Read Bite Me Page 8

He whispered in her ear. “You could let go of all those fears, all the compulsion to fulfill another’s fantasy. To give so you can take. It would all disappear.”

  Jada closed her eyes and leaned her head back against his chest. She’d love to feel the way he described, she simply didn’t believe it was possible. Not for her, not for her kind.

  “I’ll tell you what I’ll do when you submit to me like that, aroha.” His fingers circled her breasts, moving closer, but still not touching.

  “Mmm-hmm.” She wanted to hear him tell her. His words, the cadence, the tone, were a balm to her nerves. His touch, on the other hand was building a whole new tension in her body.

  Finally, he cupped her breasts, one in each hand and lifted them, massaging with his slick fingers. “I’ll spend a good long time teasing these ripe nipples until they’re full and tight.” A chilly mist of water sprayed right where he’d described, making them do exactly that.

  “Yes, like that. Then I’ll play with them.” He rolled her nipples between his fingers, and his touch shot a zing down her chest and straight between her legs. “Until you’re begging me to do the same to your clit.”

  He pushed her legs open with his and at first the warm water from the shower swirled across her pussy lips, and into her slit. Then frozen mist hit her clit, sending a shiver across her entire body.

  Ky’s fingers slipped in, circling and caressing her sensitive skin, but adeptly avoiding touching her clit directly.

  She whimpered. “Ky, touch me.”

  He grabbed her thigh and lifted her leg, setting her foot against the wall. She wasn’t worried this time about balancing. Ky had her.

  “When you’re all hot and bothered, I’ll spread your legs wide, like this, and look my fill at your beautiful wet cunt. I know how delicious you are now. But, I’ll make you wait for my tongue.”

  Another cold blast, flashed across her nipples and her hot core. It took her breath away. Ky kept the cold stream on her nipples, but at last he touched her where she needed it most.

  He spread her pussy lips wide with his thumb and finger, and swiped across her clit, melting his ice and pushing her arousal to a new high.

  “Then I’ll lick you, just like this, over and over. My tongue is much softer than my fingers. But, I think you like it a little rough.”

  She’d had no idea until now if she did or not. Guys liked to be rough, so she gave them what they wanted. Right now, Ky’s fingers, sliding over her, pinching and pulling at her, that’s what she wanted.

  She throbbed, every muscle in her body constricting. She was so close, to something.

  “I need, please, please, Ky.”

  “I know you do. But, I’m not ready to give it you yet.”

  A groan escaped from the depths of her lungs. She wanted to be mad at him for holding back what she wanted, but at the same time, it spiraled that need deeper.

  “Because remember, you’ve given me the control. I get to decide when and how you get what your body is craving.”

  Yes. She was so damn tired of being in charge or not, giving as much energy as she took. It wasn’t like that with Ky. The energy between them now was easy, so much so that she’d hardly noticed how it was filling her up, giving her a new vitality no victim ever had.

  Ky’s fingers moved faster, and she thrust her hips forward, reaching for him. Her pussy fluttered. She could feel the tension growing more and more taut.

  “Oh, god. Ky. Ky. Ky.”

  “That’s it, baby. Let go, let it take you.”

  Her body shook and shivered, the fangs she’d forgotten about extended from her mouth, piercing her lip. She could taste Ky already, his hot, sweet desire for her whirled around them both.

  “Give in, Jada. Give me your orgasm.”

  Her body bowed with the pressure until she exploded, her muscles spasmed, gripping her so tightly she couldn’t breathe, couldn’t see, couldn’t move except for the jerking of her hips.

  A wave of pure blissful energy satisfied the aching void inside of her. Eroding away at the emptiness.

  Her body relaxed, and she opened her eyes to a brilliant blue light filling the small bathroom.

  Holy shinola. He was right. She would have known.

  Ky helped her lower her leg and twisted her to rest in his arms. He rubbed her back and guided the water to wrap around her like a warm blanket.

  “That was damn gorgeous, and I want to see it all over again. But this time, you take what you need from me too.”

