Read Beyond Page 16

  “Why did you lie to me? Why did you tell me you had gone rogue?”

  “I ’m sorry. I didn ’t mean to lie to you. It ’s complicated. Since you suggested it and I needed to leave, it was the best explanation at that time. We are on the same side. I have other duties to fulfill, but I needed to know you were safe.”

  Claudia was touched by his words. He cared enough to be there for her. He was always there. Eyeing the trinket on his pant loop she asked, “We meant something to each other, didn ’t we?”

  He couldn’t give her an answer. Michael ’s chest r ose and fell quickly. His breathi ng erratic, he suddenly became nervous , like a schoolboy. He didn ’t know what to say or do. A ll he could do was look at his love that he missed so much , hoping she would forgive him when the time came.

  When he didn’t say a word, she guessed it was true. Claudia knew he was hiding something, but why? “I need to leave, ” she finally said, breaking away.

  “Where do you need to go?” His tone was soft and caring.

  “I...I….” she started to say, but stopped her words, for fear of breaking down. Her eyes filled with tears that were threatening to fall. She couldn ’t shed a tear, not right now, not in front of him, but she felt so lost and confused. Uncontrollably a tear drop trickled down her cheek, and Michael raised his right hand to catch it before it fell. He was hurting just as much as her, but for different reasons. He understood her pain and wanted to make it go away. “You ’re too beautiful to shed tears.”

  Claudia blushed and closed her eyes, only to have more stream down. Wanting to comfort her, he embraced her in his arms. She gra tefull y welcomed his hold. It gave her tremendous comfo rt, like the feeling of being home, but the closeness was unbearable. Feeling s of wanting and needing him in w ays she never knew possible confused her deeply .

  Michael’s hand s laced through her long silky hair. It felt so natural to hold her and touc h her the way he had so many times before . Inhaling her scent, his cheek affectionately brushed against the side of hers, moving closer and closer to her supple lips. Heat swept through both of them, trying desp erately to avoid the temptation , but neither pushed away.

  To Claudia’s surprise, Michael ’s lips pressed lightly against hers, waiting for her permission to continue. When the kiss was not returned, he pulled back with disappointment and regret he had made such a rash decision. “I ’m sorry.” His tone was low , filled with apo logy, then he raked his hair back in anger and frustration , recalling Claudia ’s lips on Austin ’s …perhaps the reason for the kiss that was not returned.

  When he kissed her, she wanted more, but she held back. She wasn ’t going to let him do this to her again without answering her questions. How dare he do this to her? She hardly knew him , and yet he made her feel safe, he made her feel alive.

  “Tell me why I have these butterflies fluttering in my stomach every time I see you?”

  “You do?” His brow creased with shock and happiness.

  “That ’s not an answer. Why do I feel like we belong together? Why can ’t I remember?” She knew the reason. She had selective amnesia, but she wanted his side of the story. When there was no answer, she spoke again. “Austin told me I have selective amnesia. If I can remember them, why can ’t I remember you?”

  Michael was silent, contemplating whether to tell her the truth, but the more questions she asked, the more he held back, afraid she would never forgive him.

  Feeling frustrated by Michael’s lack of words, she started pouring her heart out. “I see you in my dreams…and…I get these flash backs of us. We ’re so happy. Why can ’t I remember us? Why can ’t I remember you?” She pounded lightly on his chest and drew herself close to him, so close she started to feel dizzy again.

  “I can almost remember the softness of your hair.” Claudia laced her fingers though his hair . “I can almost remember t he way I feel from your touch.” Her hands slid down to his chee k s . “I can almost remember the way I feel when you look at me with those beautiful soulful eyes.” She pierced her eyes on his. “I can almost remember, but not qui te . I want it back. I want to remember you, ” she said with such sadness in her tone. “Please give me back my apple and let me go.”

  “Then tell me what you will do with it.”

  “I ’m sorry, but I can ’t. You ’ll have to trust me.”

