Read Bite Me! Page 19

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  Boss #1 turned the handle of the door to the root cellar and ... burst through quickly. He shut the door quickly behind him before the light from a sputtering candle could be seen. Pililiani and Boss #15 were frozen at the sound of the intrusion.

  "You gotta leave now," Boss #1 warned. "One of the bosses snuck out of the bunkhouse after Yuri left. He'll be leading Big Momma here any minute. The light in her bedroom went out when I was coming down into the cellar."

  Pililiani blew out the candle, put it in a pocket, and pushed both Boss #1 and #15 out of the root cellar. Then she fastened the padlock and crept up the earthen step just behind the two bosses.

  "She'll be coming out the Big House's front door," Boss #1 whispered to Pililiani. "You can use the back door. Yuri and I will draw her away with a light. Can you find the house in the dark?"

  "Done it plenty of times before," Pililiani whispered before disappearing in the darkness.

  "Where are we going, Mike?"

  "I made a plan in case we were ever discovered. We're going to the water tower. I'll do most of the talking. You'll do the climbing. I'll explain on the way."

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  Boss #15 was at the top of the ladder to the water tower, peering inside, and holding a lit kerosene lantern in his hands. It had been the light from that lantern that had caused Boss #3 to turn away from the root cellar and aim for the water tower instead.

  "What's going on here?" Big Momma demanded to know as she finished her quiet approach.

  Boss #1 turned around quickly, as though he had been startled.

  "Big Momma! Boss #3. What are you doing here?"

  "What are YOU doing out of the bunkhouse. This better be good. Who's up the ladder?"

  "Boss #15."


  Boss #1 couldn't believe that somebody could actually think that he was doing something suspicious. He didn't say anything, but Big Momma could tell from his face that he was experiencing difficulty controlling his emotions. Boss #1 was indeed having trouble controlling his emotions. He was struggling to control an impending fit of belly-grabbing laughter at the sight of Big Momma wearing a veil over her face in the middle of a pitch-black night.

  Boss #1 managed to control himself and began the explanation he had shared with Boss #15. "Do you remember some weeks back when the entire house staff came down with some bug? I noticed that none of the women in the slave huts had become ill. They drink from the river; house staff drink from the river too, but the water goes to the tower first. That got me thinking."

  "Something was in the water tower?"

  "It would be a possibility, right? Some unhappy slave finds a poisonous plant, slips up the ladder in the darkness, and drops the plant in. Boss #15 is looking at the security of the water tower right now."

  "Why him?"

  "He's in charge of the house's plumbing. Who would be better? Did you find anything up there, #15?"

  "There's no lock on the lid to the tower at all," #15's voice wafted down from the height of the tower. "I tried to look inside, but the light from this lantern isn't strong enough for me to see anything."

  "Why didn't you tell me what you'd be doing?"

  Boss #1 touched Big Momma's gowned elbow with a finger and steered her away from the tower and out of Boss #3's hearing. "All due respects, Big Momma, but the Big House leaks like a sieve. Let's keep this discussion between the two of us. I've had a feeling lately, call it a hunch, that something is going on here at the ranch and it's not good. The slaves aren't acting the same since those bosses were killed."

  "I noticed that too," Big Momma lied.

  "The attempt to poison everybody in the Big House may have been an attempt to attack you. It didn't work and we can count ourselves lucky that it didn't. Some of those girls were horribly sick. If some sort of plot is in the works, perhaps the next attempt will be more successful. Boss #15 kept his mouth shut about those two beasts at the slave island, so I knew that he could be trusted. I couldn't let anybody else know about my suspicions. Now that I've established that we have no security on this water tower at all, we have two options. Lock it up tight. Or put a secret guard on it and catch whoever is trying to harm you. It would mean some boss staying awake all night for one or two weeks, I expect. What would you like me to do?"

  Big Momma didn't have to think long. "Catch them in the act."

  "My thoughts exactly. I'll put #15 up there tomorrow night. I'll watch as well."

  "That Scandinavian army gal thought that #15 had helped the little blonde girl escape. She suggested that he could have taken the tracker out of Big Daddy's copter. That would have allowed him to take her to safety."

