Read Biods Page 10

  Chapter 10

  Gem barely left the lab for weeks. She was learning and testing all the information she could transfer from Fay and the hub in the lab. Eventually she had to accept that Aidan was gone. The body could not be bought back to life. There were no memories to revive. They were all gone. Everything that made Aidan who he was no longer existed. There was nothing that could be done now that his brain no longer held anything. Gem had repaired the body and modified his genetics further to accept the repairs but she needed help with the interface. With all the modifications to repair the wound and be compatible with a Lorene interface his genetics was barely human now. Gem realised that what she was working on just wasn’t Aidan any more. Ellan dropped in regularly over the weeks. It broke her heart to see the pain her daughter was in. Ellan decided that perhaps there was one little thing she could do to ease both Gem and Emma’s pain. It would go against the laws of nature and be unethical, but she had to do something. She restored her interface design to the lab’s computer hub and began work on modifications.

  Now the queen was dead many of those that had chosen to follow the darkened to save their lives rejoiced. Order was returned to the city. A new council was elected, of which Ellan as one of their saviours was offered the role of head councillor. She said she would think about it. She felt no pride in the Lorene at the moment, or herself for that matter. They had all sacrificed their honour to save themselves. She wasn’t sure if that was right or wrong. So many others died holding onto their beliefs. Of the twenty five thousand odd people that once populated the city, there were under nine thousand now.

  Fay had returned to the house to break the news to Emma. She wasn’t looking forward to it. Angel and Kitty accompanied her. They had no desire to stay in the city. They only returned for short periods to assist Ellan. It wasn’t where they felt at home and held many sad memories now. Ellan had promised to join them later and discuss their plans. There was much to do in the city and plans to advise on when she wasn’t busy in the lab with Gem. A new harvester would take years to construct and without it the city was doomed. It seemed they would either perish in space or have to consider seeking asylum on Earth. There was much to discuss and many contingencies to explore.

  When Fay had told Emma of how Aidan had died a hero after leading the charge against the darkened queen and jumping in front of a bullet meant for Gem, she went into shock. She was in a trance for the following week and barely left the bed she had shared with Aidan. Eventually Kitty and Angel claimed they couldn’t tolerate her smell any more and dragged her into the shower. Fay stripped the sheets from bed and aired out the room while she had the chance. They sat her in the kitchen and forced her to eat. Eventually she started to rejoin the real world for short periods, and began asking where Gem was. None of the girls knew when Gem would return or even if she ever would. They did know however that Emma wasn’t the only one unable to cope with her grief. Kitty made two grave sites along the northern fence with simple wooden markers. Angel bought her small boxes with memories of Aidan and their fallen sister. They buried them and held a small simple ceremony after dragging a reluctant Emma to join them.

  It was six weeks before Gem returned to the house. She had landed in the front of the house and was now standing at the two graves along the northern fence line. It was a beautiful spot near the trees with a view of the beach. She knew Aidan would have loved this spot. She knew both graves were empty and only held mementos as per tradition, but it was still a place to respect their memories. She would return Aidan’s body to here shortly so that it could return to nature. Hopefully they might find Monica’s remains when they started searching the ruins of the harvester for salvageable parts and smaller harvesters to reclaim.

  After Emma had seen the scout craft land, she found Gem standing at the graves deep in reflection. When she joined her all Gem could say was “Sorry. I couldn’t save him. He died protecting me.” The two hugged each other tightly, both in tears. They both understood the loss the other felt. After the tears ran dry Gem spoke. “I tried. I tried so hard. I could not bring him back.” Emma smiled at her saying “I know. I can’t let go either. I don’t think I ever will. It took years to find him, and he was gone so quick. He was the only one for me.”


  Gem clasped Emma’s hands in hers and looked deeply into her eyes saying “I want to give you something for helping take care of me. For teaching me. If you don’t want it, I will understand, but please know I offer this purely with love.” Emma was perplexed as Gem let out a whistle.

  As a figure emerged from the scout craft Gem held Emma’s hands tighter saying “I know I can not get Aidan back, but it would be nice to have a reminder of him. Someone to help with the baby. Please understand this is not Aidan. He is a biod I called Aidan2. He can never be the same, but I am hoping that a similar personality will develop. He is an exact duplicate. He will have Aidan’s brain patterns and chemistry, but not his memories or history. His only memories are the ones I transferred to him. A view from my perspective, and some of Fay’s. He has much to learn.”

