Read Beyond Page 18

  Hopp ing from tree to tree, Michael questioned the point of having wings . Knowing Claudia wouldn ’t move a muscle if he was around, he had to find a way to fool her, to mak e her think he ’d left . He followed her down the path, making sure she was safe . Wh en he saw her plac e the butterfly necklace around her neck, he was stunned . Impossible! But then again, what did he know ? A fter meeting Claudia, many things were possible.

  Michael recalled the day so clearly as if it had happened yesterday . Claudia bravely yanked it off and placed it on Aliah ’s heart. He was so proud of her, his beloved , whom he ’d f allen in love with before they even met. She was so innocent and naïve. It was that part of her that had captured his heart. Her entire essence was a breath of fresh air. He was utterly spellbound by her in ways he never knew possible. She ’d turned his world upside down, but in turn she ’d opened his eyes to a new one , and she became everything he needed, everything he hoped for.

  His thoughts brought him back as he adoringly gaze d upon Claudia sitting there, examining the apple as if it was a novice object. When tears roll ed down her che e k s , Michael was startled by th e si ght and wonder ed what she was thinking that caus ed them . His heart sank , watching her in pain as tears flow ed even more. How desperately he wanted to console her, if only he knew what the cause was , but to his surprise, Claudia began eating the apple.

  He recall ed Claudia ’s words . Somehow the apple was suppose to help her, but how? After she had enough, Claudia toss ed the apple so far that even she looked stunned, then she leisurely trudge d toward the waterfall. Knowing she was safe and that there was no evidence of the apple, he left to take care of his duty and his plan.

  The venators congregated in the garden, waiting anxiously to hear their destination s . They were dressed in silver protec tive gear, almost like knights. The color silver represented purity. On front of their uniform s , to the left where the heart was located, was a red cross in front of angel ’s wings . The color red symbolized pride and strength. The uniform showed unity and the t rue mark of who they were —venators—protector s of all that was good.

  Many gathered in small groups, mingling, telling their stor ies of how they became venator s . Each had a unique story to tell, some more tragic than others. For some, after the discovery they were different, there was no doubt they wanted to be a venator . But others had no choice , for they had already been abandoned since birth. Many left their famil ies knowing their purpose. To make the transition easier on their hearts, mind s, and soul s , the memories were taken, as were the families ’ memories of them.

  The A lpha team surrounded Vivian and Caleb, asking them questions about Crossroads , and what their li ves w ere like there. Da vin had a difficult time connecting to their conversation s , as he could do nothing but think of the girl standing across from him , h ow her shimmering light brown hair tousle d against the breeze, her eyes that sparkle d when she smile d, and the smile that radiate d his heart. He tried to avoid staring into Avalon ’s eye s , but it was difficult when she did the same in return.

  How silly he’d felt when he found out the reasons he felt the way he did. Now knowing what having a crush felt like, he didn ’t know what to do. It was even worse since having a relationship was forbidden …not that he wanted one. A part of him was elated that he felt the emotion so many desire, and if it was returned , how wonderful that would be ! But seeing wh at Michael and Claudia had been through, he didn ’t know if he wanted the same.

  “So what do you think, Davin?”

  No answer.

  “Davin, ” Vivian called again.

  Davin br oke away. “Um…what did you say?”

  Caleb pat ted Davin on his back. “Good to know you haven ’t change d .”


  “Is he always like this?” Vivian teased.

  “Yes, I ’ve always been sexy and smart, ” Davin sa id , trying to keep a straight face, surprising Viv i an as she trie d to hold a straight face too. The venators laughed out loud, enjoying the humor between them. The laughter faded when Katherine and Austin were seen.

  Vivia n and Caleb pulled Davin aside.

  “Where is Claudia?” Vivian whispered.

  “I don ’t know .”

  “What do you mean , you don ’t know?” Vivian asked.

  “Just what I said, I don ’t know .”

  Caleb was getting frustrated by the answer. “Is Michael with her?”

  “I don ’t know .”

  Caleb and Vivian thr e w their hands up in the air in accord. “Then what do you know?” Vivi a n redirect ed her question.

