Read Beyond the Veil, Book 5 The Grey Wolves Series Page 6

  “I would like to meet with your pack, and Decebel’s. Tomorrow night.”

  Vasile nodded. “We will come there.”

  “I will have rooms prepared, Vasile, for you and yours to stay in,” Decebel told him.

  Jen grinned and looked at Sally and leaned forward to whisper in her ear. “Hells to the yeah. We get to plan a mission – the old crew together again.”

  Sally laughed and quickly covered her mouth. She rolled her eyes, amused at her friend's need to use military lingo.

  The meeting finished and Decebel dismissed the room. Now alone, he turned to look at his mate, who stood grinning at him.

  “You scare me sometimes, Jennifer.”

  She frowned at him. “Why is that?”

  “Your pension for getting into trouble is worrisome, and the fact that you relish the idea is quite frustrating.”

  Jen patted his back, attempting to placate him. “Oh, come on, big guy. Surely by now you know that I can kick some major ass.”

  “What I know is that you need your butt put in its place more often than not.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly on the lips.

  Jen pulled back and raised an eyebrow. “Really? And you’re just the wolf to put me in my place?”

  “Since your place is at my side, then yes, I am the perfect one to put you there.” He grinned wolfishly. “You are welcome to try to fight me on this.”

  “Oh, hell no. I know what that means to you, you pervert.”

  Decebel let out a booming laugh. “Oh, my sweet Jennifer, life would be so boring without you.”

  “How about you remember that the next time you want to put me in my place?” she retorted.

  Decebel lowered his head and this time he kissed her slowly and thoroughly. Jen let out a soft moan. When he pulled back and stared into her eyes, his amber ones were glowing. She smiled and laid her head on his chest.

  He reveled in the joy she brought him, even when she drove him crazy. He would do anything to keep her safe, anything to keep her in her place by his side. With that in mind, a nagging thought burst in unheeded, something that had been bothering him more and more lately. The Fates had yet to summon Jennifer, but he knew something was coming. He could feel it. The frustration at knowing there was nothing he could do to stop it was enough to have his wolf pacing constantly, wanting to tear something apart, but not knowing what or where that something was.

  Chapter 5

  “If you have ever felt the world melt away when the woman you know is destined to be yours walks into the room; if you have felt your soul reach out to hers, finally making you feel whole; if you tremble when you touch her from sheer awe at being the one who has that right; if the darkness swallows you and you begin to suffocate at the thought of losing her – then you will have a small taste of what it is to be bonded.” ~Costin

  After the emergency meeting split up Peri pulled Sally to the side just outside the room.

  “We need to talk.”

  Sally looked at Peri’s concerned face and nodded. Peri turned without another word, obviously expecting Sally to follow. Sally looked over her shoulder and saw Costin watching her. He winked and nodded encouragingly, letting her know that he understood she needed to go.

  Peri entered the room that Decebel had made into Sally’s workroom. To the left of the door were several beds. Across from them was a long table for Sally's herbs, and behind the table on the wall were shelves that ran the length of the room. The shelves housed jars of crushed herbs, liquids, and various potted plants with different properties necessary to Sally’s healing ability. The room had a comforting smell due to all the herbs and plants that filled it.

  Peri turned dramatically, her shiny white hair whipping around her shoulders. The pale eyes that resembled peridot stones narrowed as she stared intently at Sally.

  Sally swallowed loudly, unsure of what exactly Peri wanted to talk about, and so far not really liking the Fae’s behavior.

  “You need to complete the bond with your mate.” Peri’s voice was firm and it was apparent that she wasn’t making a suggestion, but rather giving a command.

  Sally groaned as she sat on the tall bar stool that was next to her worktable.

  “I’m not ready, Peri.” Sally looked anywhere but at the Fae.

  “What is there to be ready for? He is your mate, you can’t change that. What is the point in postponing the inevitable?”

  Sally twisted her fingers nervously in her lap as she spoke.

