Read Betrayed: Days of the Rogue Page 17

  His cell phone vibrated and he checked the caller ID. It was Rafe McRae. Sighing, he wondered how much longer he could hold the man off. Taking a deep breath, he pressed talk.

  Chapter 19

  Rafe growled as he ended the call. His conversation with Reno had been less than satisfactory. Damien was too interested in Eve, and Rafe wanted him gone. It wasn’t jealousy—at least not completely. Based on research, Damien was showing classic signs of fixating on her, and an obsessive rogue posed significant danger.

  Reno said to hang on for a few more days, but he’d said that last time, too. If Somerset wasn’t such an ass, Rafe would be tempted to ignore Reno’s request and call Rogue Retrieval.

  A few more days. A few more days of watching Damien like hawk, of guarding Eve by keeping her at his home and trying to resist the temptation to touch her.

  He glanced at the pile of muddy clothes in the hamper in the corner. It hadn’t been easy to stay in his room last night. Hearing the water running and imagining her in his shower, thinking of her padding to her room wrapped in a towel. He’d paced his room for over an hour, listing all the reasons why it wasn’t a good idea to seek her out and have a repeat performance. When he’d finally gone to bed, his dreams had been of her, of burying himself in her warm, wet depths and hearing her panting her need in his ear. The memory had his body hardening.

  Would it really be so wrong to repeat last night? For a brief moment, he tried to convince himself otherwise but the plain truth was, yes, it would. Sex between Empaths was much more intimate than sex with a human. The bridging of minds allowed access to the most hidden emotions and, once a bridge was made, faint remnants of it could remain for years after, like a seed waiting for the right conditions to germinate. And each successive bridge with an individual became stronger, more stable and permanent, harder to eradicate. Until Eve was aware of the fact, and until he was sure he wanted to have a more permanent relationship with her, he needed to keep his dick in his pants and his hands off her body.

  He still had no inkling as to what she actually knew about being Fae; he suspected it wasn’t much. This morning when he’d tried to give her a hint that he was also empathic, she’d been too nervous to question the faint probing sensation; instead she’d slammed her mental wall into place and tried to distract him by mentioning Damian. Apparently, he’d have to be blunt and simply tell her, though it wasn’t as simple as it sounded. Being part werewolf, he was bound by The Keeping and was already hedging about his professional life. How much could he keep from her while still giving her sufficient access to himself so that she’d believe he was also Fae?

  A frustrated growl escaped him. Animal shifters had things so much easier, their scent allowing them to identify each other without saying a word. But Fae were undetectable from normal humans and had to take a leap of faith in order to identify another of their own kind.

  Well, if he was going to be baring his soul to her, he’d prefer to do it armed with some background information. It was an approach that had served him well in his clinical life, researching clients before meeting them. Surely it should be equally successful in his dealing with Eve. Turning to the computer, he logged on.

  The newly formed Affiliation Office was compiling data on the Fae so there was a chance Eve was already listed. Connecting to Lycan Link, he scrolled down to the department he wanted, quickly typed in his password, only to pause. A red screen sporting the words ‘access denied’ flashed in front of him. For some reason his clearance must have been downgraded. When had that happened?

  With a sigh, he picked up his phone and called Annette. He’d have preferred to have done this himself but since there seemed to be a hiccup in the system, he really had no other choice.


  “Dr. McRae!” Can you hold a minute? I have someone on another line.” There was slight pause and then the woman returned. “You’re calling again? Are you that anxious to return to work?” Amusement laced the woman’s voice.

  “It’s you I’m pining away for,” he teased.

  “Rafe, you know full well that I’m above flattery. A fine bottle of wine, some perfume and a set of concert tickets to a show in Vegas however…” She left the suggestion hanging and when he didn’t respond, she sighed. “All right. Fine. It was worth a try. How can I help you?”

  He laughed softly before stating his purpose. “Apparently there’s been some glitch in the computer system and my security clearance has been downgraded. I’m trying to look at the Affiliation Office files and can’t get in.”

  “Now that’s odd, though I’m not completely surprised. Brad Owen, head of IT, has been going over the entire Lycan Link computer system with a fine toothed comb lately. All the branch offices, the Academy, and even pack data banks are being affected.” She lowered her voice conspiratorially. “He says he’s tightening system security, but personally, I think he’s just trying to look busy.”

  Rafe grinned knowing Annette had no love for the IT department. Anyone who touched her computer was immediately under suspicion. “That may be. I was wondering if you still had access.”

  “Well, it would be strange if I did and you didn’t since you outrank me, but I’m willing to try. What do you need?”

  “I’m looking for a list of known Fae and their locations. There’s a local woman I’m curious about and—”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” she interrupted before he finished. “I won’t be able to help you with that. The Fae have been kicking up a fuss and want all their records purged from the Lycan Link system. They’re even talking about severing all ties. It’s little wonder you were denied access. Fae records are now considered classified and only available to those with direct permission from the Fae ambassador.”

  Rafe frowned at this new development. “Sounds serious. Any idea what the problem is?

