Read Biods Page 6

  Chapter 6

  Aidan stood on the patio as the large white craft landed silently in front of the house. He couldn’t believe it when the side hatch opened and a fairy stepped out. She started to walk straight towards him. “G’day mate.” the girl called grinning at him. Aidan was stunned. This was definitely another Lorene, but she would barely have stood as high as his chest or Gem’s shoulders. Her hair was long and white like Gem’s had been and her face was identical except for having purple eyes. Even more surprising was the wings sprouting from the back of her shoulders. They moved like they were real. First he had an elf suddenly appear, and now a fairy. He wondered what kind of mythical creature was going to arrive next.

  The girl walked straight past him, nodding politely, and walked directly into the house. Aidan followed slowly to find the fairy had made herself at home. She was sitting on the lounge playing with the TV remote. “Um...Can I help you?” he asked. “Where’s my sister?” the girl asked back. Aidan answered “I assume you mean Gem. She’s with a friend. Back soon.” Aidan noticed her pull something from her pocket. It was his mobile phone. He patted his pocket to confirm it was empty. “How’d you get my phone?” he asked. The girl looked up from fiddling with the phone and said “I don’t know. Stuff like that just happens. So how long till sis gets back?” “Not long probably.” Aidan replied “So how about you tell me who you are while we wait.” The girl replied cheerfully putting the phone on the lounge beside her. “May as well I suppose. I’m Fay, our mother’s research assistant and prototype of the third generation biods.” Aidan was puzzled and queried “I thought you were Lorene, and what’s a biod?”

  Fay took a deep breath before explaining “I guess she hasn’t explained anything. Probably hasn’t absorbed as much language as I did while I was searching for her. I’ve been monitoring communications and hacking everything until I found the picture on your phone. The one you called Gem was sent out immediately after activation, so she’s only about two weeks old. I’m a month older and much more educated.” Aidan was starting to get chills of horror as her words echoed in his head. He remembered the strange implant on Gem’s neck. “Activation and two weeks old?“ he asked. The girl nodded as she moved to the kitchen and started searching the cupboards. “Yeah, she’s a Lorene biod, like all of us sisters. All organic machines constructed with Lorene genetics.” Aidan sat on the lounge in shock. Fay returned and sat on the arm of the lounge opening a packet of his barbecue chips before continuing. “A biod is basically a replicated body, with an AI interface controlling it, like a puppet.” Aidan was disappointed as he said “So you’re not real then. Just machines.” Fay thought for a moment unsure how to answer. Eventually she said “Well technically we are classed as a lifeless device, but with my sisters and I who had the newest interface, something went wrong. I personally believe we are alive and so does mother, but it’s being debated with the ruling council at the moment. So anyway, after I..... I mean some things happened, our mother sent us away to find our freedom.”

  Aidan leaned back on the lounge trying to absorb everything. Was Gem alive or not? She certainly seemed alive, as did this one on the lounge eating his chips. He asked Fay “So she’s just a child?” Fay shrugged and responded “You can’t compare us the same. Our bodies are generated as adult and we have adult programing. Our maturity is more...uneven. It is accelerated because of our preloaded program, but might lack in certain areas. It depends what we choose to think about.” This wasn’t making any sense. “Please just tell me.” he pleaded “Is Gem alive and is she a child?” All Fay could do was shrug and say “I guess it’s a matter of opinion. You’re trying to compare us to humans, but we aren’t.” He decided to move on with his questioning.

  Next Aidan asked “So you’ve come to take Gem back?“ The fairy replied “Maybe. She does have it pretty sweet here. We came to find our sister and live with her. Here might suit well.” Aidan queried urgently “You said ‘We’?” Fay nodded and replied “Three more sisters are sleeping on the craft I …borrowed to come here. They can stay asleep in stasis for now while I check things out. You know, make sure it’s safe, make sure you aren’t dangerous or anything. You look pretty harmless so far.” Fay carelessly tossed the empty chip bag over her shoulder. Suddenly she sprang to attention and exclaimed “Oh, Gem’s in range now. I can network to her so she must be close. By the way where’s my room?”

