Read Biods Page 2

  Chapter 2

  When they got back to the house Aidan laid the girl out on the spare bed. She was breathing well enough and her pulse was a little stronger. Now they were in the light he could see just how attractive the girl really was. Her skin was unblemished and pale, yet still looked healthy. Her hair was a shiny pure white that reached down to her waist. The suit she wore appeared to be in two parts like a tight sweat suit. It was made out of material that looked much like an extra thick lycra. She had a small delicate mouth and high cheekbones. The eyes were a little larger than an average human on closer inspection. Her whole body looked delicate and fragile. Not being able to help himself Aidan even made a mental note that her figure was quite petite and even her chest was far from generous, but he wouldn’t call it small either. It was a nice size but didn’t quite compare to Emma’s bountiful proportions. Still it was more than enough he thought before he kicked himself for even thinking along those lines again. “Why am I thinking like such a damn pervert at a time like this?” he growled to himself in disgust. There were much more important things to consider at the moment. He went back to studying the ears again. They looked similar to a human’s but the top was slightly elongated and came to a gentle point at the top. Even though she was asleep, he noticed she smiled when he touched them. Very strange he thought.

  He realised she was still soaking wet and couldn’t be expected to sleep like that. He didn’t want her to catch a cold. There was no way he was going to do anything about it though. As curious as he was to know what was under that suit she wore, and even though he could be a bit of a perve at times, he wasn’t prepared to do anything that might be considered dishonourable or improper. Besides he didn’t fully trust himself. Not a hundred percent. Instead he wiped her off as best he could with a towel and just covered her up. He fetched a dining chair to sit beside the bed and sat watching the girl trying to decide who or what she was. To him she looked like an elf from an anime or storybook, but he wasn’t ready to fully accept that yet. It just wasn’t possible. Elves weren’t real, even though what appeared to be one was right there in front of him. A few times she opened her eyes part way and stirred so Aidan figured she was going to be fine.

  It was after nine o’clock at night when Aidan heard a soft knock at his front door. Leaving the elf girl alone he answered the door. He decided it might be wise to keep everything a secret until he could process the situation a little more in his mind. He answered the door to find Emma standing there now wearing the grey tracksuit. Aidan closed the door as much as he could to obscure view of his home as he took the cleaned plate she held out. He really didn’t want her to see his mess or evidence of his childish pursuits. Emma spoke saying “I know it’s late, but I saw the lights on and heard the TV. Thanks again for the food. It was delicious.” He glanced behind him to check there was nothing too embarrassing visible from her angle, but it was too late. Emma was already looking over his shoulder as something caught her attention. Aidan turned back to see what had caught her attention when he felt a sudden rush of air swish past him. She dove under the arm blocking the door. It was too late now. She was in.

  Emma was now standing transfixed at the wall behind him caressing a poster of some pink haired magical girl in awe. “Wow she exclaimed. This is cosplay type stuff right? Like from Japanese cartoons and that?” She slowly turned around taking in all the images, before realising what she had just done. “Oh crap, sorry.” she said as she realised. “I get a little.......distracted some times. Actually a lot. Especially about interesting fashions and designs. I didn’t mean to intrude. Please forgive my rudeness.” She looked genuinely remorseful as she clasped her hands under her chin. “It’s ok.” Aidan replied “It’s just a bit embarrassing for a bloke my age to be living like this.” He waved his arm around the room. Emma chuckled “You mean you’re ashamed to be yourself? It is a bit pervy, but you shouldn’t have to hide who you really are. Just be yourself. Nothing worse than a fake.“ Aidan was still embarrassed as he responded “Yeah I know but it doesn’t impress anyone to see this rubbish.” Emma looked at him enquiringly and asked “You mean chics right?” She looked around again scratching her chin in thought. “Yeah I get it. Most women do prefer a guy who’s mature, confident and far less pervy. It would be a big turn off to most.” As she started to leave she smiled over her shoulder and stated “It’s still better than pretending to be someone you aren’t. Sorry again for bursting in.”

  As soon as she left Aidan flopped down on the lounge feeling dejected. So she knew of his addiction to anime and childish pursuits now. She mentioned that women like maturity, confidence and not being a perve. He guessed there was no point fantasising any more about what could never be. He was the exact opposite of all those things.

