Read Beyond Secrets, The Art of Murder Page 12

  Chapter 12

  Josh dropped Madison off at her office. She was planning on picking up Aspen and attending Tyler Kincaid’s new exhibit that evening. She called Aspen to make sure they were still on for the evening.

  “Hi, Aspen. Are you sure you’re up to going tonight?”

  “I can’t wait. Tyler called again to make sure I was coming. He’s so thoughtful and I’m so excited about seeing his new exhibit. Aren’t you?”

  “I’m looking forward to it. I’m sure it will be a very interesting evening. You want me to pick you up about 5:30?”

  “Perfect. That way we'll have some time to talk to Tyler before his serious buyers get there. They like to make a grand entrance just before he reveals his work as if he’s waited just for them.”

  Madison pulled out the invitation to the event and realized it was going to require more fancy attire than she had with her. She came down to Maitland with the bare necessities, but she did have a simple, tight-fitting, black dress. But she had no accessories to dress it up, then remembered Jessie and Jim were going to Winter’s that evening and hoped she’d catch her in time.

  “Hello, Maddy,” Jessie answered.

  “Jess, have you and Jim left yet?” Madison asked frantically.

  “No. Jim had something to take care of and will be a little late. Why?”

  “Well, I’m invited to the exhibit tonight at the Art Center and didn’t realize until now, it is a dressy affair, and I am drawing a blank. Can you help me out?”

  “Why don’t you come on over and I’ll fix you right up.”

  “Thanks, Jess. You’re a doll.” Madison put on her black dress and headed to Jessie’s.

  Jessie was standing in the driveway waiting for her. “Come on in; I have just the thing.”

  When Madison stepped out of the car wearing her black dress, Jessie stood back with her hands on her hips, “Are you looking to get laid or attending an exhibit?”

  “Too much?” Madison said sliding her hands down her dress.

  “No! But I’m afraid Mr. Kincaid will be more distracted by you than the ones handing him a check for his paintings. Now, let’s put the frosting on the cake.” Jessie led Madison into her room.

  Jessie opened her dresser drawer and pulled out a wooden box. “This ought to catch his eye.” The box had enough bling in it to blind someone.

  “These aren’t real, are they?” Madison asked as she picked up a piece.

  “They are real, and I want you to dazzle those snobs who think they own the town.” Jessie put one of the emerald and diamond necklaces around Madison’s neck.

  “I can’t wear this, Jess. What if something happens to it? I would never forgive myself.”

  “I’d rather it be worn and lost than spend the rest of its days in this wooden box. It’s perfect, and it shows off your long blond hair. I have a pair of earrings and a ring that will go great with it but not distract from the necklace. I just wish I could see their faces when you walk in.” Jessie laughed thinking about the reaction Madison would get from the women attending the gala.

  “Are you sure?” Madison asked stroking the necklace.

  “I’m dead serious.” Jessie wrapped up the jewelry into a velvet bag and handed it to Madison. “I want a detailed description of the look on their faces. Do you hear me?”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  Madison went back to her office. She was exhausted from the non-stop pace of this case but but her whole body seemed to be running on adrenalin lately and she was looking forward to a slower paced evening.

  She showered and put on makeup, which she hadn’t worn much of lately, and brushed out her long, blond, wavy hair to the side, draping her hair over one shoulder. She put her dress back on and the jewelry Jess gave her and stood back, in front of the full-length mirror. “Damn, I look good tonight. Now, I hope I’ll have some fun too.”

  After what Jessie had told her about how the women swooned over Tyler Kincaid, she was going to make it her mission to do just the opposite. She hoped the evening might reveal something that would be pertinent to the case. She was going to be observing everyone. “I still believe the art center is the key to this case, and if it is, it may rear its ugly head this evening, and I don’t want to miss it.”

  It was just about time for her to pick up Aspen. She grabbed her small clutch and left. Aspen’s house was only about a fifteen-minute drive but knew Aspen was eager to get to the exhibit and see Tyler before the others arrived, so she left a little early.

