Read Beverly of Graustark Page 27



  "Aunt Fanny, what is that white thing sticking under the window?"demanded Beverly late the next morning. She was sitting with her face tothe windows while the old negress dressed her hair.

  "Looks lak a love letteh. Miss Bev'ly," was the answer, as Aunt Fannygingerly placed an envelope in her mistress's hand. Beverly looked at itin amazement. It was unmistakably a letter, addressed to her, which hadbeen left at her window some time in the night. Her heart gave a thumpand she went red with anticipated pleasure. With eager fingers she toreopen the envelope. The first glance at the contents broughtdisappointment to her face. The missive was from Count Marlanx; but itwas a relief to find that he was very much alive and kicking. As sheread on, there came a look of perplexity which was succeeded by burningindignation. The man in the cloak was preparing to strike.

  "Your secret is mine. I know all that happened in the chapel andunderground passage. You have betrayed Graustark in aiding this man toescape. The plot was cleverly executed, but you counted without thejealous eye of love. You can save yourself and your honor, and perhapsyour princess, but the conditions are mine. This time there can be notrifling. I want you to treat me fairly. God help you if yourefuse. Give me the answer I want and your secret is safe, I will shieldyou with my life. At eleven o'clock I shall come to see you. I have inmy possession a document that will influence you. You will do well tokeep a close mouth until you have seen this paper."

  This alarming note was all that was needed to restore fire to thelagging blood of the American girl. Its effect was decidedly contrary tothat which Marlanx must have anticipated. Instead of collapsing, Beverlysprang to her feet with energy and life in every fiber. Her eyes wereflashing brightly, her body quivering with the sensations of battle.

  "That awful old wretch!" she cried, to Aunt Fanny's amazement. "He isthe meanest human being in all the world. But he's making the mistake ofhis life, isn't he, Aunt Fanny? Oh, of course you don't know what it is,so never mind. We've got a surprise for him. I'll see him at eleveno'clock, and then--" she smiled quite benignly at the thought of whatshe was going to say to him. Beverly felt very secure in the shadow ofthe princess.

  A clatter of horses' hoofs on the parade-ground drew her to thebalcony. What she saw brought joy to her heart. Lorry and Anguish, muddyand disheveled, were dismounting before the castle.

  "Ah, this is joy! Now there are three good Americans here. I'm notafraid," she said bravely. Aunt Fanny nodded her head in approval,although she did not know what it was all about. Curiosity more thanalarm made Beverly eager to see the document which old Marlanx held inreserve for her. She determined to met him at eleven.

  A message from the princess announced the unexpected return of the twoAmericans. She said they were (to use Harry Anguish's own expression)"beastly near starvation" and clamored for substantial breakfasts,Beverly was urged to join them and to hear the latest news from thefrontier.

  Lorry and Anguish were full of the excitement on which they had livedfor many hours. They had found evidence of raids by the Dawsbergenscouts and had even caught sight of a small band of fleeing horsemen.Lorry reluctantly admitted that Gabriel's army seemed loyal to him andthat there was small hope of a conflict being averted, as he hadsurmised, through the defection of the people. He was surprised but notdismayed when Yetive told him certain portions of the story in regard toMarlanx; and, by no means averse to seeing the old man relegated to thebackground, heartily endorsed the step taken by his wife. He was fairenough, however, to promise the general a chance to speak in his owndefense, if he so desired. He had this in view when he requested Marlanxto come to the castle at eleven o'clock for consultation.

  "Gabriel is devoting most of his energy now to hunting that poor Dantaninto his grave," said Anguish. "I believe he'd rather kill hishalf-brother than conquer Graustark. Why, the inhuman monster has sethimself to the task of obliterating everything that reminds him ofDantan. We learned from spies down there that he issued an order for thedeath of Dantan's sister, a pretty young thing named Candace, becausehe believed she was secretly aiding her fugitive brother. She escapedfrom the palace in Serros a week ago, and no one knows what has becomeof her. There's a report that she was actually killed, and that thestory of her flight is a mere blind on the part of Gabriel."

  "He would do anything," cried Yetive. "Poor child; they say she is likeher English mother and is charming."

  "That would set Gabriel against her, I fancy," went on Anguish. "And, bythe way, Miss Calhoun, we heard something definite about yourfriend, Prince Dantan. It is pretty well settled that he isn't Baldos ofthe guard. Dantan was seen two days ago by Captain Dangloss's men. Hewas in the Dawsbergen pass and they talked with him and his men. Therewas no mistake this time. The poor, half-starved chap confessed to beingthe prince and begged for food for himself and his followers."

  "I tried to find him, and, failing in that, left word in the pass thatif he would but cast his lot with us in this trouble we soon wouldrestore him to his throne," said Lorry. "He may accept and we shall havehim turning up here some day, hungry for revenge. And now, my dearBeverly, how are you progressing with the excellent Baldos, of whom wecannot make a prince, no matter how hard we try?"