  Emma was speechless as Aidan2 came into view. Logically she understood this was a clone, not her Aidan, but the look on his face and walk were Aidan’s. To her it was him. She started to run towards him, but stopped short after a few steps. This couldn’t be Aidan she realised. This was an imposter. She was confused. Something about it felt wrong. Why was Gem torturing her like this? Gem placed a hand on her shoulder and said “I find him easier to accept if I think of him as Aidan with amnesia. Aidan would want us to replace him. He would not want you to be alone or without love. This is as way of moving on but still honouring him. He was very eager to meet you. He seems to have Aidan’s same tastes.”

  As Aidan2 stopped a few steps in front of her Emma inspected him. It had to be her Aidan. Even the way his mouth lifted a little on one side as he smiled. It just had to be him. He held out his hand saying “Hi Emma. Nice to finally meet you. I am sorry for your loss.” Emma couldn’t hold back any longer. She dove on Aidan2 hugging him with tears of joy. What Gem had said made sense. Aidan wasn’t gone. He had just been away for a while and returned with amnesia. She would care for him and remind him again of their love. That was what she needed to believe.

  Aidan2 gently backed away from her looking concerned and said “Emma, I am not the Aidan you knew sorry. I wish I was. He was a very lucky man. I am only a copy, but I do find you incredibly attractive and I would love to know you better. My only memories are through the eyes of the other biods. I am sorry, but that’s all I am. I wish I was the man you loved. Nothing could make me happier. I just don’t want to take advantage or mislead you, but I do hope I can be your friend. Perhaps you will grow to feel a little of the same about me in time. I really hope so anyway.”

  Emma looked into his eyes. She saw the deep genuine concern. She smiled and said “That’s just what he would have said about taking advantage and things. Not misleading me. Maybe you are more like him than you realise. I do understand you are not Aidan. He died six weeks ago. But in my mind I see you both as one. I would at least like to learn more.” Aidan reached for her hand looking happy and relieved. He replied “As long as we understand. There is no deception. Perhaps we can we go for a walk and chat some more? Maybe just a slow start.” “Taking things slow sounds good.” Emma said as she squeezed his hand. She quickly added “Oh you know I’m pregnant right?” Aidan2 grinned stating “That’s just a bonus. Besides the baby and I already share genetics, so we are already family. I’m not sure what title it is, but we are relatives.”

  Looking over Aidan2’s shoulder, Emma noticed the other girls running towards them all excited. Emma thought of something. Turning to Gem she said “Thank you Gem, but what about you. I know you loved him too. Why didn’t you just keep him for yourself this time? Why did you put me first again? It isn’t fair on you.” Gem grinned and winked. She let out another loud whistle and another figure emerged from the hatch. It was another Aidan
. He walked over to Gem and kissed her passionately before standing beside her with his arm lovingly placed around her waist. “Meet Aidan3. I hope you do not object.” Gem said before leaning towards her and whispering “This one has no memories of you sorry. He really loves me.” Emma nodded with approval.

  As the other girls surrounded them with a million questions it was Kitty who spoke out first. “Hey this isn’t fair. Where’s mine? Make me one as fast and agile as me so he can keep up.” Angel was the next to interject with “It would have been nice to at least offer. I would love a partner. I might have requested some drastic changes though.” They all laughed and turned expectedly towards Fay who said “No way, I don’t need some pervy childish male hanging around yelling at me and trying to tell me what to do.” Fay thought for a moment remembering the times Aidan had mussed her hair after scolding her, tried to teach her things, or simply just cared for her. She added in a murmur “But if you’re going to make a batch anyway, I suppose....” They all burst into laughter as they started to walk back to the little house overlooking the beach.

  Gem paused for a moment thinking on what ‘drastic changes’ Angel was referring to. She was certain Angel and Aidan got on well. Perhaps she wanted a winged version or maybe she just had different taste in a partner. She shrugged and let Aidan3 lead her away by the arm. She had no intention of making any more biods anyway. She had no desire to ever return to the city.