  Aidan was feeling pretty stressed and started to get agitated. “What the hell makes you think you’re staying here?” he demanded. Fay replied indignantly “Because stupid, it’s an ideal location. Not many people, a big ocean to hide my craft in, someone to feed us, besides Gem registers here as where she belongs. Mother wanted us to look after each other, so ipso facto, we stay with Gem. You have to provide for all of us.” Aidan was angry now. He spoke sternly “Now just a minute. For one thing I can’t afford to feed and cloth all of you. For two, I never invited you. Why would I want a rude little slob living in my grandmother’s house?” He picked up the empty chip packet and shoved it in her face growling “Lesson one, ask before helping yourself, and trash goes in the bin. Now, just who the hell do you think you are little girl? You learned to talk pretty well, so how come you haven’t learned basic manners?” Fay swatted at his hand and dove at him knocking him to the ground.

  They wrestled until Aidan was on his back with Fay straddling him pinning his arms down. Despite her small stature and delicate appearance she was a bit stronger than him somehow. Fay suddenly gasped as she was lifted into the air by her control arms yelling “Hey that hurts, put me down bitch.” Gem tossed her onto the lounge roughly. Fay sat with arms crossed glaring at Gem murmuring “Bitch, bitch, bitch.” under her breath. Gem stood in front of her looking very stern. “No hurt my Aidan. Who?” she asked pointing at Fay. Fay straightened herself saying “I already sent you the data. I’m your sister Fay. I think mother wanted the rest of us to be free with you. If you insist on talking aloud instead of networking, at least let me teach you more than a few words cave girl. You know they have various wireless networking here you could have used yourself right?” Fey closed her eyes and concentrated until Gem lifted the corner of one eye for a moment. Gem then continued in a more confident voice stating “I am staying here with my Aidan and my Emma. You can do whatever you like, just not here. I do not know you. We are nothing and I will hurt you if you access my interface again. Just get lost.”

  Aidan was shocked that Gem was now talking with a normal vocabulary. As the two girls argued he decided they were definitely sisters. He crawled to the kitchen and bumped into Emma’s legs. He glanced up saw her scowling down at him with her arms crossed. “Why was she sitting on top you and who the hell is she?“ she asked through clenched teeth. Aidan did his best to explain what little he knew as Gem and Fay continued to argue. In the end Gem came to Aidan and asked “Can the little one please stay for a night or two? She can share my room until I fully understand this situation?” Aidan looked towards Emma for her thoughts. She just shrugged at Aidan so he said “I suppose so seeing as she’s your sister, but she has to behave. Does this mean you are leaving us soon?” Gem shook her head and responded “I have nowhere to go. I belong here. Do you want me to leave?” Aidan shook his head and Emma said “No we don’t want you to leave. We will find some money for extra expenses somehow.” Fay yelled over from the lounge, “Never mind, I have a credit card. It should be delivered here in a few days, but I can use the number till then.” Aidan didn’t believe her and retorted “How does an alien robot or whatever have a credit card?” Fay replied saying “I just applied like anyone else. I’m pretty good at hacking and stuff now. I had to learn in a rush when I was being chased in the city.” Aidan shook his head and knew he probably shouldn’t ask, but did anyway. “Why were you being chased?” Fay thought for a moment and replied “There was a misunderstanding. A councillor got his teeth kicked in and they blamed it all on me.” Aidan asked “Did you do it?” Fay nodded and added, “There??
?s more to it though. He hit me first. Then when I rescued our sisters from destruction, a guard was hurt. It looked pretty bad.” Aidan regretted already approving her staying here.

  He kept questioning her asking “So where is this mother of yours?” Fay shrugged “No idea. I guess she might be under arrest.” Gem looked shocked. She grabbed Fay and tried to read her data. “Ow.” Fay yelped. “Stop pushing, I increased my protection so I couldn’t be tracked. I’ll let you in if you really want to see.” Soon Gem dropped her to the ground and said to Aidan “She tells the truth. Mother was held responsible for Fay’s assaults. They also consider her rebellious. All third generation biods and associated research was ordered destroyed. Our sisters were to be recycled. Mother will most likely be held under arrest until her trial.”

