Read Beverly of Graustark Page 20



  "Why, good evening. Is that you?" struggled somewhat hystericallythrough Beverly's lips. Not since the dear old days of the stolen jamand sugar-bits had she known the feelings of a culprit caughtred-handed. The light from the park lamps revealed a merry, accusingsmile on the face of Yetive, but the faces of the men wereserious. Marlanx was the picture of suppressed fury.

  "It is the relief expedition, your highness," said Yetive warmly. "Wethought you were lost in the wilds of the jungle."

  "She is much better protected than we could have imagined," said theIron Count, malevolently mild and polite.

  "Can't I venture into the park without being sent for?" asked Beverly,ready to fly into the proper rage. The pink had left her cheekswhite. "I am proud to observe, however, that the relief expedition iscomposed of the most distinguished people in all Graustark. Is there anysignificance to be attached to the circumstance?"

  "Can't we also go strolling in the park, my dear?" plaintively askedYetive.

  "It depends upon where we stroll, I fancy," suggested Marlanxderisively. Beverly flashed a fierce look at the head of the army. "Bythe way, Baron Dangloss, where is the incomparable Haddan?"

  Baldos shot a startled glance at the two men and in an instantcomprehension came to him. He knew the secret of Haddan's constantcompanionship. An expression of bitter scorn settled upon his mouth,Dangloss mumbled a reply, at which the Iron Count laughed sarcastically.

  "I am returning to the castle," said Beverly coldly, "Pray don't let meinterfere with your stroll. Or is it possible that you think itnecessary to deliver me safely to my nurse, now that you have found me?"

  "Don't be angry, dear," whispered Yetive, coming close to her side. "Iwill tell you all about it later on. It was all due to Count Marlanx."

  "It was all done to humiliate me," replied Beverly, indignationsurpassing confusion at last. "I hate all of you."

  "Oh, Beverly!" whispered the princess, in distress.

  "Well, perhaps _you_ were led into it," retracted Beverly, halfmollified. "Look at that old villain whispering over there. No wonderhis wives up and died. They just _had_ to do it. I hate all but youand Count Halfont and Baron Dangloss," which left but one condemned.

  "And Baldos?" added Yetive, patting her hand.

  "I wish you'd be sensible," cried Beverly, most ungraciously, andYetive's soft laugh irritated her. "How long had you been listening tous?"

  "Not so much as the tiniest part of a minute," said Yetive, recallinganother disastrous eavesdropping. "I am much wiser than when Baldosfirst came to serve you. We were quite a distance behind Count Marlanx,I assure you."

  "Then _he_ heard something?" asked Beverly anxiously.

  "He has been in a detestable mood ever since we rejoined him. Could hehave heard anything disagreeable?"

  "No; on the contrary, it was quite agreeable."

  All this time Baldos was standing at attention a few paces off, a modelsoldier despite the angry shifting of his black eyes. He saw that theyhad been caught in a most unfortunate position. No amount of explainingcould remove the impression that had been forced upon the witnesses,voluntary or involuntary as the case might be. Baldos could do nothingto help her, while she was compelled to face the suspicions of her bestfriends. At best it could be considered nothing short of a clandestinemeeting, the consequences of which she must suffer, not he. In hisheated brain he was beginning to picture scandal with all the disgustingdetails that grow out of evil misrepresentation.

  Count Halfont separated himself from the group of three and advanced tothe sedan-chair. Marlanx and Dangloss were arguing earnestly in lowtones.

  "Shall we return, your highness?" asked Halfont, addressing both withone of his rarest smiles. "If I remember aright, we were to dine _enfamille_ to-night, and it is well upon the hour. Besides, CountMarlanx is a little distressed by your absent-mindedness, Miss Beverly,and I fancy he is eager to have it out with you."

  "My absent-mindedness? What is it that I have forgotten?" asked Beverly,puckering her brow.

  "That's the trouble, dear," said Yetive. "You forgot your promise toteach him how to play that awful game called poker. He has waited foryou at the castle since six o'clock. It is now eight. Is it any wonderthat he led the searching party? He has been on nettles for an hour anda half."

  "Goodness, I'll wager he's in a temper!" exclaimed Beverly, with noremorse, but some apprehension.

