Read Betrayed: Days of the Rogue Page 35

  Rafe was silent, not sure what to say. The few times that Damien had been in his wolf form hadn’t been the most appropriate for getting an empathic reading. Still, there’d been some hints, yet was it his place to reveal what he knew, even to a close friend? “All I can say is that he and his wolf have been in a major conflict. Not just a struggle for control but on moral grounds as well.”

  “Is that all you can give me?”

  Rafe shrugged. “Talk to him. Ask him what’s going on. You’re supposed to be like brothers.”

  “Yeah.” Reno pulled a face. “I suck at that talking it over shit. Just ask Brandi.”

  A grin tugged at the corner of Rafe’s mouth. “I rather suspect Damien ‘sucks at that shit’ as well. You might surprise yourself, though, once you get started.”

  The sound of a chopper approaching drew their attention, and Reno moved to look out the window, glancing skyward. “That’ll be the transport I arranged. We’re using the meadow as a landing pad.”

  “Nice of you to ask,” Rafe murmured.

  Reno ignored the comment and continued. “We’ll load the prisoners, and the captain will take them back to Lycan Link. If you don’t mind, Brandi and I will camp out in your living room. By noon tomorrow, you’ll have the place to yourself again.”

  “Fair enough.” Rafe nodded. “You do what you need to do. I’m going to check on Eve.”

  Chapter 49

  An argument erupted as Reno entered the living room, loud enough to even cause Rafe to change course.

  “What the hell are you up to, Masterson?” Captain Fielding stood almost nose to nose with Damien, fists clenched and face flushed. Even though he was in human form, it was easy to imagine how his inner wolf’s grizzled fur was likely ruffled, and there was no mistaking the growl in his voice.

  “None of your damned business…sir.” Damien tacked on the respectful title at the last minute, but the sneer on his face took away any meaning it might have had.

  “I won’t tolerate insolence from you.” Fielding grabbed at the front of Damien’s shirt, but the younger man knocked his hand away.

  A low rumbling warning rose from Damien’s throat, and he appeared about to launch himself at the commanding officer when Reno pushed himself between the two. He shoved Damien back while shooting a warning glance at Fielding. “Both of you, knock it off!”

  “What happened?” Rafe questioned Brandi who stood poised by the doorway, her eyes wide with apprehension.

  “I’ve no idea. I was working on a story to cover up our activity here. Damien got a phone call, and the captain went ballistic.”

  “A phone call?” Rafe quirked an eye brow.

  Reno looked between the two potential combatants. “Explain.”

  Damien compressed his lips and said nothing, but the captain wasn’t so reticent. “Not willing to say who it was from?” He taunted Damien before snorting in derision. “I might be old, but my hearing’s fine, and one name was all I needed in order to know what you’re up to.”

  The captain began to walk in a circle, eyeing Damien up and down as if he were the scum of the earth. Damien began to prowl around as well. It was obvious he was more than ready for a fight.

  Reno was forced to move to keep himself between the two of them. “What name? I don’t have time tonight for cryptic games.”

  “Deirdre.” The captain stopped and spat the name out as if it left a bad taste in his mouth.

  The announcement was one Reno hadn’t been expecting, and it made him go completely still. It was a name that was whispered in the back alleys, vaguely hinted at, yet never openly spoken. Slowly, he turned to stare at Damien, not quite believing what he’d heard. “Damien?”

  For a moment, Damien gave the impression of being uncomfortable, almost shuffling from one foot to another, before a mask seemed to fall over his face. His expression hardened. Lifting his chin, he narrowed his eyes and casually hooked his thumbs in his belt loops. “I got a phone call. Big f-ing deal.”

  Reno stalked towards him. “From Deirdre.”

  Damien took half a step back before seeming to catch himself. He shrugged. “So?”

  Reno responded by shoving him backwards with both hands. The move caught Damien off guard, and he stumbled before regaining his footing. “So! She’s poison, you idiot. The head of a for-hire assassination ring.”

  “Lycan Link uses her services.” Damien threw out the taunt.

  “Like hell they do.” The captain bristled from the other side of the room.