  Aidan said “Just to be clear, biods are just machines right?” Gem looked confused before she asked “Is that all I am to you?” She looked about to cry. Aidan quickly said “No, you are a beautiful young, walking, talking, breathing and living woman. There’s no way you’re a machine.” Gem shook her head saying “I am not certain, but thank you for trying to be nice.”

  As an idea came to her Fay interrupted saying “Come here human. Maybe this will answer your questions.” They all crowded in front of the TV as images started to appear. It showed a beautiful purple eyed woman with long white hair. She looked identical to Gem and was speaking in an odd almost musical language. “This is my visual record from stored memory. The woman is our mother, Ellan Elore. She was just explaining to me about the malfunction. Because the new interface had too little shielding, signals leaked to the brain. It kind of jump started. She believed I came back to life. Self conciousness had occurred. The interface in our brains still works, but they are slightly damaged. Mainly the motion control centre. The conciousness overpowers it. The interface was never designed to be in a living being, or compete for control, so it overloads.” She skipped forward a bit and said “I’ll try to translate for you. Gem can witness. Fay now spoke as they saw Ellan gritting her teeth yelling at two older men “SHE is not a faulty unit. SHE is a living being like you or I.” When one of the men stepped closer. The vision was suddenly lost but soon refocussed from a position a little lower and further away. A small hand appeared with a trickle of blood after Fay pulled it away from her mouth. Ellan ran over as the vision started to blur. The old men were laughing before one said “You tread a dangerous path here Chief. It is just an organic machine, a replicated pile of meat being controlled by a faulty interface. Destroy it and move on. That is our order.” The men started to walk away and they heard Ellan’s angry voice behind Fay’s translation. She sounded furious as she yelled “She is a living girl. Are we not all organic machines anyway?” The TV turned off as Fay said “Well that’s as much of a debate as there has been on the matter. We separated after that. Guards were sent to mother’s lab to clear it out and destroy everything including my sisters. I managed to snatch three of the bodies, but the fourth was missing. I figured mother must have already activated her. Mother’s personal pod had been reported escaping, so following her orders I came here to begin searching. It was the only planet in pod range she could survive on.”


  Aidan sat down with Emma wordlessly as they tried to absorb it all. Fay was in the kitchen looking in the fridge. Eventually Aidan asked “So you’re fugitives?” Emma added “And your people think you are not really alive and want to kill you?“ Fay returned munching on a chocolate bar saying “Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. They want to destroy us.” Gem was lost in thought but eventually asked “Am I a real girl or not?” Fay nodded saying “Mother believed so, and she was top in her field.” Gem looked confused and suddenly ran outside. Aidan rose to follow but paused to seek Emma’s opinion first. Emma nodded so he continued running.

  Gem hadn’t gone far. She was sitting on the front step looking at the scout craft in front of her. Aidan sat down beside her saying “It’s good you can talk now isn’t it?” Gem replied “Yes, but there is much I wanted to say. I can no longer say it though. You love Emma. You are hers now. I did not understand that my feelings were real. Living beings are more important than a biod. I just wanted you both happy and I was not real. Now it is all different. I can talk now, so you might decide I can look after myself. You can send me away. I can never have any of your love now. You will see me differently and not care like before.”

