Read Bite Me! Page 7

  [Narrator: Surströmming is a Scandinavian delicacy consisting of fermented Baltic herring that are packed together in a brine that allows bacteria that rot flesh to thrive. That's right. Rotting flesh! People who eat this disgusting dish have to open its can in the outdoors because the smell is so disgusting. In comparison, outhouses have a pleasing, fresh smelling odour.]

  "There would have been a lot of gossip," Jak added. "Big Momma didn't attend that meeting to ensure the slaves were forthcoming."

  "No. She didn't have to be in the meeting to do that. The slaves are deathly afraid of her. I suspect she was there to ensure that nobody blabbed too much. She's hiding something."

  "Which suggests a security weakness somewhere. Tell me all the details they gave you on what happened at that camp."

  # # # # # # # #

  "Did anything else catch your attention, Bean?"

  "There was one curious event that happened at the ranch much earlier. I didn't think much of it at the time. A cleaning girl discovered that the little blonde girl had taken off the top to a toilet tank and had written her name in felt on the underside. She wrote Maddy. At the time, she was being conditioned to use the name Karita."

  "Did she write out a call for help?"

  "No. Just her name. The cleaning girl also found a Band-Aid with a little bit of blood. It had been attached to the underside of the toilet top."


  [Narrator: Scandinavian curses often include references to devils.]


  "I'll know better tomorrow after I get Fred to take a look at the toilet top in the underground bunker. You stay here where I can find you."

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  Chapter 9

  Jak and the Beanstalk met again the next morning. Jak gave Beanstalk the bot that had accompanied Princess Freya across the continent. "Use this to find every Weight-Watcher who helped Princess Freya escape. Remember they know her as Maddy. Tell them that the Weight Watcher head office heard about what they had done to help this poor little girl and they hired you to write a story. They want everybody in the religion to hear what they did. Get into the houses. Pretend to interview them. Ask them to show you where Maddy slept. Invent an excuse to look in the bathroom that she would have used. If you find a Band-Aid on the underside of the toilet top, burn it or bury it."

  "I take it that Fred found a spot of blood on a used Band-Aid in Princess Freya's bathroom?"

  "He did. I'm going home to report. I'll meet you in Regina in ten days. Noon, on May 25, at the old football stadium."

  "I thought you didn't believe the Saskatchewan army was a threat."

  "I don't, but I want to rule them out. I'll be taking a real close look at the general."

  "And what will you do if he is involved?"

  "Army bases can be dangerous places to work."

  "Be careful. Army bases can be dangerous for people like us too."

  "Speaking of being careful. Were you planning on enjoying yourself while you're burying bloody Band-Aids?"

  "Let's see. One day for each town that Princess Freya stayed in. Nights with nothing to do. I expect to find lots of bars with lots of attractive men. What do you think?"

  "Don't jeopardize the mission, Beanstalk."

  "I wouldn't do that, boss. Just a little personal pleasure. About the mission – why am I destroying used Band-Aids?"

  "You don't need to know."

  # # # # # # # #

  "You don't need to know."

  "I think that I do, Lylah. You have to admit that what just happened was somewhat unusual."

  Dreamer and Lylah were at the U of T where classes were out and the campus was essentially deserted. Lylah had suggested that instead of working out in one of the practice gyms, they could work out in the gym where the Blues played all of their games. Practicing in a large gym with seating for thousands of spectators would give Dreamer a sense of what it would be like to play for the varsity, if she made it that far. They had been practicing hard when they were interrupted. Now they weren't practicing. They weren't even in the main gym. They were back in the practice gym. Talking.

  "This doesn't affect you, Dreamer. It's all about me."

  "The head coach of the University of Toronto's women's basketball team had a major fit and kicked you out of the gym and all we were doing was practicing. You're coaching me. I thought the varsity coaches wanted you to coach me."

  "They do. Even the head coach does. This won't affect your chances of making the team."

  "But we can't practice in the main gym?"

  "You can. I can't."

  "What's going on, Lylah?"