  Boss #1 snorted. "That's one suspicious crazy lady." Boss #1 edged a little closer to Big Momma. Close enough that the strong muscles of his left arm were actually pressing against Big Momma's arm in her frilly housecoat. "Here's why she's a little soft in the head." Boss #1 had lowered his voice even further. Big Momma leaned forward to hear. She could feel #1's breath on her face.

  "First of all, I put a trip wire on that tracker. One of my hairs." He put his index finger and thumb together on the fabric over her wrist and brought her hand to his head. "I have thick long hairs. Feel them." And he waited while she did.

  Big Momma did. Quite thoroughly even.


  "I wove two of my hairs together and wrapped them around the connection in a certain way. Anybody undoing that tracker in the dead of night would never notice the trip wire. The hairs were still there, exactly as I had inserted them, when I checked it that morning at the slave island."

  "And the second reason?"

  "If Boss #15 did indeed have full access to Big Daddy's copter, why did he come back to the ranch?"

  "Because he knew about the explosive?"

  "Only I knew about the explosive. This guy is a stranger. Why would I tell him? And even if he did know about the explosive somehow, he could have used the copter to leave the island, fly half an hour towards the ranch, land, and walk away. The copter wouldn't have exploded. We'd never find him."

  Big Momma's veiled face looked uncertain in the dim light of the lantern. A sort of romantic light. Boss #1 had the gall to actually put his hand on Big Momma's hand, pat it gently, leave it there flesh on flesh, and say soothingly. "If what the army gal said is right, why would #15 come back to the ranch, Big Momma?"

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  Chapter 30

  It's now Friday, June 28 at 10:45 p.m. The Wilizy are getting into position above their first target of the evening – Ranch #2. Marie's former ranch. They've planned two simultaneous battles – one at ranch #2's cattle operations and one at the Big House. I'll describe each of the battlefields below and give you the names of the Wilizy in each of the battle groups.

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  Ranch #2's cattle operations consisted of a lot of scrawny cows wandering around the prairie under the supervision of five bosses on horses and twenty slaves on foot. The bosses lived in a small bunkhouse; the slaves lived in a slightly larger, locked bunkhouse. Bosses slept on a wooden-framed bed that had a pad, blanket, and a pillow; slaves got a blanket on the floor, a blanket to cover themselves, and the freedom to use their arm for a pillow. The lock on the slaves' bunkhouse was purely a formality. All of the slaves in this part of the ranch were bosses who had proven to be unworthy of the title. Whatever resentment they may have felt at one time to their demotion was long gone. As were the glands that would produce testosterone that would be needed to get angry.

  All bosses carried a wand with them at all times. The wand was powered and controlled by the main security transmitter in the Big House. Bosses also carried whips. A locked storage locker in the bosses' bunkhouse held guns and ammunition. At night, the horses were kept in a log corral sufficiently far from the bosses' bunkhouses to keep the smell from disturbing their sleep.

  Seven Wilizy would fight the battle at this part of the ranch. M
elissa was operating out of the Wilizy/America as the commander for all of the cattle battles. With her in the ship were Granny as ship's captain and communicator, Doc on weapons, and Liset and EmmaGee on the long-range sensors. Stu was hovering above the corral and would provide "ground support." Momaka was in charge of mystical warrior support. She was circling high in the sky in her form as Bob, the Invisible Dragon. Soon he would become Bob, the Visible Dragon.

  Melissa faced two risks to a cattle battle going awry. One risk was the horses. Part of Stu's job was to keep the horses from injuring themselves when Bob put in his appearance. Stu had admitted to having ridden a horse before, so that was why he had been assigned to Melissa's command. The second risk was whether the slaves would attack the bosses when Bob appeared. Winnie had been assured that the slaves would have the anger to deal with the bosses; they behaved as they did because they had no hope. Melissa would know better after the first few battles. If they didn't attack the bosses, or couldn't attack the bosses, Bob's role would become more proactive.

  Melissa anticipated that the battle would take no more than 15 minutes. As soon as the slaves had secured their part of the ranch, Melissa and the Wilizy/Asia would relocate to the next ranch scheduled to be attacked and prepare for the next battle. They had to arrive there early so that Stu could unlock the door to the slave's bunkhouse. The slaves would be waiting for a tap-tap signal and would then leave the bunkhouse and hide in the darkness until the rest of the Wilizy forces arrived.

