Read Beverly of Graustark Page 23



  She shrank back with a great dread in her heart. Marlanx, of all men!Why was he in the park at this hour of the night? There could be but oneanswer, and the very thought of it almost suffocated her. He was drawingthe net with his own hands, he was spying with his own eyes. For a fullminute it seemed to her that her heart would stop beating. How long hadhe been standing there? What had he seen or heard? Involuntarily shepeered over the rail for a glimpse of Baldos. He had gone out into thedarkness, missing the men at the lamp-post either by choice or throughpure good fortune. A throb of thankfulness assailed her heart. She wasnot thinking of her position, but of his.

  Again she drew stealthily away from the rail, possessed of a ridiculousfeeling that her form was as plain to the vision as if it were broaddaylight. The tread of a man impelled her to glance below once morebefore fleeing to her room. Marlanx was coming toward the verandah. Shefled swiftly, pausing at the window to lower the friendly but forgottenumbrella. From below came the sibilant hiss of a man seeking to attracther attention. Once more she stopped to listen. The "hist" was repeated,and then her own name was called softly but imperatively. It was beyondthe power of woman to keep from laughing. It struck her as irresistiblyfunny that the Iron Count should be standing out there in the rain,signaling to her like a love-sick boy. Once she was inside, however, itdid not seem so amusing. Still, it gave her an immense amount ofsatisfaction to slam the windows loudly, as if in pure defiance. Thenshe closed the blinds, shutting out the night completely.

  Turning up the light at her dressing-table, she sat down in a state ofsudden collapse. For a long time she stared at her face in themirror. She saw the red of shame and embarrassment mount to her cheeksand then she covered her eyes with her hands.

  "Oh, what a fool you've been," she half sobbed, shrinking from themirror as if it were an accuser.

  She prepared for bed with frantic haste. Just as she was about toscramble in and hide her face in the pillows, a shocking thought came toher. The next she was at the windows and the slats were closed with arattle like a volley of firearms. Then she jumped into bed. She wonderedif the windows were locked. Out she sprang again like a flash, and herlittle bare feet scurried across the room, first to the windows and thento the door.

  "Now, I reckon I'm safe," she murmured a moment later, again gettinginto bed. "I love to go to sleep with the rain pattering outside likethat. Oh, dear, I'm so sorry he has to walk all night In this rain.Poor fellow! I wonder where he is now. Goodness, it's raining cats anddogs!"

  But in spite of the rain she could not go to sleep. Vague fears began totake possession of her. Something dreadful told her that Count Marlanxwas on the balcony and at her window, notwithstanding the rain pour. Thefear became oppressive, maddening. She felt the man's presence almost asstrongly as if he were in plain view. He was there, she knew it.

  The little revolver that had served her so valiantly at the Inn of theHawk and Raven lay upon a stool near the bedside every night. Consumedby the fear that the window might open slowly at any moment, she reachedforth and clutched the weapon. Then she shrank back in the bed, her eyesfixed upon the black space across the room. For hours she shivered andwaited for the window to open, dozing away time and again only to comeback to wakefulness with a start.

  The next morning she confessed to herself that her fears had beensilly. Her first act after breakfasting alone in her room was to seekout Colonel Quinnox, commander of the castle guard. In her mind she wasgreatly troubled over the fate of the bold visitor of the nightbefore. There was a warm, red glow in her face and a quick beat in herheart as she crossed the parade-ground. Vagabond though he was, he hadconquered where princes had failed. Her better judgment told her thatshe could be nothing to this debonair knight of the road, yet her heartstubbornly resisted all the arguments that her reason put forth.

  Colonel Quinnox was pleasant, but he could give Beverly no promise ofleniency in regard to Baldos. Instructions had come to him from GeneralMarlanx, and he could not set them aside at will. Her plea that he mightonce more be assigned to old-time duties found the colonel regretfullyobdurate. Baldos could not ride with her again until Marlanx withdrewthe order which now obtained, Beverly swallowed her pride and resentmentdiplomatically, smiled her sweetest upon the distressed colonel, andmarched defiantly back to the castle. Down in her rebellious, insultedheart she was concocting all sorts of plans for revenge. Chief amongthem was the terrible overthrow of the Iron Count. Her wide scope ofvengeance even contemplated the destruction of Graustark if her endcould be obtained in no other way.

  Full of these bitter-sweet thoughts she came to the castle doors beforeshe saw who was waiting for her upon the great verandah. As she mountedthe steps, a preoccupied frown upon her fair brow, General Marlanx,lean, crafty and confident, advanced to greet her. The early hour wasresponsible for the bright solitude which marked the place. But fewsigns of life were in evidence about the castle.

  She stopped with a sharp exclamation of surprise. Then scorn andindignation rushed in to fill the place of astonishment. She faced thesmiling old man with anger in her eyes.

  "Good morning," he said, extending his hand, which she did not see. Shewas wondering how much he had seen and heard at midnight.

  "I thought the troops were massing this morning," she saidcoldly. "Don't you mass, too?"

  "There is time enough for that, my dear. I came to have a talk withyou--in private," he said meaningly.