  Ellan entered the council chamber with Fay, Kitty and Angel flanking her sides. She was ready to deliver her decision. She couldn’t look at her own people the same way any more. The pride seemed to be gone. She addressed the members gathered in the chamber hoping for leadership with “I have made my decision. I will agree to lead the council for the next month giving you time to choose a worthy successor. I will initiate programs for you to follow. During that time I will expect all available engineers working on retrieval and repair of the crashed harvester hub and retrieval of the smaller ones on board. If it is beyond salvage as we suspect, we will construct two new smaller ones. I also intend to initiate a program to increase city defences. We were lax within our arrogance as an unchallenged race. As a result a single darkened was able to infiltrate and decimate our city. She then intended on using it to destroy life on Earth. We must admit we are vulnerable and failed to appreciate the responsibility of the city also being a potential weapon. This can never happen again.” The councillors murmured seeming happy that someone was going to take charge. A few were even clapping softly.

  Ellan wasn’t finished though and added “Further more, I will begin a program of modification to all generation two biods. They will be acknowledged as living beings. To ignore their potential for life is gross negligence. Only those with something to hide should fear their freedom. They will be full Lorene citizens and have the rights they deserve as such.” Her audience seemed less impressed now and looked ready to reject her idea. One man stood up saying “Councillor Ellan. The biods are not living beings and we will need them for your plans.” Ellan replied “The generation three biods I created are living beings. The others hold the potential. Their brains are on the verge of life and just need an upgrade to activate. I can easily prove it if you are willing to inspect them. The new interface initiates life to start in the replicated bodies. It is not as complicated as it seems. I will be upgrading the generation twos with the help of my daughters. They will all be given freedom. If you desire their assistance, I suggest you treat them well. They will be full Lorene, not slaves.”

  Kitty growled as another man who looked ready to challenge Ellan began to stand. He instantly sat back down. Everyone was silent. They needed strong leadership and their chosen candidate looked intimidating with her personal guards that had just rescued the city and killed dozens. Ellan shook her head in dismay. Was this the new Lorene? A bunch of weak willed people with no backbone. Was this why it was so easy for the darkened woman. As much as she challenged the old ways, they did represent strength. She was confident now as she delivered the rest of her speech. “On a final matter. At the end of my term, I am taking an exploration craft and establishing a relationship with the Earth.” One woman yelled out “No. You can not take a such a large ship. We only have three of them.” She stood up looking defiant. Ellan admired her conviction, but she was ready for challengers. The woman argued “We have much resources invested in those craft. Also our traditions forbid interaction with races like the humans. They are a threat. Please reconsider.” Ellan replied “My daughters have already established a home on Earth and learnt much about the humans. We may need human assistance should resources run out before we can harvest again. Think of my actions as establishing a future option for our people. As for an exploration craft, my daughters have recently saved the city. One was killed as well as a human. I think a craft is a small price to pay in gratitude. I am sure you would not deny you are indebted to them with your lives. As for tradition, we condemn people as darkened. We must admit that is a barbaric act. We treat potentially living beings as slaves. It is time much was changed in our traditions. Those who truly followed our traditions with pride were the first ones that died.”

  The crowd murmured amongst themselves for a while until eventually a young woman stood and bowed respectfully. She addressed Ellan saying “I am with child. My baby and I would not be alive now had your daughters not saved us. There is nothing I could offer to show the gratitude my husband and I feel. An exploration craft does not even come close. You will need it while you establish these relations securely. Also I am led to believe it was a human that cared for your daughters on Earth and died freeing us all. It seems they are not all the barbarians the darkened made them out to be. Do we have your assurance you will carefully guard our technology from those that could harm us or damage the human way of life?” Ellan nodded and replied “Any shared technology will be carefully monitored. I do not intend to let their infrastructure collapse.” The woman smiled and said “You have my full support. Should we be unable to move forward, you are offering an alternate course for our people as a human ambassador. We may end up needing their assistance. You have my personal approval and I hope that others here are wise enough to think on the benefits.” She glared around the room daring anyone to argue. Most of them were looking away avoiding her eye contact.

