Read Beyond Page 1


  Crossroads Saga Book 3


  Mary Ting

  World Castle Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author ’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, organizations, or person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  World Castle Publishing

  Pensacola, Florida

  Copyright © Mary Ting 2012

  ISBN: 9781938961021

  First Edition World Castle Publishing September 26, 2012

  Licensing Notes

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.

  Cover: Karen Fuller

  Photos: Shutterstock

  Editor: Maxine Bringenberg

  This one

  “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.”


  “Love is the highest achievement to which any human may aspire. It is an emotion that encompasses the full depth of the heart, mind , and soul .”

  —Brian Herbert


  Thank you Crossroads fans from all over the world that have been supportive and dedicated on my Crossroads facebook. You have shown me friendship that truly knows no boundaries. Angel hugs!!!

  A special thanks to Charlotte Blackwell, author of the Embrace series, for the use of her characters, Caspian and the Pierce family. I’ve enjoyed working with her and crossing over our characters.

  Countless thanks to Angie Edwards, Mejeani La Grange, Venna Dowrick, Janie Iturralde, Trajce Kuzmanov, Nanci Rowe Protonentis and Lona R. Cotney for all their time and energy for running Facebook sites for Crossroads Saga.

  Facebook sites: Make Crossroads A Movie, Between, Crossroads Saga Beyond, Team Crossroads Linda Lee, thank you for your continuous support and for being there for the Crossroads Saga from the start. Joann Buchanan, it has been a pleasure and my honor getting to know you and working with you. Thank you for being a wonderful friend.

  Maxine, thank you for all your time and dedication to Beyond. You are fantastic!!!

  To the wonderful new friends I’ve had the pleasure of meeting from blog tours mentioned on the reviews, and extra special thanks to Team Twilight, Twilight Moms, and Paranormal Book Club.

  To all my family and friends, you know who you are!!! I love you very much!!!

  “Heaven on earth, Mary Ting once again whisks you away and takes you for a romantic voyage into the heart of love. The connections she creates with her characters give you joy, love, laughter and will have you sitting on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen with the two star crossed lovers.” Joann Buchanan, author of I Am Wolf

  “Beyond is an extraordinary story with unforgettable characters, passionately written by an author who clearly understands the true identity of love. Compelling and exciting; this is a must-read for all hardcore fans of the paranormal romance genre.” Angie Edwards @ Books4Tomorrow

  “Beyond has enraptured me in all my heart and all my soul. A beautiful and poignant love story that resonates long after the last page.” Jennifer Howell,

  “Reading the Crossroads Saga has always put me in a very ethereal place while turning its pages. In BEYOND, Mary Ting takes it to another level and I embrace the new darkness with open wings just like Michael would with his heart-shaped wings” Yara, Once Upon A Twilight

  “Beyond lived up to the highest expectations. Proof that Love can conquer all. This story exhibits exciting adventure, loyalties in friendships, and astounding scenery that will utterly draw you in completely where you never want to escape.” Michele, Insane About Books

  “If you find yourself Between the Crossroads and Beyond then you have found author Mary Ting's INCREDIBLE series. Crossroads introduces you to her incredible world. Between leaves you wondering if light or dark will rule. Beyond is just that! The characters, settings and story line are Beyond words. What a beautiful and exciting world that Claudia, Michael and all the other venators and the alkins live in.” Mindy, Books Complete Me

  “Back with the loveable characters that we had missed and filled with scenes that are sweeter and even more thrilling, the third book of the Crossroads Saga will surely once again fly its readers to cloud nine! Beyond is an exciting read that is just beyond awesome it will leave you wanting for more!” Angelica, We Fancy Books

  “A welcoming hug from my favorite Angels that think with their heads, but follow with their hearts! A pure love story I never want to end!” Ellie, EllieSewSweet

