Read Beyond Redemption Page 9


  We congregated around a large table in the back room. Jake told us all what we were so obviously missing. Ryan was close to becoming Mayor, very close.

  “I don't understand why the hell people are voting for him.” Sam shook his head.

  “The guy's a madman, he'd do whatever it takes to get to the top.” I huffed, “I guess he was desperate enough to run the city.”

  “He has connections, of course he's gonna win the election. He has two powerful agencies behind him.” Jake informed us.

  I backed away from him and looked at him, “You know a lot about me, but we don't know jack about you..”


  “So, why don't you fill us in on who the hell you are and why we should trust you?” I spit.

  He nodded and backed away from the table.

  “Fine,” he said as he cracked his neck, “My name is Jake Amell, I am an Aries, I like guns, hot chicks, and action movies.”

  I rolled my eyes as he gave a smirk. I was about to cut him off when he continued.

  “I was a C.I.A operative up until a few years ago when I was cut loose, and I've been on the run ever since. There's not much about my life that's important, but if you must know... I reached puberty at age 16, I dated this sexy girl when I was 17, but, my dad told me to get a life and stop watching TV, so that relationship ended quicker than I wanted it to.”

  He looked at me and raised his hands, “Your turn, man.”

  “We're you really in the C.I.A?” Josh asked him.

  “As far as I know? Yea. But as far as the database records show? No.” he admitted.

  I nodded and scratched the back of my neck, “What are we supposed to do to stop them? They're in a tight spot even when they aren't actually mayor. It's gonna be hard to get to them. If we kill them, the entire city will be after us.”

  The door to the living room quickly opened and my dad came into the back room.

  “Hey, Joshua, might wanna come check this out. Like, uh, now.” he said.

  Josh looked at me then knit his eyes and ran into the living room. I slowly followed behind him as my dad led us to the TV that was on. Josh froze when he saw what was on the television.

  “What is that?” I asked, confused.

  But then I saw what it was. The police station I was just at was in flames.

  “As you can see the North Police Department is in flames after what appeared to be an explosion. Firefighters and ambulance are on the scene. No one is saying how the explosion happened, but some are making this clear that this was the work of terrorists...” The woman on the news spoke with such fear it wasn't hard to tell.

  “I have to get over there.” Josh ran his hands through his hair.

  “What? No. You need to stay here.” I told him.

  “Why the hell would I do that when someone just blew up the police station?” he snapped.

  “Josh! Trust me. Don't go.” I looked at him.

  He turned to me and I raised my eyebrows. He shook his head and quickly started towards the front door.

  “No,” he said, “I have to figure out what the hell is happening.”

  “I'll go with you, man.” Jake stepped up from behind me.

  Josh stopped and looked at him.

  “Yeah, please do.” I sighed.

  Josh nodded then turned to me, “I'll be careful.”

  With that he turned and went out the front door with Jake behind him. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

  “He'll he okay, Joesph.” my dad smirked and turned to me.

  “Don't call me that.” I told him, shaking my head.

  He took a step closer to me, “I can call you whatever I want. You know why? Because there ain't nothin' you gonna do about it.”

  I laughed and shook my head, “I just love how you think I'm the same pathetic little kid as I was when you used to hit me. Thing's have changed over the years, but you're still the same old asshole I remember.”

  He got that look on his face that was all too familiar. I hated him, and I knew he hated me as well. He laughed a bit and I smelled the foul stench of beer in his breath. I closed my eyes and looked down, clearing my throat then looking back up at him.

  “I may be the same old asshole, but that's only when you're around,” he whispered, “You were a mistake. Ya hear me? I regret the day you were born.”

  I laughed and nodded. Pain and anger filled my chest, even though I've heard this all before, it hurt even more hearing it again.

  “You're pathetic. You know that?” I said to him, “You come back after all these years to what? Tell me what I already know? Get a life.”

  “I had a life!” he came in my face, “Then your slut of a mother had to sleep with someone else and have you.”

  I froze and looked at him, confused.

  “Oh that's right. You didn't know. You mother had an affair with someone else, and had you. Then left your scum ass with me. We got back together and had Megan, then she left me once again because she wanted something better.” he spit.