  “I’ve never even had a boyfriend, Peri. How can I possibly jump into a relationship – a very permanent relationship, I might add – with a guy I don’t really know? I have no experience with relationships. I mean, Costin was my first real kiss for goodness' sakes.”

  Peri grinned. “Well, a kiss is a start. The rest will follow. Sally, you need to understand some things. I don’t know if anyone has explained to you exactly why a mate to a male Canis lupis is so important. If not, then I’m going to quickly enlighten you.” Peri pulled over another bar stool to sit in front of Sally.

  “Without his mate, a male is in danger of the inner darkness that makes him so deadly overwhelming him. He needs the darkness to be the fierce hunter that he is, but he needs his mate to balance that darkness with her light. You are unique, Sally. The light in you is strong and pure. When a male is bonded to his mate and has that balance, he is a stronger and more focused wolf. He can control the wolf that lives inside him and he no longer runs the risk of becoming feral.

  “We have a battle coming. It will be on our doorstep before you know it and we need all the strength we can get. You will be a more powerful healer and Costin will be a much more powerful wolf. Would you really deny him that? Would you deny him the peace that comes with the mate bond?”

  Sally’s mouth dropped open. Peri was really kicking her in the gut.

  “Wow, Peri, you sure know how to make a healer feel like a big, selfish butt head,” Sally muttered.

  “My desire isn’t for you to feel like a butt head, but you need to understand the importance of not delaying this any longer. You love him.” Sally’s head snapped up at that. “It’s written all over your face.”

  “I do,” Sally confessed. “I love him so much that it’s actually painful to be away from him. That can’t be healthy, Peri. Isn’t that like codependency or something?”

  “You are thinking in human terms. He isn’t human and you are more than human. The bond between you two is stronger than any human relationship could ever be. You don’t have to worry that he will ever leave you, cheat on you, or hurt you purposefully. He won’t break your heart, Sally.” Peri reached out and took Sally’s hand, offering a comforting touch.

  “He won’t break my heart because he’s stuck with me. Peri, have you looked at me,” Sally motioned up and down in front of her, pointing out her body, “and have you looked at him? He’s way out of my league. Like, I’m in little league t-ball as the catcher because everyone knows that in little league that’s where you put that kid and he’s in the major league and he's the best player to ever grace the game.”

  Peri cocked her head to the side as she listened to Sally, her eyes never leaving her face.

  “You don’t see yourself very clearly, Sally Morgan, healer to the Serbian Pack. You are beautiful inside and out. Costin could not have asked for a mate that fits him better than you. You are calm and peaceful, whereas Costin is rambunctious and playful. You both complement each other very well.”

  “I just don’t want to be a disappointment to him.” A single tear slid down her cheek.

  “You could never be a disappointment to me, Sally mine.”

  Sally gasped at the voice that came from behind her. She really didn’t want to turn and face Costin. She was embarrassed at him overhearing her insecurities.

  “I think this is my queue to leave,” Peri said as she stood. She placed a finger under Sally’s chin, pulling her face up to look at her. “You can feel your soul calling out to him.
Stop denying what the Great Luna has given you and embrace the gift that your bond with your mate is.”

  Then Costin and Sally were alone.

  Sally sat very still and stared at the floor, willing it to open up and swallow her.

  Costin sat on the stool that Peri had occupied and remained silent. Sally could feel his eyes on her, those beautiful hazel eyes that captivated her every time she looked at him.

  She finally let out a deep breath, unable to stand the silence any longer.

  “Say something, please.” She spoke softly, so unsure of what he was thinking.

  Costin reached over and brushed the hair that had escaped her pony tail from her face.

  “You love me,” he said with a grin.

  Sally’s breath whooshed from her lungs as if she had been punched in the stomach. “How much did you hear, exactly?”

  Costin shrugged. “Enough to tell you that it is I who am unworthy of you. What can I do to prove to you that you are more than I could have ever hoped for? You hold my heart in your hands, my sweet healer. Your soul is calling to me so loudly that my wolf demands I stay near you. I don’t want to pressure you and I don’t want you to complete the bond with me because Peri says you should. It has to be your decision, for the right reasons.” He pulled his stool closer to hers. She could smell his unique scent – something spicy that she couldn’t place...and something like the woods covered in freshly fallen snow.