  "It would be wisdom to apologize to him," suggested Yetive, and heruncle nodded earnestly.

  "All right. I think I can get him into good humor without halftrying. Oh, Count Marlanx! Come here, please. You aren't angry with me,are you? Wasn't it awful for me to run away and leave you to playsolitaire instead of poker? But, don't you know, I was so wretchedlytired after the ride, and I knew you wouldn't mind if I--" and so sheran glibly on, completely forestalling him, to the secret amusement ofthe others. Nevertheless, she was nervous and embarrassed over thesituation. There was every reason to fear that the Iron Count had heardand seen enough to form a pretty good opinion of what had passed betweenherself and Baldos in this remote corner of the park. A deep sense ofshame was taking possession of her.

  Marlanx, smiling significantly, looked into her brave little face, andpermitted her to talk on until she had run out of breath andcomposure. Then he bowed with exaggerated gallantry and informed herthat he was hers to command, and that it was not for him to forgive butto accept whatever was her gracious pleasure. He called upon thechair-bearers and they took up their burden. Beverly promptly changedher mind and concluded to walk to the castle. And so they started off,the chair going ahead as if out of commission forever. Despite herefforts to do so, the American girl (feeling very much abused, by theway), was unsuccessful in the attempt to keep the princess at herside. Yetive deliberately walked ahead with Halfont and Dangloss. Itseemed to Beverly that they walked unnecessarily fast and that Marlanxwas provokingly slow. Baldos was twenty paces behind, as was his custom.

  "Is it necessary for me to ask you to double the number of lessons I amto have?" Marlanx asked. He was quite too close to her side to pleaseBeverly.

  "Can't you learn in one lesson? Most Americans think they know all aboutpoker after the first game."

  "I am not so quick-witted, your highness."

  "Far be it from me to accelerate your wits, Count Marlanx. It might notbe profitable."

  "You might profit by losing, you know," he ventured, leaning stillcloser, "Poker is not the only game of chance. It was chance that gaveme a winning hand this evening."

  "I don't understand."

  "It shall be my pleasure to teach you in return for instructions I am tohave. I have tried to teach your excellent guard one phase of thegame. He has not profited, I fear. He has been blind enough to pick alosing hand in spite of my advice. It is the game of hearts." Beverlycould not but understand. She shrank away with a shudder. Her wits didnot desert her, however.

  "I know the game," she said steadily. "One's object is to cast off allthe hearts. I have been very lucky at the game, Count Marlanx."

  "Umph!" was his ironical comment. "Ah, isn't this a night for lovers?"he went on, changing tack suddenly. "To stroll in the shadows, whereeven the moon is blind, is a joy that love alone provides. Come, fairmistress, share this joy with me."

  With that his hand closed over her soft arm above the elbow and she wasdrawn close to his side. Beverly's first shock of revulsion wassucceeded by the distressing certainty that Baldos was a helplesswitness of this indignity. She tried to jerk her arm away, but he heldit tight.

  "Release my arm, sir!" she cried, hoarse with passion.

  "Call your champion, my lady. It will mean his death. I have evidencethat will insure his conviction and execution within an hour. Nothingcould Call him, I say, and--"

  "I _will_ call him. He is my sworn protector, and I will commandhim to knock you down if you don't go away," she flared, stoppingdecisively.

  "At his peril--"
  "Baldos!" she called, without a second's hesitation. The guard came upwith a rush just as Marlanx released her arm and fell away with amuttered imprecation.

  "Your highness!" cried Baldos, who had witnessed everything.

  "Are you afraid to die?" she demanded briefly; and clearly.


  "That is all," she said, suddenly calm. "I merely wanted to prove it toCount Marlanx." Tact had come to her relief most opportunely. Like aflash she saw that a conflict between the commander of the army and aguard could have but one result and that disastrous to the latter. Oneword from her would have ended everything for Baldos. She saw throughthe Iron Count's ruse as if by divine inspiration and profited where heleast expected her to excel in shrewdness. Marlanx had deliberatelyinvited the assault by the guard. His object had been to snare Baldosinto his own undoing, and a horrible undoing it would have been. Oneblow would have secured the desired result. Nothing could have saved theguard who had struck his superior officer. But Beverly thought in time.