  Just as Madison suspected, Aspen was pacing on the front porch waiting. Her eyes lit up when she saw Madison. She darted back into the house to get her purse but took her time coming down the porch steps. She still had not completely recovered from the dizzy spells and didn’t want to risk another fall.

  Aspen smiled. “I’m so excited; Tyler will be showing the new pieces that he’s been working on for the past six months. No one has seen them, or even knows what they are about, but you can bet his fans will be all over him to be the first to purchase one. I’ll bet he’ll sell every one of them this evening.”

  “I guess that’s what all artists hope for.”

  “Do you think you’d be interested in purchasing one of his works?”

  “No, I don’t think so. It’s not my style of art. I’m more of a lover of the old masters, which is not to say I think his work isn’t good,” Madison quickly added, trying to get her foot out of her mouth.

  “Oh, that’s okay. That’s what is so wonderful about art. There are so many styles to enjoy.”

  They pulled up to the entrance of the Maitland Art Center. Fortunately, they arrived early enough that there were plenty of parking spaces. Aspen could hardly wait to see the exhibit. She was hoping she could see it when they arrived because Tyler had asked her to come early. “I know I can’t volunteer like I normally do, but I think he’s going to ask me to help in some way. I sure hope so,” Aspen whispered as she opened the entrance door.

  Just as they walked in the door, there was a huge banner of Tyler Kincaid in the lobby. Though he looked handsome on the banner, it didn’t begin to capture the magnitude of his personality. Sitting at the reception desk was Kim. Her job was to greet everyone and direct them to the showing.

  “I’m so glad you’re feeling better, Aspen, but I didn’t think you’d be able to come this evening.”

  “Well, if it hadn’t been for my friend, Madison, I wouldn’t have.” Aspen turned and smiled at Madison. “Is Tyler here?”

  “He’s still in his studio, but he won’t be coming out until the exhibit starts. He asked me to have everyone wait in the hallway and make sure that no one enters the gallery until he’s ready. You know how he likes to create suspense.”

  “I understand, but he asked me to come early. Would you mind calling him and letting him know I’m here?”

  Kim tightened her lips when Aspen’s requested she dial Tyler’s extension. “Mr. Kincaid, Aspen, and her friend are here to see you. Do you want me to have them wait here for you?” Kim said very formally. “Okay,” she said before hanging up the phone.

  “Mr. Kincaid said to come on back to his studio.” Kim forced a smile but jealousy was written all over her face.

  “Thank you, Kim.”

  Aspen led Madison down the hall to the back, and as they exited the back door, Madison turned to see Kim still watching them. “Are you and Kim friends?”

  Aspen crinkled her nose. “I try to be nice to her, but I don’t think she likes me.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “To tell you the truth, I think she’s jealous that Tyler thinks I’m doing well with my art.”

  As they crossed the back courtyard, towards Tyler’s studio, he came out to greet them. He hugged Aspen and told her how good it was to see her looking well. Then he turned to Madison, “And who is your gorgeous friend?” He reached for Madison’s hand. But before Aspen could tell him, he tilted his head. “You’re the wom
an doing some investigating on these murders in town, aren’t you? We’ve met before.”

  “Yes, I am, and yes, we have met before. I brought Aspen here tonight. She didn’t want to miss your big reveal,” she said not giving much importance to him.

  He turned and smiled at Aspen. “Well, I’m glad you did. Aspen is very special to me. She’s going places with her art. Thank you for bringing her.”

  That was a surprise. I expected him to go on about himself.

  “Thank you, Tyler. I know I can’t do much this evening, but is there anything I can help you with?”

  He took her hands in his. “As a matter of fact, there is. I know I haven’t discussed this with you, but in a few months, I’d like to sponsor you with an exhibit of your own. You are more than ready to show the public what you have.”

