Read Beverly of Graustark Page 31



  The next morning a royal messenger came to Count Marlanx. He bore twosealed letters from the princess. One briefly informed him that GeneralBraze was his successor as commander-in-chief of the army of Graustark.He hesitated long before opening the other. It was equally brief and tothe point. The Iron Count's teeth came together with a savage snap as heread the signature of the princess at the end. There was norecourse. She had struck for Beverly Calhoun. He looked at his watch. Itwas eleven o'clock. The edict gave him twenty-four hours from the noonof that day. The gray old libertine despatched a messenger for his manof affairs, a lawyer of high standing in Edelweiss. Together theyconsulted until midnight. Shortly after daybreak the morningfollowing. Count Marlanx was in the train for Vienna, never to set footon Graustark's soil again. He was banished and his estates confiscatedby the government.

  The ministry in Edelweiss was not slow to reopen negotiations withDawsbergen. A proclamation was sent to the prime minister, setting forththe new order of affairs and suggesting the instant suspension ofhostile preparations and the restoration of Prince Dantan. Accompanyingthis proclamation went a dignified message from Dantan, informing hispeople that he awaited their commands. He was ready to resume the thronethat had been so desecrated. It would be his joy to restore Dawsbergento its once peaceful and prosperous condition. In the meantime the Dukeof Mizrox despatched the news to the Princess Volga of Axphain, who wasforced to abandon--temporarily, at least--her desperate designs uponGraustark. The capture of Gabriel put an end to her transparent plans.

  "But she is bound to break out against us sooner or later and on theslightest provocation," said Yetive.

  "I daresay that a friendly alliance between Graustark and Dawsbergenwill prove sufficient to check any ambitions she may have along thatline," said Ravone significantly. "They are very near to each other now,your highness. Friends should stand together."

  Beverly Calhoun was in suspense. Baldos had been sent off to thefrontier by Prince Dantan, carrying the message which could be trustedto no other. He accompanied the Graustark ambassadors of peace asDantan's special agent. He went in the night time and Beverly did notsee him. The week which followed his departure was the longest she everspent. She was troubled in her heart for fear that he might not return,despite the declaration she had made to him in one hysterical moment. Itwas difficult for her to keep up the show of cheerfulness that wasexpected of her. Reticence became her strongest characteristic. Shepersistently refused to be drawn into a discussion of her relations withthe absent one. Yetive was piqued by her manner at first, but wisely sawthrough the mask as time went on. She and Prince Dantan had many quietand interesting chats concerning Beverly and the erstwhile guard. Theprince took Lorry and the princess into his confidence. He told them allthere was to tell about his dashing friend and companion.

  Beverly and the young Princess Candace became fast and lovingfriends. The young girl's worship of her brother was beautiful tobehold. She huddled close to him on every occasion, and her dark eyesbespoke adoration whenever his name was mentioned in her presence.

  "If he doesn't come back pretty soon, I'll pack up and start for home,"Beverly said to herself resentfully one day. "Then if he wants to see mehe'll have to come all the way to Washington. And I'm not sure that hecan do it, either. He's too disgustingly poor."

  "Wha's became o' dat Misteh Baldos, Miss Bev'ly?" asked Aunt Fanny inthe midst of these sorry cogitations. "Has he tuck hit int' his haid todesert us fo' good? Seems to me he'd oughteh--"

  "Now, that will do, Aunt Fanny," reprimanded her mistress sternly. "Youare not supposed to know anything about affairs of state. So don't ask."

  At last she no longer could curb her impatience and anxiety. Shedeliberately sought information from Prince Dantan. They were strollingin the park on the seventh day of her inquisition.

  "Have you heard from Paul Baldos?" she asked, bravely plunging into deepwater.

  "He is expected here tomorrow or the next day, Miss Calhoun. I am almostas eager to see him as you are," he replied, with a very pointed smile.

