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  Suncoast Society

  Beware Falling Ice

  Rachel’s only flying back to Sioux Falls because it’s her brother Justin’s college graduation. The last thing she wants to do is confront her painful past and the people who made it that way. Florida is her home. Other than her beloved little brother, her friends are her “family.”

  Native-Floridian Andrew is Rachel’s friend and play partner. Having been burned recently by an ex, he’s not in a hurry to commit. Fortunately, neither is Rachel. But as the weekend progresses and misadventures abound, the two take chances neither expected. Especially when a sudden death in Rachel’s extended family forces her to spend far more time with them than she’d planned.

  When an unexpected ice storm traps them in Sioux Falls for the week, the heat rises in their hotel room. Now, if the two can survive a myriad of self-inflicted accidents—including attack vibrators and an unintended off-label use of hand sanitizer—they might just be able to survive anything.

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary

  Length: 50,565 words


  Suncoast Society

  Tymber Dalton


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Siren Sensations


  Copyright © 2016 by Tymber Dalton

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-68295-457-7

  First E-book Publication: August 2016

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2016 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Dear Readers,

  If you have purchased this copy of Beware Falling Ice by Tymber Dalton from or its official distributors, thank you. Also, thank you for not sharing your copy of this book.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  This one’s for Trish and Bill. (AKA Bestie and Monkey Man.)


  While the books in the Suncoast Society series are standalone works which may be read independently of each other, the recommended reading order to avoid spoilers and to not miss any backstory information is as follows:

  1. Safe Harbor

  2. Cardinal’s Rule

  3. Domme by Default

  4. The Reluctant Dom

  5. The Denim Dom

  6. Pinch Me

  7. Broken Toy

  8. A Clean Sweep

  9. A Roll of the Dice

  10. His Canvas

  11. A Lovely Shade of Ouch

  12. Crafty Bastards

  13. A Merry Little Kinkmas

  14. Sapiosexual

  15. A Very Kinky Valentine’s Day

  16. Things Made Right

  17. Click

  18. Spank or Treat

  19. A Turn of the Screwed

  20. Chains

  21. Kinko de Mayo

  22. Broken Arrow

  23. Out of the Spotlight

  24. Friends Like These

  25. Vicious Carousel

  26. Hot Sauce

  27. Open Doors

  28. One Ring

  29. Vulnerable

  30. The Strength of the Pack

  31. Initiative

  32. Impact

  33. Liability

  34. Switchy

  35. Rhymes with Orange

  36. Beware Falling Ice

  Some of the characters in this book appear in or are featured in previous books in the Suncoast Society series. All titles available from Siren-BookStrand.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Author's Note

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  About the Author


  Suncoast Society


  Copyright © 2016

  Chapter One

  “Well, that’s not something you see every day.”

  Andrew Holt had been talking to his friends, Glen and Wade, and sitting with his back to the dungeon. It was more Tony’s tone rather than his words that prompted Andrew to turn and look.

  Over in one corner of what they’d dubbed the “old side” of the dungeon area, a guy had broken out a blowgun and was in the process of shooting darts at his submissive’s shapely ass. She was hooked up to one of the St. Andrew’s crosses with her back to her Dominant, and let out an adorable squeak around her ball gag every time he landed a shot.

  Immediately followed by a slew of giggles from her.

  Andrew cocked his head as he watched them. “Is that allowed?” There were now three of the needle-like darts stuck in the woman’s ass.

  Tony, who wasn’t on DM duty tonight, seemed to be considering it. “Well, we don’t allow gun play. But that’s not a firearm. We do allow needle play. There’s nothing in the rules that says the needles can’t be shot out of a blowgun. Plus they’re in a corner, so it’s not lik
e they’re endangering anyone. And his aim seems pretty accurate. I’m calling it good. His subby’s apparently not complaining or calling red. Guess we’ll need to clarify that in the rules, though. Just when I think we have all the bases covered, some kinky genius raises the bar.”

  It was early on a Saturday evening, just a few minutes after eight, and the Lifestyle 101 class Tony had taught earlier had ended not too long before. The nightly play session was officially open, and this couple seemed to be the first ones scening.