  She opened her eyes. His radiant amulet hung right in front of her face. The glow was cool and bright and gave her that same feeling of satisfaction that his touch had.

  He wanted her to feed on him.

  She wasn’t sure she even needed to anymore.

  Water rushed up between her legs again, hitting her in all the right places. A steady stream of pleasure. Oh. Ooh.

  He swirled the stream around, up and down, rhythmically, the jet pulsing, hitting her in just the right place.

  She wrapped her arms around Ky’s neck and tucked her head against his chest. He held her tight and pushed her body beyond what she knew it could do.

  He just kept building her up and up, the water flowing over her faster and harder with each breath.

  “Come for me again, come, Jada.”

  She turned her head and sank her teeth into the sensitive skin of his neck. She had to trust him now, trust that he wouldn’t let her take too much, wouldn’t let her hurt him.

  The instant his blood touched her lips her body exploded, sending her mind flying, racing, shattering into a million tiny bits of pleasure.

  The flavor of him in her mouth, the touch of his body against her, the scent of his arousal in her nose, and the sound of his voice as he growled her name, all pushed her higher.

  “Yes, Jada. God, yes, baby.”

  Her body didn’t let up, sucking up not only his blood, and the sexual energy, but all the pleasure she’d been denied for hundreds of years.

  She shook, again and again, even as he slowly weakened the stream of a water flowing across her pussy.

  She pulled her mouth from Ky’s neck and licked over the wound she’d given him. A peace she hadn’t known before curled around her, giving her respite from the intensity of her orgasms.

  She could drift in that serenity forever.

  Ky turned the shower off and snagged a warm towel from the wall. Steam caressed her skin. He rubbed her dry and moved to get out of the tub, but she clung to him, not wanting what had happened to end.

  “Shh, shh, shh. I’m not going anywhere without you. Let’s get to bed, where I can hold you in my arms.”

  He picked her up and carried her to the bed. She was no small thing, but he lifted her like she was a bit of fluff.

  This had to be the first and last time she let him do anything like that. She might have given him the control in the shower, but that was over. In the morning, they’d need to talk about the whole claiming thing.

  But, later. She snuggled into his arms and was asleep almost instantly.

  She woke hours later to an empty bed. She didn’t even remember falling asleep. She reached her arm out to where Ky should have been.

  Dumb dragon.

  More like stupid succubus.

  Men only wanted one thing. Except, had Ky even… no, he hadn’t. She was the one who’d had her mind blown, her body mastered.

  The ever-present hunger that ate away at her insides and her soul wasn’t there this morning. Dragon’s blood?

  It couldn’t be only that or any incubus or succubus who knew would give up human blood forever. Come to think of it, when she’d bitten Ky, it wasn’t out of hunger, only the passion of the moment.

  Her hunger had subsided before that.

  It wasn’t the orgasm either. Although, what the fudgeballs? Why hadn’t anyone ever clued her into that part of sex? Three hundred-ish years of orgies and moregies, and not once, not once!

  But, every incubus she knew went on and on about
orgasms and how hard and long they’d come. It was completely annoying. Maybe it didn’t work the same for female demons.

  Now she wished she did have a phone to call Portia and have some girl talk. Oh, god. If Portia was even still alive. She’d been the last person to appear in Leon’s summoning spell, the last person Jada had seen before Ky grabbed her and splashed into the water.

  Where and how had they learned to fight demon dragons and she hadn’t? Were any of her coven still alive?

  Jada scrambled out of bed and went in search of her clothes. She’d had them last in the bathroom.

  A quick glance told her they weren’t there. Only a couple of towels, some still wrapped toothbrushes, and travel size tubes of toothpaste.

  She grabbed one of each, loaded it up, and shoved the brush in her mouth. That’s when she caught her reflection in the mirror.

  The waves in her hair were springier, and it shined. Her skin wasn’t as pale as usual, and her eyes were brighter. None of that caught her attention like the brand new, bright blue dragon tattoo stretching across her collarbone.