  Aspen nearly collapsed. Madison rushed behind her to steady her. “Are you sure I’m ready?” Aspen stammered with her words. She was in shock. He had given her encouragement, but never led on he thought she was that good.

  “I’m going to introduce you tonight and announce a date for your exhibit. I want you to work closely with me for the next couple of months. How does that sound to you?”

  Aspen couldn’t speak. She had to sit down.


  “Yes,” she said, still not believing what she heard.

  “Good then. Now get out of here, and I’ll see you in about a half hour. Go enjoy yourselves with the other guests.” He motioned her out of the room. Aspen started out the door with Madison behind her when Mr. Kincaid tapped Madison on the shoulder. “I’d like to talk to you after the exhibit,” he whispered.

  “All right.”

  Madison hurried to catch up with Aspen and then they sat down on a bench in the courtyard before going back into the reception area. “Am I dreaming? Did he just say he wanted to sponsor me for my own exhibit?”

  Madison grinned. “I believe that’s what he said, and I think he’s sincere.”

  “Oh my goodness, I can’t believe it. My legs are shaking. Can we sit out here for a few minutes longer?”

  “Of course. I’ve seen your work, and I agree. You have a special talent, and I think Mr. Kincaid sees it too.”

  “I don’t want to tell anyone else yet. I think he wants to make the announcement as a surprise. So promise me, you won’t mention this to anyone.”

  Madison put her finger to her mouth. “My lips are sealed. I promise. Now, I don’t know about you, but I could use a drink. Let’s get some Champaign before the others get here. It wouldn’t hurt, and it may calm you down some. Your excitement is bound to draw attention, and I know you don’t want that right now.”

  Aspen stood up. “That’s a good idea. I’m still shaking, and a glass of the bubbly would help.”

  They walked back into the reception area just as the catering service was setting up the bar and hors d’oeuvres. Madison stepped up and ordered two glasses of Champaign while Aspen waited in the hallway. By the time she brought back the glasses, Kim had stepped up beside Aspen, “What did Mr. Kincaid want to talk to you about?”

  “Oh, he just wanted to know how I was doing.” Aspen tried to hold back her enthusiasm.

  Kim could tell there was more to it than that. “I wonder why he just didn’t call you,” she asked, rather sarcastically as she turned and walked to greet some of the patrons coming in.

  “I don’t think Kim bought my story.”

  “I’m sure she didn’t.” Madison grinned as she watched Kim walk away.

  Kim kept glancing back at Aspen and Madison as if she suspected they were up to something, and she didn’t look happy about it.

  Women soon filled the reception area. They strutted around in their finest, sipping on Champaign and dabbling in the occasional hors d’oeuvre of caviar as if that’s what they had every day at cocktail hour. Madison saw what Jessie was talking about as she watched them parade up and down the hallway. These women could have rivaled the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills with their over-kill attire. They were dripping in jewels, so many that one couldn’t tell what they were wearing, and each finger was laden with gawky rings. There was nothing classy about any of them, but these were Mr. Kincaid’s groupies, who bought his paintings at outlandish prices.

  Madison listened as the women paraded around pretending to enjoy the other art in the hallway. They talked about the artists as if they knew them personally, even the ones who had passed away long before these women were born.

  The room was finally full, and everyone had enough to drink. Kim stepped up to the door of the exhibit. “Mr. Kincaid would like to welcome you all to his newest exhibit. Please feel free to browse through the hall. He will be joining you shortly.” Kim swung open the doors.

  Aspen and Madison stayed in the hallway. Neither of them was eager to get trampled by the women rushing into the gallery. Aspen just shook her head. “Never fails; the crazies come out in these women every time Tyler has a showing.”

  Madison watched as the women made their way to the hall. She could hear the remarks about what an incredible artist Tyler was, and bragging about how many of his works adorned their homes.

  “How many paintings by one artist does a person need? Maybe one or two, but you’d think they wanted to wallpaper their homes with his art.”

