Read Between The Land And The Sea Page 15


  On Sunday I went down to the pier on a fruitless search for Lorelei. I’d stealthily snuck out of the house, tiptoeing my way past Cruz’s room. I knew if he saw me he’d try to talk me out of my plan again, and I preferred to avoid his heartfelt pleas. Megan and Cruz were dead-set against my meeting with her; they had no idea why I was being so stubborn.

  They saw her as the supernatural creature that had nearly killed me, and I saw her as the key to unlocking the mystery of my past. I wasn’t about to be swayed by their fears.

  I trudged up the stairs with my head down, disappointed. I should have gone to the farmer’s market, I thought ruefully. I almost ran straight into my worried friends tearing headlong down the stairs.

  “Thank God!” Cruz cried dramatically when he saw me, “we thought you were out to sea again!”

  “Yeah–Mermaid bait!” Megan pressed her lips together disapprovingly.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” I said glumly, “I didn’t even bring my wetsuit.”

  This was one logistical problem I needed to work out. I probably couldn’t just strip down to don my wetsuit on the cement boat, even if Lorelei created a distraction. I suppose I could try walking to the water wearing it, but getting there would be unbearably hot. I could change at the beach and try to hide my clothes, or maybe put them in a plastic bag and take them with me. I remembered how fast Lorelei sped through the water.

  I was pretty sure I’d need my hands free.

  It would be really helpful to have an accomplice. Cruz and Megan were adamantly opposed, and even though I knew they were genuinely concerned for my welfare, I found their constant scolding to be increasingly irritating. The desire to know more about my mother intensified, a glowing ember that burned hotter and brighter within me as time passed. I found myself willing to take a reckless chance, despite the promises I had made to Abby, Dad, and Ethan.

  I was dreading returning to art class, because now I knew that the rumors about me were flying. I wondered what would happen if I skipped out on it for a few days. The school would probably call Abby, and now that she was finally starting to ease up on me I didn’t want to rock the boat. I couldn’t afford to have any more trouble after winding up in the hospital, and one more event might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, driving my father to send me into a prison-like boarding school.

  I couldn’t bear the thought of being forced to leave Aptos with so much unfinished business. My encounter with Lorelei played over and over in my mind, refusing to leave me in peace. It felt like I was on the verge of something monumental–questions about my mother that had been stifled my whole life started gnawing at me again. I scrutinized Megan and Cruz, for there must be a way to make them cooperate without having to confess everything.

  “Come on guys,” I said cheerily. “Let’s go home and check out the latest masterpiece.”

  Cruz had been sewing like a man possessed, refusing to allow anyone into his room. He’d promised to unveil his newest design today, and I was really curious about it. I’d spotted him slipping in the house with bags of fabric, noticing a change from his typical black color palette. I was eager to see what he’d come up with.

  “Ooh, we finally get to see the covert collection!” Megan said, teasing Cruz about his sudden secrecy for the rest of the walk home.

  We plunked down on the couch while Cruz went to retrieve his work. He returned brandishing a hanger held high, eliciting simultaneous gasps from Megan and me. He held up a long gown that was unlike anything we’d seen from Cruz before.

  Ethereally beautiful, it seemed to be floating, suspended in the air like a cloud. It had a fitted strapless bodice that shimmered in the lightest aqua, with a long full skirt that flowed down to the floor, embellished with hundreds of tiny fluttery ruffles. It reflected the colors of a stormy sea, gleaming like iridescent fish scales in shades of pale slate and rich aqua silk. It was a fantasy ball gown, and the mermaid influence was clear.

  He stood there, holding the hanger up anxiously. “Well?”

  Megan and I rushed over for a closer look.

  “Cruz, it’s stunning!” I exclaimed.

  “You’ve outdone yourself!” Megan cried.

  “It’s Lorelei, isn’t it,” I said with a wide smile. “She inspired you!”

  Cruz smiled shyly. “Will you try it on?”