  "You don't need to know, Dreamer. You'll find out soon enough. But not now."

  # # # # # # # #

  "Not now, EmmaGee."

  "But Mom, I hardly ever get to play with them."

  EmmaGee was in the kitchen with Yolanda, pleading her case. Yes, that's right. EmmaGee was calling Yolanda Mom. Maddy had noticed when Liset and the little kids had been visiting for the birthday party that their moms were all grown up. But Winnie wasn't. Their dads had deep voices, but Reese didn't. All of Maddy's pretend moms and dads had been older people. EmmaGee's mommy and daddy were very young.

  The four EmmaGees had talked about that. They liked Reese and Winnie, but Maddy had noticed that they were always asking Yolanda for help. Freya, ever sensitive about who was in charge, said quite firmly that Yolanda was the boss of the family. Maybe they should ask Yolanda who their mommy and daddy were supposed to be? How come they had been given two really young ones?

  Madison said that she didn't want to hurt Reese and Winnie's feelings. That meant that Maddy and Freya couldn't be involved in the discussion because Maddy was too blunt and Freya, well, she was just plain old bossy and didn't get along well with people generally. Karita was the one chosen to open up the topic of picking new parents.

  Yolanda ended up being their Mom, (she didn't want Mommy), and that produced various sighs of relief within the Wilizy family. Reese and Winnie, for sure. Yolanda too. Yolanda's grandchildren were growing up far away from her. She was yearning to be an active grandmother. EmmaGee was close enough to being a grandchild to fill that void. Now, let's go back to the previous conversation.

  "But Mom, I hardly ever get to play with them."

  On that, EmmaGee was correct. Actually, Karita was the one talking with Yolanda; but it had been Maddy who had asked her to. As you know, Maddy liked the wolves.

  "Wolves aren't toys, EmmaGee."

  "I know, Mom. But Winnie isn't using them right now because she's away. And they don't have anything to do. Whenever I go outside, they come right up and look like they want to play. They follow me everywhere."

  On that, once again, EmmaGee was correct. Patella and Scapula were the designated lifeguards whenever EmmaGee stepped foot outside the house. The wolves weren't allowed in the house now that Winnie wasn't suffering from headaches; otherwise they'd be following her around inside too.

  "Well I believe that they do like you," Yolanda avoided disclosing that the wolves were simply doing their job. But EmmaGee was right. Both wolves did show signs of liking her.

  "So if I went for a little ride on Scapula, then Scapula wouldn't mind. And she'd enjoy her exercise. Right? Nobody would have to put on a saddle for me because I'd ride her bareback. I think she'd like it better that way."

  On that, once again, EmmaGee was correct. Scapula objected to saddles. I'm not a grass eater, she had complained to Winnie. Horses are grass eaters, and wolves as well as panthers had no use for grass eaters. At least not for live grass eaters.

  "You're too young to ride unsupervised and everybody else here has work to do."

  "But Mom, I am going to be six years old soon. Liset can do all sorts of things by herself and she's six."

  On that, once again, EmmaGee was correct. The Seattle police chief had sent a copy of his entire file on the Bainbridge Island kidnapping/bombing to Jock. Madison Sm
ythe had been born June 6, 2080. Her birthday was less than a month away.

  "Where would you and Scapula go?"

  Three EmmaGee internal voices all shouted Yay! They knew when a victory was in sight. Actually, make that two internal voices. Madison wasn't overly thrilled about the wolf rides, but she had told the others that she'd take the body to the bathroom before the ride. Just in case.

  "Up and down the river valley. It's safe. We've done that before."

  On that, once again, EmmaGee was correct.

  "No flying, though."

  "But Mom, it's actually safer if Scapula flies. Just a little bit into the air."

  On that, once again, EmmaGee was correct.

  "Alright. You can fly on Scapula. But Patella has to be with you in case you have an accident." Yolanda didn't even try to put a limit on how fast Scapula would be flying. She knew when she was licked.

  "Thanks, Mom. I'll tell Scapula and Patella. We're very happy that you've made this decision."