  “Let’s hope so,” someone replied softly standing behind Madison.

  She turned sharply, and there stood Mr. Kincaid. “I meant no disrespect to your work, but get real. I wouldn’t have more than one or two of the great masters’ works in my home if I could afford it.”

  “You don’t mince your words, do you, Ms. Hart? I agree, but I’m glad my buyers don’t, or I would be peddling my art at the flea market.”

  He brushed past her and entered the room. “Good evening. I’m so pleased that you all came out this evening to share in the reveal of my latest works.” Tyler turned slightly and grinned at Madison.

  Madison and Aspen entered the room but kept their distance. Madison was so busy watching the women vying for Tyler’s attention that she didn’t notice the paintings.

  The evening went along just as Aspen had told Madison it would. By the time the exhibit was nearing the close, all the painting had been purchased. However, they would remain on exhibit for the remainder of the month.

  Kim took care of the purchases at the reception desk and when all the purchases were completed, she returned to the main exhibit hall to inform Mr. Kincaid that all his paintings had been sold. It made her feel important to be able to handle that for him. She stood beside him as he started a toast. He tapped his glass to get everyone’s attention. “I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for coming, but I have an announcement to make. After coaching and watching my young apprentice develop into, what I feel to be, an amazing artist, I am proud to be sponsoring her first one woman showing this spring. I hope to see you all there to support her and be one of the first to own a piece of her upcoming collection. I want to introduce Ms. Aspen Chambers, Aspen,” he said motioning her to step up next to him.

  Aspen held her head up and smiled as she walked up beside Tyler. “Thank you,” she replied in a soft voice.

  Several of the women approached her to ask her questions about not so much her work, but how it felt to work so closely with Mr. Kincaid.

  Madison noticed that Aspen’s voice weakening and her posture was slumping. Madison interrupted Aspen and escorted her outside to the courtyard. “Are you sure you’re going to be able to handle all this?”

  “I hope so, but thanks for rescuing me. I needed to get out of there. I think I’ll just sit out here for awhile. They should be leaving soon.”

  Madison left Aspen sitting alone in the courtyard and returned to the exhibit hall. As soon as Tyler left the room, one-by-one the women left, leaving Madison alone with the paintings. She took the opportunity to look more closely at the collection, stepping up to one of the paintings where a woman was leaning ag
ainst a fallen tree at the edge of the forest. It was only a profile of a woman glancing off in the distance. The painting wasn’t focused on the woman, as much as it was on what she was looking at. Off in the vastness was a dark, ominous cloud looming over the outline of a sprawling city. Madison was surprised at her response to the painting and found it more interesting than she thought it would be. Then she moved to the next painting. It, too, was of a woman in the foreground; only she was sitting on a pile of broken concrete, looking at a tropical forest far across a large lake. This painting evoked the feeling of a place one could never reach or had abandoned.

  When she finished looking at each piece, she stood back to see the paintings from a different perspective. Suddenly, she heard a voice. “Well, what do you think? I know you’ll give me your honest opinion.” Tyler asked stepping up next to her.

  “I’m not quite sure what you’re asking the viewer to see, but I think they’re interesting.”

  “Oh shit. They’re interesting? That’s what someone says when they don’t want to hurt your feelings. And I thought you’d tell it to me straight.”

  “I am telling you straight. I find your work engaging. The more I look at the paintings, the more they speak to me. Now, I’m not saying one of the pictures is telling me to hang it on my wall, but it holds a secret that fascinates me. I’ll have to study each one more at a later date. Now, why did you want to talk to me? I need to get Aspen home soon; I can tell she’s exhausted.”

  “I don’t know how much Aspen or Kim have told you about me, but I never use the same woman twice in my paintings. However, I’m about to embark on the new collection. Only this time, instead of the woman in the painting not being the focus, I’d like the entire collection to surround her.”

  “That would be different. You mean though her eyes?”