  It was right where Ky had bitten her, marked her, claimed her.

  Her soul is unclaimed.

  That’s what Leon had said.

  The Black Dragon had wanted her. Was that why Ky claimed her? To save her from becoming the consort of the King of Hell?

  There were too many questions down that path, and she wouldn’t get any of them answered by standing around naked with a toothbrush hanging out of her mouth.

  She brushed her teeth, found a hair brush and ran it through her locks, and splashed some water on her face. It would have to do.

  No clothes. Okay, a bedsheet toga it was then. She’d just ripped the top sheet off and wrapped it around her when Ky came back.

  He had coffee and donuts. Bless whoever raised that boy right.

  “Hey. I thought you might be hungry.”

  Strangely, she wasn’t. Not for donuts, not for blood. Her mouth watered only for a taste of Ky.

  Oh, no you don’t brain. Don’t be going all mushy now. One claiming and an orgasm or two does not a happy ever after make.

  Coffee. She needed coffee and clothes, not a sexy dragon to take her to bed and have his way with her. Again. And Again.

  Ack. Stop it, brain.

  “Thanks.” She took one of the cups of coffee from him, mostly so she had something to do with her hands and somewhere to look besides his yummy muscles under that tight t-shirt he wore. “Do you know where my clothes got off to?”

  “Fleur says they aren’t salvageable. She mentioned something about something toxic on them.”

  That toga was looking more like a reality. “Crap. Why are yours all perfectly fine?”

  “Whatever I’ve got on when I change into my dragon form is exactly the same when I return to my human state. It’s part of the gift of the shift given to all dragon warriors by the White Witch.”

  She had to be the same woman in white who’d given Jada the necklace. Why was a whole other question.

  “Fleur said she’d let you raid her closet as soon as you were up. But, I came to get you because the other dragon warriors are on their way.”

  Great. More controlling alpha males. Exactly what she needed in her life.

  Thanks for the Orgasms

  Ky had never had an awkward morning after like this before. Jada didn’t seem to care one whit about last night.

  No good morning kiss, it’s not you it’s me speech, not even a get the hell out. Not like he expected tears or words of devotion or anything, but maybe some thanks for the orgasms.

  Jada tucked the sheet tighter around her and headed for the door. “I’d like to find out what happened to the rest of my coven after we escaped.”

  “I’ll find you a phone, so you can get in touch with Portia.”

  “I don’t have a number for her or know if she’s even alive.”

  Of course, she was worried about her family. They’d come to her rescue even after she’d tried to leave them. The demon she’d summoned knew exactly who or what the black dragon was.

  Jada knew too. It knew things about her, wanted her and her soul.

  With anyone else he’d be suspicious. If his head was on straight he would have already questioned her to find out everything about her connection to the beast.

  Maybe he’d been played by a masterful succubus to get what she needed. Some sex and blood, and now she could go running back to her coven, or the black dragon.

  “How long till the dragons get here? I’m a disaster area.” She tried patting down her hair.

  He liked seeing it all messed up. “Just a few minutes. Fleur is waiting for you.”

  The way she’d come apart only after she let go, quit trying to be in control of all the pleasure, he didn’t think she faked that.

  The alternative poked at his psyche like a spear gun. She didn’t want to be mated to him and was ignoring everything that had happened between them.

  That hurt, but not enough to give up.

  She was the one person in the world made especially for him, brave and beautiful and so smart.

  Ky didn’t deserve such an incredible gift. He’d do his damnedest to be what she deserved.

  She was his mate no matter what. But, he needed to let her come to him, make the decision that she wanted to be with him.

  They were good together, better together, and he had to show her. He wasn’t sure how he was going to do that though.

  Fleur met them halfway down the hall and dragged Jada away. “I think I have exactly the right thing for you.”

  Jada shot him a look over her shoulder that said she wasn’t so sure about letting Fleur play dress-up doll with her.