  I should point out here that EmmaGee had no idea that wolves who had a complete understanding of the English language and who could also fly did not exist outside the Wilizy compound. Nor did she realize that having four people inside a single body was... shall we say... unconventional. She thought everybody had more than one person inside their body – commenting on how well the person was operating that body and offering pointed suggestions on how she should be doing it better. So when EmmaGee told Yolanda that "We're very happy," she was merely listening to Freya who was telling Karita to thank Yolanda. Freya even dictated the sentence. You probably figured that out on your own.

  For her part, Yolanda was inclined to cut EmmaGee some slack because of her good behaviour. She was very diligent about practicing her reading in the morning, for example. Reese would read several books to her and EmmaGee wouldn't just listen, but she'd also point to words she couldn't read or the words she didn't understand. After Reese had left, EmmaGee would sit on the sofa and re-read the stories until she had them right. (Freya was insistent that she do that; Maddy would be there in the background helping her.)

  During meals, EmmaGee would help with peeling (Karita), carrying things to the table (Maddy), and cleaning up afterwards (Madison). Freya would refuse to help at meals. These chores were for staff to perform; the four EmmaGees would argue about that, but Freya always won those arguments. After all, she was the princess; they were merely members of the royal court.

  In addition to being well-behaved, EmmaGee did cute things. Like playing dress-up using the clothes in Hank's barter barrel. She'd put on little parties with her stuffies, pretending to be a princess. (Guess whose idea that was.) Plus EmmaGee was mature for her age. She'd take herself to bed – never arguing about wanting to stay up. She'd play quietly with her stuffies and then turn off her light and go to sleep. (Yolanda didn't know about the rip-roaring fights that the EmmaGees occasionally got into – like when somebody snuck an extra spoonful of dessert.)

  So when EmmaGee said We're very happy, Yolanda just assumed that she was playing princess again. She never gave it a second thought. Yolanda was monitoring one irritating little behaviour though. Somebody had taught EmmaGee how to hide in corners and eavesdrop on adult conversations.

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  Chapter 10

  Thursday, May 16. Wolf reported to the general that they had drones flying over each ranch now. TG had written software that would notify him if any copter arrived that was not a Safe Haven copter. The software would also notify the general. Jock instructed TG to have any such notifications sent to Lucas also.

  Lucas was now living at the Regina base in one of the bunkhouses designated for bachelor officers. He was once again wearing the second lieutenant's uniform that Jock had lent him for the Toronto operation. This time, the uniform was his. Yolanda had told Lucas that a military career was perfect for him. After that mind-message conversation, Yolanda had retreated into her bedroom and hyperventilated for a while.

  With some of Regina's soldiers still in Toronto, and most of the rest with the Saskatoon detachment on a six-week survival training exercise in Northern Saskatchewan, Lucas would have the bunkhouse mostly to himself until the end of June. Not that he would be in it very often. Jock had set him up temporarily in the office normally occupied by the Base Commander who was now eating moss with the troops in the Arctic Circle. This would put Lucas next door to Jock's office, which was handy because they'd be talking together frequently. Lucas' office also had the benefit of a powerful computer and plenty of room to spread papers out.

  Lucas' first assignment was to make himself familiar with the army's battle command software. To start, he'd create an inventory of all the personal skills and assets that the Wilizy could bring to the battles they'd be having with the Safe Haven ranches. Lucas would have to create at least three battle groups. Lucas' face paled when the general told him he'd be a battle commander for the upcoming war – Mac might not be readily available for the duty because of little Emily. However she was available to help in the planning via mind-messages. Plus the general would supervise all of his work closely. The war would be sort of like what had happened in Toronto, but Lucas would have more responsibility this time. When he wasn't preparing plans for the war, Lucas would read some books on military history. The general plopped a half-dozen books actually made out of paper on the corner of his desk to start with.

  # # # # # # # #

  Late that Thursday night, Marie and Winnie were floating high over Ranch #4's big house. The little bit of moon that was also floating above the ranch gave enough light to reveal if anybody was moving around when she should have been sleeping. She being Pililiani.