  Suddenly Emma’s headed popped back in the doorway asking “Oh I forgot to ask, mind if I get a lift into town tomorrow so I can get to the bank? Only if it’s not a hassle.” “Not a problem.” Aidan responded with a smile. Even though he knew there was no chance with her, he would use any excuse just to be near her. Then Aidan remembered the other girl. What if she hadn’t woken up and gone by then? He needn’t have worried. He noticed a sudden stunned look on Emma’s face as she stared at something on the other side of the room. She lifted the sunglasses for a better look. The elf girl was kneeling against the wall using it for support. Emma stared at her hair that was too long and white to be real. The pointy ears must have been fake.

  Emma glared at Aidan. “And to think I was just about to start believing you were a little different, and you turn out to be just another perverted player. Hiding miss cosplay slut-bag in there the whole time. I bet while you were out there playing the gentleman hero trying to impress me you had her stashed away. What kind sick fantasy were you hoping for sicko? I’m onto you now buster.” She stormed off angrily as Aidan bolted after her yelling “Look honestly, I just found her on the beach less than an hour ago.” “Sure, whatever.” Emma spat back at him without slowing down. Aidan begged “Please, she was unconscious when I found her.” Emma froze on the spot and asked “Unconscious?” She thought for a moment and turned to ask “You think drugged maybe?“ Emma looked at him anxiously. Aidan shook his head replying “No it looked like she was in an accident. To be honest I could really use some female help because, you know, she’s a girl...... and I’m not. There are things I can’t help her with. Her clothes are soaking wet. I didn’t want to touch them.” Emma thought for a while before replying “Ok , I’ll check on her just to make sure she’s safe. You try anything and I swear I’ll slit your throat.” Aidan was surprised to see this change in Emma. She was far more self assured and very confident when she was angry. She stormed inside and Aidan sat on the patio step to give the girls some privacy.

  Soon he heard the bath running and twenty minutes later Emma came to the door.

  She demanded sounding very serious “Just tell me you had nothing to do with this ok. Promise me.” Aidan swore he had nothing to do with it. Content with that Emma said more calmly now “I bathed her and dressed her in your shirt and boxers. It’s all I could find that was clean. I flipped the mattress over and put her back in bed.” She sat on the step right beside him. Too close he thought considering how she normally kept a wary distance. “What is she? “Emma asked. Aidan shrugged. Emma continued “She isn’t human. I mean she’s anatomically correct, flawless even, but those ears are real and the thing on her neck looks like a plug should go in there. She was muttering something, but I don’t know what language.“ Aidan relayed the story to her in full leaving nothing out. Afterwards Emma stood and rested a hand on his shoulder saying “You did the right thing. You have to look after her. She doesn’t need to be dissected, tested, probed or studied in some lab somewhere.” As she started back to her van Emma turned and said with a smile “You have to protect her, and if you try anything funny, watch out. Us sisters look out for each other you know, no matter what race we are.”

  Aidan went back inside to
find the elf girl now back in the spare bed fast asleep. He was exhausted. It had been an eventful day and he figured the girl was ok now so he took a quick shower and then lay on top of his own bed in the room next to the elf’s room. He lay there for hours thinking about it all and wishing he could sleep. Though he was physically drained, his mind would not rest. He had so many questions to ask.

  The sun was about to rise in a few hours. There was still no movement from the girl in the spare bed. A few times she muttered in her sleep, so he knew she was ok. Aidan finally realised he had forgot something. The girl’s craft was still sitting on the beach. It was a quiet time of year but there was always the chance of an early morning jogger or fisherman coming this far up the beach. He raced out to the shed praying his grandfather’s old fishing ute was going to start. There was no way the craft would fit on the back of it, but maybe he could drag it up to the shed.

  After many failed attempts to start the old four wheel drive it sounded like the battery was just about to go flat. On his last attempt however the old girl spluttered to life filling the shed with exhaust smoke. Aidan cheered and patted the cracked dashboard thanking the old truck. He grabbed all the ropes he could find and drove down to find the craft still sitting there. There was nowhere really to attach a rope, so Aidan made a tangled mess of ropes around the craft and pulled it away. Thankfully It turned out to be incredibly light. Once it was safely in the shed and the doors were closed he went back inside. He could investigate it later. The sun was just starting to appear above the horizon now. Aidan stretched and let out a loud yawn. Maybe now he could finally squeeze in a quick nap.

