Read Beyond Redemption Page 15


  By the time we got away from the hanging area, the shots slowly started to cease. We kept in the alley way's and hid in the darkness as we followed Wade.

  “You guys okay?” I asked them.

  Sam nodded and looked at me, “Yeah man, we're glad you're okay. When did you wake up?”

  I sighed as I stepped over a box, “I dunno about an hour or so ago.”

  Wade nodded, “We all thought you'd never wake up.”

  “How long was I in a coma?” I questioned them.

  Sam looked at me, “About five to six days.”


  “Yeah, and Ryan had to win the election as soon as you got to the hospital.” Wade sighed.

  I shook my head as we stopped at the edge of the alley way, Wade stuck his head out and looked around.

  “Okay,” he faced us, “James' house is just a block away.”

  “What happened to everything?” I asked.

  They looked at each other and then at me.

  “They destroyed it.” Sam said.

  “Ryan thought'd it'd be hilarious to let out the inmates and use them as his weapon, because they're so disposable. But, they destroyed the city, killing and injuring the innocent whenever they got the chance. Ryan and Kyle don't do shit to stop them so they got out of hand.” Wade informed.

  I shook my head and looked down, “How many are left?”

  “If you're talking about innocent people, a lot of them. The one's that wouldn't listen, they threw them in the prison with the inmates watching them. And the one's that tried to fight back, either got shot, beat to death, or hung.” he told me.

  “Jesus...” I huffed.

  He nodded and Sam looked at me.

  “And Ryan put us all on his wanted list, making us valuable target for anyone who wants a little cash.” he said.

  “Wait what? He put bounty on our heads? How much?” I asked.

  “4 million on each of us. And 8 on you.” Wade informed.

  I licked my lips and turned away, “This guy's crazy.”

  “Yeah. But we got to get back to the others, they don't know we got caught, we were supposed to have been on look out, we're trying to find a way to stop all this.” Wade said.

  “Isn't the army or President of the US gonna do anything about them?” I asked.

  “Apparently they don't know about it.” Sam rolled his eyes.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, confused.

  “We'll explain it later, we need to get back to the others, before they start to look for us.” Wade ran across the street.

  I sighed and Sam and I followed behind him. We jumped a fence and quickly crossed a street. Wade went behind a house and stopped in front of a shed.

  “What're we doing here?” I quietly asked.

  He opened the shed door and waved for us to get in. I went in and Sam moved a small carpet that was on the ground and knocked three times on a metal door that was built into the ground. Wade closed the shed doors and came up next to me.

  “Josh is going to be happy to see you.” he said, playfully hitting me in the shoulder.

  Seconds later, the metal door opened and Sam started to climb down a latter.

  “You're turn, pretty boy.” Wade spoke.

  I sighed and adjusted myself so I could get on the latter. I finally got onto it and started downwards. As I was climbing down, I looked below to see a light and a floor about 10 feet down. Sam got off the latter and I quickly copied.

  When my feet were on the ground, I backed away from the latter and looked around. It was like a safety room, there were boxes upon boxes of ammo and weapons. A light above me flickered as Wade came down the latter.

  “Joey, welcome to me hideout.” James said, standing in front of me.

  I raised my eyebrows and looked at him, “This thing came in handy, huh?”

  He laughed and spread his arms out and hugged me. I cringed in pain and he backed off, knitting his eyes.

  “Still hurts, man.” I forced a laugh.

  He nodded, “Right, I apologize.”

  Wade faced us, “Hey sorry we took so long.”

  James looked at him, “We got worried and were about to come look for you. What happened?”

  “Ryan caught us,” Sam said blankly, “Joey saved us though.”

  He started through the hall and I looked at James and nodded.

  “Yeah, I was in the neighborhood.” I told him.

  He smiled and nodded towards the hall that was in front of us, “I think the guy's are waiting to see you awake.”

  Wade put his hand on my shoulder and we started down the hall with James behind us.

  “It's been hell since all this crap happened, man. Josh has been going crazy.” he said.

  I nodded and we turned a corner, coming across a large room. The room was set up like the room in every agency that helps track criminals. With the big screen covering a wall and all.

  “Through here.” James said, pointing to a door to the right.

  Wade opened it and we all went through.

  “You have you're own kitchen down here too?” I asked James.

  He nodded, “Yeah man, this is like my life down here.”

  I huffed, looking around, “Good for you.”

  “Joey?” I heard Josh ask with an upset tone.

  I looked up and he was standing in a doorway that was in front of us. I took a step and he started towards me with Alan, Kevin and Jake behind him.

  “I'm sorry man.” I cried.