  “Who’s DMing tonight, anyway?” Andrew asked. Sometimes he stepped in to help DM when they were slammed or had a volunteer call off.

  Tony looked around. “Shit,” he muttered. He got up and headed to the office. When he returned a few minutes later, he wore his DM name badge. “I guess the answer to your question about who’s DMing is that I am until Derrick gets here. He called a couple of minutes ago. They had a flat tire on their way here from Sigalo’s. The other two aren’t here yet. They’re not due until eight thirty. Usually we only need one DM this time of night on an average night. Lucky thing I hadn’t left yet.”

  Andrew snickered. “Lucky you. Where’s Shayla?”

  “She went out to a movie with Leah and Loren earlier, then to Sigalo’s with them. She’ll be home by the time I get there. Hopefully with the dinner I asked her to bring me.”

  “Not out plotting with Tilly on how to bring about the end of my single status, huh?”

  Tony smirked. “Fair warning, those women are bound and determined to fix you up with Rachel.”

  “Not that I’m not flattered, because I am. Right now, I’m not looking for a deeper relationship with Rachel, and I don’t think she is with me, either. Play and friendship? Sure. But I’m still recovering from putting out that emotional Dumpster fire that was my ex. Frankly, I’m a little gun-shy.”


  Andrew had a thought. “Kandy hasn’t been around, has she?”

  “Marcia revoked her membership and permanently banned her after that night she went batshit and started screaming at you because you refused to play with her since she was drunk. Especially after she tried to set your car on fire.”

  Glen and Wade both snorted, drawing an irate glare from Andrew.

  “Dude,” Glen said. “I’m sorry, but it was hysterical considering we weren’t on the receiving end of it, okay? She sounded like fucking Minnie Mouse as she ranted at you. Just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I’m stupid or blind. She was ten gallons of crazy in a two-gallon bucket.”

  “Word,” Wade said. “Rachel is…p-perfect for…you. Get off your damn…ass and c-collar that woman before you…lose her.”

  The men exchanged a fist-bump.

  Andrew chose to ignore Wade’s last comment. “Kandy hid her crazy quite well at first. I didn’t know how messed up she was until I was already in love with her. I tried my damnedest to help her, but when she’d suck me in and have me thinking she was really trying to work her way through things, she’d stop trying and revert.”

  “And who was the Dom in that relationship?” Glen asked.

  “Yeah, no shit.” Andrew sighed. “I felt sorry for her. She’s got a lot of mental crap she never worked through, and at her age, it looks like she never will. I’m not going to sacrifice my life, happiness, and peace of mind for someone who, no matter how much I love them, won’t do the work they need to do. Life’s too fucking short. I got sick and tired of always being screamed at for stuff that was only in her head. That night was the final straw. I gathered all her shit from my house and dropped it off at her place. Just left it outside her door and didn’t even ring the bell. Then I changed my locks. Left her a note that if she showed up at my house, I’d call the sheriff’s office on her.”

  “Smart man,” Glen said. “Don’t keep making a mistake just because you invested a lot of time and energy into making it.”

  “A little late, but yeah. Finally got smart. Only took me a couple of years is all.”

  Two years and three months, to be exact.

  He’d counted.

  They sat there and chatted as they watched the blowdart scene play out. A few other assorted members stopped to watch the unusual activity as well. By the time the man finished with her, he’d stuck at least fifteen darts in each of her ass cheeks.

  Then he took great pleasure in slowly removing them, one by one, swabbing each mark with an alcohol-soaked gauze pad as he dropped the darts into a plastic food storage container presumably filled with alcohol.

  She let out more squeals and groans—and giggles—throughout the process.

  “She’s adorable,” Tony said. “Love how she always giggles during a scene with him.”

  “He’s a fucking sadist, though,” Glen observed.

  Tony turned and arched an eyebrow at him. “Duh.”

  * * * *

  About twenty minutes later, Derrick hustled in, although he looked like he was moving in a weirdly stiff way. He was followed by his wife, Marcia. The original founders and owners of Venture, they were now partners with Kel and his slave, Mallory.