  “Sure,” I said enthusiastically, suddenly inspired myself. “I’ll give you a fashion show!”

  I took it into my room and slipped it on. It fit as though it was destiny, flattering my shape and perfect with my coloring. It was the most beautiful dress I’d ever worn, and I was determined to do it justice. Studying my face in the mirror I thought of Lorelei and smiled. I scrambled to get out my makeup kit.

  Aunt Evie was compulsive about buying makeup and hair products; thanks to her I was the owner of a huge tackle-box crammed with every color and variety of cosmetics known to mankind. Evie couldn’t pass a makeup display without succumbing to the siren song of salesgirls, luring her with gleaming pots, jars and tubes of the latest lotions and potions. She was known by name at all the perfume and cosmetic counters in San Francisco’s high end department stores, and she relished the attention, never encountering a new beautifying elixir she didn’t absolutely have to possess.

  Consequently, I was treated to all the makeovers and makeup a girl could possibly want. It pleased Evie to see the salesladies dote on me and boy did they know it. Watching them, I got to be a pretty good makeup artist, and Evie even let me do her face sometimes. I decided to create a high fashion look for Cruz’s show and I giggled at the thought of his reaction.

  I quickly teased my hair up a little bit and scattered loads of tiny rhinestone hair-pins into it. It wasn’t the coppery blonde of Lorelei’s, but it did look sparkly, like it was wet, and my time in the sun and saltwater had added streaks of rust to my regular dark brown. The smell of the hairspray brought on a little twinge of nostalgia, reminding me of all the times I’d sat and watched Evie’s stylist torture her hair into submission.

  Rummaging through all the tubes and compacts I found a dark teal pencil and lined my eyes, smudging the edges and loading mascara on the top lashes. I applied a sheer glittering lotion to my arms and décolletage, and brushed a pale frosty gloss on my lips and cheeks, standing back to admire the effect. I looked cool, like a painting.

  There was a rapid-fire series of knocks on the door and Megan’s voice called out, “Marina, do you need any help?”

  “Come in,” I replied.

  She did a double take, crying, “Holy cow! You look like you just sprang from the sea!”

  “That was the plan,” I said, pleased.

  We went through my shoes and picked out a pair of heels that worked with the dress. I saw Megan eying my giant makeup box and was suddenly inspired.

  “Sit down!” I ordered. Megan complied, and I quickly went to work. Doing my best cosmetic counter girl impression I started a professional makeover.

  “You are an autumn,” I announced with authority. I lightly patted foundation around her eyes and dusted her with powder. I penciled her lids with a dark brown, explaining how to focus on the outer edges and “blend, blend, blend” as one particularly chirpy salesgirl used to say. Enhancing her brows and contouring her cheeks really brought out her pretty eyes. I pulled her hair back into a chic chignon and stood back. She looked awesome, and I congratulated myself.

  Megan inspected her reflection, turning her face from side to side. She looked up at me with a surprised smile.

  “Wow, Marina! You’re an artist.”

  “Now go!” I hustled her out. “Announce Cruz’s creation.”

  I waited in the doorway to make my grand entrance, excitedly anticipating his reaction.

  “Oh my God!” I heard Cruz screech, “who are you and what have you done with Megan?” I smiled to myself, pleased. She really did look awesome. I stepped out into the hallway and paused.

  “Presenting,” Megan announ
ced bombastically, “the latest creation from the famed couturier, Cruz Vanderpool!”

  I strutted down the hallway like it was a runway, doing my very best impersonation of a high fashion model. Evie would have loved it. Cruz’s eyes flew open wide, and he clasped his hands together at his chest with a rapturous expression. I tried not to grin, keeping the haughty, pained look on my face that I’d seen sported by the models walking in the runway shows Evie had taken me to.

  Suddenly the discomfort was all too real.