  “No, not really. But with the Fae, who can tell? They’re such flighty creatures, it’s almost impossible to deal with them, no offense intended. You’re more Lycan, of course.”

  “Of course.” He bit his tongue at the unintended slight. While he never hid the fact that he was Fae, in the early years he hadn’t advertised it either and even those who knew, tended to forget the fact after a while. Annette had a heart of gold but was a product of her upbringing. Most Lycans had some prejudicial throwaway phrases in their oral language bank; there was no real malicious intent, or so he told himself. “All right, thanks anyway.”

  “So you think a local woman is a Fae?”

  “Perhaps.” He didn’t want to elaborate. Annette was such a mother hen, she’d question him to death about Eve. Instead he changed the topic. “Is everything all right at the clinic? No problems I need to deal with?”

  “Everything is fine. The only thing of interest is that they’re starting that investigation you asked for. You know, the one into Rogue Retrieval’s performance?”

  “Excellent. Keep me apprised on how it’s going.”

  “Of course. Now go and rest!”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Rafe made a mock salute before hanging up.

  Annette disconnected the line and then pressed another button to resume the call she had on hold.

  “What did McRae want?” The man’s voice indicated his suspicion.

  “He was looking for a list of Fae in his area.”

  “Any idea why?”

  “Not really. He mentioned something about a girl, but it could be idle curiosity. Dr. McRae has what you might call an ‘inquiring mind’ and is always researching one topic or another.”

  The man grunted. “So he’s not suspicious.”

  “No. Not yet, but I think you should reconsider the plan. Wait until he’s out of the area or chose a different target.”

  “No, fate has put everything in place which means the gods have decreed we must use this opportunity to act. You said Masterson is there, correct?”

  Annette held back a sigh. The mumbo jumbo about the gods didn’t impress her but she kept that opinion to hersel
f. “Yes, I double checked the other day; I said we were updating a potential treatment plan for when he’s finally brought in. No one questioned it.”

  “Good. I’ll contact you again in a few weeks when we have more potential targets lined up. We’ll correlate our data then.” The man hung up without another word.

  Annette slowly replaced the receiver. She had no idea of the name of the individual she’d been talking to. Secrecy was tantamount with this particular group and she understood why, but it was unnerving speaking to unknown entities. Her contact could be anyone, perhaps even a person she passed in the hall each day, but she’d never know it. In fact, someone from the organization could be watching her every move. A shiver passed over her at the idea of being spied on, but she compressed her lips and shook off the feeling. Always looking over one’s shoulder was a pointless way to spend one’s life.

  Flicking a glance at the calendar, she checked if there were any more urgent matters to deal with. Things were rather quiet lately, and she was finally getting caught up on the backlog of paperwork that always seemed to plague her. She grimaced at the cute fairy pictures that graced the top of the planner. Dr. McRae had given it to her for Christmas so she felt obligated to use it, but really the man had no taste.

  The calendar was empty. Good, she liked things tidy with no half-finished projects lying about. She’d just make a quick phone call to Dee, her other buyer, and see if she could sell some information to anyone else. Then she’d see about re-stocking the pharmacy. It wouldn’t do for any of the staff to question why the supply of certain benzodiazepine drugs was running low.

  Chapter 20

  “Aly, you really should have called first.” Eve paced the length of Rafe’s living room wondering how she was going to deal with the unexpected arrival of her friend in Grassy Hills. First it was Caro and now, probably due to Caro raving about the ‘hunky men,’ Aly was here. Well, technically not here; she was at the edge of town waiting for directions.

  Eve flicked a glance towards Rafe’s bedroom door. What would he say to an overnight guest? Yet, what other option was there? Spending the night at her own cabin, with that wolf on the loose, wasn’t appealing in the least.

  “Eve?” Aly’s voice sounded in her ear. “Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten how to give directions to the place.”

  “Sorry. I was just thinking about something.”

  “If you’re worried that I’m here to poach on your men—”

  “No! I know you wouldn’t do that, not that they’re my men, of course.”

  “Sure, Eve. Whatever you say.” Eve could almost see Aly rolling her eyes in disbelief. “Now tell me how to get there.”

  With a sigh, she did so and then ended the call. Nibbling on her lip, she stared at Rafe’s door again. It was firmly shut. He wouldn’t mind that much, would he? Well, there was only one way to find out.

  Walking over to his bedroom, she raised her hand to knock just as the door swung open.


  Rafe stared at her raised hand, and she self-consciously lowered it to her side. “Did you need something?” He stepped into the hallway and shut his bedroom door behind him. The move brought him into her personal space and immediately she could feel her heart start to pound. There was a pull between them, something that urged her to lean forward and close the small gap that separated them. She inhaled and his scent filled her lungs befuddling her brain.

  Giving her head a tiny shake to clear her mind, she stepped back. “My friend, Aly, just called…”

  He raised a brow when she paused.

  “She’s stopping by for visit. An…er…overnight visit.” Eve winced. “I hope you don’t mind. If she’d called ahead of time I would have told her ‘no,’ but since she’s already here…”

  “Apparently she subscribes to the theory of acting first and asking for forgiveness after the fact.”

  Eve made a face but nodded. “That about sums it up.”

