Read Beyond Page 27

  “Claudia, l ook behind you, ” Davin said excitedly.

  When Claudia turned , she didn ’t know what to say . All she could do was open her mouth to speak, but she was speechless. Five layers of wooden platform s , each at least the size of a room , tiered upward and anchored to the surrounding trees for stability . Though there were walls made from wood, the first and the last level s were wide open. It was modern yet fairy tale like, perfect and magical in its own uniqueness. In ways, it reminded Claudia of a place where Tarzan and Jane would live.

  White lights intertwined, w e aving though the branches of the neighboring trees. Candles glow ed in the surrounding area of the forest , or wherever she was, shining like the stars above, and giving light to the darkness. The candle light made th e place even more magical , if that was even possible.

  “Come , follow, ” Caleb said , walking forward. Everyone followed behind.

  Carefully, Claudia held onto the rope that laced across the wooden bridge. Though it was steady, it rocked slightly from side to side with each step. It was difficult to walk across with high heels on, but it didn ’t seem to bother Vivian and Avalon. Claudia couldn ’t help herself and peered down. Being afraid of heights made her stomach flip, but she held in the nervousness as she took her last step off the bridge. If only memories of being afraid of heights were erased , she thought to herself.

  She broke her thoughts when she heard soft music. But how? There w as no electricity, but then again, it was magical he re , and she was with her alkin friends who w ere magical themselves. Claudia recalled the time when Davin touched her computer and it powered on. It ’s good to have my memories back , she thought. Looking into the first floor, there was a brown leather sofa and a reclining chair set between wooden table s .

  “This is our stop for now. You are wanted on the top floor, ” Vivian said, tilting her head back , pointing and smiling as if she knew something was up.

  “Okay, ” Claudia said , feeling a bit anxious. She looked around for stairs or elevators or even a rope to pull her up, but nothing.

  Davin placed his arms around Claudia’s shoulder as if he knew what she was looking for a nd whispered, “Remember, you ’re a venator now. You don ’t need stairs.”

  Claudia smiled and shook her head, amazed in some ways at her own stupidity. Davin was right. She didn ’t need stairs. She took several steps backward, gauging the distance between the first level to the next. “See you when I see you, ” she smiled . Effortless ly , she leaped up , up and up until she reached the top.

  The music continued to blast with a faster beat, and she could hear the echoes of her friend ’s laugh t er bo uncing from tree to tree. The fifth floor had no front doors , unlike the third and fourth. A long narrow table was adjacent to the sofa , set against the back wooden wall. Various sizes of candles covered the table, ma king the room warm and bright, and the essences of passion fruit filled the room.

  Claudia walked toward the left side of the wall, where she peered through a small window. She couldn ’t see much . It was dark. Definitely not a place she would wander by herself. Wondering where Michael was , she gazed at her new black heels , remembering she ’d needed a new pair when Patty helped her get ready for the Valentine ’s dance. After today she would visit Patty to mak e sure she was well .

  Speaking of the Valentine ’s dance, the song she and Michael had danced to—“At Last”—started playing , making her heart skip a beat. She loved this song , and she loved h ow Michael s a ng to her. As her eyes shifted from her shoes to the wooden floor , she wondered h ow on Earth this placed existed. Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw a lo ng shadow and heard his voice—t he voice that made her heart flutter, the voice that sang her name as if it was a beautiful melody ; the voice she would always remember , even if her memories were taken.

  “Claudia, m ay I have this dance?”

  She flashed her eyes upon him. Her heart immediately pounded with elation as the heat from her blood rushed though. She wanted to soar into his arms, but composed herself. He wore a black tu xedo , just like Davin and Caleb , and the same color belt and bow tie to match her dress. She was swoon ed by his appearance and thought he was the most handsome angel she had ever laid eyes on.