  "Almost? Well, yes, I'll confess that I am eager to see him. I neverknew I could long for anyone as much as I--Oh, well, there's no usehiding it from you. I couldn't if I tried. I care very much for him. Youdon't think it sounds silly for me to say such a thing, do you? I'vethought a great deal of him ever since the night at the Inn of the Hawkand Raven. In my imagination I have tried to strip you of your princelyrobes to place them upon him. But he is only Baldos, in spite of itall. He knows that I care for him, and I know that he cares for me.Perhaps he has told you."

  "Yes, he has confessed that he loves you, Miss Calhoun, and he lamentsthe fact that his love seems hopeless. Paul wonders in his heart if itwould be right in him to ask you to give up all you have of wealth andpleasure to share a humble lot with him."

  "I love him. Isn't that enough? There is no wealth so great asthat. But," and she pursed her mouth in pathetic despair, "don't youthink that you can make a noble or something of him and give him astation in life worthy of his ambitions? He has done so much for you,you know."

  "I have nothing that I can give to him, he says. Paul Baldos asks onlythat he may be my champion until these negotiations are ended. Then hedesires to be free to serve whom he will. All that I can do is to lethim have his way. He is a freelance and he asks no favors, no help."

  "Well, I think he's perfectly ridiculous about it, don't you? And yet,that is the very thing I like in him. I am only wondering how we--Imean, how he is going to live, that's all."

  "If I am correctly informed he still has several months to serve in theservice for which he enlisted. You alone, I believe, have the power todischarge him before his term expires," said he meaningly.

  That night Baldos returned to Edelweiss, ahead of the Graustarkdelegation which was coming the next day with representatives fromDawsbergen. He brought the most glorious news from the frontier. TheDuke of Matz and the leading dignitaries had heard of Gabriel's capture,both through the Bappo boys and through a few of his henchmen who hadstaggered into camp after the disaster. The news threw the Dawsbergendiplomats into a deplorable state of uncertainty. Even the men high inauthority, while not especially depressed over the fall of theirsovereign, were in doubt as to what would be the next move in theirseries of tragedies. Almost to a man they regretted the folly which haddrawn them into the net with Gabriel. Baldos reported that the Duke ofMatz and a dozen of the most distinguished men in Dawsbergen were ontheir way to Edelweiss to complete arrangements for peace and to laytheir renunciation of Gabriel before Dantan in a neutral court. Thepeople of Dawsbergen had been clamoring long for Dantan's restoration,and Baldos was commissioned to say that his return would be the signalfor great rejoicing. He was closeted until after midnight with Dantanand his sister. Lorry and Princess Yetive being called in at the end tohear and approve of the manifesto prepared by the Prince ofDawsbergen. The next morning the word went forth that a great banquetwas to be given in the castle that night for Prince Dantan and theapproaching noblemen. The prince expected to depart almost immediatelythereafter to resume the throne in Serros.

  Baldos was wandering through the park early in the morning. His dutiesrested lightly upon his shoulders, but he was restless anddissatisfied. The longing in his heart urged him to turn his eyes everand anon toward the balcony and then to the obstinate-looking castledoors. The uniform of a Graustark guard still graced his splendidfigure. At last a graceful form was seen coming from the castle towardthe cedars. She walked bravely, but aimlessly. That was plain to beseen. It was evident that she was and was not looking forsomeone. Baldos observed with a thrill of delight that a certain redfeather stood up defiantly from the band of her sailor hat. He liked theway her dark-blue walking-skirt swished in harmony with her lithe, firmstrides.

  She was quite near before he advanced from his place among the trees. Hedid not expect her to exhibit surprise or confusion and he was notdisappointed. She was
as cool as a brisk spring morning. He did notoffer his hand, but, with a fine smile of contentment, bowed low andwith mock servility.

  "I report for duty, your highness," he said. She caught the ring ofgladness in his voice.

  "Then I command you to shake hands with me," she said brightly. "Youhave been away, I believe?" with a delicious inflection.

