Read Betrayed By Blood Page 9

  Chapter 7

  Kaylan breathed a sigh of relief as she entered her bedroom and flopped onto the bed. Fine mess you’ve got yourself into, Avilion!

  After a long day of training with Flynn, she still had no answers as to what Ena was planning or any closer to bringing Freya home. She had no doubt the Glistan had brainwashed her sister into taking part in her twisted plans. Then there was Elijah and his blunt determination that they couldn’t be together again. She’d find a way to change all that. Somehow.

  Needing to clear her head, Kaylan cast a glamour around herself and grabbed her bag before slipping it over her shoulder. Opening the balcony doors, she leapt into the air.

  The wind whipped her hair back as she propelled herself skyward, feeling a rush of exhilaration as the city lights flashed by her. Moving through the city skyline, she stopped when she finally reached the old mansion. Light poured from the windows as she hovered above. One way or another, she was going to talk some sense into Freya.

  She turned, floated towards the window of her old bedroom and peered inside. A heavy oak four-poster bed, a few shelves and a large wardrobe now stood there. Clothes and fallen books littered the floor. The door creaked open as Flynn walked in. So, he’s in my old room.

  She moved on and peered into another window. Kaylan looked into her father’s former study and felt a pang of longing. Edmund sat at his desk, fire crackling in the hearth filling the air with smoke and the smell of old tomes. The memory faded as the door banged open and Thedric hobbled into the room. He went over to the desk and pulled something out of it.

  Kaylan pressed her face against the glass to get a closer look but couldn’t make out what it was. A crystal perhaps? If only she knew more about the Amaranthine Chronicles. She’d have more of an idea of what they might be up against.

  There was a blinding flash of light which had her seeing stars. She blinked several times and saw another figure inside the study.

  A blonde-haired woman dressed in black leather with a black skull on her left arm stood before the High Lord.

  Glistan. Kaylan drew one of her knives.

  While her flying ability allowed her to spy on people, she couldn’t hear what they were saying. She didn’t dare cast a listening spell for fear the Glistan would sense it.

  Damn it! Kaylan cursed. She needed to know what they were doing.

  Suddenly the Glistan turned and stared straight at the window.

  Damn it to hell! Why didn’t I shield?

  A blast of power shot through the window, sending shards of glass flying. Kaylan fell off balance, plummeting to earth. She hit the ground hard, and gasped as the air whooshed out of her lungs.

  Scrambling up, Kaylan threw a shield around herself as she heard the sound of running footsteps and raised voices. She kicked off into the air using the currents to rapidly propel herself away.

  “Attack!” Thedric yelled from the broken window. “Into the air!”

  Rays of light and energy balls shot skyward and lit up the blanket of darkness. A few narrowly missing or bouncing off her shield as she fled.

  Kaylan didn’t breathe again until she reached her house. As she reached the balcony, she felt a crackle of energy. Turning, she saw a red light streak through the air.

  She gritted her teeth. Now you send a kale after me!

  The Glistan must have sent it to track her.

  But why? Why were they after her after all this time? Her parents had been gone for so long and she had no knowledge of where the mysterious book might be.

  Kaylan knew she could jump onto the balcony, the house’s protective wards would shield her. She wanted a fight and raised her knife — but hesitated. The Glistans were searching for her. If she fought it, they would know where she was.

  Ha! I don’t give in so easily. Kaylan reached for a current and propelled herself skywards. Air rippled over her as she hurried towards the great bridge.

  She settled down on a pillar and pulled her usual cloaking magic tighter around herself. Now she was fully someone else – or at least to anyone’s senses. She contemplated what to do, knowing the kale would be right behind her.

  Kales were airborne spirits which could cover great distances. If she used magic to fight or kill it, the Glistans might be able to trace her more easily. She had to lose it. Fast. Sheathing her knife, Kaylan drew in all her magic and let herself drop. She fell fast until her body hit the water. A thousand knives cut into her as the icy darkness swallowed her up.

  Kaylan shivered as she landed on her balcony. The kale was gone. For now, at least.

  To her amazement, Elijah sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for her.

  “What are you doing here?” Her teeth chattered. She drew magic and heated the air to dry out her clothes.

  “I came to apologise for last night.” He rose. “Why are you all wet?”

  “I had to ditch a kale after I went back to the mansion.” She rubbed her arms dry.

  Elijah’s eyes flashed. “Why would you go back there alone?”

  “Because I need to get my sister back.” She threw off her jacket, glad her clothes had gone from drenched to damp. “Why do you need to apologise?”

  “Last night. For letting you believe that there is still something between us,” he replied. “I meant what I said. We can’t be together.”

  Kaylan’s eyes narrowed. “Why?”

  “Kaylan, I’m not the person I was before. We can’t just pick up where we left off.”

  “Don’t you think I know that?” she demanded. “Just because you’re a shifter now…”

  “I’m dangerous. You saw what happened last night. You know why I must stay away from you — from everyone.”

  She reached out and touched his cheek. “I know you’d never hurt me.”

  “You can’t be sure of that.” Elijah turned away.

  “Why didn’t you come back to me?” Kaylan asked the one thing she’d wanted to know since she’d first seen him again.

  “I had to leave.”

  “Why? You know I would have stood by you no matter what,” she snapped, fists clenching. “We were supposed to get married and spend the rest of our lives together. That didn’t change because of what happened.”

  “I couldn’t face you again. When Cedric found out, he told me to stay away or he’d kill me.”

  “Cedric knew?” Realisation washed over her like ice.

  “All I wanted was blood when I was first turned, and now I’m wanted for murder,” Elijah snapped. “Would you want to marry someone like that?”

  “That wasn’t your fault, and perhaps Geth and Sierra can help change you–”

  “What if they can’t fix me, Kaylan? What then?”

  “If you don’t want to be with me anymore, fine. But I still need you in my life.” Kaylan wrapped her arms around him.

  Elijah pulled her closer and hugged her back.

  It felt good just to be held again.

  “What did you find at the High Lord’s house?” he asked, running a hand through her hair.

  “Nothing. They sent a kale after me before I could get in to talk to Freya.”

  “I’ve been thinking. Maybe there’s a way we can find out what Ena is planning.”

  “How?” She arched an eyebrow at him.

  “Your father’s secret library. I know it’s been over a decade, but there’s a good chance it’s still there. Maybe there’s something that could tell more about the Amaranthine Chronicles,” Elijah remarked. “Now we just have to find a way in.”

  Her brow creased for a moment. Yes, there might be something in her father’s old records that could help. “I might know another way in.”