  Michael wanted more than anything in the world for her to remember, but was this the right way , with an apple? He wasn ’t sure. He had this all mapped out, but it wasn ’t happening according to his plan. He decided he had no choice. As stubborn as Claudia was, he knew she would find a way to get another apple. At least if he gave it to her here , he could trace her steps. Given that he had no choice , he pulled the forbidden apple from behind him like a magic trick and hesitantly g a ve it to her.

  Claudia gazed into Michael’s loving eyes. She felt the warmth from his half smile, the smile he was trying so hard to give, to let her know he was giving her permission to go. As brave and strong as she appeared to be, she didn ’t know where she was and needed his help. Claudia figured she had been here before but couldn ’t recall , so she didn ’t know how to get back to Paradi s us. “Hmmm…could you take me back to Paradi s us ?” she mumbled, clearing her throat, feeling extremely embarrassed. What would he think? A venator who had no sense of direction.

  Michael chuckled softly, trying not to undermine her intelligence and her capabilities, but he couldn ’t help the question he wanted to ask. “What if I said no? Would you stay?”

  “I already told you I needed to leave. If I have to find it myself then I ’ll do it .”

  “Okay…I ’ll take you, but I ’ll have to hold you in my arms , if that ’s okay?”

  “Ummm…you never asked for my permission before, ” Claudia smirked .

  “That ’s because y ou never asked me to take you anywhere before.”

  “Fine…o kay.” Timidly, she took several steps to ward him . There was no room for her to breath e when his body pressed against hers and he enclosed her with his delicate yet strong wings. Rapidly, ecstasy spread through her, and she felt like she was in paradise , a place she wanted to be for eternity ; in the arms of an an gel, an angel she knew she cared for but couldn ’t remember , and perhaps a love that was forbidden, just like the apple.

  Chapter 21

  The Twelve were seated at the Crossroads’s meeting room. They mingl ed in small conversations while waiting for Jeremiah . A s usual , h e was late.

  Finally, Jeremiah entered with an air of no concern and no expression of apologies for his late entrance. “So…why the urgent meeting?”

  Katherine st oo d up, feeling overwhelmed by the news she was about to share . It was n ’t her fault that things had got ten out of hand with the dark shadow s , but she felt like it was. Clearing her throat and unable to look them in the ir eyes, she inhaled a deep breath. “I ’ve delayed this meeting , hoping I wouldn ’t have to bring us together, but the dark shadows have escaped and have taken countless human souls. They are multiplying , and I am unable to tell you how many there are.”

  Astounded, everyone sp oke out at once. Unable to hear, Katherine raise d her voice. “Please…we need to calm down.”

  When the room was quiet again , Elizab eth anxiously ask ed , “What do you pro pose we do?”

  “The Curators are aware of it and they are informing the rest of the Earth angels.”

  “What is Callum doing about this?” Emmanuel asked.

  “Callum actually came to me offering his hand to hide Claudia. He thinks that she would be safe r in their hands. And of course I told him t hat was impossible .”

  Agnes raise d her brows. “Hmmm…what wo uld he want with Claudia? He mu st have some kind of motive to care that much for her and her safety.”

  “I told him we needed her assistan ce . Hiding her would be wasting her powers.”

  “Isn ’t she the reason these dark shadows were summoned? But by whom is the question?” Jeremiah ask

  Katherine frowned. “We don ’t know that for sure. We must keep in mind that Earth angels did once try to take over Crossroads and bring us down , and that alone is enough reason to believe it wasn ’t just for Claudia. Maybe they think it is time again .”

  “If Claudia is on their side, that is possible, ” Jonah added.

  Gloria let out a worried sigh. “Meanwhile , these poor humans. They are so helpless. It is our war , not theirs. We need to intervene.”

  “Apocalypse. Is this the end of the human race?” Jonah wonder ed .

  “It could well be if we can ’t stop this war ,” Katherine replied.

  “I can ’t believe it will come to this .” Margaret ’s voice was low and unbelieving.

  “Have you prepared the venators?” Phill i p asked.

  “I have, but I ’m afraid we could be out numbered . We have the watchers —a ll of our watchers if needed.”