  "Yes, for a century or more, I'm sure." Constraint fell upon themsuddenly. The hour had come for a definite understanding and both wereconquered by its importance. For the first time in his life he knew themeaning of diffidence. It came over him as he looked helplessly into theclear, gray, earnest eyes. "I love you for wearing that red feather," hesaid simply.

  "And I loved you for wearing it," she answered, her voice soft andthrilling. He caught his breath joyously.

  "Beverly," as he bent over her, "you are my very life, my--"

  "Don't, Paul!" she whispered, drawing away with an embarrassed glanceabout the park. There were people to be seen on all sides. But he hadforgotten them. He thought only of the girl who ruled his heart. Seeingthe pain in his face, she hastily, even blushingly, said: "It is sopublic, dear."

  He straightened himself with soldierly precision, but his voice trembledas he tried to speak calmly in defiance to his eyes. "There is thegrotto--see! It is seclusion itself. Will you come with me? I must tellyou all that is in my heart. It will burst if I do not."

  Slowly they made their way to the fairy grotto deep in the thicket oftrees. It was Yetive's favorite dreaming place. Dark and cool andmusical with the rippling of waters, it was an ideal retreat. Shedropped upon the rustic bench that stood against the moss-covered wallof boulders. With the gentle reserve of a man who reveres as well asloves, Baldos stood above her. He waited and she understood. How unlikemost impatient lovers he was!

  "You may sit beside me," she said with a wistful smile ofacknowledgment. As he flung himself into the seat, his hand eagerlysought hers, his courtly reserve gone to the winds.

  "Beverly, dearest one, you never can know how much I love you," hewhispered into her ear. "It is a deathless love, unconquerable,unalterable. It is in my blood to love forever. Listen to me, dear one:I come of a race whose love is hot and enduring. My people from timeimmemorial have loved as no other people have loved. They have killedand slaughtered for the sake of the glorious passion. Love is thereligion of my people. You must, you shall believe me when I say that Iwill love you better than my soul so long as that soul exists. I lovedyou the day I met you. It has been worship since that time."

  His passion carried her resistlessly away as the great waves sweep thedeck of a ship at sea. She was out in the ocean of love, far from allelse that was dear to her, far from all harbors save the mysterious oneto which his passion was piloting her through a storm of emotion.

  "I have longed so to hold you in my arms, Beverly--even when you were aprincess and I lay in the hospital at Ganlook, my fevered arms hungeredfor you. There never has been a moment that my heart has not beenreaching out in search of yours. You have glorified me, dearest, by thepromise you made a week ago. I know that you will not renounce thatprecious pledge. It is in your eyes now--the eyes I shall worship to theend of eternity. Tell me, though, with your own lips, your own voice,that you will be my wife, mine to hold forever."

  For answer she placed her arms about his neck and buried her faceagainst his shoulder. There were tears in her gray eyes and there was asob in her throat. He held her close to his breast for an eternity, itseemed to both, neither giving voice to the song their hearts weresinging. There was no other world than the fairy grotto.

  "Sweetheart, I am asking you to make a great sacrifice," he said atlast, his voice hoarse but tender. She looked up into his faceserenely. "Can you give up the joys, the wealth, the comforts of thathome across the sea to share a lowly cottage with me and my love? Wait,dear,--do not speak until I am through. You must think of what yourfriends will say. The love and life I offer you now will not be likethat which you always have known. It will be poverty and the dregs, notriches and wine. It will be--"

  But she placed her hand upon his lips, shaking her heademphatically. The picture he was painting was the same one that she hadstudied for days and days. Its every shadow was familiar to her, itsevery unwholesome corner was as plain as day.

  "The rest of the world may think what it likes, Paul," she said. "Itwill make no difference to me. I have awakened from my dream. My dreamprince is gone, and I find that it's the real man that I love. Whatwould you have me do? Give you up because you are poor? Or would youhave me go up the ladder of fame and prosperity with you, a humble butadoring burden? I know you, dear. You will not always be poor. They maysay what they like. I have thought long and well, because I am not afool. It is the American girl who marries the titled foreigner withoutlove that is a fool. Marrying a poor man is too serious a business to behandled by fools. I have written to my father, telling him that I amgoing to marry you," she announced. He gasped with unbelief.