  After checking the elf girl was still ok Aidan crashed onto his bed and quickly fell into a deep sleep. It seemed not long after that he was awoken by something touching against his throat. He opened his eyes to see Emma standing above him. She held a large kitchen knife against his throat. “What did I tell you?“ She growled between clenched teeth. Aidan felt something rub against the small of his back. Being careful not to move his head he reached behind him to feel what it was. His hand landed on something firm but warm. He stretched out a little further and squeezed. Now it was soft and fleshy. Aidan was startled and quickly retrieved his hand as he realised what it was. “Stop playing with her butt.” Emma yelled angrily. She stepped back and stood tapping her foot with her arms crossed. Aidan sat up and looked at the bed beside him. The elf girl was laying there in a foetal position sleeping peacefully. From her position he guessed she had snuggled in against his back. Aidan looked up at Emma innocently. He didn’t know how to convince her of his innocence. “I didn’t.......” was all Aidan could stammer. Emma sighed in resignation as she placed the knife down on the bedside table. She said “Probably not. I’m just looking out for her ok . There’s a lot of very sick men out there.” Aidan was feeling indignant but understood and replied “Yeah I know. I understand, but I have no idea how she got there. I only just got back from hauling her spaceship or whatever into the shed. When I came inside at sunrise she was still in her bed. She couldn’t have been there long.” Emma looked smug as she said “You know it’s almost midday right?“ Aidan looked at the clock and swore. He didn’t realise how long his little nap had lasted. He wondered how long the elf had been in here. Aidan was also concerned about Emma’s threatening behaviour “Were you really going to slice my throat?” he asked. Emma smiled and replied “Don’t worry. I know you’re a bit of a perve, but I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t touch her. I just wanted you to know I was serious.” As Emma went to the kitchen Aidan called out behind her “So was that a yes or a no?“ Emma just winked over her shoulder and replied “Take advantage of a helpless girl and find out. We’d better feed her so I’ll find something if that’s ok.”

  Emma started cooking breakfast. There wasn’t much in Aidan’s house in the way of healthy food, but she managed to find some instant pancake mix. She set the table for three and split the first batch of pancakes between the plates. At the smell of fresh food Aidan sat and thanked Emma for the breakfast. He had never had a gorgeous woman cook him breakfast before. Emma continued cooking more pancakes and dealing them out. Surprisingly the elf girl appeared stretching her arms and yawning. She was sniffing the air and Aidan guessed she was hungry. Emma guided her to a chair and helped her sit. She set a fresh plate of pancakes with golden syrup in front of her. The girl sniffed at them, and poked them curiously. “Oh my God.” Emma exclaimed. “She doesn’t know what pancakes are.” Aidan sat in the opposite chair and began to eat. She watched him for a while and then copied. She smiled like a little child when her plate was soon empty and patted her belly. Next Aidan poured her a glass of fruit juice. She loved that too and poured herself a second glass. Aidan watched carefully, she acted like a child in some ways, yet still had the co-ordination of an adult. She let out a small burp and quickly covered her mouth muttering something foreign and looking ashamed. Aidan noted that she also had manners which was a good sign.

  When she was finished eating she walked over to Emma and gave her a quick hug. Then she turned to Aidan. When she approached him she gave him a much longer hug and rubbed her cheek against his. Aidan couldn’t believe how strong she was. He was sure he felt a rib crack. Emma giggled. “I guess that means thanks, especially you.” The elf began pacing around the small lounge room while Emma sat and ate her pancakes saying “She doesn’t seem dangerous at least.” “Aidan nodded “Yeah but I wonder where she’s from. Oh, and thank you for breakfast. It was really great. Best I ever had.” Emma put her head down in embarrassment saying “Just don’t get used to it ok. I did it for her.....and I guess you had a long night saving drowning girls and stuff.” Now it was Aidan’s turn to be embarrassed. “Just doing what anybody else would do. No big deal.” he replied. Emma smiled at him and said “And I suppose offering shelter to a strange one-eyed girl crying at the beach was no big deal either?” Aidan grinned “Nope, not a big deal at all.” Emma laughed “Well you’d be surprised how many people just walked past and didn’t give a rats.“


  Aidan noticed the elf was now sitting on the lounge looking around anxiously. She was bouncing slightly on the lounge with her knees together and hands in her lap. Aidan knew what that meant and looked pleadingly at Emma. “I’m eating, so it’s your turn.” she replied to his look. Aidan led the girl to the bathroom. He poured some water into the toilet and flushed it. Then he washed his hands. The girl nodded as he left the bathroom and shut the door. He was glad she seemed to be a fast learner. Soon he was relieved to hear the toilet flush and the sink water running. When she reappeared she began walking around the room looking at the posters. Occasionally she stopped in front of pictures that had largely over endowed women and looked at her own chest as if comparing. Eventually she stopped in front of one and started pointing excitedly. “Lorene.” she kept repeating. Aidan came over to see what she was pointing at. It was the picture of a busty elf maid standing on top of her space ship with a laser gun in her hand. She had long white hair and ears not much bigger than the elf girl standing beside him. She pointed at herself and then the picture saying “Lorene.” Aidan repeated her saying “Lorene”. He figured that with all the different races ever imagined probably represented on the walls here somewhere, one was bound to be similar to her. The girl nodded and seemed pleased that he understood. She continued browsing and eventually found another picture. This time it was a pair of white haired elf men armed with crossbows in the forest. Again the elf girl pointed excitedly again saying “Lorene.” Aidan deduced that Lorene must be her race, rather than her name.