  Beverly and the princess exchanged glances in which consternation wasdifficult to conceal. It was clear to Beverly that Yetive had not toldher husband of the escape.

  "I don't know anything about Baldos," she answered steadily. "Last nightsomeone shot at him in the park."

  "The deuce you say!"

  "In order to protect him until you returned, Gren, I had him transferredto guard duty inside the castle," explained the princess. "It reallyseemed necessary. General Marlanx expects to present formal chargesagainst him this morning, so I suppose we shall have to put him in ironsfor a little while. It seems too bad, doesn't it, Gren?"

  "Yes. He's as straight as a string, I'll swear," said Lorryemphatically.

  "I'll bet he wishes he were safely out of this place," ventured Anguish,and two young women busied themselves suddenly with their coffee.

  "The chance is he's sorry he ever came into it," said Lorrytantalizingly.

  While they were waiting for Marlanx the young Duke of Mizrox wasannounced. The handsome Axphainian came with relief and dismaystruggling for mastery in his face.

  "Your highness," he said, after the greetings, "I am come to inform youthat Graustark has one prince less to account for. Axphain has found herfugitive."

  "When?" cried the princess and Beverly in one voice and with astonishingeagerness, not unmixed with dismay.

  "Three days ago," was the reply.

  "Oh," came in deep relief from Beverly as she sank back into herchair. The same fear had lodged in the hearts of the two fairconspirators--that they had freed Baldos only to have him fall into thehands of his deadliest foes.

  "I have a message by courier from my uncle in Axphain," said Mizrox. "Hesays that Frederic was killed near Labbot by soldiers, after making agallant fight, on last Sunday night. The Princess Volga is rejoicing,and has amply rewarded his slayers. Poor Frederic! He knew but littlehappiness, in this life."

  There was a full minute of reflection before any of his hearersexpressed the thought that had framed itself in every mind.

  "Well, since Dantan and Frederic are accounted for, Baldos is absolutelyobliged to be Christobal," said Anguish resignedly.

  "He's just Baldos," observed Beverly, snuffing out the faint hope thathad lingered so long. Then she said to herself: "And I don't care,either. I only wish he were back here again. I'd be a good deal nicer tohim."

  Messengers flew back and forth, carrying orders from the castle tovarious quarters. The ministers were called to meet at twelveo'clock. Underneath all the bustle there was a tremendous impulse ofAmerican cunning, energy and resourcefulness. Everyone caught thefever. Reserved old diplomats were overwhelmed by their own enthusiasm;custom-bound soldiers forgot the hereditary caution and fell into theways of
the new leaders without a murmur. The city was wild withexcitement, for all believed that the war was upon them. There was butone shadow overhanging the glorious optimism of Graustark--the ugly,menacing attitude of Axphain. Even the Duke of Mizrox could give noassurance that his country would remain neutral.

  Colonel Quinnox came to the castle in haste and perturbation. It was hewho propounded the question that Yetive and Beverly were expecting:"Where is Baldos?" Of course, the flight of the suspected guard was soona matter of certainty. A single imploring glance from the princess,meant for the faithful Quinnox alone, told him as plainly as words couldhave said that she had given the man his freedom. And Quinnox would havedied a thousand times to protect the secret of his sovereign, for hadnot twenty generations of Quinnoxes served the rulers of Graustark withunflinching loyalty? Baron Dangloss may have suspected the trick, but hedid not so much as blink when the princess instructed him to hunt highand low for the fugitive.

  Marlanx came at eleven. Under the defiant calmness of his bearing therewas lurking a mighty fear. His brain was scourged by thoughts ofimpending disgrace. The princess had plainly threatened hisdegradation. After all these years, he was to tremble with shame andhumiliation; he was to cringe where he had always boasted of domineeringpower. And besides all this, Marlanx had a bullet wound in his leftshoulder! The world could not have known, for he knew how to concealpain.

  He approached the slender, imperious judge in the council-chamber with adefiant leer on his face. If he went down into the depths he would dragwith him the fairest treasure he had coveted in all his years of lustand desire.

  "A word with you," he said in an aside to Beverly, as she came from thecouncil-chamber, in which she felt she should not sit. She stopped andfaced him. Instinctively she looked to see if he bore evidence of awound. She was positive that her bullet had struck him the night before,and that Marlanx was the man with the cloak.

  "Well?" she said coldly. He read her thoughts and smiled, even as hisshoulder burned with pain.

  "I will give you the chance to save yourself. I love you. I want you. Imust have you for my own," he was saying.