  "You have--already?" he cried.

  "Of course. My mind has been made up for more than a week. I told it toAunt Fanny last night."

  "And she?"

  "She almost died, that's all," said she unblushingly. "I was afraid tocable the news to father. He might stop me if he knew it in time. Aletter was much smarter."

  "You dear, dear little sacrifice," he cried tenderly. "I will give allmy life to make you happy."

  "I am a soldier's daughter, and I can be a soldier's wife. I have triedhard to give you up, Paul, but I couldn't. You are love's soldier, dear,and it is a--a relief to surrender and have it over with."

  They fell to discussing plans for the future. It all went smoothly andairily until he asked her when he should go to Washington to claim heras his wife. She gave him a startled, puzzled look.

  "To Washington?" she murmured, turning very cold and weak. "You--youwon't have to go to Washington, dear; I'll stay here."

  "My dear Beverly, I can afford the trip," he laughed. "I am not anabsolute pauper. Besides, it is right and just that your father shouldgive you to me. It is the custom of our land." She was nervous anduncertain.

  "But--but, Paul, there are many things to think of," she faltered.

  "You mean that your father would not consent?"

  "Well,--he--he might be unreasonable," she stammered. "And then thereare my brothers, Keith and Dan. They are foolishly interested in me.Dan thinks no one is good enough for me. So does Keith. And father, too,for that matter,--and mother. You see, it's not just as if you were agrand and wealthy nobleman. They may not understand. We are southerners,you know. Some of them have peculiar ideas about--"

  "Don't distress yourself so much, dearest," he said with alaugh. "Though I see your position clearly--and it is not an enviableone."

  "We can go to Washington just as soon as we are married," shecompromised. "Father has a great deal of influence over there. With hishelp behind you you will soon be a power in the United--" but his heartylaugh checked her eager plotting. "It's nothing to laugh at, Paul," shesaid.

  "I beg your pardon a thousand times. I was thinking of thedisappointment I must give you now. I cannot live in the UnitedStates--never. My home is here. I am not born for the strife of yourland. They have soldiers enough and better than I. It is in theturbulent east that we shall live--you and I." Tears came into hereyes.

  "Am I not to--to go back to Washin'ton?" She tried to smile.

  "When Prince Dantan says we may, perhaps."

  "Oh, he is my friend," she cried in great relief. "I can get any favor Iask of him. Oh, Paul, Paul, I know that my folks will think I'm an awfulfool, but I can't help it. I shall let you know that I intend to be ablissful one, at least."

  He kissed her time and again, out there in the dark, soft light of thefairy grotto.

  "Before we can be married, dearest, I have a journey of some importanceto take," he announced, as they arose to leave the bower behind.

  "A journey? Where?"

  "To Vienna. I have
an account to settle with a man who has just taken uphis residence there." His hand went to his sword-hilt and his dark eyesgleamed with the fire she loved. "Count Marlanx and I have postponedbusiness to attend to, dearest. Have no fear for me. My sword is honestand I shall bring it back to you myself."

  She shuddered and knew that it would be as he said.



  The Duke of Matz and his associates reached Edelweiss in the afternoon.Their attendants and servants carried luggage bearing the princely crestof Dawsbergen, and meant for Prince Dantan and his sister Candace. Inthe part of the castle set apart for the visitors an importantconsultation was held behind closed doors. There Dantan met hiscountrymen and permitted them to renew the pledge of fealty that hadbeen shattered by the overpowering influence of his madhalf-brother. What took place at this secret meeting the outside worldnever knew. Only the happy result was made known. Prince Dantan was toresume his reign over Dawsbergen, as if it never had been interrupted.