  “Look…all I know is that it looks like Claudia is starting to get her memories back. She freaked out and ran away. Michael went after her , and that is all I know. I haven ’t heard from either of them. Michael is still on his blood seeker mission, but he always comes back for her.”

  “Why didn ’t you ju st say that in the first place ?” Vivian huffed.

  Davin r a ise d his brows and g ave Vivian the “I ’m in control ” look.

  Vivian roll ed her eyes at Davin. “I guess our plan is still in progress?”

  “What plan?” Davin inquire d .

  “The plan. Don ’t you remember the plan we talked about right before we went to Claudia ’s house ?”

  “The plan?”

  “Have you f orgotten ? The Claudia and Michael plan. That plan.”

  “Oh…that plan. I know that plan.”

  “You ’re not going to be in that plan if you continue to drive me nuts.”

  “I ’ve missed you way too mu ch. I ’ve just begun.” Davin g ave a mischievous smile.

  “Ahhh!” Vivian d id n ’t know whether to laugh or get mad , so she frown ed and then smile d .

  Meanwhile, Caleb gap ed back and forth and sh ook his head. “Just like the good old days.”

  One by one, each group went their separate ways. The Alpha team was the last one left.

  “You need to find Claudia and bring her back.” Though Katherine didn ’t sound worried, her eyes betrayed her. “The others are not aware of Claudia ’s position , and I would like to keep it that way. If she is starting to remember her past, she may become rebellious , and who knows what she may do ? I ’m going to put my trust in her and hope that she will do the right thing, but if our enemy finds her first, there is no way of knowing what she will do, especially if they ’ve manipulated her thoughts. From what I have been told, Benjamin is in good hands. I will need to bring Michael back.

  “The Curators cannot locate Callum. He may be in danger as well . Track him down too . I don ’t know what is happening in Paradi s us, but it ’s something massive. Please be careful.”

  Katherine g ave a proud smile , and the A lpha team head ed for Parad is us.

  Chapter 25

  Remembering her way back to Callum, Claudia slip ped behind the waterfall and step ped into the wondrous place once more. Unable to u nglue her eyes from the vibrant surroundings of the wild flowers and the butterflies fluttering around her, she didn ’t notice someone standing to her right .

  When her gaze le d to him, she jerked back from seeing a stranger with a long black cape. Knowing it was Callum , she quickly stab i l iz ed her heart, but when she looked into his eyes, they were darker than before, making her deathly frightened. Something was different . She wasn ’t sure, but she could feel evil growing inside him.

  “Callum?” Claudia called softl y.

  “Have you brought the apple?”

  Claudia slowly dragged her feet back. When she didn ’t answer, Callum raised his voice, “I said …have you brought my apple?”

  “I…I couldn ’t get one.” Her instincts were right. At that moment she knew she did the right thing.

  Callum glided to the side , his c ape drap ing over the flowers , and stood behind Claudia. She could feel his cold breath run ning down her neck in icy , t errifying chills. She shrugged her shoulder s and closed her eyes.

  “Hmmm…I g
uess you didn ’t try hard enough.” His tone was surprising ly calm. “That ’s quite alright. Why don ’t you take a walk with me?”

  His arm linked with hers, exposing his long, boney finger s that looked so unnatural. As he led the way, Claudia listened . “I have pl ans , and you are part of them .” Callum stroked Claudia ’s hand and made her cringe. “I need you by my side. With your powers and mine, we can rule Heaven and Earth. My army is growing and growing by the days.”

  “Where are we going?” Her voice was neutral, trying to maintain composure even though her heart was thumping out of control. This was not the way it was suppose to be. She had trusted a stranger all because she was too caught up i n remembering her past. She had to find a way to escape .

  Callum took her further into th e magical land. “I ’m going to assume getting your memories is not important to you. If there is a will, there is a way. Perhaps it ’s not that important . What matters is that you move forward to greater and better things. Obviously, the Twelve thought you were capable of greatness and took your memories away, afraid that one day, you would rule over them. I think it ’s time to show they messed with th e wrong venator , don ’t you think?”