  Ky rejoined Steele in the living room and Jakob arrived a few minutes later.

  “Got here as soon as I could. Damn that flight across the Atlantic sucks. Thank the First Dragon for the wind or I’d be sunk in the middle of the ocean.”

  “Nah, bro, my blues would have pushed your tired ass here.” Ky clapped Jakob on the shoulder, glad to see him. He’d have some insight into this mating business.

  The first time the AllWyr council had met Ciara, Ky’d have sworn she hated Jakob’s guts.

  Now they were disgustingly kissy face every time he saw them together.

  Jakob had won Ciara over after he’d kidnapped her, held her captive, and married her without her consent. Which all sounded pretty damn bad.

  All Ky had done was suspect Jada of stealing Cage’s soul shard.

  She’d been fierce in the battle yesterday, and damn inventive with the lack of weapons at her disposal.

  He’d be dead right now if she hadn’t smoked so many of the demon dragons. When Jake and Dax arrived, he’d have her take charge of developing the plan to defeat the black demon dragon. She knew the most about that thing.

  But she was a succubus. What if she had stolen Cage’s shard? She knew things the rest of them didn’t about the demon dragons and the black beast. She could be working with them.

  Letting her be in charge would put them all at risk. It would also show her that he had faith in her. He hoped she see it that way, trust him.

  Jada came into the room wearing a deep blue shirtdress that emphasized the ring of blue around the outside edge of her dark irises. The sight of her in his color took his breath away, locked it up, and swallowed the key.


  Yep. That’s all he had. No words for how stunning she looked.

  She quirked one side of her mouth into a smile and looked at him sideways. “Hi.”

  His mouth wanted the next words out to be about going back to their room and seeing how good she looked with the blue dress unbuttoned and pushed off her shoulders, so he could see her mark and her tits.

  His brain kicked into gear before that could come out. “You look fucking amazing in that color.”

  He sounded like a dumbstruck teenager.

  Jada looked down at the clothes and shrugged. “Oh. Tha
nks. I’m used to wearing black all the time. This feels like I’m wearing a neon sign that says look at me.”

  “I’m looking.”

  “Uh-oh. I should have warned you not to give her a dress that color. He’s going to be distracted all day.” A gorgeous blond with more curves than Marilyn Monroe crossed the room and took Jada in a big hug. “I’m Ciara, Jakob is my mate. I’m so frickin’ excited you’re here with Ky. Now I have someone else to be a bridesmaid at the giant wedding I’m throwing…in my mother’s face.”

  Ky shot a look at Jakob, who grinned like his mate had just said the most brilliant thing on the planet.

  Love struck fools, the both of them.

  “Oh, I…uh, we…” Jada’s stumbling over the words to deny that they were together made Ky even more sure he had to go ahead with his plans to put her in charge.

  Dax, the red assigned to this area along with Steele walked in and rubbed his hands together. “Let’s get this party started. I’m ready to burn up some demon dragons.”

  “What about Match and Cage?” Steele asked.

  Jakob shot Ky a quick glance. They’d all decided not to let Cage’s precarious condition out to the dragon warriors. “Cage is indisposed and I’m still waiting on an update from Match. He’s in Africa working on this problem from the underground side of things.”

  If anyone could rescue the Mami Wata girl from the hellish environment of a volcano, it was Match. He thrived in that heat.

  Ky offered Jada a seat. “We’ll work with what we’ve got here now and call in reinforcements when we’ve got a plan.”

  Fleur came in with a tray of coffee and herbal teas. The pendant around her neck glowed a little brighter this morning.

  Ky glanced from Fleur to Ciara and back again. They both wore the crystal pendants. Their mates did not.

  Holy shit. How had he not realized it before? Both Jakob and Steele had given their soul shards to their mates.

  That couldn’t simply be a green dragon thing. The shard contained a piece of their souls. No smart dragon was ever without that most prized possession.

  Ky knew all the way to his core that they’d given up their shards because they’d given their mates their souls, both figuratively and literally.