  I shook my head and swallowed as my throat swelled.

  “I feel bad for mom,” I looked at him, “She had to deal with the scum that wasn't even man enough to keep her.”

  In an instant, he pulled his fist back and swung, hitting me square in the face. As I fumbled backwards, my ankle gave out and I dropped to the ground as pain shot up through my leg.

  James and the others came forward but my dad held out his hand and, in a stern voice, shouted.

  “Stay back! This is between me and my son.” he looked down at me, “You mother didn't leave because of me. She left because each time she looked at you, she saw that bastard she slept with. And regretted it.”

  I cringed at the pain in my ankle but managed to get on my feet and get in his face.

  “For years, you tormented me and Megan. Years! And each time we thought that this was all because of the way you drank. But, now I know. It was about how mom left you. And now that I think of it, I am glad she did. She got away from the asshole you really are. And I don't blame her for doing that anymore.” my eyes swelled as I looked at him.

  He yelled in anger and slammed me against the wall behind me. I cringed as he looked me in the eyes. James and the others flinched as they watched us, unknown of what to do.

  “You don't know anythin'!” he raged, “But I know one thing, your friends that were killed? They died because of you! The same thing with Megan, she died because of you. Because you are nothin' but a pathetic piece of trash. Just like your father.”

  My heart ached and rage surged through my body. I closed my eyes and he tightened his grip around my neck. He looked at me as his face went red with anger. I grabbed his hands and tried to pry him off of me. But somehow I wasn't strong enough. The overwhelming pain and agony just washed over me and all I wanted to do was just die or forget this ever happened.

  He pulled his hand back and dug in his pocket then quickly brought out a switch blade and just as he put it to my neck a gun cocked to the left of us.

  “I wouldn't do that if I were you.” James spoke with a threatening tone.

  I took a shaky breath and swallowed.

  “Hey!” Josh's voice yelled from the right of us.

  Jake slammed the door behind him as Josh ran up to us. My dad put the tip of his blade against my neck.

  “Stay out of this, Joshua.” he told my brother.

  Josh shook his head, “No, not this time. Get off of him. Now.”

  “Or what?” he spit.

  Josh took out his pistol and held it up to him. My dad looked at him and smiled.

  “You ain't gonna use that, Joshua.” he laughed.

  “Watch me.” Josh raged.

  My dad huffed, looked at me then released his grip and backed away.

  “Leave.” Josh ordered.

  Our dad looked at him and took a couple steps towards the front door.

  “What doesn't hurt you...” he mumbled and passed Josh.

  I looke
d up at him as Jake opened the door for him.

  “What?” I managed to say through my state of emotion, “What did you just say?”


  I stepped towards him and shook my head, “No. What did you just say?”

  He stopped and turned to me. Shrugging, he let out a sigh and walked out of the safe house as Jake closed the door behind him. I shook my head and started to go after him but Josh held me back.

  “No, let him go, man.” he told me.

  “Get off me!” I yelled, “He mumbled something that I heard before. I have to stop him.”

  Josh let me go and I painfully limped towards the front door.

  “Joey?” Josh came closer to me.

  Ignoring him, I went passed Jake and put my hand on the door knob. Without hesitating, I turned it and pulled it open. A loud pop! ripped through the air and before I knew it, my chest went cold and almost numb. My knees got weak and I collapsed to the ground.

  Someone screamed my name as hands grabbed me and dragged me away from the front door. I saw Jake slam the door shut and turn and look at me. Josh bent down and was in my face, his hand caressed my head as he yelled for someone to call an ambulance.

  I cringed and coughed up a thick liquid as my hand went to my chest. My fingers were covered with the same warm liquid, it was only when I lifted my hand up I noticed it was red.

  “Somebody call the...” Josh's voice trailed off but I knew he was still talking.

  “I don't care!” he cried out, “Help me get him up, I'm taking him myself!”

  Hands grasped my arms and I was lifted up as Josh and James took me outside to the white van. As they were putting me inside, I heard James say something in what sounded like Russian, and then everything slowly went black.