  Michael’s warm , chestnut brown eyes , that always sh o ne when they l ay upon Claudia , w ere even brighter from the candlelights ’ reflection . He could barely contain himself , looking at his love wearing the dress he ’d bought for her. It fit her perfectly , and she was perfect to him. Not to rush this moment of reunion , he slowly moved toward her . She could do nothing but stare as he came for her with the wanting lure in his eyes .

  Just like the dance at the Grand View Hotel, he guide d her hand to his shoulder , as if she had forgotten what to do , and place d his around her waist. Claudia gasp ed when he pull ed her in , mold ed her into his body , and she quiver ed from his touch.

  “I don ’t remember suppressing your memory of slow dancing, ” he teased. There was a time when he couldn ’t joke about the loss of her memories, not that it would be something to joke about, but it was all in the past. She had forgiven him, but more importantly, he had forgiven himself.

  Claudia looked away shyly and tucked her head into his chest. She could hear the strong beating of his heart , and she knew that a ll the darkness she had been through was worth it , just to be there with him.

  Michael glided Claudia around the room . He twirled her out and back into him , making her gig gle like a schoolgirl. He twirled her again and sang , “You smiled…then the spell was cast. For you are mine…mine…mine….” He embrace d her tightly with all of him, with all of his love , for he had finally found her. “A t last .”

  Claudia closed her eyes and soaked in his words, his voice , and all of him to her heart.

  “Hey, ” Michael brushed her cheek and forced her to look into his eyes. “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”

  “I don ’t know.” Her eyes gazed down, and she blushed again. “I was too busy having naughty thoughts, ” she said , giggling.

  Michael let out a soft, short humorous laugh. “I like your thoughts. I wish I could read your mind and see what you have in mind.” Michael pressed his face into her hair. How he ’d missed holding and touching her like this. “What do you think of this place? Would you want to stay here?”

  “I could get used to this place. Is this my new home?”

  “Only if you want it to be.”

  “Where is here?”

  “It ’s somewhere beyond, a place only a few know exist s . It ’s safe here. I started building our home before I suppressed your memories , knowing that one day I would bring you here.”

  “You did?” Claudia knew Michael would do anything for her, but to build an incredible place like this was simply amazing.

  “Whenever I had a spare moment, I was here. Caleb, Vivian, Davin and I had a plan. After your memories came back, I was going to whisk you here, but the plan changed when things got worse.”

  “And now things are better.”

  “Katherine has granted this for now. I also believe she did this for Austin, to get you far away from him. It will help him settle into his new position without having a distraction. I know it ’s difficult for him. I ’m not trying to make you feel bad. I know I ’m the lucky one. Claudia…would you stay here with me, forever?” Michael felt uneasy all of sudden, afraid of what her answer might be. There was nervousness in his tone and Claudia felt it.

  Unlike the venators, the alkins couldn ’t remain on Earth for long periods of time. They had to rely on different angelic sites to draw their strength back. It was something about the light that gave them energy, like a life source, like the way it was in Halo City.

  “I will go wherever you go. If this is your home, then it will be mine.”

  He smiled happily and squeezed her tightly under his hold. “Before I forget….” Michael pull ed out a ring from the inside of the jacket. Claudia noted it was a simila
r ring to the one Katherine wore , t he one she ’d always admired. “This is the healing crystal. I want you to wear it always. This was passed down by my father , and now I give it to you.”

  Claudia held her hand out. “No Michael. I mean…as much as I would love to wear it, I can ’t. It ’s from your father. You can ’t give this to me.”

  “I lost you once. I can ’t ever lose you again.” He pull ed out a piece of crystal about the same size and put the ring s side by side. “See…I was able to break it in half. You are part of me as I am part of you.” Michael ’s real intention w as to give his half to Davin since he ’d used his to heal Claudia. It was the least he could do, but he showed it to Claudia so she would agree to his gift.

  “Then I will happily accept.” She put out her small hand and watched Michael slip it on her left middle finger. They gazed into each other ’s eyes until Michael pulled her in again.

  “I ’ve been meaning to do this since you got here.” He pressed his lips softly onto hers, lingering the kiss as he pulled back, feeling satisfied , as if her kiss was a euphoric drug.