  “Sally.” He spoke her name reverently and it came out nearly in a whisper. She felt his breath caress her face. Before she realized what he was doing, he stood and pulled her up from the stool. He picked her up by her waist and sat her down on the worktable and wedged himself in between her legs. As he wrapped his arms around her, she heard him murmuring softly to her in Romanian.

  Sally’s heartbeat quickened. He buried his face in her neck, taking deep breaths. After several moments, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Nothing had ever felt as right as being in his arms.

  Costin pulled back just enough so that his lips were next to her ear. She felt his warm breath against her skin, and as if it was the most natural thing in the world, she tilted her head to the side, allowing him more access to her neck.

  A low rumble emitted from Costin. His warm lips against her neck caused chills to ripple down her back.

  “I won’t lie, Sally.” She felt his lips moving against her skin as he spoke and a soft moan escaped her. Costin chuckled, enjoying the effect he was having on her. “My wolf is restless. He wants his mate. He wants to protect you, be close to you, and the man agrees with him.”

  Sally’s head fell forward onto Costin’s shoulder and she gripped the tops of his arms when she felt his tongue dart out quickly on her neck. “I need you,” he continued. “When I’m away from you all I think about is the next time I will see you. When I’m with you it’s all I can do to keep from touching you, holding you, kissing you. Knowing you are going to be with me through this life, feeling the darkness recede when you touch me, watching your defenses melt when I hold you....these things keep me from going crazy while I wait.”

  Sally pulled back and placed her hands on either side of his face. She didn’t have any experience with relationships, emotional or physical. She decided to just let her instincts guide her. She ran a thumb across his sensual lips and let out a breathy laugh when he playfully nipped it.

  “You won’t ever leave me?” she asked softly. Her hands left his face and slid down his neck to his shoulders.

  “Never.” The intensity in his eyes and the conviction in his voice almost quieted the doubts, worries, and fears that had been keeping her heart from him. Almost.

  “Okay.” She smiled shyly.

  “Okay?” Costin felt his wolf perk up. “Are you saying okay you believe me or okay let’s do this bonding thing?”

  Sally giggled at the eagerness in his voice. “Yes,” she answered simply.

  A huge grin spread across Costin’s face as he cupped her face and pulled her close, pressing his lips firmly to hers. Sally tensed at first but the passion she felt from their bond quickly made her overcome her insecurities. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tilted her head to the side so he could deepen the kiss. She tentatively separated her lips, offering him entrance and he wasted no time taking advantage of her boldness. One of Costin’s hands slipped from her face and traveled to the back of her neck, while the other skimmed down her arm, ending up on her hip. He pulled her closer and growled when she moaned into his mouth. The kiss was intense. Sally felt a pull inside her reaching out to Costin. She felt like she couldn’t get close enough. Her inner Jen perked up at that and Sally smiled inwardly as she thought about how this must've been what Jen was always raving about.

  Costin pulled back and, much to her embarrassment, Sally actually groaned in disappointment. This brought a chuckle from him.

  Sally’s eyes narrowed. “What is so funny?”

  Costin leaned forward, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “You are, my sweet. You are actually embarrassed by your desire for me. It’s cute.”

  Sally groaned again and tried to hide her now blushing face in his chest. “You have got to be kidding me. How could you tell I was embarrassed?”

  “I could feel it. That’s part of our bond. It must be getting stronger if I’m beginning to feel your emotions. See if you can feel mine.”

  “How exactly am I supposed to do that?” she asked hesitantly.

  “It might be easier if you close your eyes and just concentrate on me. Think about how I look, how I feel, how I smell – and, if you want, you can think about how I taste.” Costin laughed when Sally playfully slapped his arm.