  "Stop, sir! It may be your experience in life that women kneel to youwhen you command. It may be your habit to win what you set about towin. But you have a novel way of presenting your _devoire_, I mustsay. Is this the way in which you won the five unfortunates whom youwant me to succeed? Did you scare them into submission?"

  "No, no! I cared nothing for them. You are the only one I ever loved--"

  "Really, Count Marlanx, you are most amusing," she interrupted, with alaugh that stung him to the quick. "You have been unique in yourlove-making. I am not used to your methods. Besides, after having knownthem, I'll confess that I don't like them in the least. You may havebeen wonderfully successful in the past, but you were not dealing withan American girl. I have had enough of your insults. Go! Go in andface--"

  "Have a care, girl!" he snarled. "I have it in my power to crush you."

  "Pooh!" came scornfully from her lips. "If you molest me further I shallcall Mr. Lorry. Let me pass!"

  "Just glance at this paper, my beauty. I fancy you'll change yourtune. It goes before the eyes of the council, unless you--" he pausedsignificantly.

  Beverly took the document and with dilated eyes read the revoltingcharges against her honor. Her cheeks grew white with anger, thenflushed a deep crimson.

  "You fiend!" she cried, glaring at him so fiercely that he instinctivelyshrank back, the vicious grin dying in his face. "I'll show you how muchI fear you. I shall give this revolting thing to the princess. She mayread it to the cabinet, for all I care. No one will believe you. They'llkill you for this!"

  She turned and flew into the presence of the princess and herministers. Speeding to the side of Yetive, she thrust the paper into herhands. Surprise and expectancy filled the eyes of all assembled.

  "Count Marlanx officially charges me with--with--Read it, yourhighness," she cried distractedly.

  Yetive read it, pale-faced and cold. A determined gleam appeared in hereyes as she passed the document to her husband.

  "Allode," Lorry said to an attendant, after a brief glance at itsrevolting contents, "ask Count Marlanx to appear here instantly. He isoutside the door."

  Lorry's anger was hard to control. He clenched his hands and there was afine suggestion of throttling in the way he did it. Marlanx, enteringthe room, saw that he was doomed. He had not expected Beverly to takethis appalling step. The girl, tears in her eyes, rushed to a window,hiding her face from the wondering ministers. Her courage suddenlyfailed her. If the charges were read aloud before these men it seemed toher that she never could lift her eyes again. A mighty longing forWashington, her father and the big Calhoun boys, rushed to her heart asshe stood there and awaited the crash. But Lorry was a true nobleman.

  "Gentlemen," he said quietly, "Count Marlanx has seen fit to charge MissCalhoun with complicity in the flight of Baldos. I will not read thecharges to you. They are unworthy of one who has held the highestposition in the army of Graustark. He has--"

  "Read this, my husband, before you proceed further," said Yetive,thrusting into his hand a line she had written with feverishhaste. Lorry smiled gravely before he read aloud the brief edict whichremoved General Marlanx from the command of the army of Graustark.

  "Is this justice?" protested Marlanx angrily. "Will you not give me ahearing? I beseech--"

  "Silence!" commanded the princess. "What manner of hearing did youexpect to give Miss Calhoun? It is enough, sir. There shall be nocowards in my army."

  "Coward?" he faltered. "Have I not proved my courage on the field ofbattle? Am I to be called a--"

  "Bravery should not end when the soldier quits the field of battle. Youhave had a hearing. Count Marlanx. I heard the truth about you lastnight."

  "From Miss Calhoun?" sneered he viciously. "I must be content to acceptthis dismissal, your highness. There is no hope for me. Some day you maypray God to forgive you for the wrong you have done your most loyalservant. There is no appeal from your decision; but as a subject ofGraustark I insist that Miss Calhoun shall be punished for aiding in theescape of this spy and traitor. He is gone, and it was she who led himthrough the castle to the outer world. She cannot deny this,gentlemen. I defy her to say she did not accompany Baldos through thesecret passage last night."

  "It will do no harm to set herself right by denying this accusation,"suggested Count Halfont solemnly. Every man in the cabinet and army hadhated Marlanx for years. His degradation was not displeasing tothem. They would ask no questions.

  But Beverly Calhoun stood staring out of the window, out upon the castlepark and its gay sunshine. She did not answer, for she did not hear thepremier's words. Her brain was whirling madly with other thoughts. Shewas trying to believe her eyes.

  "The spy is gone," cried Marlanx, seeing a faint chance to redeemhimself at her expense. "She can not face my charge. Where is yourfriend, Miss Calhoun?"

  Beverly faced them with a strange, subdued calmness in her face. Herheart was throbbing wildly in the shelter of this splendid disguise.

  "I don't know what all this commotion is about," she said. "I only knowthat I have been dragged into it shamelessly by that old man over there,If you step to the window you may see Baldos himself. He has notfled. He is on duty!"

  Baldos was striding steadily across the park in plain view of all.