  Ellan liked this woman. She was only young, but she was strong willed and confident. She dominated the room and was willing to think outside the same old guidelines. Ellan bowed hoping this woman would be the next council head. There seemed to be no more objections so Ellan spoke up before anybody could come up with something. She had to maintain dominance over them. Ellan said in a stern voice “As there are appear to be no more objections, I accept the position for now. Could all chief engineers please gather back here in an hour so we can start plans. I wish to see the chief of city defences now. We have a lot to do and I will happily start you off. Thank you all.” A few people looked stunned, a few seemed they were going to object, but between Ellan with her daughters looking ready to beat down any challenge and the young woman from the council standing there holding a dominant stance, nobody dared challenge them.

  The meeting was over and the councillors departed. Only the young woman that had seemingly spoken in Ellan’s support remained. She walked over to introduce herself saying “I am Laen, the new city defence chief. I would like to thank you and your daughters for saving us all.” She hugged Ellan and then each of her daughters before continuing. “I have been suggesting for years to increase security, but the previous council laughed saying it was a waste of resources. I am glad you bring some fresh thinking and speak your own mind.” Ellan was glad this woman at least seemed to have a strong spirit and good attitude. She asked Laen “Your presence dominated the room well. Have you considered being the next council head?” The woman shook her head and chuckled “At the moment all I want to do is raise my child. After that who knows.” They then settled into lengthy conversation to discuss her ideas for imp
roving security.

  A few days after the generation two biods had all been upgraded, Ellan stood beside the open hatch of the exploration craft she had claimed. She had also been given an old empty mecha transport loaded with supplies at Laen’s instruction. The exploration craft was a long narrow vessel the length of a football field, but Ellan wasn’t sure how many it could carry inside with all the equipment. All the upgraded biods were given a choice to return to their work in exchange for fair remuneration, add their name to a list for reassignment to a new task, or join Ellan to resettle on Earth. Most of the biods had elected to stay in the city, but some sixty odd now packed onto the landing platform to join her. She leaned over and asked Fay “How many can we carry?” Fay winked and said “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if we borrowed a few scout craft as well. We can always return them.……eventually. Maybe.” Ellan scowled and was about to lecture Fay again, but when she saw another fifteen biods joining them, she stayed silent. This was a lot more than she expected. Almost all of these biods claimed mistreatment and abuse from their old masters and did not believe they would suddenly be treated with the respect they deserved. She couldn’t leave them here. Maybe it was ok to ‘borrow’ a few more ships as Fay had put it. Ellan said to Fay “I might just check the cargo bay in the transporter again. Maybe there is some supplies we do not need.” Fay grabbed her hand urgently saying “No, it’s ok. I’ll go check. Leave it to me.” At that she quickly dissappeared inside the old craft. “Suspicious as usual.” Ellan muttered to herself wondering what Fay was hiding. It must be something big. She didn’t have time to investigate now. There were too many other things to organise.

  The exploration craft was packed to capacity when it lifted from the platform and exited the city. Angel took the lead piloting Fay’s scout craft which was also over crowded. In the rear was another scout craft Fay had requisitioned and the old mecha transport. Ellan took a long last look at the city as it disappeared from view. For almost three centuries it had been her home. Now there would be no more city, no more council and no more ability to replicate biods. Even the large exploration craft weren’t equipped to replicate a full body.

  Emma and Aidan2, walked out onto the patio holding hands as soon they had heard the cars coming up the drive. Their timing was perfect. Gem and her Aidan disappeared into the low branches of a tree ready to act if needed. After the car doors opened two serious looking men in suits approached flashing ID cards. One said “Federal police. What’s this about a foreign dignitary seeking refugee status?” Emma stepped forward saying “I’m Emma and this is Aidan. Your timing is perfect.” She pointed out over the ocean saying ”Here she comes now.” Both men were stunned as the huge exploration craft lowered over the ocean with the smaller craft around it. A pod launched as the fleet sank into the water.

  The small white pod glided gently and quietly over the water and the beach to land in the middle of the front yard. Two more men in suits emerged from around the corner of the house. They were just as stunned as the first two. One of them muttered “The prime minister wont believe this.” The pods hatch opened and Fay jumped out. She approached the men saying very seriously and dramatically “Take me to your leader.” The men in suits didn’t know what to make of it. Fay instantly burst into fits of laughter saying “You should see your faces. Priceless.” Emma stepped forward yelling “Not funny Fay. This is serious.” Fay tried to compose herself and stepped forward as Ellan joined her. She spoke more seriously now saying “I am Fay, and this is my mother Ambassador Ellan Elore of the Lorene race. Mother has asked me to translate for her. Is one of you the foreign affairs minister?” One of the men stepped forward and spoke in an unsteady tone saying “I am minister Serhan. Welcome to Australia.”