  "To die is easy, your highness. You have but to ask it of me," saidBaldos, whose face was white and drawn.

  "She has no intention of demanding such a pleasant sacrifice" observedCount Marlanx, covering his failure skilfully. "Later on, perhaps, shemay sign your death warrant. I am proud to hear, sir, that a member ofmy corps has the courage to face the inevitable, even though he be analien and unwilling to die on the field of battle. You have mycompliments, sir. You have been on irksome duty for several hours andmust be fatigued as well as hungry. A soldier suffers many deprivations,not the least of which is starvation in pursuit of his calling. Mess isnot an unwelcome relief to you after all these arduous hours. You mayreturn to the barracks at once. The princess is under my care for theremainder of the campaign."

  Baldos looked first at her and then at the sarcastic old general. Yetiveand her companions were waiting for them at the fountain, a hundredyards ahead.

  "You may go, Baldos," said Beverly in low tones.

  "I am not fatigued nor--" he began eagerly.

  "Go!" snarled Marlanx. "Am I to repeat a command to you? Do you ignorethe word of your mistress?" There was a significant sneer in the way hesaid it.

  "Mistress?" gasped Baldos, his eye blazing, his arm half raised.

  "Count Marlanx!" implored Beverly, drawing herself to her full heightand staring at him like a wounded thing.

  "I humbly implore you not to misconstrue the meaning of the term, yourhighness," said the Count affably, "Ah, you have droppedsomething. Permit me. It is a note of some description, I think."

  He stooped quickly--too quickly--and recovered from the ground at herfeet the bit of paper which had fallen from her hand. It was the notefrom Ravone to Baldos which Beverly had forgotten in the excitement ofthe encounter.

  "Count Marlanx, give me that paper!" demanded Beverly breathlessly.

  "Is it a love-letter? Perhaps it is intended for me. At any rate, yourhighness, it is safe against my heart for the time being. When we reachthe castle I shall be happy to restore it. It is safer with me. Come, wego one way and--have you not gone, sir?" in his most sarcastic tone tothe guard. Beverly was trembling.

  "No, I have not; and I shall not go until I see you obey the command ofher highness. She has asked you for that piece of paper," said Baldos,standing squarely in front of Marlanx.

  "Insolent dog! Do you mean to question my--"

  "Give over that paper!"

  "If you strike me, fellow, it will be--"

  "If I strike you it will be to kill, Count Marlanx. The paper, sir."Baldos towered over the Iron Count and there was danger in hisdare-devil voice. "Surely, sir, I am but obeying your owninstructions. 'Protect the princess and all that is hers, with yourlife,' you have said to me."

  "Oh, I wish you hadn't done this, Baldos," cried Beverly,panic-stricken.

  "You have threatened my life. I shall not forget it, fool. Here is theprecious note, your highness, with my condolences to the writer."Marlanx passed the note to her and then looked triumphantly at theguard. "I daresay you have done all you can, sir. Do you wish to addanything more?"

  "What can one do when dealing with his superior and finds him adespicable coward?" said Baldos, with cool irony. "You are reputed to bea brave soldier. I know that to be false or I would ask you to draw thesword you carry and--" He was drawing his sword as he spoke.

  "Baldos!" implored Beverly. Her evident concern infuriated Marlanx. Inhis heart he knew Baldos to be a man of superior birth and a foeman notto be despised from his own station. Carried away by passion, he flashedhis sword from its sheath.

  "You have drawn on me, sir," he snarled. "I must defend myself againsteven such as you. You will find that I am no coward. Time is short foryour gallant lover, madam."

  Before she could utter a word of protest the blades had clashed and theywere hungry for blood. It was dark in the shadows of the trees and thetrio were quite alone with their tragedy. She heard Baldos laughrecklessly in response to Marlanx's cry of:

  "Oh, the shame of fighting with such carrion as you!"

  "Don't jest at a time like this, count," said the guard,softly. "Remember that I lose, no matter which way it goes. If you killme I lose, if I beat you I lose. Remember, you can still have me shotfor insubordination and conduct unbecoming--"

  "Stop!" almost shrieked Beverly. At risk of personal injury she rushedbetween the two swordsmen. Both drew back and dropped their points. Nota dozen passes had been made.

