Cumming’s voice sounded remarkably strong, despite the atmospheric interference.
‘We’ll not make it back in this, sir. Even the local rescue’s turning around. There’s no movement down there anyway.’
In the half-light of the Venture Raider’s conference room, Abel turned from the 3-D.
‘You still want to go to Prebos, Jack?’ he asked. He didn’t want to leave his two RAVs behind. It left him with only one.
Petroff leaned against the back wall, running his tongue along his lower lip, deep in thought.
‘Yes,’ he said slowly. He was still trying to work out how Scat knew the Raider was in Constitution space. ‘There’s nothing here for us now. You can come back to get them later. In the meantime I need to up the security there, and soon.’
Abel nodded and spoke over the net.
‘Lion 1, you stay here. Lend a hand to the locals, but be ready for a pick up. The V4’s just jumped away so we’ll be out of system for a short while. Back soon.’