  Unfortunately, Kel and Mal were out of town that weekend, teaching a bondage photography class in Atlanta.

  “Sorry, man,” Derrick said to Tony. “I owe you.”

  “No worries.”

  “No, Derrick owes me,” Marcia said. “I’m the one who changed the tire.” She held up hands that were filthy.

  “Uh, you don’t have AAA?” Andrew asked.

  She smirked. “An hour wait time. No, thank you. I’ll change the damn tire myself.”

  “I told you I’d do it,” Derrick muttered.

  She looked like she wanted to backhand him, and just might, were her hands not filthy and had he not been her Master as well as her husband. “Uh, no. Your back’s screwed up enough as it is, thank you very much. Sir.”

  Even Andrew could hear she tacked that on for the snark. “How’d you do that?”

  If a Dom could blush, Derrick did. “I tripped.”

  Marcia was already heading over to the big sink in the kitchen area. She turned. “Oh, tell them the whole story. Mr. Dom thought he was being slick and used a dildo on me while we were playing at home the other night. He dropped it, but it hit the floor, not the bed. He didn’t realize it, and when he got out of bed, he stepped on it, and it rolled under his foot. He hit the floor and refused to let me call 911. I had to call Nate and Leo to come help me get him off the floor, and Nate gave him a treatment right there to help. We spent two hours the next morning in the damn chiropractor’s office after spending an hour at the doctor getting X-rays to make sure he didn’t do any serious damage.”

  Andrew, Tony, Glen, and Wade exploded with laughter.

  “It’s not funny,” Derrick muttered.

  “No, it’s fucking hysterical,” Tony said as he took his nametag off. “Hey, what happened to SSC?”

  “Or RACK?” Andrew chimed in.

  “Sounds more like…PRICK t-to me,” Wade added with a sadistic grin.

  “Assholes. Where’s the compassion, you fuckers?” Derrick headed over to the doorway leading to the other side of the dungeon, leaving the other three men laughing again.

  Marcia returned, drying her now-clean hands with paper towels and wearing a smugly pleased smile.

  Tony snorted. “He’s going to make you pay for that later when he’s feeling better. You know that, right?”

  “Yeah. But it was sooo worth it. I told Dom Dumbass I thought it hit the floor and he told me not to worry about it. That it was his job to worry about stuff like that. So consider this his touching the stove moment.”

  * * * *

  Andrew had his implement bag out in the trunk of his car, but he hadn’t brought it inside yet. He wasn’t sure he’d be playing with anyone tonight, and didn’t want it inside in case someone he didn’t want to play with asked him to play.

  He could always say he didn’t have his stuff without pissing someone off. That he was just there to sociali

  He wasn’t a pick-up player, unless it was someone he knew pretty well and had played with before.

  “You meeting Rachel tonight?” Glen asked.

  “I don’t think so. We didn’t make any firm plans. I just didn’t feel like sitting alone at home.” Yes, he could have gone to Sigalo’s, but he hadn’t felt like that, either.

  Other than playing with Rachel, he hadn’t felt like much of anything lately, except stuck in a rut.

  Worse, he knew it.

  Wade cocked his head. “What’s g-going on w-with Rachel? I… thought you g-guys were an…item?”

  “We’re just friends. We play together, but she’s refreshingly independent and not looking for anything other than play and friendship right now.”

  Glen’s brow furrowed. “That sounds like a man protesting too much.”

  “That’s what I-I was g-going t-to say,” Wade chimed in.

  Andrew slumped in his chair. “I feel like a freaking failure, all right? I let myself get played by Kandy. I’m trying to regain my equilibrium. Things with Rachel are calm, peaceful, and copacetic.”

  “And Rachel’s not trying to set your car on fire while in a drunken rage,” Glen added.

  “That, too.”

  “That’ll teach you to go out with a girl named ‘Kandy,’” Glen teased. “I’d honestly thought that was like her FetLife name or something.”

  “Glad you guys are my friends,” Andrew said. “I’d hate to see how you’d skewer me if you didn’t like me.”

  “Naw, you don’t want to see that.” Glen grinned. “We’re both sadists. We could rip you a new one without breaking a sweat.”