  "If Pililiani heard what happened at the slave island, then she knows that I'm still alive, or at the very least, that something weird happened on that island," Marie said. "Her bedroom is next to the kitchen but right in the middle of the house; we can't just rap on a window and motion her to come out."

  "Can we contact her during the day?"

  "Not easily. She's always inside the house. An invisible hand tapping her on her shoulder would probably freak her out."

  "It would me. I see a small light to our right."

  They floated in that direction. A tiny fire. It was only visible because they were so high in the air. From the Big House, it would be invisible. The flames were sufficiently bright to reveal a large body kneeling in front of the fire.

  "That's her. Praying. She must be living in the slave quarters now. I'll approach. You stay in the darkness until I invite you in."

  # # # # # # # #

  After Marie whispered to Pililiani from the shadows, the large woman stood up and rushed towards her. There was a whole lot of hugging and crying. Marie included. This surprised Winnie because she had never seen that side of her before.

  Pililiani blurted, "We can be ready in a couple of days. I haven't said anything to anybody because I didn't know how long it would be before you showed up. It's just as it was the last time we talked. We can stop the bosses from arming themselves; we can't stop Big Momma from killing us with the collars."

  "I have some friends; they'll take care of the collars. You should meet one of them. Winnie?"

  Winnie came into the firelight and Marie told Pililiani that Winnie had rescued little Maddy. "She's safe, but I can't tell you where she is."

  That started the waterworks again, and Pililiani pulled Winnie into the air and embraced her. Winnie commented later that it was like being inside a huge pillow, one that was becoming a little soggy, but a pillow nonetheless.

  "I'm introducing you to Winnie so that you'll know that she is part of the plan we'll have to rescue all of the slaves in Ranch #4. Where are you working now? Why aren't you sleeping in the Big House?"

  "I sleep in the nursery. Somebody else is housekeeper now. You won't know her, Marie."

  "Does she know about the escape plan? Does she know the other housekeepers?"

  "No and no.
She just started her job."

  "When is your next housekeeping meeting?" Winnie took charge.

  "Monday, next week."

  Marie, we need Pililiani back in her job so that she can meet with the other housekeepers and tell them about us. Ideas?

  I have something that might work. Depends if I can find the right plants.

  # # # # # # # #

  On the assumption that Marie's plan would work, Winnie asked Pililiani to hold the upcoming housekeeper's meeting outside where Big Momma wouldn't be able to overhear. She shouldn't say anything at all about Marie or a possible rescue. Instead she was to tell the housekeepers that a friend of the slaves would visit each of them. For the next ten nights, they should stand outside their Big House, drinking something from a big cup at about 10 p.m. After ten minutes, they should walk into the darkness. If they heard a quiet cough and the words Marie sent me, they should tell that stranger anything the stranger wanted to know.

  Winnie also asked Pililiani to collect as much information as she could about the slave leaders in the nearby ranches and if any new security improvements had been made. Also, did she know of any slave who might know anything about other Safe Haven ranches further away? They'd meet with Pililiani one night in this gulley to hear what she had found out. On the way back to the compound, Winnie messaged Theo to tell him what she had done.

  # # # # # # # #

  Theo and Nary had returned to the home compound from Toronto several days ago and had immediately taken off for northern B.C. because Contrary needed to hunt. Theo watched the hunts from overhead, and while he initially found the kills and the eating revolting, he was becoming used to them. Nary would appear after the panther had satisfied her hunger and they'd talk about the experience. Theo was interested in what the panther was thinking about at the time. Nary was only partially there herself and found it difficult to explain.

  "Why don't you talk with Contrary yourself?" she suggested.

  Well, that was difficult because Contrary could only communicate to humans by images. However she did understand simple words and phrases. So Theo established a semblance of communication between the two, and surprisingly, the beginning of an emotional connection as well. Theo woke up one morning to find Contrary's head resting on his chest and a paw draped over his body. This was not a particularly enjoyable way to wake up. Panthers have atrocious morning breath.