  Claudia was unable to answer, afraid to give him the wrong answer. “I…I…I’d like to think about this .”

  Callum laughed out loud. “Think? We don ’t have time for you to think . If you can ’t make up your mind, perhaps I can persuade you with a gift?”

  “A gift? I don ’t want anything from you. I mean…thank you, but it ’s not necessary.”

  Callum turned her around and showed Claudia her gift. She gasped in shock and her face turned white . She quickly calmed down and tried to pretend she didn ’t care.

  Callum paced over to where her gift lay, unconscious. Claudia could do nothing at this point but ho pe he d id n ’t do anything crazy. Patty had her ankles and wrist s bound and her mouth gagged. “Don ’t you want your friend back?”

  “I don ’t know what you mean . I have no idea who she is .” Claudia ’s tone was cold. “Why would you bring a complete stranger here and think it would be a great gift ? What kind of gift is that ? If you ’re going to conv ince me to join you, you should get a better gift. Take her back home , and let ’s talk about what I really want, what ’s really worth my time.”

  Before Claudia finished her words, Callum was already down to Patty ’s level. He pulled Patty ’s head back and h e ld a dagger at her neck. “If she is not to your liking, then I ’ll just kill her. What ’s another human? They ’ll all die soon anyway.” The dagger contact ed her neck.

  “Wait!” Claudia yell ed . “No , let her be. I ’ve changed my mind. Don ’t kill her. I ’ll take her. She ’ll make a great gift.”

  With a swift motion, Ca llum stood behind Claudia . He yank ed her hair back . “You think I ’m a fool? Don ’t play me. You ’ve not lived long enough to know what I know and do the things I can.”

  He sp un her to face him, gripping her tightly by her shoulders. She could feel his sharp nails digging into her skin. Claudia was scared out of her mind as she tried to figure out what to do . No one knew where she was. How could s he be so naïve and stupid? Michael had told her not to trust Callum , but she didn ’t listen. “Why are you doing this? You ’re an Earth angel. My grandmother was an Earth angel. Earth angels are good. They are the protector s of human kind.”

  Callum wasn’t listening. Like a magic trick, he pull ed out an apple. “I ’d hope d you would prove me wrong and bring one back, but unfortunately , I was wrong. Good thing I have someone else I can depend on.”

  Claudia’s eyes grew wide in shock as her mind r an wi l d, wondering how he ’d got ten one.

  “That ’s right. The forbidden apple.” Callum proudly h eld it up as if it was a trophy. “Beautiful. I ’ve already blessed it. You just need to take one bite and our powers will unit e .”

  When Callum’s attention focused on the apple, Claudia jab bed him in the stomach , will ed her bow and sho t . She needed to get to Patty, to save her from this madness. If anything happened to her, she would never forgive herself. The silver light nicked Callum on the shoulder when he leap t to dodge it . Callum move d behind her , knock ed the bow out of her hands , and capture d her. “You ’re not very good. Katherine didn ’t teach you well.”

  Panting and heaving in anger, Claudia trie d to low er herself to reach for the dagger placed safely inside her boot , but she couldn ’t . She did the next best thing. She concentrate d on her light. It was the only way she could escape, but before she could even attempt it , she heard his voice. “Let her go.”

  “Michael, ” she murmured. She knew his voice as if it was the sound of her own heartbeat .

  Callum turn both of them around to see Michael and the A lpha team ready to take him down.

  “I mpossible !” Callum mutter ed . “Not even the Curators know of t his place.” But when he gaze d at each A lpha team member , he saw his daughter, Avalon , standing in line with his enemies. His question was answer ed; she ’d brought them t here. He held back his anger with her for now, hoping she was playing them , t hat she would fight at his side when the time came. He turn ed his focus back to Claudia. “How noble of them. The ones that lie d to you are back to tell you more lies.”

  “Callum?” Au stin called in surprise , and stared incredulously. “What are you doing? The Curators are looking for you. They think you ’re missing.”

  “Well , here I am, ” he said out loud and proudly.

  “Let her go and I ’ll make sure they lessen the charges against you, ” Austin said.