  “Yes,” he blurted out. “That is precisely what I want to do.”

  “I wish you luck with that. It should be a challenge for you. But what does that have to do with me?”

  “I’d like you to be my model.”

  “Me? I don’t think so, Mr. Kincaid. I already have a job that takes up all of my time, but good luck finding someone.” Madison turned to leave.

  “I’m not giving up on you, Ms. Hart.” He turned to see Kim standing there with her mouth opened wide.

  “Well, this evening is full of surprises, isn’t it Mr. Kincaid?” Kim asked.“I wouldn’t pass that offer up if I were you. To have Mr. Kincaid use you for his entire collection would be quite the honor, Ms. Hart.”

  Madison smiled but then returned to check on Aspen in the courtyard. The evening had taken its toll on Aspen. She could barely walk across the courtyard and seemed to be getting weaker, probably from the exhausting night. “I need to get you home, lady.”

  Aspen looked up at Madison. “I am kind of tired.”

  Madison walked Aspen to the car, and by the time she sat down, it was apparent she wouldn’t have been able to go any further. Aspen seemed extremely tired, more than she should have been, and it worried Madison.

  When they arrived at the house, Madison had to nearly carry Aspen up the steps. Her eyes looked rolled around and drooped like she was on something and she started slurring her words. “I think I had too much of that Champaign.”

  Madison laid Aspen across her bed, slipped off her shoes and put a blanket over her. Within moments, Aspen was asleep. Madison stayed awhile to make sure she was okay. Once she heard her snoring, Madison closed and locked the door behind her and went home.

  Madison took off the jewelry and her dress, and then put on her tank top and shorts. She had planned to go over a few notes but was feeling sluggish and headed for bed and was asleep within minutes. In the middle of the night, she sat straight up in her bed. Suddenly, she realized there was something in those paintings that were speaking to her. She had been dreaming about them and then she saw it. She picked up the clock; it was only 3:30 a.m. She pulled back the curtain and ran to the board and nearly tore off the sheet that was covering it and then stood back looking at the timeline of the missing women, then back at their pictures.

  Without thinking, she clicked on Josh’s cell phone number. “Logan.” He sounded like he was still asleep, and his response was automatic.

  “Josh, are you up?” Madison frantically asked.

  “Hell no, I’m not up. Who is this?” He slowly turned to look at his clock. “Shit. It’s 3:30 in the morning.”

  “Josh, it’s Madison. Get some clothes on and come over as soon as you can. I’ll have the coffee ready.” She hung up the phone before he had a chance to respond.

  Josh thought he was dreaming and turned back over, and started to go back to sleep. Just as he was about to fall back to sleep, the cell phone rang again. “Are you getting up?” Madison yelled in the phone.

  “Good grief woman. What in the hell can be so important that it can’t wait a few more hours?” Still groggy, he tried to pull himself up.

  “I think I have something on the case, but I need your input. How soon can you get here?”

  Josh staggered toward the bathroom. “Give me twenty minutes. I need to take a shower and wake up. How long have you been up?”

  “I just got up.”

  He reached in to turn on the shower. “Do you always wake up like this?”

  “When I’m excited about something, I do. Now, hurry up and get your ass over here.”

  Damn, that woman. She drives me nuts sometimes.

  The steaming, hot water felt invigorating as it pulsated against his tired body. Josh had been up for most of the night, going over some notes on the case, hoping to see if there was something he was missing. He finally went to bed, but then Madison’s call tore him from what he thought would be a good night’s sleep, something he hadn’t had in awhile.

  “I sure hope hat she has something worth me losing sleep over.” He pulled on his jeans and a tight-fitting T-shirt, grabbed his files and headed out the door. He was about to swing by McDonald’s for some coffee and then remembered Madison was making a fresh pot. Her coffee would be much stronger, and that’s what he needed.

  Madison saw the lights from Josh’s car pulling into the parking lot, so she met him at the door with a mug of coffee and then hurried back to the board.