  “Beyond was exciting, imaginative and keeps you on your toes. The Crossroads series is a breath of fresh year within the YA Market. I challenge anyone not to fall in love when reading these!” Siobhan, Totally Bookalicious

  “Beyond by Mary Ting is masterfully binding together three pieces of Crossroads Saga. Beyond is well written and fills all the expectations with dazzling characters sizzling love story and fight for all good in the human existence.” Inga, Me and Reading

  “Beyond is a tale that manages to be heart breaking yet heartwarming all at the same time” Sandra, Book Read N Review

  “Claudia and Michael will explore emotions that are rarely felt. Beyond is an epic love story that will captivate your whole heart.” Jean, Jean Book Nerd

  “Crossroads is the series that made me fall in love with angels! It has the perfect blend of adventure, mystery, and romance. Once I started reading Beyond, I simply could not put it down.” Delphina, Delphina Reads Too Much

  “Beyond is a love story that will melt your heart. It will resonate within you long after finishing it.” Brittany, Spare Time Book Blog

  “Beyond is an absolute delight to read. Michael and Claudia's epic love story will leave its mark inside your heart, something that you'll always feel and long to experience for yourself!” Krishna, Journey With Books

  “Once again Mary Ting achieves in captivating her fans! Beyond is addictive, passionate and beautifully written.” Trajce Kuzmanov, I Love Teen Books

  “Beyond is beautiful, entertaining and suspenseful. Mary Ting never lets you down.” Author Lenore Wolfe

  “Grab the tissue box because Mary Ting has touched our hearts once again with another amazing story. This story captures you from the moment you read the first page till the very end.” Jacquire, The Fine Print

  Glossary of Angels and Places

  Royal Council: God’s original angels.

  The Twelve: 12 angels who oversee the Earth angels, alkins and venators.

  Nephilim: Term used for half human/half angel beings.

  Guardian angel: Appointed by one of the Twelve to protect a human being.

  Earth angels: Assigned to human beings, to guide and protect.

  Curators: 100 Earth angels, each representing a state or a country, who oversee other Earth angels.

  Executors: Earth angels(Priests, pastors) who issue assignments to the Earth angels.

  Alkins: First generation of nephilims sent to Crossroads. They are unable to sustain themselves on Earth for a long duration of time.

  Venators: These nephilim live on Earth and hunt for demons and fallen.

  Watchers: First group of angels sent to interact with humans. They are bound to the Twelve, to help them in times of war. They are like statues until called and are forbidden to interact with humans.

  Angelus Pugnators: Also known as angel fighters. Earth angels who aided Aliah’s cause and looked for beings with holy souls.

  Demons: Spirits from the dead. They take over human beings’ bodies, minds
and souls.

  Fallen: Angels created by Aden, one of the Twelve. They are also God’s first angels that fell with Lucifer.

  Holy soul: A child whose soul is special due to having a parent on the Royal Counci.

  Crossroads: A spiritual place where Philip, Margaret, Agnes and alkins reside. Halo City is located in Crossroads.

  Island of Eden: Austin’s place. Originally called Garden of Eden. Situated in the middle of Bermuda Triangle. Home to Tree of Knowledge.

  Nubilus City: Above Grand View Hotel. Katherine resides there along with the venators.


  The cell, located deep down in Nub ilus City , was dreadfully dark. Samuel sat on the hard floor with his wings completely enclos ing him like a blanket, providing his only sense of comfort. Though the Twelve d id not need to take in air, none circulated around him , creating a heavy, dry, foul stench. Without light, he would grow weak and his wings would lose their beauty.

  For many days he’d sat alone, unaware of how much time had passed. Though he ’d had plenty of time to think about his actions, not a single shred of regret ran through his soul. Aliah had ceased to exist, but Samuel was determined to continue with Aliah’s master plan —to take over Crossroads. For now the cell was his home, but he hoped one day soon he would fi nd a way to escape—if his plan worked.