  During the trip from one ranch to the next, the two girls on the sensors would need to keep a close watch. [Narrator: That's what Granny told EmmaGee and me, but we never encountered any threats. They were just trying to make us feel involved, I think. But I didn't realize that at the time. EmmaGee really bought into the role. She'd stand at attention and salute when Granny gave her an order. "Yes, your majesty," she'd say. Or "No, your majesty." I had to explain that army people had to be called "Sir" or "Ma'am."]

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  The tasks facing the Wilizy at the Big House were more complicated. These tasks were: disable the security fence transmitter; destroy all weapons that the bosses might have access to; hide the field slaves safely on the grounds; move the house slaves out of danger; and, propel the bosses and the two slave owners into the open. Melissa didn't know how long the battle around the Big Houses would last. With five ranches to attack in one evening, and with darkness essential to their success, Melissa created two entirely different Big House attack forces. While one force was attacking Ranch #2, the other force would be preparing to attack Ranch #3. They would leap frog past each other during the evening. The order of attacks in Montana were #2, #3, #4, #7 and #10.

  The Wilizy/Asia held Wanda as captain, TG and Theo handling weaponry, and Reese as ground support. Mac was Battle Commander for the Wilizy/Asia force. On the Wilizy/Europe were Lucas as battle commander, Wizard as ship captain, Hank and Wolf on weaponry, and Dreamer on ground support.

  A small task force of Wilizy was available for additional emergency support at any battle: Jock, as Commander in Chief, William for science/technology support, Winnie as liaison with the slaves, Mathias for air support, Patella and Scapula to assist house slaves, and Marie for mystical warrior support. Nary was also part of this group in case Marie's health became an issue.

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  Chapter 31

  At 10:45 p.m., Mac began working through the pre-battle checklist for the two operations at Ranch #2.

  Mac to Melissa (Cattle Commander): please confirm that Ranch #2's cattle slaves are clear of their bunkhouse.

  Melissa to Mac. Confirming that the cattle slaves are out of the bunkhouse.

  Mac to Granny (Wilizy/America Captain): please confirm that you have heat signatures on the cattle slaves and that your Mystical Warrior is aware where the slaves have hidden.

  Granny to Mac: Confirming. Momaka is circling high overhead. Bob is ready.

  Mac to Granny (Wilizy/America Captain): Please advise of the number of bosses in their bunkhouse.

  Granny to Mac: We have six heat signatures.

  Mac to (Wilizy/America Captain): Please confirm that the ship's weaponry is ready.

  Granny to Mac: I've always wanted to say this. Locked and loaded, Battle Commander.

  Mac to Stu (Ground Support): Please confirm that the horses have been hobbled as well as hooded.

  Stu to Mac: The horses are safe and will not interfere.

  Mac to all Wilizy in the Cattle Group. Stand-by for further instructions from Melissa. Everybody rest easy.

  # # # # # # # #

  Mac to TG (Big House weaponry): Please confirm you are in place outside Big Momma's bedroom.

  TG to Mac. I am outside the Big House and ready. The weapon has eyes on the security fence transmitter.

  Mac to Reese (Ground Support): Please confirm that work camp slaves have taken weapons from the tool shed.

  Reese to Mac: The slaves have emptied the tool shed of all potential weapons. I am now with Winnie's wolves to help with the house slaves.

  Mac to Winnie (Slave Liaison): Please confirm that your wolves are ready.

  Winnie to Mac: Patella and Scapula are hidden in the dark just to the edge of Big House #2's porch. I will activate the guide lights on their collars once the battle begins.

  Mac to Wanda (Captain, Wilizy/Asia): Please confirm that the ship's weaponry is ready.

  Wanda to Mac: What Granny said. Locked and loaded, Battle Commander.

  Mac to Wanda (Captain, Wilizy/Asia): Please advise of the number of bosses in their bunkhouse.

  Wanda to Mac: We have twenty-five heat signatures.

  Mac to Wanda (Captain, Wilizy/Asia): Please confirm that you have heat signatures on all of the work camp slaves and that your Mystical Warrior is aware where the work camp slaves have hidden.

  Wanda to Mac: Confirmed on the heat signatures. Marie is ready.