  The castle, brilliant from bottom to top, filled with music andlaughter, experienced a riot of happiness such as it had not known inyears. The war clouds had lifted, the sunshine of contentment wasbreaking through the darkness, and there was rejoicing in the hearts ofall. Bright and glorious were the colors that made up the harmony ofpeace. Men and women of high degree came to the historic old walls,garbed in the riches of royalty and nobility. To Beverly Calhoun it wasthe most enchanting sight she had ever looked upon. From the galleriesshe gazed down into the halls glittering with the wealth of Graustarkand was conscious of a strange feeling of glorification. She felt thatshe had a part in this jubilee. With Candace she descended the grandstaircase and mingled with the resplendent crowd.

  She was the center of attraction. Dressed in a simple, close-fittinggown of black velvet, without an ornament, her white arms and shouldersgleaming in the soft light from the chandeliers, she was an enticingcreature to be admired by men and women alike. Two stalwart Americansfelt their hearts bound with pride as they saw the conquest theircountrywoman was making. Candace, her constant companion in these days,was consumed with delight.

  "You are the prettiest thing in all this world," she ecstaticallywhispered into Beverly's ear. "My brother says so, too," she addedconclusively. Beverly was too true a woman not to revel in this subtleflattery.

  The great banquet hall was to be thrown open at midnight. There wasdancing and song during the hours leading up to this importantevent. Beverly was entranced. She had seen brilliant affairs at home,but none of them compared to this in regal splendor. It was thesensuous, overpowering splendor of the east.

  Prince Dantan joined the throng just before midnight. He made his waydirect to the little circle of which Beverly and Candace formed thecenter. His rich, full military costume gave him a new distinction thatquite overcame Beverly. They fell into an animated conversation,exchanging shafts of wit that greatly amused those who could understandthe language.

  "You must remember," Beverly said in reply to one of Ravone's sallies,"that Americans are not in the least awed by Europe's greatness. It hascome to the pass when we call Europe our playground. We now go to Europeas we go to the circus or the county fair at home. It isn't much moretrouble, you know, and we must see the sights."

  "Alas, poor Europe!" he laughed. As he strolled about with her andCandace he pointed out certain men to her, asking her to tax her memoryin the effort to recall their faces if not their apparel. She readilyrecognized in the lean, tired faces the men she had met first at the Innof the Hawk and Raven.

  "They were vagabonds then, Miss Calhoun. Now they are noblemen. Does thetransition startle you?"

  "Isn't Baldos among them?" she asked, voicing the query that had beenuppermost in her mind since the moment when she looked down from thegalleries and failed to see him. She was wondering how he would appearin court costume.

  "You forget that Baldos is only a guard," he said kindly.

  "He is a courtier, nevertheless," she retorted.

  She was vaguely disappointed because he was missing from the scene ofsplendor. It proved to her that caste overcame all else In therock-ribbed east. The common man, no matter how valiant, had no place insuch affairs as these. Her pride was suffering. She was as a queen amongthe noblest of the realm. As the wife of Baldos she would live inanother world--on the outskirts of this one of splendor and arrogance.A stubborn, defiant little frown appeared on her brow as she picturedherself in her mind's eye standing afar off with "the man" Baldos,looking at the opulence she could not reach. Her impetuous, rebelliouslittle heart was thumping bitterly as she considered this single phaseof the life to come. She was ready to cry out against the injustice ofit all. The little frown was portentous of deep-laid designs. She wouldbreak down this cruel barrier that kept Baldos from the fields overwhich prejudice alone held sway. Her love for him and her determinationto be his wife were not in the least dulled by these reflections.

  The doors to the great banquet-hall were thrown open at last and in thedisorder that followed she wondered who was to lead her to thefeasting. The Duke of Mizrox claimed the Princess Candace.

  "I am to have the honor," said someone at her side, and the voice wasthe one she least expected to hear utter the words. The speaker was theman who deserved the place beside Yetive--Prince Dantan himself.