  Claudia opened her eyes when he pulled away. “My turn.” She flung her arms around the nape of his strong neck and kissed him back with hunger and desperation. There was no holding back as heat flushed through to the tips of her finger s and down to her toes, where she curled them in .

  Michael controlled the kiss now, thrusting his tongue as if it were his hands caressing her from the inside and tasting her sweetness. His hand s ran up and down her dress, molding his hand s to the curves of her body.

  Needing air, he dipped her back, and ran his lips along the line of her pulsating veins on her neck , that thumped rapidly in the heat of the moment. His wings fanned opened, enclosing them half way. Then he lift ed her right leg and hoisted it onto his hips like he had done before at the waterfall , and ran his hand up her smooth le gs. She arched her back in ecstasy as he held her steady.

  Knowing he wouldn’t be able to control himself if he didn ’t slow down, he kissed her softly as their lips moved together perfectly, smoo thly, like gliding across ice . Unexpectedly, tears stream ed down Claudia ’s face. It took some time to take in all that ha d happened. She had been through so much that coming back full circle to where she always wanted to be overwhelmed her. Now, he was hers again, hers to keep, hers to say…mine.

  Michael wiped her tears, understanding the reason for them. Though he didn ’t tear up, his heart was breaking inside knowing how much she had been through , and he blamed himself fo r th at pain. Claudia ran her hands up his wings, rippling through the layers as they glowed heavenly. A s mall light beamed around them when Michael enclosed her completely as they became as one.

  “I love you, ” Claudia said, nibbling his ears. “I love you high as the sky and deep as the sea.”

  He chuckled lightly, enjoying her caress. “Ahhh…s weet words to my heart . How I have miss ed those words. I love who I am when I ’m with you. I love us. We are stronger together. I love you more.”

  Claudia gave him a feather light kiss on his lips. “Thank you for taking me to my prom. It ’s more than I had ever hoped for , and being here with you makes it even more special.”

  “Anything for you.” He grinned warmly.

  As Claudia and Michael continued to display their affection, they were interrupted by a voice.

  “Claud ia, your room is on the fourth floor and Michael ’s is on the third. I ’m reminding Michael since he ’s the one who design ed this place. No hanky panky until you ’re married, ” Davin scolded.

  “Hint…hint. We ’ve never been to a wedding before. I would love to pu t one together, ” Vivian said , thinking of how she could decorate and make it look like a fairy tale wedding.

  “Is it even possible for angels to get married ?” Caleb asked.

  “Who cares ? Is not like we follo w the d ivine rules anyway…well…some part s of it , at least, ” Davin said.

  “We are in the same room. Please keep your thoughts to yourself .” Michael folded his wings close d and exposed Clau dia , who flushed with redness.

  “Ummm…hello, ” she waved to everyone, seeing them right by the entrance smiling and giggling.

  “Looks like Michael made you up his way , after all the work I put in making you look good, ” Vivian teased.

  Claudia flushed with warmth , and her cheeks were red as could be. She i mmediately smoothed out her dress , brushed her hair back with her fingers, and wondered how bad she looked.

  “I ’m glad some things haven ’t changed, ” Caleb said.

  Davin smacked his hands together. “Okay…now , since the reunion has ended, it ’s time to start the pa rty on the first floor. I ’ve brought some drinks and chips and salsa, ” he winked.

  Claudia laughed out loud, recalling how much Davin wanted to try them.

  “Ready?” Michael asked Claudia. With a nod, Michael held her hand. They stood close to the edge. Claudia inhaled sharply. “You ’ll be fine. I promise, ” Michael said, knowing how she felt about heights.

  “I know, ” she smiled. She knew she would be. She wasn ’t the same person Michael had met in Crossroads. She was braver, wiser and stronger. Claudia had changed in ways she had never thought possible ; to her own, to how she was meant to be, her destiny.