  "It is sufficiently private here, Count Marlanx. What have you to say tome?"

  "I want to talk about last night. You were very reckless to do what youdid."

  "Oh, you _were_ playing the spy, then?" she asked scornfully.

  "An involuntary observer, believe me--and a jealous one. I had hoped towin the affections of an innocent girl. What I saw last night shocked mebeyond expression."

  "Well, you shouldn't have looked," she retorted, tossing her chin; andthe red feather in her hat bobbed angrily.

  "I am surprised that one as clever as you are could have carried on anamour so incautiously," he said blandly.

  "What do you mean?"

  "I mean that I saw everything that occurred."

  "Well, I'm not ashamed of it," obstinately. "Good-bye, Count Marlanx."

  "One moment, please. I cannot let you off so easily. What right had youto take that man into your room, a place sacred in the palace ofGraustark? Answer me, Miss Calhoun."

  Beverly drew back in horror and bewilderment.

  "Into my room?" she gasped.

  "Let us waste no time in subterfuge. I saw him come from your window,and I saw all that passed between you in the balcony. Love's eyes arekeen. What occurred in your chamber I can only--"

  "Stop! How dare you say such a thing to me?" she fiercely cried. "Youmiserable coward! You know he was not in my room. Take it back--takeback every word of that lie!" She was white with passion, cold withterror.

  "Bah! This is childish. I am not the only one who _saw_ him, mydear. He was in your room--you were in his arms. It's useless to denyit. And to think that I have spared him from death to have it come tothis! You need not look so horrified. Your secret is safe with me. Icome to make terms with you. My silence in exchange for yourbeauty. It's worth it to you. One word from me, you are disgraced andBaldos dies. Come, my fair lady, give me your promise, it's a goodbargain for both."

  Beverly was trembling like a leaf. This phase of his villainy had notoccurred to her. She was like a bird trying to avoid the charmed eye ofthe serpent.

  "Oh, you--you miserable wretch!" she cried, hoarse with anger anddespair. "What a cur you are! You know you are not speaking the truth.How can you say such things to me? I have never wronged you--" She wasalmost in tears, impotent with shame and fear.

  "It has been a pretty game of love for you and the excellent Baldos. Youhave deceived those who love you best and trust you most. What will theprincess say when she hears of last night's merry escapade? What willshe say when sh
e learns who was hostess to a common guardsman at themidnight hour? It is no wonder that you look terrified. It is for you tosay whether she is to know or not. You can bind me to silence. You havelost Baldos. Take me and all that I can give you in his stead, and theworld never shall know the truth. You love him, I know, and there is butone way to save him. Say the word and he goes free to the hills; declineand his life is not worth a breath of air."

  "And pretending to believe this of me, you still ask me to be yourwife. What kind of a man are you?" she demanded, scarcely able to speak.

  "My wife?" he said harshly. "Oh, no. You are not the wife of Baldos," headded significantly.

  "Good God!" gasped Beverly, crushed by the brutality of it all. "I wouldsooner die. Would to heaven my father were here, he would shoot you ashe would a dog! Oh, how I loathe you! Don't you try to stop me! I shallgo to the princess myself. She shall know what manner of beast you are."

  She was racing up the steps, flaming with anger and shame.

  "Remember, I can prove what I have said. Beware what you do. I love youso much that I now ask you to become my wife. Think well over it. Yourhonor and his life! It rests with you," he cried eagerly, following herto the door.

  "You disgusting old fool," she hissed, turning upon him as she pulledthe big brass knocker on the door.

  "I must have my answer to-night, or you know what will happen," hesnarled, but he felt in his heart that he had lost through hiseagerness.

  She flew to Yetive's boudoir, consumed by rage andmortification. Between sobs and feminine maledictions she poured thewhole story, in all its ugliness, into the ears of the princess.

  "Now, Yetive, you have to stand by me in this," announced the narratorconclusively, her eyes beaming hopefully through her tears.

  "I cannot prevent General Marlanx from preferring serious chargesagainst Baldos, dear. I know he was not in your room last night. You didnot have to tell me that, because I saw you both at the balcony rail."Beverly's face took on such a radiant look of rejoicing that Yetive wasamply paid for the surprising and gratifying acknowledgment of a secondperiod of eavesdropping. "You may depend upon me to protect you fromMarlanx. He can make it very unpleasant for Baldos, but he shall paydearly for this insult to you. He has gone too far."

  "I don't think he has any proof against Baldos," said Beverly, thinkingonly of the guardsman.

  "But it is so easy to manufacture evidence, my dear. The Iron Count hasset his heart upon having you, and he is not the man to be turned asideeasily."

  "He seems to think he can get wives as easily as he gets rid of them, Iobserve. I was going back to Washington soon, Yetive, but I'll stay onnow and see this thing to the end. He can't scare a Calhoun, nosir-ee. I'll telegraph for my brother Dan to come over here and punchhis head to pieces."

  "Now, now,--don't be so high and mighty, dear. Let us see how rationalwe can be," said the Princess gently. Whereupon the hot-headed girl fromDixie suspended hostilities and became a very demure young woman. Beforelong she was confessing timidly, then boldly, that she loved Baldosbetter than anything in all the world.