  Bewildered, her heart palpitating with various emotions, she took hisarm and allowed herself to be drawn wonderingly through the massivedoors. As they entered, followed by the brilliant company, the superborchestra that Beverly had so often enjoyed, began to play the stirring"Hands Across the Sea." The musicians themselves seemed to have caughtthe universal feeling of joy and mirth that was in the air, and playedas if inspired, their leader bowing low to the young American girl asshe passed. It was his affectionate tribute to her. Prince Dantan, toher amazement, led her up the entire length of the banquet hall, to thehead of the royal table, gorgeous with the plate of a hundred Graustarkrulers, placing her on his left and next to the slightly raised royalchairs. Candace was on his right, the picture of happiness. Beverly feltdizzy, weak. She looked helplessly at Prince Dantan. His smile waspuzzling. As if in a daze, she saw Grenfall Lorry with the CountessYvonne standing exactly opposite to her, he with the others, awaitingthe appearance of the princess and the one who was to sit beside her.

  The music ceased, there was a hush over the room, and then Yetive cameforward, magnificent in her royal robes, smiling and happy. A tall manin the uniform of an exalted army officer stood beside her, gold braidand bejeweled things across his breast. Beverly turned deathly white,her figure stiffened and then relaxed.

  It was Baldos!

  She never knew how she dropped into the chair the servant held forher. She only knew that his dark eyes were smiling at her with love andmischief in their depths. There was a vague, uncertain sound ofchattering; someone was talking eagerly to her, but she heard him not;there was a standing toast to the Prince of Dawsbergen; then theaudacious ghost of Baldos was proposing a ringing response to thePrincess Yetive; the orchestra was playing the Graustark and Dawsbergennational hymns. But it was all as a dream to her. At last she heardCandace calling to her, her face wreathed in smiles. Scores of eyesseemed to be looking at her and all of them were full of amusement.

  "Now, say that a girl can't keep a secret," came to her ears from theradiant sister of Dantan. Ravone, at her side, spoke to her, and sheturned to him dizzily.

  "You first knew me as Ravone, Miss Calhoun," he was sayinggenially. "Then it became necessary, by royal command, for me to bePrince Dantan. May I have the honor of introducing myself in the properperson? I am Christobal of Rapp-Thorburg, and I shall be no other thanhe hereafter. The friendship that binds me to Prince Dantan, at last inhis proper place beside the Princess of Graustark, is to be strengthenedinto a dearer relationship before many days have passed."

  "The Princess Candace ceases to be his sister," volunteered the Duke ofMizrox. "She is and long has been his affianced wife."
br />   Enchanted and confused over all that had occurred in the last fewmoments, Beverly murmured her heartfelt congratulations to the joyouscouple. The orchestra had again ceased playing. All eyes turned toBaldos,--the real Prince Dantan,--who, glass in hand, rose to his feet.

  "Your Royal Highness, Ladies and Gentlemen: Graustark and Dawsbergen areentering a new era. I pledge you my honor that never again shall theslightest misunderstanding exist between them. They shall go forth totheir glorious destiny as one people. Your gracious ruler has seen fitto bestow her hand and affections upon an American gentleman, youresteemed prince consort. We all know how loyally the people haveapproved her choice. There is one present, a trusted friend of yourbeautiful princess, and lovingly called in your hearts, Beverly ofGraustark. Whose example more worthy for me to follow than that of thePrincess Yetive? With whom could I better share my throne and please youmore than with your beloved American protege. I ask you to drink a toastto my betrothed, Beverly Calhoun, the future Princess of Dawsbergen."

  Every glass was raised and the toast drunk amidst ringing cheers. Themilitary band crashed out the air so dear to all Americans, especiallyto southern hearts. Beverly was too overcome to speak.

  "You all--!" she exclaimed.

  There was a tremendous commotion in the gallery. People were standing intheir seats half frightened and amused, their attention attracted by theunusual scene. A portly negress totally unconscious of the sensation shewas causing, her feet keeping time to the lively strains of music, wasfrantically waving a red and yellow bandanna handkerchief. It was AuntFanny, and in a voice that could be heard all over the banquet hall, sheshouted: "Good Lawd, honey, ef der ain't playin' 'Away Down South inDixie,' Hooray! Hooray!"

