Read Betrayed By Blood Page 7

  Chapter 6

  Glass shattered as Elijah burst through the window, sending shards and splinters of wood flying. Kaylan yelped from the force of the impact, feeling bits of glass shoot past her. “Elijah, what are you doing?” she demanded as he ran through the garden. He kept a firm grip on her, preventing her from getting free, but said nothing as he sprinted onto the street. “Stop! We need to go back and get Freya.”

  Lights and buildings flashed by, and she felt nausea rise in her stomach. Kaylan drew her glamour outwards to stop prying eyes and deter unwanted attention. Elijah hurried past rows of houses and down the road. “Put me down!” she snapped, pounding her fists against his back which didn’t deter him. “Geth, Sierra, help!” she called, touching the crystal on her ear.

  “What’s going on?” Sierra asked.

  She breathed a sigh of relief. “Something’s happened to Elijah. I don’t know what to do.”

  “Where are you?” Geth asked.

  It took her a moment to get her bearings as she glanced around at the glaring white streetlamps and luminescent city lights until she spotted a local grocery shop. “I’m on Taraval Street. Hurry, he’s moving fast.”

  “Tell him to stop,” suggested Sierra.

  “That won’t do any good,” Geth replied. “When the beast takes control, Elijah — well, I’ll explain later.”

  “What do you mean?” Sierra demanded. “I thought he just turned into a wolf.”

  “It’s not a wolf carrying me around — it’s something else,” she grumbled.

  “You do realise that he’s just like the victims of the drug,” Sierra muttered.

  “Elijah has no control when the beast comes out,” Geth told them. “And he’s different from the drug victims.”

  “You could have told me that earlier,” she said. “He looks like the creature that attacked me last night.”

  “I told you to stay away from him.”

  “Never mind that now.”

  “We need to get her away from him,” Sierra insisted.

  “He won’t hurt me.” Kaylan glanced down at Elijah as more houses blurred past them. “Please, put me down,” she pleaded. “Or at least tell me where we’re going.” When she reached out to his mind, Elijah’s thoughts were jumbled. Either he couldn’t hear or had blocked her out.

  When they passed into a tunnel, Kaylan knew they were headed below ground. “I can’t go down here. I need to get home,” she insisted. “Elijah, say something.”

  Why wouldn’t he speak to her? Was he angry? She didn’t sense any anger from their mind link, but wasn’t sure it was Elijah in control. The roar of traffic and drone of transpos echoed down the tunnel with the grating of metal as the vehicles passed over them. The raw stench of sewage mixed with salt made Kaylan cover her nose as they moved further underground. Now what?

  The sewage tunnels vanished along with the city sounds. Only small pockets of light appeared every so often, making it hard for Kaylan to see anything until they passed into a cave full of shimmering white light. It was more than just white, the light became mixed with a kaleidoscope of reds, blues and gold. Elijah ducked to avoid the sloping ceiling. Kaylan looked up to see the weathered rock, jagged by the water dripping down from above. It smelt damp and uninviting. Icy water dripped down on her, making her shiver.

  Geth and Sierra appeared in a puff of smoke.

  “Elijah?” Geth called. “Oh, bloody hell! He’s turned.”

  “I guessed that,” Kaylan snorted, feeling her back ache from being in such an uncomfortable position for so long. “Tell him to put me down.”

  “There is no reasoning with him when he’s in this state. The beast has full control,” Geth told her.

  “Well, Beast, put me down!” She pounded her fists against his back.

  Elijah carried her past his friends as if they didn’t exist.

  “Were you attacked?” Geth sprinted behind them.

  “Yes, by Ena. I thought he was a wolf? That’s what you told us.” Kaylan drew magic, calling on her flying ability but Elijah only tightened his grip, preventing her from using her power.

  “He is — but the wolf is just one part — when man and beast merge, he changes.”

  “Can’t you stop him?” she asked.

  “We can’t. If we attack, the beast will turn on anyone it views as a threat,” Geth told her.

  “Where is he taking me?”

  “I think he’s protecting you,” Geth replied. “He didn’t attack you, did he?”

  “No, he lost it when Ena attacked me.”

  “Who’s Ena?”

  She sighed. “That’s a long story.”

  Sierra eyed Elijah up and down. “Wow, he definitely looks like a beast now. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  Kaylan thrashed against Elijah’s vice-like grip. “Could one of you please help?”

  “Elijah, stop!” Sierra grabbed Elijah’s arm and the beast knocked her away.

  “Told you that was a bad idea.” Geth helped Sierra up again, and Kaylan drew her magic. “No!” Geth cried. “Don’t attack him. He won’t harm you.”

  “Can you be sure of that?” she demanded, heart pounding.

  “No, let’s just see how this ends.”

  Her eyes narrowed. If Elijah didn’t put her down soon, she’d make him do so. Elijah carried her all the way through the tunnels until they reached a corridor. Crystals radiating luminescent white light lined the passageway that stung her eyes after the blackness of the tunnels.

  Geth scurried behind them with Sierra trailing behind. After pushing the door open, Elijah carried her into a large room complete with a bed, table and wardrobe. Then he gently placed her on the bed.

  Her heart began to beat faster as Elijah laid down and put a firm arm around her. “Geth!” she yelled.

  Geth hurried in. “Just wait.”

  She watched as Elijah closed his eyes and slumped into unconsciousness.

  “Good, at least that part hasn’t changed,” Geth breathed.

  “What are you talking about?” She hit Elijah’s shoulder. “Let me go.” When she pushed at his arm, his grip tightened. Under other circumstances, she would have been glad to have him holding her again but not like this.

  “He won’t wake up. He always falls into a deep sleep after the beast takes over. It will be hours before he rises.”

  “When will he let me go?” Kaylan sighed.

  Geth shrugged. “I don’t know. He’s never brought anyone back before.”

  She groaned. “Are you saying I have to stay here all night?”

  “I’d rather you didn’t, either, Red.” Geth frowned. “Maybe it’s because Elijah cares so much about you.”

  She slumped back against the pillows. “I don’t need him to protect me.” Every moment she stayed here was a moment further away from Freya.

  “The beast doesn’t respond to logic or reason. Just instinct.” He sat down on the chair. “Tell me everything that happened.”

  Sierra murmured an excuse and left them alone while Kaylan told Geth about the attack and what they’d seen. She glanced down at Elijah. “Have you ever tried curing him?”

  “Of course, but it’s not a disease.”

  “Isn’t it? Maybe I could help.” She reached out to touch Elijah.

  Geth put a hand on her shoulder. “It extends to every fibre of his being. You can’t heal it out of him,” he told her. “He may not remember what happened tonight. When the beast takes control, it’s not always him.”

  “Now you know why you need to stay away. I know you love him, but Elijah isn’t the man you knew,” Geth told her.

  Kaylan’s eyes flashed. “Do you really think I’m afraid of him?”

  “You should be. Come the full moon, he’ll be a lot worse.”

  “I’m not walking away,” Kaylan insisted. “Not this time.” She tried to pull away, but Elijah only tugged her closer. “Guess I’m staying the night.”