  Mac to Mathias (Air Support): What's your position and status, Mathias?

  Mathias to Mac: I'm at high altitude circling over Big House #2. Bomblets are ready for dispersal.

  Mac to Marie (Mystical warrior support). Please confirm your position and status.

  I'm at the local Wilizy Cloth and Dye store picking up chocolates for everybody.

  Mac to Marie: Just say where you are, Marie. Please.

  I'm circling above Reese's transport so that I won't get burned prematurely.

  Thank you, Marie. Mac to Theo (Weaponry: Please confirm that all arms caches have been targeted.

  Theo to Mac: I am in position to blow up the weapons storage closet in the bosses' bunkhouse. This ranch has no other weapon caches.

  Mac to Big House #2 Battle Group: Stand by.


  Mac to all forces: Remember we have six bosses in the cattle ranch, twenty five bosses at the Big House, and two slave owners. One minute to attack. Be safe.

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  The battle began promptly at 11:00 p.m.

  Mac to ship captains. Commence thunderstorms. Continue flash and crash on prearranged schedule.

  This first step of the operation was straightforward. The Wilizy/America's target was the cattle bosses' bunkhouse. Granny put the end of a lightning bolt about ten meters above the roof. The thunderclap followed immediately afterwards. She continued to rock that portion of the ranch every twenty seconds – waiting for a signal from Mac.

  Meanwhile, Wanda was using the Wilizy/Asia's equipment to put her lightning strikes over the bunkhouse of the Big House's bosses. Again, on a twenty second interval.

  Hank to TG: Big Momma is out on her porch. TG, you can proceed.

  TG to Mac: I have destroyed the security transmitter. All wands are now inactive. All dog collars are now inactive.


  Stu to Doc: Six cattle bosses are now outside. Doc, you can proceed.

  Doc to Melissa: I have destroyed all the weapons of the cattle bosses.


nbsp; Jock to Theo: All twenty-five bosses are outside their bunkhouse. Theo, you can proceed.

  Theo to Mac: I have destroyed all the weapons of the bosses near the big house.


  The key to the timing of the main part of the battle was the Big House's security fence transmitter. It had to be eliminated as early as possible. As you've read, William had devised a weapon that could not only identify the transmitter's location but render it inactive as well. This action would create a small noise, so they wanted to wait until Big Momma had left her bedroom before using it.

  With Lucas' and Theo's research, Winnie put together a document that identified where each security transmitter was located in the seventeen ranches. Most were in a Big Momma bedroom. In that situation, Hank would watch for her to appear either on her balcony or downstairs on the porch. If the transmitter was too far inside the building for William's weapon to act reliably, Hank would be invisibly inside the Big House armed with William's weapon waiting for the transmitter location to be clear of witnesses.

  Winnie's document also listed the number of bosses that the Wilizy could expect in each cattle ranch bunkhouse and in each Big House bunkhouse. If necessary, she left special instructions. For example, for Ranch #4, Reese had identified two bosses who had unusually light colours. Winnie had learned that those two bosses were supporters of the slaves and would be sitting on the cover of the water tower waiting for the killing to stop and for dawn to arrive.

  The lightning and thunder were designed to bring the bosses out of their bunkhouses and into the open so quickly that they wouldn't stop to arm themselves. The lightning would also get the bosses looking up into the sky. Now, back to the battle.


  Mac to Mathias: Seed the sky over both operations. Ship captains: On Mathias' word, burn up your overhead sky.

  William had created tiny bomblets. These were similar to the fireworks that he had invented for Melissa many books ago, but these bomblets were smaller and produced no explosion. But they did produce plenty of light. Chemically treated, these bomblets turned into red and yellow colours that drifted slowly to the ground. These flaming light particles would light up the centre of each battlefield with eerie lights, but leave the grounds on the outside of the battlefield dark. To keep his bomb targeting tight, Mathias had to fly low so that the particles wouldn't drift too far sideways. The spark at the end of his vacuum hose would light each particle. When Mac told the ship captains to burn up the sky, they were to make a cloud-to-cloud lightning strike that was intended to make the onlookers believe that the lightning had exploded the sky into eerie colours. Mathias would continue to lay down wave after wave of flaming light particles until he was told that all the bosses had been captured.