  “Wake up old man. Smell the coffee.” Damien mocked. “When Lycan Link doesn’t want to sully its oh-so-clean hands, it calls in black ops.”

  Fielding growled and appeared ready to attack. Both Rafe and Brandi rushed to grab his arms and hold him back.

  “Captain!” Reno was struggling to keep hold of his temper, to keep the situation from erupting into an all-out brawl. He didn’t need the captain stirring the pot, even though he could understand the man’s outrage. Deirdre was uncommon enough of a name that there could be no mistaking who had contacted Damien. And according to rumours, she didn’t make social calls. While some might think she was righting wrongs, the truth was she brokered in death, managing a team of assassins that had little regard for who got in the way of their target. The fact that Damien was part of such a group left him feeling… Hell, he didn’t know how he felt, but there was a sick sensation in his stomach as he contemplated all the implications of this news.

  Reno tried to speak calmly, to keep his own emotions in check and smooth things over. “Captain, you know the rumours as well as I do. You can’t pretend you don’t know certain divisions within Lycan Link have occasionally bent the letter of the law.”

  Captain Fielding jerked his arms free from Rafe and Brandi’s grasp. A muscle worked in his jaw as he seemed to consider Reno’s words, his breathing heavy, his fingers clenching and then releasing. When he finally spoke, his voice was deep and low.

  “Reno might be right, but you’re still a disgrace, Masterson. Real Enforcers don’t associate with the likes of Deirdre and her lot. We answer to a higher call.” When Reno would have spoken, the man held up his hand for silence. “I’ll not deny there’s a certain element within Lycan Link that might, occasionally, call upon her, but in my mind they’re no better than Purists and Anti-Fae—”

  With a roar, Damien leapt forward. Reno spun around quickly and tackled him, his shoulder hitting Damien in the gut, the momentum propelling both of them into the wall. Despite the force with which they struck, Damien barely paused. He struggled to be free, spewing vitriol at the captain over Reno’s shoulder. “Don’t you ever put me in the same category as those maggot sucking bastards! They killed my mate—”

  “And you’re no better!” The captain shot back, once again being restrained, this time by Rafe and Brandi. “Assassinating for money. You’re a disgrace to the term Enforcer. We enforce the Book of the Law, not take matters into our own hands. You’ve betrayed the sacred oath you took when you became an Enforcer.” Disgust twisted the captain’s face. “We gave you a chance when you went rogue. Do you have any idea how many hoops Reno jumped through to save your ass? And when he did find you, he twisted my arm, saying you’d be perfect for an undercover job, yet this is how you repay him? Thank God, McRae is here. He can drag your sorry soul to his Rehab clinic and keep you there until I can get charges laid!”

  “McRae? Rehab?” Damien pushed away from Reno and shot a scathing glance at Rafe. “And the shoe finally drops. I can’t believe I was so stupid. And here I thought you might really be a nice guy who got caught up in this mess.” He shifted his gaze to Reno. “Did you put him up to this? Decide to use me for your undercover op and then lock me up in a padded cell once I’d served my purpose?”

  The accusation cut Reno to the quick. “No, of course, not.”

  “We’re like family,” Brandi added.

  “Like hell we are. I don’t need you. Any of you.” A sneer twisted Damien’s mouth, hatre
d blazing in his eyes as he looked at those gathered around him. “There’s no fucking way I’m going into Rehab. You dare talk about betraying my oath—”

  A loud banging on the door interrupted him and had everyone turning. Three Enforcers stood in the entryway, arms folded behind their backs, eyes straight ahead awaiting orders. A fourth man, his insignia proclaiming him to be the leader of the group, looked uncomfortable at having interrupted, but determined to carry out whatever assignment had brought him there.

  “Excuse me, sir. Reporting in that the chopper you ordered is here, sir.”

  Reno gave the man a nod before returning his focus to the matter at hand. “You,” he glared at Damien, “wait for me in the kitchen. We have some talking to do. And you,” he rounded on the captain, “have some prisoners to take back to headquarters.” When the captain would have spoken, Reno growled. “You might outrank me, but right now I don’t give a rat’s ass. You’re out of line and need to cool down.”