  Callum chuckled with evil . “You think because you are a venator you can take me in? You have no idea who se powers are bestowed upon me.”

  “What in the holy crap happened to him? Why does he look so ugly?” Davin muttered.

  Austin pull ed his bow back, ready to shoot. “He is possessed by an evil spirit. That ’s why he looks like you.”

  “What?” Davin gave Austin an evil look. “You wish you could look half as good as me.”

  “Would you two shut up ?” Vivian nudge d Davin.

  Venators enclosed Callum and Claudia. Callum gri p p ed Claudia tighter, calculating their positions.

  “I ’m not going to ask again. Let her go. You are surrounded, ” Vivian demand ed .

  Claudia thought she knew all the members of the A lpha team, but when she saw Vivian and Caleb, she wondered if they were new. Then she recalled the pictures of them on the computer.

  Callum looked at Avalon, but her eyes were elsewhere. Afraid to look into the eyes of the man that had taken care of her, she didn ’t want to be part of him, especially when he was unrecognizable, turning into something cruel and evil. “Avalon, why don ’t you come and stand by your father ’s side ?”

  All eyes darted to Avalon. Lifting her head in shock, she didn ’t know what to do or say. “I…I…no. He ’s not my father.”

  “Avalon brought me a gift, the forbidden apple. What a lovely daughter I have.”

  “No …no .” She tried to explain. “I ’m not a traitor. I didn ’t know.” She could see the disappointment in their eyes, especially Davin ’s. Unable to stop th e lies, she thought the best thing was to escape. But before she could move, demons s urrounded the venators .

  “Demons!” Gracie shouted .

  “Look out ! Behind you!” Michelle screamed.

  Callum lit a victorious gleam. Claudia tried to free herself, but to no av a il. “Watch your friends die.”

  With a twist of his wrist, Davin sp un his sword, slic ing lilies nearby . He threw them at the demons surrounding him. Distracted by the flowers , Davin was able to plung e his sword into them. The demons crumble d into ashes . Davin gl ib ly said , “Another one bites the dust.”

  Immediately, he turn ed to give Caleb a high five and scan ned for Avalon , who was nowhere in sight. Hurt, betrayed , and confused, he block ed it out of his mind when a red flash nick ed him on the shoulder. It
made a slit through his T-shirt , but the wound healed quickly.

  Austin spr u ng over several demons and surprise d them from behind . With a flick of his wrist, he threw a new weapon he’d created . Two short blades stuck out on both ends . Like a boomerang, it decapitated numerous demons and it flew back to him. Proud of his creation , he cuffed it back to the loop of his jeans.

  Fighting adjacent to Austin, Michael pull ed two demons into his hold and bash ed their heads together , causing them to fall, but he always ke pt one eye on Claudia. Holly, Michelle and Gracie spr u ng to the top of the trees . Caleb and Vivian stood back to back as the y cove red the local grounds .

  Demons fought back, red fire flash ing from the palms of their hands. Claudia and Callum duck ed as one pass ed over their heads , barely missed them . They were forced to dive away. When Callum lost his grip on Claudia, she sprang out and hid behind a tree. Heaving with fright, she will ed her bow and shot a demon heading right toward her.

  Spotting Claudia, Michael and Austin rushed over and stood by her , one on each side. Looking at the two of them —the one that ma de her heart float on clouds, Michael, and the other who had been there for her, Austin —she didn ’t know what to do. “Thank you for being here. I know I ’ve made some bad choices.” She felt ashamed and was now willing to be agreeable.

  “We ’ll talk later. We need to help our friends, ” Michael said , caressing her cheeks with such tenderness in his eyes , she could have just melt ed into them.

  “Don ’t leave my sight, ” Austin demanded, and pulled Claudia behind him.

  “Wait.” She grabbed Austin ’s arm.

  Austin winced. A single stream of blood ran down his arm.

  “You ’re hurt.”

  “It ’s nothing. It ’ll heal.”

  “He kidnapped Patty and ti ed her up. She ’s unconscious. I—”

  “Don ’t worry. I know where she is, ” he said, leading them out carefully.