  Aidan brushed a tear from her cheek and said softly “There are different kinds of love Gem. I do love you, just not the same as I love Emma. You are more like a daughter, or a sister. One day you will love again, and you will make him very happy. He will be a very very lucky man.” Gem shook her head and argued “No. You saved me. You protected me. You cared for me. Only you are Aidan. I only want to be close to you. Emma said it was ok, but now you wont think of me the same. Everything is changed. I do not understand. It is all Fay’s fault. I should kill her.” Gem rose to her feet but Aidan pulled her back saying “No. One day we would have had to have this discussion. You were learning to talk. All Fay did was speed things along. We should thank her really.” Gem thought for a moment and sat back down beside him saying “Maybe you are right. You would still love Emma more anyway. I will allow Fay to live for now.” Aidan responded “Good. She is your sister and killing is wrong.” Gem looked puzzled as she replied “I do not feel anything for her. Should I treat her the way you treat me?” Aidan nodded. “I guess so. She is your family even if you don’t know her. Give her a chance. She came all this way to find you. In time you might feel for her the way Emma and I feel for you.” Gem responded “She annoys me. Do I annoy you?” Aidan shook his head and chuckled “Not at all. I like having you around. You’re like a part of me now. We are like family.” Gem smiled. It looked like she was accepting the way things were. He rose to stand but Gem squeezed his hand and asked “If Emma was not here, would you choose to be with me?“ Aidan grew worried. He was concerned that if he told Gem the truth Emma might be in danger. Gem looked pleadingly in his eyes desperate for her answer. Aidan asked “Why? Would you hurt her?“ Gem shook her head and said “No. That would hurt you. I love Emma too. That is why I repaired her eye and helped you be together. I was not a real girl, so it was right. She is part of me like you. So would you have ever chosen me?”

  Aidan carefully replied “You are going through a lot right now. A lot is probably new and confusing so don’t try to work it all out at once. I know you want the truth and you know I am in love with Emma, but if I hadn’t met her.…I probably would have fallen for you. You are very beautiful and nice to know, but my heart belongs only to Emma. You and I have grown a different relationship now. I would not want to loose that for anything.” Gem seemed happy so Aidan stood and walked back to house with Gem close behind him. When they entered the house Gem picked the struggling Fay up and hugged her sister tightly saying “I will tolerate you for now sister.” Fay looked startled and lost as to what was going on. Aidan laughed to Emma “Well I guess that’s a start. Gem dragged Fay to the spare room saying “I will show you the room we use.”

  A few minutes later Fay emerged from the room with Gem following. She was waving a sheet of paper angrily. She confronted Aidan and demanded “What the hell is this crap? What have you been doing to my little sister you sick pervert?” She shoved the paper in his face. It was the drawing he had made trying to teach Gem about nudity. Aidan chuckled and explained “We kind of had a little trouble with her understanding personal boundaries. I used pictures because she could barely talk.” Fay shook her head and argued “Not true. Basic behaviour is built in. Grooming, modesty, basic operations, all that stuff. You are a liar.” “It’s true.” Emma interjected. Fay looked stumped. She sat on the lounge to consider things for a moment. Eventually she said “This malfunction is a new phenomenon. Maybe the malfunction works a little different in each of us. Maybe something caused her to override what the program taught her.” Emma chuckled and asked “Would her desire to
impress or seduce someone affect her program?” Gem looked embarrassed and crept back to her room. Fay shrugged. “Maybe. Her brain isn’t as big as as mine.” Aidan teased “Actually her brain is bigger technically. You are smaller than her proportionally.” Fay looked upset and growled “I meant development-wise stupid. Besides, bigger is not always better anyway. It’s quality that counts, not quantity. Just look at me for example. Besides I gathered lots of modules when I toured the city, and learnt heaps searching the earth communications, so my data is much bigger at least.”

  Aidan was starting to enjoy the reactions he got from teasing Fay. He grinned and corrected her. “Don’t you mean stole, not ‘gathered’?” Fay looked insulted as she retorted defensively “If they wanted their data kept private, they would have had tougher security. Instead it was virtually just laying around.” Fay took a breath throwing her arms up in the air exclaiming “Whatever. I’m going to unwind for a bit.” She pulled a bunch of keys from her pocket and stormed toward the back door where Aidan parked his car. “Wait.” Aidan called jumping in front of the little fairy biod. “Are those my keys?” He asked angrily. Fay spat back “Well you don’t want me to hot wire it do you?” Aidan grabbed her wrist and dragged her back to the lounge room where he pushed her to sit. He towered over her as he lectured “Right you. Enough of this crap. I’m only putting up with you for Gem’s sake. If you plan on staying here a little while, you and I are gonna talk about expected behaviour. Firstly, about stealing or borrowing without permission, then we’re gonna discuss respect.” For the next twenty minutes Aidan launched a barrage of demands at Fay. She looked to be just ignoring him which infuriated him further.