  * * * * *

  Hours later Beverly was running, confused and humbled, through the hallsto her room, when a swifter one than she came up and checked her flight.

  "Beverly," cried an eager voice. She slackened her pace and glanced overher shoulder. The smiling, triumphant face of Baldos met her gaze. Theupper hall was almost clear of people. She was strangely frightened,distressingly diffident. Her door was not far away, and she would havereached it in an instant later had he not laid a restraining, compellinghand upon her arm. Then she turned to face him, her lips parted inprotest. "Don't look at me in that way," he cried imploringly. "Come,dearest, come with me. We can be alone in the nook at the end of thehall. Heavens, I am the happiest being in all the world. It has turnedout as I have prayed it should."

  She allowed him to lead her to the darkened nook. In her soul she waswondering why her tongue was so powerless. There were a hundred thingsshe wanted to say to him, but now that the moment had come she wasvoiceless. She only could look helplessly at him. Joy seemed to beparalyzed within her; it was as if she slept and could not be awakened.As she sank upon the cushion he dropped to his knee before her, his handclasping hers with a fervor that thrilled her with life. As he spoke,her pulses quickened and the blood began to race furiously.

  "I have won your love, Beverly, by the fairest means. There has neverbeen an hour in which I have not been struggling for this gloriousend. You gave yourself to me when you knew I could be nothing more thanthe humblest soldier. It was the sacrifice of love. You will forgive mypresumption--my very insolence, dear one, when I tell you that my soulis the forfeit I pay. It is yours through all eternity. I love you. Ican give you the riches of the world as well as the wealth of theheart. The vagabond dies; your poor humble follower gives way to thesupplicating prince. You would have lived in a cot as the guardsman'swife; you will take the royal palace instead?"

  Beverly was herself again. The spell was gone. Her eyes swam withhappiness and love; the suffering her pride had sustained was swept intoa heap labeled romance, and she was rejoicing.

  "I hated you to-night, I thought," she cried, taking his face in herhands. "It looked as though you had played a trick on me. It was mean,dear. I couldn't help thinking that you had used me as a plaything andit--it made me furious. But it is different now. I see, oh, soplainly. And just as I had resigned myself to the thought of spendingthe rest of my life in a cottage, away outside the pale of this gloriouslife! Oh, it is like a fairy tale!"

  "Ah, but it was not altogether a trick, dear one. There was no assurancethat I could regain the throne--not until the very last. Without it Ishould have been the beggar instead of the prince. We would have livedin a hovel, after all. Fortune was with me, I deceived you for months,Beverly--my Beverly, but it was for the best. In defense of my honor anddignity, however, I must tell you that the princess has known for manydays that I am Dantan. I told her the truth when Christobal came thatday with the news. It was all well enough for me to pass myself off as avagabond, but it would have been unpardonable to foist him upon her asthe prince."

  "And she has known for a week?" cried Beverly in deep chagrin.

  "And the whole court has known."

  "I alone was blind?"

  "As blind as the proverb. Thank God, I won your love as a vagabond. Ican treasure it as the richest of my princely possessions. You have notsaid that you will go to my castle with me, dear."

  She leaned forward unsteadily and he took her in his eager arms. Theirlips met and their eyes closed in the ecstasy of bliss. After a longtime she lifted her lids and her eyes of gray looked solemnly into hisdark ones.

  "I have much to ask you about, many explanations to demand, sir," shesaid threateningly.

  "By the rose that shields my heart, you shall have the truth," helaughed back at her. "I am still your servant. My enlistment isendless. I shall always serve your highness."

  "Your highness!" she murmured reflectively. Then a joyous smile ofrealization broke over her face. "Isn't it wonderful?"

  "Do you think your brothers will let me come to Washington, now?" heasked teasingly.

  "It does seem different, doesn't it?" she murmured, with a strangelittle smile, "You _will_ come for me?"

  "To the ends of the earth, your highness."

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