference to the overall tackiness of the place.

  The Beaver Inn was next door, a rough-and-tumble bar that used to be the hangout for the farmworkers in the valley, a place where fights were a nightly occurrence and everyone carried knives. Nothing about it said the bar was anything different today: A variety of fluorescent beer signs blinked in the windows, the smudged door had a high, diamond-shaped window, and a flatbed truck was pulled into the shade with the hood open and two guys armed with wrenches staring disgustedly into the engine compartment.

  Right now, with her finances iffy, she could afford this place.

  She parked her mother’s aging yellow Volvo C70 in front of the motel office and walked in.

  A large man with massive shoulders and no neck sat reading something on an e-reader.

  He looked like a football player. He looked like a familiar football player.

  She delved into the depths of her memory for his name. Primo Marino.

  When she’d lived here, he’d been the town’s pride and joy, a running back for UCLA and one of the NFL’s most dazzling candidates for the draft. Apparently his bright career had ended here, working behind the counter at his family’s dilapidated motor inn.

  She wondered what had happened to dash his bright future… but mostly she hoped he didn’t remember her.

  From the bored way he surveyed her, she would guess he didn’t.

  “I’d like a room for a week,” she said.

  “A week?” He looked her up and down, then glanced around at the worn office and raised his eyebrows. “Really? A week?”

  “Yes. I’ve got business in Bella Terra and I need a room for a week.” He scrutinized her with more interest, as if she were an anomaly in this place—she was wearing flip-flops and jeans and a T-shirt that said, LORD OF THE ONION RINGS, so she wasn’t overdressed. But maybe she was overclean.