  Fay got bored with being yelled at. She looked up at Aidan and for an instant she saw Ellan standing there lecturing her about stealing. He was angry at her but he was only saying all this for her own benefit really. That must mean there was a little care or concern there. He didn’t just kick her out, not that he could anyway. He definitely reminded her of mother. He even chased after Gem when she was upset. He obviously cared about her a great deal. Fay smiled as she decided it might not be so bad here after all. It looked like Aidan was finally running out of steam. He sat beside her and said in a calmer voice “Look I’m sorry to be so harsh. It’s just so that we all get along ok?” Fay responded with “Ok. I will try harder.” Aidan smiled and mused her hair forgivingly. Yep, just like mother Fay thought.

  While Aidan was busy with his lecturing Emma had snuck into Gem’s room to find her laying there staring at the ceiling. Emma sat on the side of the bed and asked “Are you ok?” Gem nodded and said “There is a lot going on. Earlier when we were outside Aidan told me how he felt about me. It is you he loves most. I am sorry I still want him. He already belonged to you. I can not control it.” Emma looked at Gem. She looked very pained. She knew Gem wanted him. Perhaps the fear of competition was part of what pushed her to try to speed things along. She never meant to hurt Gem. Emma just didn’t want to loose her chance. She looked at the floor saying “I’m sorry I took Aidan before you could. I knew you liked him. I was selfish, but I couldn’t let him go. I couldn’t picture not being with him.” Gem sat up and slid over beside her to say “It is ok. I love him, and I love you. I wanted him to be happy. It was his choice, but I can not picture him not being close either. Should I go away?” Emma shook her head replying “That would hurt him. It would hurt both of us. Like we discussed when you were my fixing eye, we can share him a little, but there has to be boundaries, especially physically.” Gem agreed saying “Yes, he prefers you physically. He wont even look at me the same way.”

  Emma put an arm around Gem’s shoulder saying “Oh I bet he would. You are very attractive. I bet he was tempted all the time, but he is a decent man. He feels guilt easily and has a strong sense of right and wrong. He would never take advantage and would feel it was improper for him to look at a girl that way when he had feelings for another. He just isn’t one of those creeps. We wouldn’t both love him otherwise would we?” Gem agreed saying “That makes sense. I am happy just to be near him. I am happy he shares bodies with the one he loves. It makes me happy. I am also glad you understand. The two of you truly belong together and I would never harm that. I will be satisfied to just keep you both in my life, and this is the only way.” Emma hugged her saying “I am just happy things are sorting themselves out and we will all stay together and understand each other. It’s better than being jealous.”

  Things in the lounge room had gone quite now. Emma and Gem returned to make sure nobody was dead. When they entered the room they found Aidan asleep on the lounge with Fay sitting on his lap watching TV. Gem and Emma looked at each other and immediately reached for Fay simultaneously saying “Mine.” Fay got back up the floor checking for bruises saying “What was that for? I was just watching TV. Mister stupid wore himself out yelling.” Emma demanded “Why were you sitting on my boyfriend again?” Fay looked puzzled and answered, “Better viewing angle. Why else?” She paused deep in thought for a moment before saying urgently “Oh, no no no. Gods no. I know what you were thinking. Yuck, no way. It wasn’t like that.” Emma leaned in and said “Better not be little girl. He’s spoken for. Definitely spoken for.” Fay looked at Gem and saw she was glaring angrily at her as well. She addressed the pair asking “Does everyone in this place have a twisted and perverted mind? He just reminds me of mother a bit ok. I miss her.”