  “Good morning to you, too,” he said sipping on his coffee and watching Madison walk back to the board, still wearing her shorts and tank top, without a bra. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her tight, well-toned body. He flashed back to the night they had sex, and it excited him all again. He positioned his files in front of him and followed behind her, trying not to draw attention to himself.

  Madison didn’t bother to return the pleasantries. She was engrossed in her thoughts about the case and the possible discovery that may bring them closer to finding their killer.

  Josh stepped up next to her at the board. “Okay, what’s going on that couldn’t wait until a decent hour on a Saturday morning?”

  “You knew I took Aspen to the new exhibit last night at the Art Center, right?”

  “Yeah,” he answered, waiting for more.

  “It was a very interesting evening. This guy, Kincaid has a following that would impress even a rock star. They hovered around him as if he was some god. His paintings sold within the first hour of the exhibit. I didn’t have a good chance to look at them until everyone had gone. However, it didn’t hit me until a dream I had this morning woke me up. There was something very familiar about each painting, but I couldn’t see it, until now.”

  She looked at the pictures of the missing women. “Josh, I may have found a connection, but before I run with this, you and I need to go to the art center as soon as possible. I want to photograph the paintings and bring them back here. If I’m not mistaken, our missing women may have been his models for his paintings. And that, my friend, is our connection.” Madison smiled and reached for her mug of coffee.

  Josh sat down hard in the chair. “I’m goi
ng to need more coffee to contemplate all of this. If you’re right, we’re going to have tread lightly while we gather our information. I don’t want to spook anyone at the center before we have our facts straight. But that would give us a new direction to pursue. If you’re right, we may be getting closer to our suspect.”

  Madison spread her papers and photos out on the table. She had information on each of the missing women, in chronological order from the moment they went missing. Josh was amazed at her focus as he sat watching her work. Much was already on the board, but she was determined to review each one again, looking for something that may connect them to the Art Center. “Now I believe we have a focal point.”

  They were downing the coffee as fast as they could fill their cups. The enthusiasm heightened as Madison added and rearranged clues on the board. Hours seemed to pass, and then, almost in tandem, they both blurted out, “We have our connection.”

  She turned to Josh and grabbed and squeezed him so hard he could hardly breathe. She pulled back slightly and looked up at him. He smiled and knew it was okay. He reached up and drew her mouth to his. There was no hesitation as she returned his kisses.

  Josh leaned up against the table and lifted her, as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He laid her on the bed as she looked up at his strong, masculine body shimmering in the moonlight that was shining in the back window. He knelt down on the bed and kissed her. She pulled him into her.

  Josh cradled her in his arms. “Maddy, why are you such a difficult woman? I can’t figure you out. Sometimes I think you can’t wait to get rid of me, and then this. You drive me crazy, woman.”

  Madison looked into his steel blue eyes as a tear trickled down her face. Her voice softened. “I’m not an easy person to be around, Josh. I haven’t had a good track record with relationships, so I try to avoid them. I don’t mean to come across as a hard-ass. I just don’t want to hurt you, or myself, so I have a tendency to put up a protective shield around myself.”

  Josh sat up on the edge of the bed and pulled her up into his arms. “Give me a chance. I won’t hurt you.” He held her against his chest.

  “Be patient with me, Josh. My work and these victims come first in my life.”

  “That’s one of the things I like about you. You’re like a bulldog once you’ve got hold of a bone, you won’t let go. I’m just glad that you’re letting me in on this with you. We are going to get to the bottom of this, Maddy, and we’ll do it together.” He looked at her and grinned. “While we’re waiting for the art center to open, let’s go have some breakfast. I just worked up an appetite.”

  She smiled started to get up from the bed. He reached for her arm and stood up pulling her against his naked body.

  “We’d better get dressed, or I might totally forget about breakfast,” she said grinning and gently pushing him away.