  Chapter 39

  Without a care in the world, the music blasted as they laughed and ate chips and salsa. Davin gave Cl audia the update on things that had happened during the time she was bed ridden at Island of Eden . Samuel took his last breath , along with all the demons , when Aliah ’s soul was destroyed. Though sad to have seen someone who they considered a part of the family betray them, Delilah was a casualty of war. They found out she was one of the leaders of the a ngel fighter s , working undercover for Callum . Austin ha d officially been ordained as one of the Twelve. He and Jeremiah were bumping heads, like he said he would. Michael had decline d his position so he could be with Claudia.

  By the orders of Katherine and Austin, the angels were to set Michael and Claudia free as long as they would lend them a hand in times of trouble. Holly was now in charge of the Curators —all one hundred of them. They had assigned new Curators due to the loss of so many by Aliah ’s doing. Avalon suggested Victor to be assigned as one them. With his help, they were able to hunt down most of the Angelus Pugnators.

  After the updates, Michael and Claudia slow danced to their song again . Afterward, re quested by Davin, they danced till they couldn ’t dance anymore. When Claudia had a private moment with Davin, she asked about Avalon. Davin told her he knew the reason why he felt the way he did. He understood it was a crush, but he didn ’t love Avalon the way he s aw Michael loving Claudia . A l kins rarely fall in love , so he told her to cherish it, nurture it , and enjoy every moment of it , for it was precious to find the one in a million epic kind of love .

  Claudia excused herself and retreated to her room. All the excitement and not sleeping for several days had drained her. But the alkins continued to drink, listen to music and eat chips and salsa.

  Claudia opened the door to her room. It was bigger than she thought it would be. There was a queen size bed, a dresser , and a table that was positioned the way it had been in her room, the room she had when she lived as a human .

  Then she opened a huge walk in closet door and beamed a big smile. Never had she seen s uch a grand closet before. An abundance of clothes she didn ’t recognize were hung neatly by colors , and there were rows and rows of shoes any girl would dream of. She made a mental note to thank Vivian and Michael when she got the chance. Along with shoes, there was a row filled with purses. She even spotted the one she ’d left at Gamma ’s house and wondered how it got t here.

  Reaching for her black purse, she pulled out the pictur e she took from Gamma ’s house. Tears started to well up as she gazed at it. She brushed over Gamma ’s cheek with her fingertips , recall ing her words …that she would always be there for Claudia even if she couldn ’t see her. Th
en her eyes moved to Ava, the woman she called Mom , the one who had taken care of her. Ava had no memories of her , and th ough it deeply pained her, she knew it was right for her to have her life back.

  Carefully, she placed the picture on the table adjacent to her bed. After she changed into her nightgown, she opened the door to what she thought would be the bathroom , and sure enough she was right . Admiring the way the room was m ade from only the best material s , she entered, and h er bare f ee t glided across the cool white marble floor t hat had a hint of caramel . Admiring the large whirlpool bathtub, the frameless glass doors to the shower, the white sink enclosed by a marble counter that was the same color as the floor, she stood there in amazement as she sh ook with excitement. Then she closed the door behind her and headed for the bed.

  She tucked herself in and stared at the candlelights . The candles reminded her of Austin and his words , ‘You make a beautiful candle.’ Though it was for the best, her heart was broken from missing his friendship , and she hope d that one day soon she could see him again. She was just about to fall asleep when there was a soft knock on the door. There was only one person who would come up to see her. “Come in.”

  Michael peered in. “Just making sure….” He lost his words. “That you found your…bed.” He cleared his throat, chuckling , knowing that was the most ridiculous thing he ’d ever said.

  Claudia sat up. Lifting the b lanket, she gestur ed for him to lay beside her , and he did. She la id her head on his chest and held him t ightly. “Thank you. You ’ve made a beautiful roo m for me. It ’s more than I could imagine it to be.”

  “I want you to be happy here.”

  “It wouldn ’t matter where we were . As long as we ’re together , that will be all that matters; however, I do love everything about this place.”