  It was obvious Captain Fielding wasn’t accustomed to being chastised by a subordinate, but he didn’t argue. Instead, he stormed out of the house, jerking his head for the Enforcers to follow him. Three did, but the fourth stayed.

  “Yes?” Reno raised a brow, not wanting to talk to the man; he had enough to deal with at the moment.

  “Begging your pardon, sir, but I need to speak to Dr. McRae.”

  “That’s me.” Rafe stepped forward.

  “I’m sorry, sir. But I was asked to give you this message.”

  Frowning, Rafe took the proffered piece of paper, his brow quirked.

  The Enforcer folded his arms behind his back, his expression neutral. “They tried to call, but weren’t getting an answer. I’m to wait for you.”

  Now looking truly puzzled, Rafe unfolded the message and scanned the contents, then slowly crushed the paper in his hand while swearing under his breath. Turning, he leaned against the wall, eyes closed and slowly shaking his head.

  “Dr. McRae?” Brandi approached cautiously, laying a hand on his shoulder. “What is it?”

  He breathed deeply, then spoke in a voice that was just slightly less than steady. “There’s been a fire at my clinic. Some patients were injured. My secretary…Annette…” He paused and cleared his throat. “They haven’t found her, but there’s an unidentified body.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Brandi whispered the words and gave him a hug.

  Reno cursed. “Rafe, if I can help in any way…?”

  Rafe shook his head and stared up at the ceiling, blowing out a long, slow breath. “I have to head back right away. Can you watch out for Eve?”

  “Of course, we will.” Brandi looked at Reno, and he nodded in confirmation.

  Rafe gave the barest hint of a smile. “I’ll just say goodbye to her and grab my things.” He looked at the Enforcer. “Hold the chopper, please. I’ll be going with you.”

  Chapter 50

  Eve stirred, wincing as awareness slowly returned. She felt like she’d been hit by a truck…again. There was a weird sense of déjà vu about waking in a strange bed, her body aching. But this was much better than the last time. Rafe’s scent surrounded her like a comforting blanket and she smiled despite the pain. He’d saved her, somehow finding her in the woods and then bringing her here. Vague images of him tending her wounds came to mind; the feel of his hands stroking her hair, of him whispering words of comfort as he carried her. Nothing had ever felt as good as his arms holding her pressed to his chest.

  There was a soft rustling sound, and she lazily cracked her eyes open. Rafe stood on the far side of the room packing his laptop in a case. In the dim light from the bedside lamp, it was hard to make out his features, but she had no doubt it was him. The shape of his body, the way he moved; it was comforting and familiar, filling her with inexplicable joy. If she hadn’t been so tired, she would have reached out to him mentally and shared the wonderful feeling. Instead she was content to stare at him, visually tracing every feature of his face, each well-defined muscle.

  She must have made some sort of a noise though for he suddenly looked up and, seeing her eyes open, hurried over.

  “Eve?” The mattress dipped as he sat down beside her. Reaching out with his hand, he brushed the hair from her face. Instinctively, she turned her head, nuzzling his palm.

  “Hi.” She whispered the word, hardly believing that he was here, that she was in his bed. To speak loudly might shatter the pleasant dream she was in.

  “Hi yourself.” He drew his thumb gently over her cheek. “How’re you feeling?”

  “Okay. Sore, but okay.”

  “I’ll get you something for the pain.”

  Before she could reply, he left the room and quickly returned with a glass of water and some white tablets. Only after she’d taken them and drank all the water, did he sit down beside her.

  “They’ll start to work soon. But it’ll be a few days before you recuperate from all you’ve been through.”

  Eve frowned, vividly recalling the wolf attack, being abducted by Gordie, running through the woods…

  “What is it?” Rafe touched a finger to the vertical line between her eyebrows.

  “I’m just thinking of everything that happened today.” Her voice quavered as she relived some of the terrifying moments.

  “That’s okay. It’s better to let it out.”

  “Hold me?” The words slipped out before she could stop them, but Rafe obliged without hesitation.

  Lying down on the bed beside her, he enfolded her in his arms, pressing her to his chest. “Better?”