  "I beg your highness's pardon," murmured Baldos, but he did not sheathehis sword.

  "He forced it upon me," cried Marlanx triumphantly. "You were witness toit all. I was a fool to let it go as far as this. Put up your sworduntil another day--if that day ever comes to you."

  "He will have you shot for this, Baldos," cried Beverly in herterror. Baldos laughed bitterly.

  "Tied and blindfolded, too, your highness, to prove that he is a braveman and not a coward. It was short but it was sweet. Would that you hadlet the play go on. There was a spice in it that made life worth livingand death worth the dying. Have you other commands for me, yourhighness?" His manner was so cool and defiant that she felt the tearsspring to her eyes.

  "Only that you put up your sword and end this miserable affair by goingto your--your room."

  "It is punishment enough. To-morrow's execution can be no harder."

  Marlanx had been thinking all this time. Into his soul came the thrillof triumph, the consciousness of a mighty power. He saw the chance tobenefit by the sudden clash and he was not slow to seize it.

  "Never fear, my man," he said easily, "it won't be as bad as that. I canwell afford to overlook your indiscretion of to-night. There will be noexecution, as you call it. This was an affair between men not betweenman and the state. Our gracious referee is to be our judge. It is forher to pardon and to condemn. It was very pretty while it lasted and youare too good a swordsman to be shot. Go your way, Baldos, and rememberme as Marlanx the man, not Marlanx the general. As your superiorofficer, I congratulate and commend you upon the manner in which youserve the princess."

  "You will always find me ready to fight and to die for her" said Baldosgravely. "Do you think you can remember that. Count Marlanx?"

  "I have an excellent memory," said the count steadily. With a gracefulsalute to Beverly, Baldos turned and walked away in the darkness.

  "A perfect gentleman, Miss Calhoun, but a wretched soldier," saidMarlanx grimly.

  "He is a hero," she said quietly, a great calmness coming over her. "Doyou mean it when you say you are not going to have him punished? He didonly what a man should do, and I glory in his folly."

  "I may as well tell you point blank that you alone can save him. He doesnot deserve leniency. It is in my power and it is my province to havehim utterly destroyed, not only for this night's work, but for other andbetter reasons. I have positive proof that he is a spy. He knows I havethis proof. That is why he would have killed me just now. It is for youto say whether he shall meet t
he fate of a spy or go unscathed. You havebut to exchange promises with me and the estimable guardsman goesfree--but he goes from Edelweiss forever. To-day he met the enemy'sscouts in the hills, as you know quite well. Messages were exchanged,secretly, which you do not know of, of course. Before another day isgone I expect to see the results of his treachery. There may bemanifestations to-night. You do not believe me, but wait and see if I amnot right. He is one of Gabriel's cleverest spies."

  "I do not believe it. You shall not accuse him of such things," shecried. "Besides, if he is a spy why should you shield him for my sake?Don't you owe it to Graustark to expose--"

  "Here is the princess," said he serenely. "Your highness," addressingYetive, "Miss Calhoun has a note which she refuses to let anyone readbut you. Now, my dear young lady, you may give it directly into thehands of her highness."

  Beverly gave him a look of scorn, but without a second's hesitationplaced the missive in Yetive's hand. The Iron Count's jaw dropped, andhe moistened his lips with his tongue two or three times. Something toldhim that a valuable chance had gone.

  "I shall be only too happy to have your highness read the result of myfirst lesson in the Graustark language," she said, smiling gaily uponthe count.

  Two men in uniform came rushing up to the party, manifestlyexcited. Saluting the general, both began to speak at once.

  "One at a time," commanded the count. "What is it?"

  Other officers of the guard and a few noblemen from the castle came up,out of breath.

  "We have discerned signal fires in the hills, your excellency," said oneof the men from the fort. "There is a circle of fires and they meansomething important. For half an hour they have been burning near themonastery; also in the valley below and on the mountains to the south."

  There was an instant of deathly silence, as if the hearers awaited acrash. Marlanx looked steadily at Beverly's face and she saw thetriumphant, accusing gleam in his eyes. Helplessly she stared into thecrowd of faces. Her eyes fell upon Baldos, who suddenly appeared in thebackground. His face wore a hunted, imploring look. The next instant hedisappeared among the shadows.