  “Perhaps we need to speak to the Royal Council ,” Emmanuel suggested.

  “They won ’t intervene.” Katherine turn ed to Phillip . “We are going to need your team as well.”

  Phillip nod ded . “They have been prepared for a very long time. Meanwhile , I ’ll send Caleb and Vivian to assist you.”

  “Don ’t forget we have Claudia too ,” Jeremiah said.

  “We had Claudia ,” Kathe rine mutter ed , unable to look him in the eye.

  “What?” Jeremiah stood up. “What do you mean…had?”

  “She ’s been , what you could say…absent.”

  “Absent? What has Austin been doing?”

  “Don ’t blame this on Austin. He can ’t control her memories and her actions ,” Katherine snapped.

  “I suggest you bring her in soon and keep her on track ,” Jeremiah huffed.

  “You knew this would be a possibility. She does not have an ordinary soul. I was against this from the start. Selective memory can be temporary. We should have let her be and guide d her into becoming a venator instead of forc ing it upon her.”

  “She would ’ve never have agree d to it, ” Jeremiah rebutted.

  “And how do you know? We should ’ve tried. I should ’ve strongly stated my case and fought for what I thought was right !” Katherine fired back. “We need to make changes. Everything changes with time —cultures, technologies and the human race —but we ’ve been a t a stand still. They are half-human after all. They have human wants, needs and desire. We can ’t force them not to feel , or we might as we ll treat them like robots. Even we are weak as angels …how can we expect them to turn off their emotions ? With the right guidelines and restrictions, we can have both…human and angel life.”

  There was silence in the room, filled with mixed emotions as their eyes opened to Katherine ’s words.

  “Perhaps you ’re right, ” Jonah agreed. “I agree we need to make changes, but never will I agree to allow them to exercise their human needs and wants.”

  “I agree, ” some shouted.

  Katherine exhaled a disappointed sigh and shook he r head. “Old farts, ” she mouthed , thinking of Davin. This was something he would say. How he ma de her laugh, then s he laughed inwardly.

  “What are you planning to do if Claudia ’s memories come back?” Phillip asked, breaking Katherine ’s thought s .

  “I guess we ’ll have to wait and see. Lucy brought her up like her own . I trust Claudia will know the difference between right and wrong no matter how angry she may be. Meanwhile , we need to control the dark shadows from becoming demons. I ’m going to send the venators in search for demon activities around the world. We ’ll have to get rid of them quickly before they spread like disease. Hopefully we ’re not too late. Everyone be prepare d for war. I ’ll contact you all if I need further assistance.”

  “God speed, ” everyone sa id as the meeting was dismissed.

  Chapter 22

  Victor pace d back and forth inside the abandon ed building, frantically trying to figure out an excuse for why he was unsuccessful at capturing an angel with the h oly soul—Benjamin. Feeling petrified, his hands shudder ed , his muscles ached like n ever before , and his eyes twitch ed from nervousness. He looked at his wristwatch , making sure he had the correct date and time ; Sunday, May 16th , 2:00 P.M. When a sudden soft whisper of wind swept through , he knew Master was t here.

  Master walked out from the shadows. Victor ’s heart pounde d out of his chest so hard his lungs felt like balloons ready to pop. “Master, ” Victor called, lower ing his head in submission.

  “Awww, Victor, no need to fear. Let your heart rest before you have a heart attack.” Master walked away , swiping the dust of the desk with the tips of his finger and examin ing it clos ely. “Hmmm….I wonder if these are ashes from an Earth angel or just plain dust. I hope you have good news.”

  “Ummm…you see….”

  “‘You see ’ doesn ’t sound like good new s, and I don ’t like bad news.” Master dart ed his evil eyes towards Victor’s .

  Trying not to make it obvious, Victor turned his head, thinking about escaping ; but how? Just as these thoughts desperately ran through his mind, the girl he met last time appeared. Exhaling a deep breath, he thank ed God he may live to see another day.

  Master’s angered face li t up with a grin. “To w hat do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here, my dear? I hope it ’s better news than what he has to say. Have you brought me the apple?”

