Read Beyond Page 25

  “You dare chal lenge me !” Aliah roared in rage as anger fumed through his soulless body. “None of you will live to see another day , ” he said a nd plunged his sword. The sword should have penetrated through Katherine , but Austin managed to shoot his bow. The silver flame forced Al i ah ’s sword to turn and miss.

  Austin never saw it coming. Aliah hurled his sword straight at him, piercing through his flesh, barely missing his heart. It happened so fast, not even his fast r eflexes could ’ve s topped it.

  “Nooo…!” Claudia screamed in agony and ran to ward him.

  Claudia, come back, Michael said to her in her mind and tried to run after her, but too many demons blocked his way. Somehow , Claudia got through them .

  Claudia dashed over and knocked Aliah down, then p inned him to the ground. She reach ed for her dagger tucked inside her boot, but she couldn ’t reach it. Aliah wrestled free and pulle d her up , yank ing her arms behind her back.

  “Give me t he apple, ” she snapped and flashed her eyes on Au stin. His chest heaved in and out too fast. She knew he would die if she didn ’t do something quick ly. Katherine slowly crawled toward him. She had to heal him befo re it was too late, but the demons blocked her way.

  “No , Claudia. Don ’t do it, ” Austin said with shortness of breath, curling into a ball from the pain.

  Aliah placed the apple in front of her and beamed triumphantly. It was finally happening, his day of glory. He would rule the world , and every living creature w ould call him God.

  Claudia took the apple as everyone watched. She only needed to say goodbye to a few friends who meant so much to her. Holly…thank you for always being there for me. I know it wasn ’t easy watching over me, but I want you to know that I appreciate everything you ’ve done for me. Please take care of Austin.

  Holly bellowed, “Claudia, no!” She tried to get to her, but the demons engulfed her.

  Davin, Vivian and Caleb, you are my family. Though I don ’t remember much of the past, I c an feel how much we meant to each other. Claudia concentrated on Austin ’s mind. Austin, we have been through so much together. I love you always. Last, she turned her thoughts to Michael as tears stream ed down her face , with the apple just a breath away from her lips . Michael, thank you for loving me the way you d o . Though I can ’t remember, I feel it in my heart and soul. I know it was magical with you. Please forgive me for leaving you. This is my destiny. This is my will.

  Claudia didn ’t even think twice. She had to be brave and just do it before she changed her mind. She closed her eyes and s a nk her teeth in to the apple . Without warning, the s ky turned deathly dark . The clouds tumbled and turned with fast motion speed. Thunder roared in fury and lightning flashed angrily across the sky. The wind howled with such force that it was almost impossible to stand. When the demons turned against the win d , an opportunity opened for Mi chael . Worried for his beloved, he fought back with all his strength and speed, but there were still too many. Before he could get to her, Aliah pulled her up with one hand and blew into her mouth.

  Black smoke entered through her parted lips. Soon after, Claudia arched her back unwillingly above the gr ound. Their souls had united , and Callum ’s body thumped to the ground , only to burn into ashes. When Aliah ’s soul enter ed Callum ’s body, he had taken his time assuming control, but with Claudia, he would take it over as soon as he could. With her powers, he could enter all the spiritual realms he couldn ’t enter before. And because of this, Claudia knew she had little time left before he would take over completely .

  Claudia’s eyes had already darkened and she cou ld feel evil slit hering through her veins like snake s . She reached down, pulled out her dagger and searched for Michael. The ir eyes were deadlocked , and Michael froze when he realized she held what looked like the death crystal sword, but only a lot smaller. How did she get a hold of one , he thought? It didn ’t matter. He had to get to her. He needed to be with her.

  Claudia saw Michael coming for her. She watched his graceful motions, slashing through the demons furiously, frantically and desperately. How strong and brave he was. How she loved to watch his every move. She knew to the depth of her core , he loved her with everything , and he would give up his life for her. Though she couldn ’t remember every detail of her past, it didn ’t matter. Her mind may not know it, but her heart t old her she loved hi m too, perhaps even more than she realized. With her last thought she said to him telepathically, Michael, I love you more , a nd gave him the smile that sa id I know you, the smile that sa id I care about you, the smile that sa id I did this because I love you.