  “Mmm.” She murmured indistinctly, relaxing into his strength and warmth, enjoying the comforting sound of his heartbeat, and the scent that was uniquely him.

  He pressed a kiss to her brow. “What do you remember?”

  “Pretty much everything. The only thing that’s a bit foggy is near the end when you found me in the woods. I have this strange memory…or maybe it’s a dream…of you and Damien as wolves.”

  “Really? How do you feel about that?” Rafe’s voice was calm, his hand rubbing her back in a soothing rhythm. If she hadn’t been pressed closed to him she might have missed the slight stiffening of his body.

  “How do I feel about it?” She lifted her head so she could see his face, surprised that he’d have to ask. “Being attacked by that wolf was the most terrifying thing that has ever happened to me. I think it scared me as much as realizing Gordie had kidnapped me and might kill me. I mean, Gordie was a person, but wild animals…”

  “Since the wolf really did attack you—inflict physical harm—that makes sense. But how do you feel about this…supposed dream…of Damien and I being wolves? I’m assuming we didn’t hurt you.”

  “No. Of course not.” She lay back down and snuggled close to him. “You know, it’s sort of strange but when I was attacked, two other wolves appeared and I almost had the impression that they were trying to save me. They knocked the first wolf off me then…” Pausing, she licked her lips then shook her head. “No. I’m probably not remembering things clearly. A wolf is a wolf. I doubt I’ll ever be able to think of them in a positive light again. They’re horrid beasts with fangs and claws.” Lifting her head, she looked at him, her eyes wide with remembered fear. “You or Damien becoming one of them—even though I know it was just a weird dream…well…it scares me to death!” A shiver ran over her, and Rafe pressed her head to his chest. Holding her tightly, he rubbed his hands up and down her back over and over.

  He was silent, but she didn’t mind. It had been an exhausting day and already she could feel her eyelids growing heavy. She traced an idle pattern over his chest, feeling the hard muscles beneath his shirt.

  “Eve?” His voice rumbled in his chest, the vibration ticklish beneath her cheek.

  “Hmm?” She murmured distractedly, the pain killers taking affect. Her eyelids closed, and she forced them open, but they quickly shut again.

  “I… I wish you well.”

  She smiled at the u
nusual turn of phrase and would have questioned him about it but sleep overtook her.

  As Eve’s breathing grew deeper, Rafe eased himself off the bed. Carefully, he tucked the covers around her, pausing to study her features one last time. So pale and delicate. He stroked her hair, marvelling yet again at the silky, white blonde strands, then noted the faint curve of her lips.

  Even in sleep there was a hint of the imp that her Fae heritage had graced her with. He liked how it wasn’t a constant but rather appeared at the oddest moments; the way she teased him, making him laugh. There hadn’t been a lot of laughter in his life until she came along.

  Slowly, he leaned forward to press a kiss to her forehead. He allowed his lips to linger, knowing this would be the last time he’d ever have an opportunity to be this close to her. All along, he’d known a relationship with her wouldn’t work. The abduction had made him temporarily lose sight of that fact. Now…now she’d said she was terrified of wolves, and who could blame her? But it meant there was no chance they could ever be together. Lycan blood flowed in his veins, and his wolf was a part of him she’d never accept.

  Forcing himself to move away from the bed, he grabbed his duffle bag and slung it over his shoulder. He was needed at his clinic. The rogues who were patients there would require temporary housing; his staff would need help getting reorganized. And Annette… Someone would have to identify her body. She didn’t have any family that he was aware of. Hell, what a mess.

  Rafe placed his hand on the doorknob and stared blankly at the wooden panel in front of him. Once he left this room, it was all over. He’d be caught up in life at the clinic, rebuilding, working with clients, on call day and night in case one was in crisis. His plan of turning the cabins into a halfway house of sorts for rogues would slowly fade. And his relationship with Eve…it had never really had a chance. He tightened his fingers on the handle, wanting to turn around, to look at her one more time, to share one more kiss, one more bridging of their minds. Instead, he pulled the door open and stepped into the brighter light of the hallway. They said a clean break was the easiest, but that didn’t make it any less painful.