  It struck me sharply, blooming right behind my eyes. The blinding pain was accompanied by a vision of Cruz, an older Cruz, basking in the admiration of a crowd of people. He was surrounded by a flock of photographers and reporters. I pressed my palm to my forehead and squeezed my eyes shut. It was as real as if I was standing there.

  I looked up at Cruz, equally awestruck.

  “You will be famous in the future.”

  Cruz and Megan stood frozen, shocked looks on their faces. The pain in my head began to slowly recede. I dropped my hand. “What?” I asked. “What’s wrong?”

  “Marina,” Megan said gently, “you just … you just … talked mermaid.” She spoke slowly, as if trying to soften the blow.


  At that moment the front door opened to reveal Abby and Ethan. Three heads snapped towards the door.

  “Hi kids,” Abby announced, rummaging through her purse. “The dang battery went dead on the Volvo and Ethan was nice enough to give me a–” she looked up, taking the three of us in. “My goodness!” she exclaimed, “Marina, you look amazing! Cruz, did you make that?” She smiled in surprise. “And Megan, look at you!” Abby continued in past our stunned group. “I’ve invited Ethan for supper; he’s going to take you guys to school tomorrow while I get the car fixed. Ethan, come on in and have a seat.”

  Abby invited Megan to join us for dinner and hurried off for the kitchen, leaving us all standing where she’d found us. I was in shock from my prophetic vision. Megan and Cruz were in shock because apparently I had just gargled incomprehensibly, and poor Ethan …

  He stood at the doorway, agog. I think my extreme makeup and dress had shocked him.

  Megan recovered first. “Come in and sit down.” She led Ethan over to the couch, and went back to close the front door.

  “We were having a fashion show with Cruz’s latest design,” she explained.

  Ethan nodded slowly and turned to Cruz, his eyes wide. “You made that?” he asked, looking back at the dress.

  “Uhm, yeah,” Cruz replied sheepishly.

  “Wow, you’re really good,” Ethan said sincerely. He looked up at my face. “You look like a mythological creature.”

  Abby came back in with four glasses in her hands. “I made some lemonade. Dinner will be ready in half an hour.” She bustled out, leaving us all holding a glass and a dazed look on our faces.

  “Come on, Marina, let’s go get changed,” said Megan, grabbing me by the arm and pulling me down the hallway. I undressed mechanically, and Megan helped me hang the gown and pull the pins out of my hair. I put on some clothes and wiped off most of the makeup. I sat on the bed numbly.

  “How can you possibly know how to talk like her?” asked Megan.

  I looked up at her, stricken. “I don’t know,” I lied. Tears welled up in my eyes. Now I knew for sure that I was some kind of half-breed freak.

  Megan bent down to give me a hug. “Don’t be upset–I think it’s pretty cool. I mean, what if you have some kinda magical mermaid super powers? That can’t be all bad!”

  I smiled up at her gratefully. “I guess since I can hear her …”

  She sat down by my side. “Marina, what did you say to us out there?” she asked gravely.

  “I said that Cruz was going to be famous. I sort of … saw … him in my mind being interviewed.” I bit my lip. “In the future.”

  Megan looked at me thoughtfully. I could see the wheels turning as she puzzled it out.

  “It looked like it was at a fashion show,” I added quietly.

  Megan patted my back. “Let’s go out there and rescue Cruz,” she said with forced cheer. “He must be dying!” When we made our way back down the hall we were shocked to see Cruz showing Ethan some of the other pieces from his collection. They looked up at us.

  “These are really good,” said Ethan. “Cruz is gonna be famous.”

  “We know,” Megan and I said in chorus. Everybody laughed and the tension in the room eased up a little.

  We all sat down and talked about how talented Cruz was. He looked shyly pleased.

  “Cruz is going to study fashion design in the city next fall,” announced Megan proudly.

  “If I can save up enough,” Cruz added.

  “Oh you will,” I said. “I know it.” Megan looked at me meaningfully.

  Charlie the cat came strutting down the hallway, looking us all over before jumping up on the couch, finally planting himself on Ethan’s lap.