  He shook his head and came and hugged me. “Don't be.”

  I closed my eyes and hugged my brother as a few tears of pain came down my face. A pain in my chest made it almost difficult to breathe. I backed away and he wiped his eyes.

  “I thought'd you weren't gonna wake up.” he said to me.

  I laughed and nodded, “I thought'd I was gonna die as I was laying on that ground with y'all around me.”

  “Well we're glad you're strong enough man.” Alan came up to me and patted me on the shoulder.

  “Yeah, me too. So what the hell happened around here?” I looked at them.

  “Ryan and Kyle that's who.” Jake informed.

  I shook my head, “I thought we had Kyle tied up at your safe house, James.”

  James looked down and nodded, “Yeah, sorry about that. He escaped.”

  “Is Vince okay?” I asked him.

  He nodded and pointed to the room Josh and the others came out of.

  “He's a little banged up, sleeping now.” he informed.

  I nodded and looked at Josh, “So, tell me you've came up with a way to get rid of these two baboons?”

  He cocked his head to the side and walked passed me to the computer room.

  “Not exactly.” he said.

  I followed him into the room and he went to a computer that was in the middle of the room and pressed a few keys.

  “We have been planning something, but, something always goes wrong. Ryan and Kyle are good, they are always a step ahead of us.” he said.

  I nodded and went up to the big screen and looked at the image Josh had put up. It was of Ryan and Kyle, their files and background.

  “How did you guys get this?” I turned to Josh.

  “I got it all,” Jake informed, “This was everything the CIA had on them two. It's not much, but it's something.”

  I looked at it all, reading the info about Kyle's parent's, which I basically knew already. I knit my eyes and turned to him.

  “Can you get me everything on Jonas and his team?” I asked.

  He nodded and went to the computer Josh was at. Josh scooted over and he got on it, pressing a few keys then looking up at me.


  I sighed and looked to the side, trying to recall their full names.

  “Jonas Peterson, Andrew Jackson, Gage Matthews, and Travis White.” Sam blurted.

  I looked at him and nodded as he looked down.

  “That's them.” I said, stu
dying him.

  “Okay, one second.” Jake informed.

  “Sam, can I talk to you real quick?” I asked, looking at him.

  He looked up at me and nodded. I started into the kitchen and he followed me. Making sure I was away from the door so that no one could hear us, I turned to him and he stopped in front of me.

  “You okay?” I questioned.

  He looked up at me and shook his head, “No.”

  “I know everything is a little overwhelming, but it'll get better. We'll find Ryan and Kyle, trust me man.” I said.

  He shook his head and looked at the ground, “That's not what I'm talking about...”

  “Then what is it?” I knit my eyes.

  He sighed then looked up at me a bit and shut his eyes tight.

  “Uh, when Ryan had me and Wade, I saw something, or, rather someone.” he told me, “Well, at least I thought I saw him, I was so out of it, though.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I saw Cole,” he looked up at me.

  I froze and looked at him.

  “They had us in this room while they were hitting us, and after Wade had went out cold, I dunno, I thought I saw him. It's been bugging me.” he finished.

  I huffed and blinked, “Did you tell Wade?”

  “No, the only person I told was you. Man, I barely know any of these guys, let alone trust them.” he sighed.

  “Understandable, but they're trustworthy.” I told him.

  He nodded and rubbed his head, “I'm sorry for just throwing this on you, but I didn't know what else to do.”

  “It's okay. Tell me more about what happened? What else did you see?”

  He shook his head, “I dunno it was blurry. They knocked us out before they brought us to that place and blindfolded us when they took us out for the hanging. I saw him, Cole, he was with Ryan. He seemed different. I dunno, maybe it was just me bugging out, but, I swear I saw him Joey.”

  “What do you mean he seemed different?” I asked, cocking my head to the side.

  “Like he didn't care we were there. Plus, Ryan was talking to him like he was working with him. That's why I'm not sure it was actually him. But, it looked and sounded like him.” he said.

  I faked a laugh and shook my head, “No, Cole would never help them do this.”

  He nodded and looked at me, “I know. I don't know why I even thought about it.”

  “But, if it was him then he's gonna have a lot of explaining to do when we find him.” I joked, looking to the side.

  “Hey.” said Josh, leaning on the door frame that led to the computer room, “You guys okay?”

  I looked up to him and nodded as Sam turned around and started back into the room.

  “Jake found something.” Josh told me as I came towards him.

  I entered the room and Jake nodded then pulled something up on the screen.

  “Those names you gave me, the guys are a group of agents. There's not much on them either, but, I did find this...” he hit a few buttons and then looked up at me.

  “Whoa,” I gasped, looking at the screen.