  When Emma finished breakfast she came over and sat on the small lounge beside Aidan. She didn’t seem so bothered being this close to him now. He motioned for the girl to come over. After pointing at both himself and Emma, he said “Human” and then pointed at her saying “Lorene”. She repeated the pattern saying “Human, human, Lorene” as she pointed to each of them in turn. Glad the girl seemed to be picking things up fast he dec
ided to go one step further. This time he pointed to himself saying “Aidan”, then pointed the Emma saying “Emma”, but when he pointed to the elf she just shook her hear. Emma translated “Maybe she has amnesia. Perhaps she forgot her name. We have to call her something, so how about Jemma?” Aidan chuckled “Because it sounds like your name?” Emma crossed her arms in mock indignation and retorted “No, because she’s small and precious like a gem. Jemma sounds like gem doesn’t it?”

  Aidan didn’t have a better suggestion, so he pointed at the elf and said “Gem?”

  The girl seemed happy. She pointed at each of them in turn naming them correctly and then finally pointed to herself saying “Gem”. She was exited and hugged them both together with her incredibly strong arms. Aidan’s face was pushed against Emma’s, but he didn’t mind. He imagined that this was the closest he was ever going to get to her so he savoured those few seconds. Gem leaned back looking at how close she had forced them and decided it would be better if she squeezed in between the two on the small lounge.

  Emma managed to work free of the cramped lounge and began to lead Gem around the house teaching her names of the common items. Emma noticed that she was a quick student, but was growing concerned that wherever they went, she was continually glancing back at Aidan. She wasn’t sure if Gem was just attached to him because he was her rescuer, or maybe just her first contact in this world. Something about it just seemed off, but Gem seemed harmless to her intuition. She thought that perhaps if she was in the same situation she might cling to the first person that showed her kindness too. That got her thinking a little about her own feelings about the man who had helped with her own dramas the same day.

  Eventually Emma decided to go outside and show Gem around, but she stood fast and shook her head. It wasn’t until Aidan came to join them that she ventured outside. Together they all walked down to the beach. Gem acted like a little kid running in the ankle deep water. The other two sat on the beach talking. It was easier talking to Emma now that he knew he would never be good enough. There was no point trying to impress her. It meant he didn’t have to hold anything back and he could just be himself. There was nothing to loose, so it was all right.

  Gem constantly returned and kneeled between them with any strange item she found so they could name it for her. Eventually Emma had the idea to borrow Aidan’s phone and take a group selfie of them all. Gem of course made sure to be squeezed in between them as always. She loved to see the picture on the phone and stared at it for a long time. Aidan watched the elf as she ran around dodging the incoming waves. Even when she jumped the girl seemed a bit faster and more agile than a human. He compared her grace and reflexes to be more feline in nature.

  Gem wandered further up the beach, although she still checked regularly to make sure they were still there. Emma decided this might be a rare time to have some of Aidan’s attention. She felt the need to explain her odd behaviour whenever he was close or when she acted protective of Gem. She decided he was a good guy deep down, and it was only natural for him to like fantasising about girls, although she thought real ones might be preferable. She thought for a while and spoke. “Aidan, look. I know I seem a bit odd at times. You know, anxious, scared of people, not trusting.... especially men. I just want to explain.” Aidan looked her in the eye and replied “There’s no need. I know I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I kinda gathered you’ve had a rough time in the past. You don’t need to explain it. It’s all right.” Emma was happy he seemed to just accept her odd behaviour so easily. As they were both leaning back with their arms supporting them from behind, she moved one of her hands over placing it on top of his. He looked startled as he felt her hand.

  Emma started to speak again “You see your reaction. You’re nervous because you know I’m anxious about contact with other people. You know I’m weird. I just want you to listen ok.” Aidan responded “I just know it’s hard for you ok. I can respect that. Besides that I’m not used to being around pretty girls.” Emma looked up the beach at Gem and said “Yes she is stunning isn’t she?” Aidan felt he had been misunderstood. “No, I mean yeah she is, but I didn’t mean her.” He gulped with embarrassment over his verbal blunder. Emma was bright red now and hiding her face with her other hand. Softly she said “It’s OK. I know what I look like. No need to be polite. Just listen ok. You don’t seem to mind letting me see the real you, so it’s only fair.”