  Michael gasped in shock when he heard Claudia’s thoughts in his mind again. He was almost there, but it was too late. Just as he reached for her, she drove the da gger into her self . She burst out bright ly like thousands of Christmas lights bundle d into one. When it intensified even more, the light magnified and ruptured outward with a rippled effect. It blinded everyone as they hid their faces. The demons crumbled to nothing but ashes. They left behind dark markings on the ground a s proof they had existed.

  The sky shot open, w ith the clouds appearing in the shape of God ’s hands and part ing the gloom. The sun ’s ray s beamed down where they stood as they watched in amazement. The colors of violet and turquoise lit up the clear sky and ra in pelted to the ground, washing away the wron g, the evil and the markings on the ground. Then a rainbow beamed across the sky as a reminder that good will always conquer evil, but nobody saw the beauty. Their eyes were now rooted on Michael and Claudia.

  Michael cradled Claudia gently in his hold with his wings curved around her , shielding her from the rain. Never did he imagine holding her like this . The fabric of her red s hirt soaked in most of her blood so it was difficult to tell how much blood she had lost, but the proof was on Michael ’s hands that were drenched.

  As life slowly drained out of her, she placed one hand weakly on Michael ’s face. Holding on to him as long as she could, she gave him a frail smile and whispered his name, “Michael.”

  “Shhh…I ’m here. You ’re going to be okay, ” he said , but the words were more for him as he tried to convince himself that she would be. Claudia ’s eyes started to close as tears streamed down her face.

  “Claudia…look at me. No, no, no…don ’t close your eyes. Look at me, my love. You promised me you wouldn ’t leave my sight. Don ’t leave me. I need you.”

  “Michael…I…always…be…here…, ” she said feebly , and placed her hand on his heart.

  “No, no, no…don ’t you leave me !” he said sternly. “We have a long life to live together. I just found you again. You can ’t…you can ’t…no, no, no….”

  With a sharp gasp, Claudia ’s body went limp and her face turned pale.

  “No…!” Michael cried out in agony with so much pain it was as if he had died too. His heart and soul ripped apart as guilt rushed through him for not saving his beloved. With his face buried in her chest he cried harder and louder , and the sound of his grief echoed through the vast ness of the mountains and beyond . His whole body trembl ed , trying to grasp the fact that she was gone.

  Why did she have to be so brave? Why did it have to be this way? As these thoughts circulated though his mind, t he alkins, venators, watchers a nd the Twelve enclosed them . Their heads were low, mo ur ning for their hero who had saved them from destruction.

  “Healing crystal, ” Katherine reminded. Katherine ’s ring sparkled from the sunlight as she reached for her son. She slid the ring off her finger , pulled out the crystal , and placed the stone on top of his bloody chest , where i t melted into his body. He lit up with a low glow. Katherine knew it was working , and Austin was starting to heal. Before he fell back into unconsciousness again, he painfully breathed one name . “Claudia.”

  Everyone was so distracted, they had forgotten about the healing crystal. After the reminder from Katherine, Davin placed his in front of Michael. Though he had one, he used Davin ’s since it was already in fro
nt of him. Michael nodded and took it. When he placed it on Claud ia ’s wound, it slipped in and dissolved into her. Like the ring of a halo, s he lit up with gold and yellow .

  “Let ’s take them to Island of Eden, ” Katherine said, holding her son. “They need time to heal.”

  Not knowing if Claudia would live, their mind s and heart s held hopeful thoughts for her.

  Chapter 35

  White light glowed around me as a sense of serenity settled in. There was no sound and I had no sense of where I was, but I knew I was utterly alone. My mind was at peace , and I had no thoughts. I knew who I was, but I had no memory o f anything or anyone, like a blank page with no words. Then I felt something warm, some kind of unknown energy , traveling from my head down to my toes. With a flash of light, I remember ed everything.

