Read Beyond Redemption Page 2


  “Alright. Rules: No going in that back room. No talking to anyone other than me and Josh. No interrupting any conversations. And for God sake, try to mind your own damn business.” I informed my dad as Josh and I entered the living room.

  “You guys have grown so well.” he huffs.

  “Yeah, but you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?” I asked.

  He shot me a look and I turned away and sighed, “I need to talk to you guys.”

  I looked at Sam and the others then started back into the back room with them following behind me. I walked down the steps as the door closed.

  “What's up?” Wade asked me.

  “Have you guys heard from Dean?” I looked at them.

  Alan shook his head, “Nah mate, I don't trust that guy.”

  “He was James' old partner. What's not to trust?” I questioned.

  “Uh, I dunno, maybe its the fact that he was missing for twelve years? And that he randomly showed up at the guys' funeral? The funeral that no one, outside of us, knows about? I don't know about you, but I don't trust the bloody wanker.”

  “So y'all haven't heard from him?” I asked.

  “Not recently. Why? What's up?” Sam looked at me.

  I shook my head, “Nothing, I just wanted to talk to him. Uh, Kevin, did you ever find out anything new on Kyle or Jonas?”

  “Not yet, Jay. I've been keeping an eye on their emails.”

  “Anything good show its face?” I asked.

  “Kyle's been emailing this guy for the past month or so...” he informed.

  “What? Why didn't you tell me?” I looked at him, “Who is this guy?”

  “Apparently he goes by the name of Polly.” he knit his eyes.

  “Wait. What?” I cocked my head to the side.

  He laughed, “Yeah, little Kyle thinks he met a nice girl from the city. She's a year younger than him. Oh, and she likes to be called Princess. That, or, Kyle has a princess fantasy.”

  “Okay then...” Wade snickered.

  “Do you know who this guy is?” I asked Kevin.

  He shook his head, “Nah, I've been distracted by the messages.”

  “Is there anything worth sharing?” I crossed my arms over my chest.

  “Anything other than the sexual messages about Kyle wanting to do shit to the 40 year old man? Nah, not really.” he said.

  I looked down and smiled, “Then get your ass on that computer and find out who the hell that guy is and why the hell he is talking to a 23 year old making him believe he is a 19 year old girl.”

  He saluted me, “Yes sir, Mr. Douche Bag, sir!”

  I looked at him and he raised his eyebrows.

  “We never agreed to become The Crew.” he said.

  “I never asked you guys to.” I spit.

  “It sure as hell sounds like it...” Wade huffed.

  “What do you guys mean?” I asked them.

  They were quiet as they looked at each other. I looked at Alan, who shrugged.

  I sighed, “Y'all don't want to help find Kyle and Ryan?”

  They looked to the ground and I nodded.

  “Okay,” I said, “Fine. I don't even know why the heck you guys even made it this far. If you didn't want to help find your friends killers then why the hell did you even come here?”

  “We came here to show support for you, Joey.” Alan yelled, “But ya bloody wouldn't give it a rest! Yeah, we want to help ya find Cole and the others killers, but you bloody forced us to be what we couldn't be.”

  “And what's that?” I spit.

  “A team.” Kevin blurted.

  I looked at each of them then put my head down.

  “We're not team material. And we'll never will be, man.” Wade said.

  “Why not?” I put my head up, “Why is it so hard for us to be a team on this one job?”

  “One job? What happens after we kill them and finish this one job? Huh? What? You think your just going to go on with your life? Get a job and find a girl?” Wade questioned.

  I looked to the side and licked my lips.

  “Alright. So what? Y'all just going to leave?” Sam asked next to me.

  “We don't belong in this. This fight is between you two and them.” Wade said.

  “That's selfish. Your team was killed too. What kind of person is just going to let the killers get away?” I spit.

  Wade got in my face, “Kyle wasn't the one who killed them. I got vengeance for my friends killer the day they were killed. So I didn't go wasting my time obsessing over some kid and an old guy.”

  “It isn't just about avenging them.” I told him.

  “Oh really? Then what is it about?” he asked.

  “Kyle and Ryan are two horrible agencies. Hell, who doesn't know that? We need to bring them down.” I said.

  Alan shook his head, “If we're all getting shit off our chest then I got somethin' to say. I'm bloody sick and tired of y'all going to agencies just to bloody blow them up. You know how many times I heard an explosion on TV and it was you five?”

  “It's like that's all you know how to do,” Wade pointed out, “Got a problem? No worries! Just blow it up.”

  I looked down and smiled.

  “See what I mean? You guys found it amusing to blow shit up.” Alan said.

  I shook my head and looked up at them, “You can leave if you want. But just know, we would've done this for you.”

  “Are you trying to guilt trip us?” Wade asked me, “We've paid our dues. And we ain't got time to do the impossible. So yeah, maybe we are leaving.”

  I raised my hands, “Okay. You know what, go right ahead. I don't care anymore.”

  I started over towards the door and shook my head as I opened it. Josh and my father looked up at me as I walked into the room.

  The others followed behind me, but when I stopped in front of Josh, they continued out of the front door. Alan looked at me as he walked passed.

  “This is your suicide run, mate.” he spoke then nodded once at me and Sam then followed the others out of my safe house.

  “What was that about?” Josh looked at me.

  I sighed and rolled my eyes, “Long story, bro.”

  “Nice to see you two gettin' along for once.” my dad smirked.

  I eyed him then looked over at Josh, “What now?”

  “I have work.” he backed up and began to turn.

  “Whoa, wait, what?” I ran after him, “You're just going to leave me alone with him?”

  He looked at me, “You're a grown man, Joey. And besides,” he looked over to Sam, “You have him.”

  I sighed as I watched him grab his keys off of the counter and exit the safe house.

  “So,” my dad clapped his hands, “What shall we do now?”

  “Sam and I have work to do.” I looked over to Sam as he nodded in agreement.

  “Oh good, I can help.” my dad smiled.

  I shook my head and pointed to him, “No, you can't help. Why don't you go for a walk?”

  “Do I look like a man who needs a walk?” he asked.

  I studied him then looked at his fat pot belly and laughed, “Actually, yeah.”

  He gave a bitch face and took a step forward.

  “What was that?” he spit.

  My smile faded and I looked down then back up at Sam, “Let's go into the back room.”

  He nodded and turned as he started into the back room. I sighed and looked at my dad as I started passed him. He quickly grabbed my arm and got in my face. I winced as the smell of stale beer that came out of his mouth as he talked.

  “I ain't forget what had happened that night. Ya hear me? I ain't forget it. And apparently neither did you.” he quietly spit.

  He let go of my arm and we looked at each other as I followed Sam into the back room.

  “Everything alright?” Sam asked as I came into the room.

  I nodded and rubbed my arm, “Yeah man, its all good. Uh, do you know how to trace emails?”

p; He knit his eyes, “Wait, that's possible?”

  I laughed, “I take that as a no. Okay then, it's time to call the best.”