  Samuel sensed a presence and retracted his wings until they disappear ed . He didn ’t want the visitor to sense his despair and loneliness. He hadn ’t had a visit or since he was placed in the cell . A mused he was being spied on, he scoffed. “Katherine, I know you ’re there. I may be losing my mind from isolation, but my angelic senses are still intact .” At least for now.

  Katherine appeared , avoiding the illuminating bars that surrounded Samuel ; w ith o ne touch to the blazing crystal—like bar s, she would incinerate. She pitied the man crouching —knees tucked under his chin, curled up like a bal l. Pathetic. Samuel was once one of the Twelve, a high pristine angel ; a n angel she had placed in high regard and looked upon for guidance. They had been through so much through the course of centuries. His betrayal was utterly unforeseen and surprising, leaving the Twelve with broken heart s and great sadness. It was bad enough that Aden , also one of the Twelve , had turned to darkness, but to have another brother go a stray was unbearable. Now he had become their worst nightmare.

  “Do you know anything about a group of Earth angels who call themselves Angelus Pugnators ?”

  “You ’ve locked me up and you want answers from me? Why don ’t you seek your answers from Jeremiah or Elizabet h instead?”

  “Would I be here if they knew?”

  “What makes you think I have the answers?”

  “Because their actions are not of the good but of the evil.”

  Samuel laughed out loud. “Whatever happened, you deserved it.”

  “Why do you have such hatred toward us? What did we ever do to see such evil from you?”

  “You ’re asking me a useless question. I ’ve answered this several times already. No matter how many times you ask, it will always be the same. I have not changed my ways.”

  Frustrated, unable to hear the answer she ’d hoped for, she referred back to her original questio n . “Do you know of them or not?”

  “I may or may not. Either way, it doesn ’t matter. I ’ll get my revenge one day. I don ’t work alone. Aliah might be dead, but our cause is not. They ’re coming for you.”

  Katherine blinked. “What do you mean , ‘Aliah might be dead ’?”

  “Oh dear...I didn ’t mean to confuse you. I should watch what I say.”

  Katherine frowned, brew ing inside with anger. She was sure Aliah was dead. She had seen him vanish with her own eyes. “Look at me .”

  Samuel looked up, his eyes filled with the dark evil of a devil’s soul. She gasped at the sight of his eyes, then quickly recovered.

  “Li sten. You may not care for us any longer, but there will be war. Do you understand? Man y innocent lives will be taken—human lives as well.”

  Stretching his legs, he stood up and leisurely walked out from the shadows. Startled by his dirty white hair, Katherine tried not to stare. It wasn ’t just his hair. The Twel ve had perfect complexion s , and though they lived countless years, they never aged. But Samuel looked pale , and wrinkles creased his forehead. He was growing weaker , and though he deserved it, she took no pleasure in seeing it .

  “Ca sualties , tzh, tzh, tzh....” He smacked his lips. “They do happen in time of war.”

  Katherine clenched her fists . Her body shook from rage .

  “Careful now. You don ’t look so stunning when you ’re angry. It ’s too bad you ’re not on my team. I would show you the time of your life.”

  Katherine’s eyes grew wide with disgust. “I would rather die than have you touch me. You will regret your actions one day, but for now you ’ll just have to rot in my hell.”

  “I will be thinking of you, ” he smirked, laughing out loud.

  “Your hair is turning white. You ’re not my type.” She didn ’t mean to say it and was surprise d that she could be so cruel. It brought her no pleasure.

  Samuel scoffed at her obvious lie , but the truth of her words was evident from the triumphant look in her eyes. Seemingly undaunted, he winked and blew her a kiss. “Like I said, I ’ll be thinking of you.”

  “Uggg h ….” With their conversation going nowhere, Katherine vanish ed .

  Left alone once more, Samuel tuck ed himself back into his only comfort …the wings that felt heavier than before.