  “Must we do this?” she asked.

  Master look ed lovingly in her eyes . He r an his hand tenderly down her hair. “You ’re not backing out on me , are you?”

  The girl cringed inwardly from the touch of his boney fingers that she no longer recognized. “I…I just don ’t know anymore .”

  “Hmmm…” Master disappointedly walked away and turned his attention to Victor. “Victor.”

  Startled by hearing his name, Victor froze a few feet from the door. He had man aged to creep away during their conversation.

  “Don ’t worry. I haven ’t forgotten you were there. So…where is the angel with the special soul ? I know my daughter had given you your assignment some time ago.”

  “He…there was this angel…we were outnumbere d , ” Victor rambled. “The blood seekers have him.”

  “What ?!” Master bellowed angrily , so loud that the windows shattered.

  “Michael…he was…was there, ” he stuttered as beads of sweat mark ed his forehead.

  “Michael!” He hollered like he had been defeated. His eyes turned the color of on y x and concentrated on Victor again. Master extended his arm and will ed Victor across the room . He g ripped Victor ’s neck. His feet dangled from the ground. “You pathetic Earth angel.”

  “Father!” t he girl yelled . “Let him go. It ’s not hi s fault. He can ’t help that his powers are not like yours. They’re really not yours anyway.”

  Master released his hold. Victor dropped to the floor and crawled a w ay as far and fast as he could , cough ing relentlessly.

  “What have you done with my daughter?”

  “What have you done with my father?

  “Your father is still here. I ’m just using his body like we agreed.”

  “What are you talking about?” Blinking in surprise, she back ed away , astounded by the words that c a me out of his mouth. This wasn ’t her father. Whatever was inside him was taking over and she noted the dark circle s under his eyes ; plus, she had never seen them change color like that before.

  “Oh dear…looks like your father didn ’t impart that information to you.”

  “What? Who are you?”

  “I ’m still your father. I ’m still the one who took care of you.”

  “Everything you ’ve told me is a lie.”

  “How dare you speak to your father that way, ” Master ’s tone was low and cold.

  “You are wrong about the venators and you are wrong about Katherine.”

  Master took several steps toward her, but when she backed away, he stopped. “Hav
e they brainwashed you , my child?”

  “No…I ’ve seen their love firsthand. They are not the evil beings you say they are. I ’ve never been with angels like them before. Their bond and how they care for one another is so…rare. They’re part of a team, fighting for the same purpose …the purpose you are out to destroy.”

  “Ahhh…, ” Master sighed softly. “Indeed , they have brainwashed you. You only see what they want you to see. Don ’t forget, they are the one s that took your mother away from you .”

  “They may have erased her memories, but you are the one who took me away from her.”

  “For a very good cause.”

  “I ’m just your means to an end.”

  “No, that ’s not true. You are everything to me.”

  The girl close d the gap between them. “Please. Let him go. Release yourself from him. Can ’t you see, he is taking over your body , w hoever it is. I can ’t tell if it ’s him or you.”

  “No, I can ’t .” He shamefully turned away. “We are stronger and more powerf ul from our union .”

  “Th en, it ’s hopeless, ” she whimpered and walked away. On her way out, she grip p ed Victor by th e back of his shirt and scurried toward the door , knowing they had a slim chance to escape.

  The door slammed in the ir faces.

  “Nobody walks out on me. Give me the apple and I ’ll let you go. You underestima te the po we r of your elder angel .” He extend ed his arms, point ing his fingers tow ard Victor. One by one , he folded each of his boney fingers and squeeze d as if he was holding something inside.Victor curled into a ball . He f ell down to the hard cement, gasping for air.

  “Stop it !” she yelled. “Here.” She pulled the apple out of her knap sack. “If I give you this, promise no harm will come to him.”

  “Done.” Before the girl had a chance to toss the apple , i t flew out of her hands and into Master ’s . Then without any delay, he vanis hed into another dimension .

  The girl helped Victor up. “Are you okay?”

  Panting heavily, he managed to nod with a look of shock. “Thank you. He ’s your father?”