  I remembered everything about Ava, Gamma, venators, my friends, and the alkins. Mostly, I remembered Michael. All those special memories came pouring through. All the emotions that I could feel, I felt them all at once as they came crashing through , and tears streamed down my face.

  Sobbing harder, I woke up. My eyes popped open. From a distance, I saw a small golden light that glowed, increasing by the seconds. I stood up from where I la y . To my surprise, Gamma was now in front of me. She looked exactly the same as when I saw her last in my dreams, wearing the same long white gown.

  “Gamma, ” I said happily and ran to her.

  She held me tightly with all of her love. It felt so good to see and touch her again , as if she was here , back in human life. She placed her arms around my waist and led me out of the light. Gradually we appeared in another world that was just how it was in my dreams, with purple mountains and vibrant wild flowers everywhere I looked. Butterflies danced freely, fluttering their bright wings. The smell of j asmine , lavender and other fragrances lifted my spirits. The sun was out, but I felt no warmth or heat from it. In fact, I didn ’t know if I was hot or cold.

  I bent down to brush the tips of the flowers with my fingers. I loved the way they felt, so soft and silky. It suddenly reminded me of Michael ’s wings and I inhaled sharply, like I had forgotten something, like I was suppose to remember something, but I didn ’t know what.

  “I ’m so proud of you, ” Gamma said, breaking my thoughts. She cupped my face into her hands . “The human world is safe for now.”

  Her words startled me with a jolt. The human world is safe for now . Was I dreaming? Like a flash shot of a vision in front of me, I saw Michael hol d ing me in his arms, crying out my name with so much pain. I felt it for a split second, the pain and the sadness , and I sucked in air. It suddenly dawned on me . I was…dead . OMG! I ’m dead !

  Gamma looked at me and knew what I was thinking. “Yes. You have left your human world.”

  I didn’t know what to say. I wanted to stay, but at the same time I wanted to go back. Michael and I had just found each other again.

  Gamma sat down on a wooden bench that wasn’t there a second ago. “Sit down with me.” She tugged my arms. “God ’s first angels cannot take over another God ’s first angel ’s body. Having a h oly s oul prevent ed him from taking yours. Aliah can enter an angel ’s body if permission is granted, just the way he took over Callum ’s. In order to take over yours, you had to take a bit e of the forbidden apple. Taking a bite caused you to fall. Once you bec a me a fallen like Adam and Eve, you we re vulnerable. Because there are no forbidden apples in Island of Eden, he had to bless it by taking another life that possessed the Holy Spirit s oul. I believe that’s the reason he got a bunch of Earth angels looking for someone like you.

  “Unlike the others, he already knew who you were. He wanted your knowledge a nd powers. Since you gave him your memories before, he was draw n to you beca use you two ha d already connected. Your memories were returned to you when both of your souls united becau se he held your memories as well .”

  “So…then you can ’t get your memories back when you eat a forbidden apple?”

  “No…there is no such thing. Aliah was able to give your memories back because you gave them to him fir st .”

  I took all of her words in and blinked my eyes. “Does that mean I don ’t have the same soul anymore?”

  “You don ’t need the protection where you ’re at .”

  “And where am I?” I said worriedly.

  “In your Heaven.”

  I already knew the answer, but I needed Gamma to confirm. My heart sank, knowing I would never see the ones I loved again. “Will you stay here with me?”

  “Let me ask you this question instead ; do you want to be here?”

  “What do you mean? Do I have a choice?”

  “Because you sacrificed your life for the good of mankind, you have a choice that I can grant, but you need to make the decision quickly. Your friends have used the healing crystal on you. You may not have a choice.”

  “They did?” I smiled , happy that I meant so much to my friends that they would use a crystal on me , a gift that was given by the Royal Council to the Twelve.

  “I believe you ’ve already made up your mind, ” Gamma said , as if she could read my thoughts. “You ’ll go back as you were. Your soul will be back to the way it was before you had fallen.”