  Chapter 1

  Michael flew to the waterfall, alone. It was a special place he had brought Claudia many times before. He thought going there would help ease the pain, but it didn’t. Sitting on top of a boulder, he stared at the water impassively, and reflected back to the day he first met his true love.

  It was nearly impossible—and forbidden—for alkins, such as himself, to fall in love. They were trained not to, but being part human, there were no guarantees. He could clearly remember, as if it happened yesterday, when Claudia first crossed over the thick, tall grass to Crossroads. She was naïve and carefree, and clearly unaware of his world. She thought she was dreaming.

  Never would he have imagined she would be a descendant of God’s first angels. And because of her holy soul, demons and fallen were after her. Though he tried his best to forget her, Phillip, one of the Twelve who resided in Crossroads, appointed him her guardian angel. Being with her, protecting her, only made matters worse. He had fallen deep, and there was no turning back. His life seemed perfect when she told him she loved him too, but he was to learn that perfection comes at a cost.

  After killing Aliah at Specus with her power, the twelve wanted Claudia to become one of the venators —demon hunters. They ordered him to erase her memories of him, the alkins, having been at Crossroads, and her human life. If he refused, they would take her away and he would never see her again. He followed their order knowing he would find a way to restore her memories and be with her when the time was right.

  As he sat there reflecting on what he had done, he knew he had done the best thing for her. But for him, the pain of losing her was beyond agonizing. His heart was broken, and every second he wasn’t with her was precious time lost. But knowing they would be together soon gave him strength to carry on. He would wait, impatiently, for the right time.

  Michael stood up and unfurled his massive wings. He looked up to the heavenly sky. “Soon, my love. I will wait for you to remember. I will live a thousand lives and die a thousand times if I must, but I’ll still be waiting for you. I love you to the depths of my soul, to eternity.”

  With a flap of his wings, he soared away.

  Like a painting on a canvas, the sky was stroked with the perfect turquoise blue. Puff y clouds s pread across it , reminding me of cotton balls. I breathed in the fresh crisp air, enjoying the gentle breeze caressing my body. I plunked myself down, curl ing my body inward as I buried my
feet in the soft, warm sand.

  The sand seeped in and out, shuffling between my toes, tickling me. “Ahhh….” The heat of the sun penetrated the depth of my soul, granting a serenity words could not describe . As I watched , crystal—clear waves rolled in and out, with no be ginning or end, trapping me into a trance . Austin ’s words reverberated through my mind .

  Selective amnesia was what he’d called it. I remembered falling when Aliah burst into flames, but that was it. I’d have to take Austin’s words for it. It was difficult to put the puzzle together because I could only remember bits and pieces of my hazy memories. I d id n ’t recall hitting my head on a boulder …most likely the reason why I d id n ’t remember the rest .

  Austin also told me my mother died when she tried to save me from Aden. Aden was one of the Twelve who betrayed his own kind. He was also the angel that killed Gamma. I was just a baby so I d id n ’t know what my mother looked like , and nobody had a picture of her. Gamma took care of me and took me to Katherine. When I was old enough, I was trained to become a ve nator, a name used for nephilim—half-human and half angel beings —that hunted for demons.

  Everything about my life seem ed unreal. As unbelievable as it seem ed , angels exist ed . I ’d seen them with my own eyes. I was one of them , whether I want ed to be or not. This was my life. This was my destiny. But even after being told who I was , the missing pieces haunt ed me. I was so lost and empty. Some significant part of me was missing , and I c ould n ’t quite put my finger on it. I tr ied my best to brush off these feelings , but I couldn’t. Maybe nothing was missing and I just need ed time to adjust while I wait ed for my memories to come back.

  I wiped t hose thought s from my mind . After all, I ’d been through some traumatic experiences. Fighting one of God ’s first angels wasn ’t an easy thing to do. Lucky for me, I ha d Austin, who was always there for me. Gamma had asked Katherine to appoint a guardian angel for me before she died , and she had chosen Austin . How I miss ed Gamma . If only things were different.