  "I can't help it, Yetive. I know I oughtn't to, but what is there to dowhen one can't help it? There would be an awful row at home if I marriedhim. Of course, he hasn't asked me. Maybe he won't. In fact, I'm sure hewon't. I shan't give him a chance. But if he does ask me I'll just keepputting him off. I've done it before, you know. You see, for a long,long time, I fancied he might be a prince, but he isn't at all. I've hadhis word for it. He's just an ordinary person--like--like--well, like Iam. Only he doesn't look so ordinary. Isn't he handsome, Yetive? And,dear me, he is so impulsive! If he had asked me to jump over the balconyrail with him last night, I believe I would have done it. Wouldn't thathave surprised old Marlanx?" Beverly gave a merry laugh. The troubles ofthe morning seemed to fade away under the warmth of her humor. Yetivesat back and marvelled at the manner in which this blithe young Americancast out the "blue devils."

  "You must not do anything foolish, Beverly," she cautioned, "Yourparents would never forgive me if I allowed you to marry or even to fallin love with any Tom, Dick or Harry over here. Baldos may be thegallant, honest gentleman we believe him to be, but he also may be theworst of adventurers. One can never tell, dear. I wish now that I hadnot humored you in your plan to bring him to the castle. I'm afraid Ihave done wrong. You have seen too much of him and--oh, well, you_will_ be sensible, won't you, dear?" There was real concern in theface of the princess. Beverly kissed her rapturously.

  "Don't worry about me, Yetive. I know how to take care of myself. Worryabout your old Gabriel, if you like, but don't bother your head aboutme," she cried airily. "Now let's talk about the war. Marlanx won't doanything until he hears from me. What's the use worrying?"

  Nightfall brought General Marlanx in from the camps outside thegates. He came direct to the castle and boldly sent word to Beverly thathe must speak to her at once. She promptly answered that she did notwant to see him and would not. Without a moment's hesitation he appealedfor an audience with the princess, and it was granted.

  He proceeded, with irate coolness, to ask how far she believed herselfbound to protect the person of Baldos, the guard. He understood that shewas under certain obligations to Miss Calhoun and he wanted to beperfectly sure of his position before taking a step which now seemedimperative. Baldos was a spy in the employ of Dawsbergen. He hadsufficient proof to warrant his arrest and execution; there weredocuments, and there was positive knowledge that he had conferred withstrangers from time to time, even within the walls of the castlegrounds. Marlanx cited instances in which Baldos had been seen talkingto a strange old man inside the grounds, and professed to have proofthat he had gone so far as to steal away by night to meet men beyond thecity walls. He was now ready to seize the guard, but would not do sountil he had conferred with his sovereign.

  "Miss Calhoun tells me that you have made certain proposals to her,Count Marlanx," said Yetive coldly, her eyes upon his hawkish face.

  "I have asked her to be my wife, your highness."

  "You have threatened her, Count Marlanx."

  "She has exposed herself to you? I would not have told what I saw lastnight."

  "Would it interest you to know that I saw everything that passed on thebalcony last night? You will allow me to say, general, that you havebehaved in a most outrageous manner in approaching my guest with suchfoul proposals. Stop, sir! She has told me everything and I believeher. I believe my own eyes. There is no need to discuss the matterfurther. You have lost the right to be called a man. For the present Ihave only to say that you shall be relieved of the command of myarmy. The man who makes war on women is not fit to serve one. As forBaldos, you are at liberty to prefer the charges. He shall have a fairtrial, rest assured."

  "Your highness, hear me," implored Marlanx, white to the roots of hishair.

  "I will hear what you have to say when my husband is at my side."

  "I can but stand condemned, then, your highness, without a hearing. Myvindication will come, however. With your permission, I retire tocontrive the arrest of this spy. You may depose me, but you cannot askme to neglect my duty to Graustark. I have tried to save him for MissCalhoun's sake--" But her hand was pointing to the door.

  Ten minutes later Beverly was hearing everything from the lips of theprincess, and Marlanx was cursing his way toward the barracks, vengeancein his heart. But a swift messenger from the castle reached theguard-room ahead of him. Colonel Quinnox was reading an official notefrom the princess when Marlanx strode angrily into the room.

  "Bring this fellow Baldos to me, Colonel Quinnox," he said, withoutgreeting.

  "I regret to say that I have but this instant received a message fromher highness, commanding me to send him to the castle," said Quinnox,with a smile.

  "The devil! What foolishness is this?" snarled the Iron Count.

  "Have a care, sir," said Quinnox stiffly. "It is of the princess youspeak."

  "Bah! I am here to order the man's arrest. It is
more important than--"

  "Nevertheless, sir, he goes to the castle first. This note says that Iam to disregard any command you may give until further notice."

  Marlanx fell back amazed and stunned. At this juncture Baldos enteredthe room. Quinnox handed him an envelope, telling him that it was fromthe princess and that he was to repair at once to the castle, Baldosglanced at the handwriting, and his face lit up proudly.

  "I am ready to go, sir," he said, passing the Iron Count with a mostdisconcerting smile on his face.