  Emma returned to the kitchen to prepare some food. The Lorene girls sat at the table and finally started talking civilly to each other. They both updated each other of events that had transpired. The small table wasn’t large enough for four people so Emma took her and Aidan’s plates to the lounge. She woke him gently and gave him his dinner. They ate quietly until Aidan finally asked “It is Ok to let them stay isn’t it? I mean they are fugitives with nobody to care for them or guide them.” Emma squeezed his shoulder saying “You couldn’t live with yourself if you tossed them out and something happened to them. Especially Gem.” Aidan agreed “That’s true. Did you know she had some kind crush on me or something?” Emma laughed “Yeah you are kind of blind that way. We talked. You don’t have to worry about it, just take care of her.” Aidan asked “What about this new one. She’s a real pain, but despite the way she talks, I think she’s bit childish in some ways too.” Emma rubbed his back smiling and said “They aren’t kids, but they are both only young, or new, whatever it is that applies to them. They haven’t fully matured in all ways yet. Although, Gem does seem to be more mature in romantic ways. I guess they just don’t develop the same as us. We can’t judge them the same as humans.’ Aidan agreed and added “I’m just so glad you’re here. I couldn’t all this alone.”

  As he glanced out the front windows Aidan saw the spacecraft still sitting there. It was too big for the shed. He called out to Fay “Hey Fay, what are you gonna do about your spaceship thingy in the middle of the yard? It’s kind of noticeable.” “Don’t worry.” she called back “It’s a scout craft. After I eat I’ll park it under the ocean by remote. I just want to unload a few things first.” “Fine.” Aidan replied “Just keep it out of sight.”

  After dinner he went and laid on his bed while Emma soaked in the bath. It was all getting to be too much. He wished everything was like it had been this morning. He and Emma were happy together, Gem was unable to speak her feelings. It was all much simpler. Emma was right though. If he told Fay to take a hike and something happened he would feel responsible. He didn’t know why but he did feel the Lorene were his duty now. Fay especially made him feel concerned for their welfare. He remembered the craft on the front yard and called out again “Fay, put your spaceship away.” A small voice replied “I’m doing it now, and its a scout craft stupid.” Aidan grinned as Emma entered the room and closed the door. They could lay in each others arms now and shut everything else out. Peace at last. Just the two of them.

  In the scout craft Gem seemed curious as she looked at her sisters s
tirring from stasis. One looked identical too her but with purple eyes. Two looked like her but had extra arms on their back like Fay’s. Fay chuckled as she said “Mister stupid will think he was invaded now.” Gem asked “Are you sure he said it was ok to activate them now?” Fay shrugged saying “Well he said ‘Fine’ when I told him I just had to unload a few things. You heard him. Besides look at his posters. He likes strange beautiful girls. You all look like me and mother, so this should make him really happy.” Gem replied “He will only look at Emma. I feel he is going to be annoyed.” Fay patted her on the back saying “I’m your big sister. Trust me. He’ll love it.” She handed Gem three harnesses that looked like wide belts with upper leg and shoulder straps. Fay instructed Gem “Take these inside while I update their learning. I found them in the city. They might come in handy.” Gem nodded and ordered her sister “Only give them speech and the basics for now. Do not turn them into you.” “Of course.” Fay assured her. “I like the idea of keeping most to myself anyway. As the eldest I should stay superior to the rest of you. They can choose what they like with their own freedom when they are ready.” Gem nodded saying “Agreed. It should be with their freedom and choice.” As Gem left to take the harnesses inside Fay called out “Hey what’s with you and Aidan by the way? I gather there’s some romance or something.” Gem shook her head and responded sadly “He loves Emma. He won’t look at me. It does not matter.” Fay approached and said in a concerned voice “Some sisterly advice. Don’t confuse your gratitude or his caring nature for more than it is.” Gem shook her head saying “It is more than that. You can not understand until you have felt it.” With that she left. Fay turned to her sisters who were looking around saying, “Well girls, lesson one. Love sucks. It can be painful. Be careful.”