  Jake had pulled up the background sheet of Jonas. Who's of which, had the most info about his past.

  “The dude was in and out of prison for different shit, I don't understand how he could have been assigned a job as a mechanic.” Jake said.

  “Wait, I thought he was a hit man...” Sam asked, confused.

  Jake looked at him and knit his eyes, “That's what I said.”

  Sam knit his eyes then nodded, “Okay. Got it.”

  “Anyway, like I was saying, I have no idea how he became what he is today with the background he has. Dude's like basically a part of the Manson family.” Wade finished.

  “We got something to hold against him. Maybe we can convince him.” I said.

  “Convince him to do what?” Josh asked me, “To join us? To help us kill Ryan and Kyle?”

  “Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea.” Sam agreed.

  “Well do you have anything better to think of?” I snapped.

  They looked to the side.

  “First things first,” Jake spoke up, “We have to get these bounty's off our heads. Because we can't do crap with every inmate trying to kill us.”

  I nodded and looked at James, “James can you contact Ryan personally? Without anyone spying or tracking us?”


  “Yeah,” James cut off Josh.

  “Good, tell him I want to meet with him to talk, no weapons, just me and him. But on my terms.” I told him.

  Josh looked at me and shook his head, “You just got out of a coma, and you're gonna meet with the guy who basically put you in it?”

  I nodded and patted him on the shoulder, “Yeah, duh, we're gonna talk business big bro.”

  He rolled his eyes and I turned to James as he was on the computer.

  “Hey, James, you talk to Dean lately?” I questioned.

  He shook his head, “No, he told me he was finishing up something.”

  I huffed and nodded, turning and facing the wall. I put my hands on it, and backed my feet up.

  “You okay?” Josh asked me.

  I nodded and looked at him, without taking my hands off of the wall, “Yeah, just thinking.”


  I sighed and looked over to Sam, who had his head down. I shut my eyes and looked back to the wall, shaking my head.

  “What's up, man?” my brother asked with a worried tune, “Everything okay?”

  I opened my eyes, “I dunno yet.”

  “Hey, he responded.” James called from the computer.

  I backed off the wall and faced him, “That quick?”

  He nodded as I went up to him and looked at the computer screen. I read what Ryan had sent back and knit my eyes.

  “Wait... Why did he say—”

  “He wants you to.” James blurted.

  My eyes got wide and I nodded, “Okay. I'm down.”

  I backed away and Alan's eyebrows connected as he looked at us. Josh took a step forward as I took a breath.

  “But make sure he won't be able to track us here, okay James?” I ordered.

  James nodded, “Already done, boss.”

  That word sent memories swirling in my head. And for a second, I almost lost focus on what was happening around me.

  “Okay, patch it through.” I commanded.

  “Wait what?” asked Josh in a stern voice.

  James pressed a few buttons and a video appeared on the middle of the screen. A familiar face appeared and grinned.

  “Joey! Nice to see you alive and well.” Ryan greeted in a smug tone.

  I crossed my arms and gave him a look.

  “That was a nice surprise back at the hanging area. How'd you know they were gonna be there? I guess it doesn't matter now does it? So what was it you wanted to talk about?” he asked.

  “I wanna make an agreement.” I spit.

  He nodded, “What kind would that be?”

  I looked to the side, trying to hold back the urge to want to kill him. I took a breath and looked back to him.

  “Hey, I'm not one to judge, but uh, I'm pretty sure that, if you and you're dead friends would have just left Sam alone that day, that they'd all still be alive.” he laughed.

  “Shut up!” I spit, uncrossing my arms, “Listen to me you douche bag, I don't care what it takes, I will hunt you down and I will kill you.”

  He nodded and looked to the side, “Too bad you're a bit late for that. I have an army of people willing do anything I order. And what do you have? 8 people?” he laughed, “You know what? I want you to come and kill me. I want to see you just try and touch me, and I want to see you fail. Because lets face it, Joseph, we all know you will.”

  I clenched my fist, “You know what Ryan... You wanna war? Fine. You got it. But, do us all a favor and take the bounties off our heads, because that's just pathetic that you can't do the fighting yourself.”

  His smile faded
and he nodded, giving me a look. I wet my lips and took a step closer to the screen.

  “We're coming for you Ryan. You and Kyle both. And when we find you, you're going to wish your mom had swallowed you.”

  The call went black after I said my last words to him. I huffed then turned to the guys.

  “We got work to do.”


  Warned You...

  More Books From The Author Coming Soon:

  Book #3 in The Only Ones Series

  Zombie Apocalypse 2: Saints & Sinners


  And Hopefully More to Come!

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