  She closed her eyes and began to think about him. She thought about his messy hair, his beautiful hazel eyes that danced with mischief. She thought about the smile that stretched across his face that always seemed to say that he knew something no one else did, and then she thought about the dimple that accompanied that smile. Slowly she felt a pull toward him, almost as if a string connected them and it was drawing them together.

  Suddenly intense warmth flowed over her and she knew it was his love. It was pouring out of him and covering her like a cloak of protection. It was intense, like the waves flowing in with the tide. His love was like those waves crashing into her doubts and fears, drowning out her insecurities, and just as those waves brought destruction they also brought life. The waves brought life from the open ocean close to the shore and to those who needed that life. So it was with his love for her. He filled her with life. Costin claimed to have darkness in him, but he was so much more than that.

  Sally gasped at the overwhelming sensation and grabbed onto his arms for support. Her head slowly rose to look at Costin. Intense, glowing hazel eyes pierced her.

  “You -” She tried to speak, but the revelation that had just hit her had robbed her of breath. She tried again. “You love me.”

  Costin tenderly cupped her jaw and ran his thumb gently across her bottom lip. “More than anything in this life or the next.”

  “But, I mean, you seriously love me.” Sally was trying to grasp the reality of what she had just felt. Her eyes were wide in awe as she looked at the man who was her mate.

  “I’ve been trying to tell you that, Sally-mine. Do you believe me now?”

  Sally slowly nodded her head and then her lips tilted up in a small smile. “Thank you,” she told him.

  “It is my incredible honor to get to love you,” Costin told her sincerely.

  She closed her eyes once more and opened herself up to him. She wanted him to know how she felt, and now that she had no doubt about how Costin felt about her, she opened the gates to her heart.

  Costin pulled Sally tightly into his arms. He felt the wall between them crumble and Sally finally letting him in. Though his love was a crashing wave, her love was no less fierce. It came more in the form of a unswerving river that flowed steadily out of her. As water filled any opening, so Sally’s l
ove filled every empty place in Costin. Any space, no matter how big or small, was now flooded with it.

  When he opened his eyes, it was to Sally’s sweet smile. Her beautiful brown eyes looked at him in adoration.

  Finally, he thought.

  Sally’s eyes widened. “Did you just speak out loud? I didn’t see your lips move.”

  “No, what did you hear?” he asked.

  “You said, 'finally'.”

  Costin grinned. “That was in my mind, love. It appears our bond has opened all the way.”

  Costin’s smile widened as he used their new mental bond. He repeated her earlier words. “You love me.”

  Sally smiled back at him. “I do.”

  “Say it, please.”

  “It?” Sally teased.

  Costin groaned and growled at her through their bond. “You know what I mean, woman.”

  Sally laughed and pulled him close. She pulled his face down close to hers and leaned in so her lips were next to his ear.

  “I. Love. You.” She let her warm breath brush his skin as she spoke and felt his hands tighten where they gripped her hips.

  “Good. We will do the bonding ceremony and blood rites tonight.”

  Sally squeaked out, “What?”

  Costin only laughed as he helped her off the table and led her by the hand out of the room. “Come on, my sweet. I have plans for you,” he teased wickedly.

  Chapter 6

  “Tick-tock, tick-tock, little wolves. Do you feel time slipping away from you? Do you feel the urgency to pursue me, the one who plans your destruction? I am coming, little wolves. Tick-tock, tick-tock; I am coming for you. And one by one you will fall. One by one the wolves will be silenced.” ~Desdemona

  Mona had waited long enough in the In Between. It was time to put her plan into action. She left the sanctuary in a flurry of smoke and called to her faithful steed Octavian. Using back roads and staying off the beaten path, she pushed Octavian as hard as he could run, heading for the border of Bulgaria. She had been told by a helpful little warlock that he had a clan located just beyond the border. Apparently there was someone there who could tell her what she needed to know. Though she made it a point to never trust anyone, she had no clue where to start looking for the information she needed, so she had decided to make an exception just this one time. Of course, she had threatened to choke the little warlock with his own intestines if he was lying.