  Emma looked nervous as she started explaining “You see when I was in my final year at high school I was dating this guy a little bit older. I thought I loved him. He was handsome, confident, always knew what to say at the right time, and even agreed to wait know....until I was ready. He was always the gentleman. So one night we went to a movie and I started to feel sick half way through. Everything was spinning and I felt really weak. He said he was taking me home but he took me back to his flat and carried me to his room. He laid me down on the bed. When he tried to undo my buttons I fought back. I guess he hadn’t given me enough of the drug. He pulled a knife on me. That was when I noticed two of his mates were there pointing their phones at me. Recording I guess. I hadn’t even noticed them come in. Anyway he tried ripping my top so I bit him. That’s when he slashed the knife at my face. When they saw how mutilated I was they all panicked and ran. Anyway I crawled outside somehow and a neighbour found me. The guy was arrested and charged, but the damage was done. It was all my fault for being stupid, for trusting. My face was a mess, but the trauma was worse. I couldn’t be near people or trust them again. Always suspicious.” She looked at him desperately and asked “Does it all add up now? ”

  Aidan felt physically sick. He felt oceans of sympathy for the pain Emma was living with. The anger building up inside him churned his stomach even more. How could some animal do that to such a wonderful girl. He wanted to hug her and take it all away somehow, but he guessed she would understandably push him away. She was comfortable enough to tell him her story, but he didn’t want to intrude on her personal space and remind her of that creep. He squeezed her hand gently and said “I’m sorry for what that creep did and the pain you have to live with. There’s no way it was your fault though. No way.” It was all he could think to say. He looked down and saw that her hand was squeezing his in return. That was when he first noted the heavy scars across her wrist. He wanted to cry. Smiling Emma said “Don’t be sorry. You didn’t do it. He was a creep and I was the idiot that trusted him. I just....feel the need to explain. That’s all. It’s why I was so protective of Gem. When I first saw her leaning there semi concious against the wall I had to be suspicious. I didn’t know if you had done something to her.” Aidan impulsively kissed her very quickly on the cheek knowing the risk he was taking. He couldn’t help it. It just came over him. He pretended it never happened and continued. “Like I said it’s all understandable.” The next thing he knew Gem dove in between them breaking them apart roughly. She put an arm around both of their necks smiling innocently. Emma laughed “You know I think you’re gonna have trouble with this one. Just be careful ok.” With that she got up, brushed the sand off and headed back to the caravan.

  Gem sat herself on Aidan’s lap with her arms around his neck. He was feeling very nervous and uncomfortable now. She stretched up and kissed his cheek just the same way he had kissed Emma’s. Aidan pushed her back with both hands in horror. It all suddenly dawned on him. So this is what Emma meant when she said he was going to have trouble with her. “No.” he said to her in a stern tone shaking his head. The girl looked up at him with her sparkling blue eyes. Her head tilted with a curious look on her face. She looked confused like a puppy who didn’t understand what it did wrong. Looking at her innocence he wondered how he could be so mean to her. He took a deep breath and said “Sorry Gem. I know you don’t understand. Lets go home.” He placed a hand on her shoulder for a moment and gave her a friendly smile before rising to lead her back to the house.


  When they got back Aidan played some
animes for Gem and washed the dishes. That at least kept her entertained for while. After the dishes he sat beside her and she soon lay her head in his lap and fell asleep. He felt uncomfortable again. Aidan wondered what was wrong him for it to feel so unnatural to have such a beautiful girl wanting to be so close and affectionate with him. He was sure most blokes would have been eager. He thought it over for a while and realised. It was because of Emma. The girl he had no chance with. He liked Gem and found her incredibly appealing. Not just because she was such a beauty, but because she made him feel wanted and useful. Any other day he would have jumped at the chance to have the attention of a girl like her. Why was it the one he couldn’t have was the one he preferred? It didn’t make sense. He carefully lifted Gem’s head and placed a cushion in his place.

  Sitting on the front patio he tried to work it all out in his head. Gem appealed to him in many ways, and he liked the idea of having her around until she was ready to go. He was living out an anime in the real world. Slowly he came to realise what it might be. Gem was a stranger in foreign lands and was naturally clinging to the first person she felt she could trust. Gem was a dream come true for most men, but it was Emma who had his heart. He had no chance with her, and the quick kiss on the cheek caused no reaction. Then again Gem did interrupt them. It was all too confusing.