  “He likes you!” Cruz said, surprised. “I’ve hardly seen him since Marina showed up. He practically lives on her bed!”

  Ethan stroked Charlie and he settled down, purring loudly. Cruz started gushing about Megan’s singing and we were both shocked when she agreed to perform for us. She went out to her car to get her guitar. Cruz turned to me with amused eyes.

  “It must be your makeover,” he said with a shrug.

  Megan sang us a song and was every bit as good as I remembered. I looked at Ethan to see his reaction and found him staring at me intently again. I nervously broke eye contact and focused on Megan, encouraging her to sing a few more before she lost her nerve. Abby poked her head around the corner and smiled with delight to see us all getting along so well.

  Cruz told Ethan about how they coaxed me onto the roller coaster at the boardwalk.

  “She thought it looked like a death-trap,” he laughed. “She said it looked as bad as some of the trains in India!”

  “You should see them,” I said defensively, remembering the rickety overcrowded cars.

  Megan joined in, “Yeah, but when we finally convinced her to go she had to do it again and again! My hips were bruised for days!”

  “She said it reminded her of bad turbulence!” Cruz laughed. “Can you believe it was her first roller coaster ride ever?”

  “You’re lucky,” Ethan smiled at me, charming me with the way his eyes crinkled up at the corners. “It’s a great one for your first time.”

  Abby poked her head around the corner. “Soup’s on!”

  We all sat down to a spaghetti dinner that wasn’t all that awful. I wondered why Ethan had agreed to come in to eat. Abby chatted away with everyone, asking about school and talking with Ethan about his work in the garden. I listened carefully, impressed by his knowledge of plants, but startled a little every time I looked up and met his eyes.

  We finished eating and Abby cleared off the table while Cruz walked Megan out to her car. I got up to start doing the dishes and Ethan insisted on helping me. He stood by my side, drying and stacking the plates I handed him.

  “So, how do you like Aptos?” he asked me, his fingertips brushing mine.

  “I like it here; it feels like home now,” I said, “but I could live without the high school part.”

  He laughed a little. “What was your last school like?”

  “I never went to school before,” I said, realizing how weird I must seem.

  “Really?” he asked, looking surprised.

  “I mean, you know, I had tutors…”

  “Wow,” he said. “So everything’s new to you.”

  “Um, yeah,” I didn’t elaborate. There was an awkward pause.

  “Megan was really good,” he said, moving a step closer, “and I didn’t realize Cruz could make clothes like that.”

  “Yeah.” I agreed with a nod. “They’re both pretty amazing.”

  “You bring out the best in them,” Ethan observed, watching me closely again.

  “Me? I
don’t deserve any credit for their talent,” I said, looking at him suspiciously.

  “I just mean, well, you’re just kinda, I dunno … inspirational.”

  I didn’t know what to say about that, so I said nothing at all. We finished the dishes, and Ethan reminded me that he’d pick us up in the morning. I walked him to the door where he thanked Abby and said goodbye.

  Collapsing into bed, my mind started racing. I had to find out the truth as soon as possible. The image I’d seen of Cruz in the future shook me to the core. I don’t know how I knew, but I was absolutely certain that it was real–as sure as I was about anything. The fact that my vision of Cruz was blurted out in mermaid was another piece of the puzzle I knew I must solve.

  I had to find Lorelei, and now I was truly desperate to know more about my mother. Tossing and turning in bed, every time I’d ever questioned my father and been put off kept crashing into my consciousness. Clearly, a lifetime of pretending it didn’t matter had taken up more energy than I realized.

  Baggage handcuffed to my wrist, unanswered questions I’d been dragging around my whole life tortured me, refusing to be ignored any longer.


  I fought to sleep, and when I finally drifted off my dreams were filled with violent visions of two mermaids fighting. Their horrendous shrieks filled my ears, and the water was churned to foam by the thrashing of their tails.