  Rafe sighed. “I guess there’s not much to be done about it then.”

  “I’m sorry. I realize you’re already doing me a big favour by allowing me to stay here and—”

  “It’s all right.” He reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear. “I’m sure I can suffer through one night of two women in my house.”

  The feel of his hand softly brushing her face had Eve’s eyes growing heavy, and she had to force herself not to lean into his touch. Instead, she focussed on practicalities. “She’ll be here in half an hour. There’s only a single bed in my room but I was thinking if you have a sleeping bag…?”

  Rafe drew his hand away. He didn’t seem too upset by the fact that his house was about to be invaded by one of her friends. “I do and yes, you can borrow it. And the sofa by the fireplace pulls out into a bed if one of you wants to use it.”


  He gave a nod. “I have some work to do outside. I’ll try to stay out of your way.”

  “There’s no need. This is your home.” Eve protested. “Besides…” She gave a small laugh, the imp in her pushing to the fore. “Aly wants to ‘check you out’ and see if Caro’s description of you is accurate.”

  He blinked, for a split second his face showing his surprise before he managed to hide the fact. “Indeed. Then I most definitely will be trying to stay out of the way.” And with that he left.

  Eve shook her head wondering how he was going to react when Aly went ‘hunting’ for him. Her friend would consider his avoidance suspicious in the extreme. Yep, the next twenty-four hours could prove to be very…interesting.

  Rafe got his wish for most the night. Even though the two women had seen each other recently, they still had lots to talk about and it wasn’t until supper time that Aly started to question where he was.

  “I thought Caro said you lived with the guy?” Aly sat on the floor near the fireplace, a slice of pizza in one hand and a glass of wine in the other.

  “I’m staying with him. That’s not the same as living with him.” Eve took a bite of her pizza slice, enjoying the chewy, cheesy concoction the two of them had made.

  “And it’s all because of some crazy wolf, you say?”

  “That’s right. It’s been hanging around my place, chased my car…” She shuddered at the memory.

  “It could be rabid. Have you contacted Wildlife Control?”

  “Rafe has. They’re supposed to be coming soon to check out the situation.”

  Aly frowned. “It seems to me—”

  “Ladies.” Rafe entered the room and Aly stopped mid-sentence, her mouth slightly ajar.

  Framed by the doorway, Rafe looked more impressive than usual. The breadth of his shoulders nearly filled the opening and his worn jeans showcased his long legs.

  “Rafe, this is my friend, Aly.” Eve shot looks between the two of them barely holding back a grin at Aly’s shell-shocked appearance. To give her friend her due, she recovered quickly enough.

  Rising to her feet, Aly extended her hand. “I’m pleased to meet you and I’d like to thank you for taking such good care of my friend.” Aly made no effort to hide the fact that she was giving him a thorough looking over, and was quite pleased with what she was seeing. And, to Eve’s surprise, Rafe showed no sign of being offended.

  “My pleasure.” Rafe gave a crooked grin, his gaze sweeping over Aly from head to foot and back again. Eve felt a twinge of jealousy both at his obvious appreciation of her friend’s good looks and the fact that he seemed so charming and at ease. He never acted that way when it was just the two of them. She held back a scowl knowing she had no right to be jealous. She and Rafe had shared one night together. Hell, not even a night. More like an hour. A one night stand in the foyer. ‘Stand’ being the operative word; they hadn’t even made it to the bedroom!

  “Thanks for the offer, Aly. As delightful as it would be to spend some time with you, I have some paperwork I need to finish. I’ll leave you ladies to your enjoy movie.”

  Eve blinked in surprise as Rafe head
ed towards his room. What offer? She must have missed part of the conversation. Trying not to show her confusion she looked at Aly.

  “He seems really nice. I can see why you’d want to keep him to yourself.” Aly nodded her approval and began to rummage through the stack of movies she had beside her. “What’s he like in bed?”

  “Aly!” Eve felt her face heat up.

  “Ha! I knew it!” Aly grinned. “Not that I blame you in the least. He’s an excellent example of the Y chromosome at its best.” She took a drink of her wine and leaned back against the sofa, a smug expression on her face. “Mission accomplished. Caro owes me twenty bucks.”

  “What? You had a bet with her about me and Rafe?”

  “Not a bet, really. More of a challenge as to my detective skills. Caro told me it would take me all night to worm any information out of you, but I knew with the way you blush it would be too easy.”

  Eve buried her face in her hands and shook her head. What was that old saying? With friends like this, who needs enemies?

  Despite the ‘bet’ the evening was a success and after finishing the bottle of wine and watching a chick flick, she and Aly had called it a night. Aly was using the bed and Eve was on an air mattress, snuggly zipped into Rafe’s sleeping bag. It smelled of him and she buried her nose in the fabric inhaling deeply and thinking about the man sleeping on the other side of the wall.

  If Aly hadn’t arrived for a visit, would she be spending the night by herself? Or would she and Rafe have hooked up again? For all that he said he wasn’t interested in a relationship, there was something between them. The question was, would they have been able to deny the attraction if it had just been the two of them in the house?