  The next two hours were spent in deep discussion. Ellan, Fay and the minister gathered around the small kitchen table with Fay translating. When it all seemed to be going peaceably Gem and Aidan3 joined them. The minister was honoured to meet with Ellan and eager to support her people. He spent a great deal of time on the phone with the prime minister and other officials. When lunch approached he departed with his men assuring Ellan a camp would be set up in the old caravan park next door within hours. Trusted soldiers would guard the gate. He said he would pay whatever the owner wanted for private use of the land and purchase it if needed. Price was no issue. He insisted that confidentiality was a major issue. Within hours two trucks and a group of army troop carriers arrived. Dozens of large tents were set up around the old amenities block and a large mess tent was set up and stocked with food on the inland side. As the sun was lowering, the trucks departed leaving only some of the soldiers on guard. As soon as it was dark, the craft emerged from the ocean and offloaded their grateful passengers on the beach before submerging again. They spent the night in the tents without incident.

  After Fay finished formally introducing her to Emma who was now preparing a large dinner with Gem, Ellan took the opportunity to look around the lounge room of the small house. She was surprised by the posters on the wall. Though she personally found most of them very distasteful and offencive, they interested her. She saw pictures of a few creatures that were familiar to her. Fay explained the human names for each one. They weren’t much different to the labels she had read in her younger days. Valkyrie, angel, demons, dryad, goblin. She had read of similar creatures. Then there were the ones that looked like Lorene of old when the golden hue in Lorene hair was not such a rare thing and was said to be an even richer gold. Fay said they were called elves. Fay added that she guessed they were really half elves as they were as tall as humans despite the old legends of elves being tiny. Most of the races pictured were ridiculous concepts from creative imaginations but a few she did recognise to some degree. She wondered if it was mere coincidence or if maybe the Lorene that had once established a colony here some seven or eight thousand years ago had influenced the human culture. There was a lot to research here on Earth.


  Just after the sun came up the next morning more trucks started rolling into the old caravan park. They came in two and threes with long intervals between them hoping not to draw too much attention. That many trucks in one line would be too obvious. Most of them didn’t even have military markings. Some carried demountable buildings, while others had supplies. By the afternoon the entire caravan park had a high mesh security fence around it.

  Ellan sat on the patio looking over the ocean with Fay. She had just found out that Fay had used her record altering skills to smuggle two guardian mecha aboard the old mecha transporter. No wonder it was so cramped on board. She didn’t approve, but admitted they may be handy if things turned bad. She realised then that Fay must be rubbing of on her, or then again maybe it was something in her that was passed on to Fay. Ellan knew she still had to at least scold Fay over her habit of ‘borrowing’. She was one of her daughters so it was her responsibility to train her better.

  She hoped the humans were no longer the same barbarians that Naele had encountered, but there were bound to be elements that rejected them or were unable to control their curiosity. Then there was the example of the human called Aidan that Gem was so fixated with. He had rescued her, accepted her, cared for her and in the end given his life for her. The human girl Emma was also loved by all the girls. Even the minister had been very co-operative and supporting. This seemed to be an accepting society. Perhaps it was because this was a reasonably young country, rich in resources and land, technologically capable, with a multi-cultural society and a somewhat casual attitude. It had certainly appealed to her daughters, although Ellan wasn’t sure she fully approved of all the human qualities instilled in them now, especially the fashion and crude language.

  Emma came and joined her saying “I meant to thank you earlier for helping Gem make the Aidans. I imagine it was difficult with him being a human.” Fay translated. Ellan smiled and shook her head saying for Fay to translate “Actually we aren’t that different at all. It just to
ok some minor realigning. Without the city there will be no more biods, so I am glad my last were for good reason.” She looked over the ocean and said “It is beautiful here. I can see why my daughters liked it so much. I think we will try to stay here.” “That reminds me.” Emma said for Fay to pass on. “What are your plans now?” Ellan stayed staring at the ocean and said via Fay “The government and the United Nations are going to make a special task force to protect and monitor us. We will build a colony here. Hopefully where we are camped now. In return we will slowly introduce some of our technology as long as it does not endanger your people or damage your economy. I believe it will all work out. It will take very strict monitoring. Our presence will be kept secret for now and our introduction to your society will be gradual and careful.”