  I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. As I exhaled deeply, I closed my eyes and thought of the reason s why I should go back , and there were too many. I would miss Gamma dearly, but I had just begun to live. “I want to go back, but I ’m afraid.”

  “Everyone is afraid. There will always be mountains in your way. Hold your head up high , and keep climbing with hope and love in your heart . You ’re not alone my child. I ’ll always be there for you, even if you can ’t see me. Your life has just begun. Nourish it well and wisely , and you will have a fruitful life. Life is about taking risk s , but know ing your limits. You have so much to give. Your destiny doesn ’t end here…at least not yet, ” she winked.

  I didn’t know what else to say ; I felt her words that w ere so true. Her words were what I needed to hear, a permission to set me free. I reached for Gamma and held her tightly with all of me for the last time. I knew she would be with me no matter where I went or what I did. I just couldn ’t see her.

  “I love you, Gamma, ” I said, pressing my face into her chest, remembering those days she protected me when I was a child, those days when she was always there for me , and even after death she would always be.

  “Close your eyes, ” Gamma said softly, running her hands down my hair, making me sleepy. “I ’ll see you one day when it ’s your time. I love you too.”

  Like the way I appeared into th at world, everything was white again. Gamma was gone as I stood alone , and this time I was not afraid.

  Chapter 36

  Claudia’s eyes s lowly pe e led open as she inhaled a slow breath of new life. The familiar it y of the room told her she was lying on her bed at Island of Eden. She felt a sudden chill , but her right hand felt warm. She peered down to see Michael cupping it into his hold. He sat on the edge of th e bed while his head hung down , as if he was praying. She felt wetness trickling down her fingertips on the hand he held , and she knew it was his tears. Seeing him all choked up caused her own tears to fall. She knew the reason he wept...h e thought she was gone forever.

  Slowly, she raised her left hand and placed it lightly on his arm . Michael jerked up and stared incredulously.

  “Hello, ” she murmured. Her words were hardly audible. Extremely parched , her throat ached like she had swallowed sand.

  Too much in shock, Michael didn’t know what to do. He wiped his tears and stood up. “Do you need anything? Are you in pain? Should I go get Katherine?” He couldn ’t stop asking questions from nervousness.

  Claudia tried to get up, but the pain where she ’d pierced herself with the sword , in the middle of the rib cage just above her stomach, was excruciating , so she lay back in a hurry.

  “Don ’t get up. You need time to heal. You had the deathly crystal inside
you as well as the healing crystal and now…somehow…you ’re here .” He raked his hair back in confusion.

  “Michael, sit down…please.”

  And so he did. It hadn’t hit him yet. Claudia was alive , but was she herself ? Michael continued to smile, extend ing his arms to touch her, but pulled back, afraid ; but most of all , feeling simply stunned.

  “Is everyone all right?” she asked, preparing herself for bad news. She remembered seeing Austin and Katherine on the ground , badly wounded.

  “Yes. Everyone you love is well. There were many casualties, mostly venators and watchers.”

  Claudia felt his nerves and didn’t know why when she was the one who should be blushing. She was lying down with this handsome guy sitting in front of her that gave her exhilarating goose bump s . Then it dawned on her. He didn ’t know she had her memories back …m ost likely the reason why he didn ’t know what to do or say.


  Michael smiled, gazing into her eyes with uncertainty.

  Claudia took his hand and held it warmly, close to her heart. Michael shivered timidly from her touch. “I remember everything. I remember you. I remember us. I love you.” She kissed his hands that she held multipl e times .

  Michael blinked. It took a moment to register ever ything she ’d said. He glowed from happiness , and his eyes beamed with overwhelming joy.

  “You remember everything?” Michael , still unbelieving, need ed more confirmation.

  “I remember your smile, your laughter, your sweetness, the way you love me and your kisses.” Claudia ’s face became warm with her last words, running her hands up and down his mus cular biceps without realizing what she was doing , and shyly dropped them.

  “Then you ’ve forgiven me?”

  Claudia saw the sadness in his eyes when he asked his question. “There is nothing to forgive. I would have done the same. It was the only way for us to be together. I understand.”