  Emma rose to her feet saying for Fay to translate again “I hope it all goes smoothly. I’m going to find a way to buy this property somehow. It will be nice to be neighbours.” Ellan agreed and asked Fay to say “Yes. I am eager to see the baby. Not just because it may be partially Lorene, but I always loved children. I was never able to have one though.” Ellan chuckled “Now I have a bunch of them. I hope you don’t mind us staying close. My daughters think of you as a sister, so that makes me think of you as another of my daughters.” Emma smiled and replied “Thank you. I’m sure we will all be happy together. One big happy family.” She went back inside to join Aidan on the lounge.

  Ellan stayed looking at the water a bit longer. She was curious about just how close their genetics were to human. It made her wonder just what might have happened to the Lorene that settled here all those thousands of years ago. It was something to research later. For the moment her main concern was her eighty five newly adopted responsibilities. This was a new world for all of them. Her daughters had seemed to adapt fairly well. Gem had even found love for one of these humans. She muttered to herself “I wonder how our integration into their society will really go, and if it hasn’t already happened.”


  Watching Ellan from atop the nearby cliffs the young woman known as Nita stood feeling the cool sea breeze flow through her long golden hair and caress her long pointy ears. She turned at the sound huge wings flapping. Gently Allanah came in to land beside her. Like Nita, her wings were large and resembled those of a giant white swan. Rather than the simple long white tunic Nita wore though, Allanah wore a leather skirt and brass armour on her chest and shoulders. As usual she wore her short sword at her side, and a long spear on her back.

  Nita asked “How are things with your charge?” Allanah looked annoyed as she replied “I check on her when I can. I just can’t stand watching what that poor girl suffers any more. That mongrel father even killed the kitten I organised to give her a little joy and love in her life. The whole situation sickens me. As soon as that drunk no longer plays a role, I will make him suffer tenfold for what he did to the girl and her mother.” Nita nodded and replied “I will not stop you. Vengeance and violence are your domain, that’s why a regular could not do your task without ruining her growth. This world needs the potential power she harbours. Is her life force still growing?” Allanah nodded and responded “Every time she is forced to endure more pain, it wells up inside her. She is still in control though. She only leaks enough to defend herself. I would explode if that was me. Soon we will need to arrange help to control her. If she ever gave in to the darkness, we would all be in big trouble. This entire world would collapse. I will continue to keep an eye on the child when I can. How is the support network coming along?”

  Nita shook her head and said “I must find another. I lost the handler I was shaping. He got himself killed. There were unexpected complications and our workload is spreading us all too thin to perform as we wish. Surprisingly though his death may have lead us to another candidate among these Lorene. She weak and surrounded by love, so she is no danger. I will keep an eye on her just in case. Maybe these aliens bring something new to the table. With luck and regular monitoring I’m sure one of our charges can survive to fulfil the master’s needs before the opposition discovers them. I like these Lorene so I inspired a few in the government to welcome them generously. They may come in handy.”

  Allanah commented “I notice they have ears like you and the old man, only shorter. Do you think they might be related?” Nita shrugged and said “All humanoids seem to be related by original design, but yes I do think they have come from the master’s old home. I wonder what draws them here. Unfortunately like so many others they choose to put their faith in science and technology, but they can use it to create life from matter. They can redesign their race.” Allanah mused “I wonder what that means. I know I’m only human and nowhere near your age ...err... wisdom, but do you think their path will lead to the same goal?” Nita shrugged saying “Who knows? Even the old man can’t tell the future. All we can do is stay on the path we are on and do what we can for to ensure those who replace us are up to the job.” Allanah agreed and said “Well it all seems peaceful and settled for the moment. How about we shed these wings and adopt mortal form for a bit? We could try a bit of wine tasting. Nita grinned and replied “Absolutely. This is a reasonably safe country. Demons rarely come here. Just like the boss we need time off to look after our own well being and sanity too. I have a funny feeling things are going to get very demanding soon, and we may not get many more chances to relax.” With that the two young women lifted into the sky and flew towards the nearest town.


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