Read Bits And Pieces Page 8

Dear New York,

  I have a heavy heart this morning, for I have decided to leave you. I’m tired of feeling like a second class citizen and honestly, I’m tired of being ignored. I haven’t changed, NY, you have. Where is your toughness, where is your pride? I feel like I don’t even know you anymore. Admit it, you’ve let yourself go. I can no longer watch as you throw your life away. For that reason, I have to walk away. I’m sorry if that hurts, but you left me a long time ago.

  I feel like I’m slowly suffocating here. You no longer trust me to make my own decisions and freedom is very important to me. With each passing day, I see you becoming more and more restrictive. Where does it end? I wonder if you can even answer that. You’re seriously messed up and you need to stop thinking for others.

  Power is no different than any other drug. And let’s face it, your politicians are addicted. Control it, restrict it, ban it; seriously, what gives them the right? Do you know what needs to be controlled, New York? They do. The people of this great country have always looked to you to set an example. They no longer do so. In fact, they’re laughing behind your back. You’ve become a sad joke, a former shadow of yourself. The old New York never would have stood for it, not the one that I knew. The old New York would have taken the fight right back to the tyrants. Not anymore. Where there were once lions, you now have kittens. I’ll bet Sinatra is rolling over in his grave.

  Despite all of that, I still love you and I always will. I’ll pray that you wake up someday and smell the coffee. There is still greatness there, I’m sure of it, but you need to change your ways. I don’t think it’ll be easy. You’re going to need to do a thorough self-evaluation and decide what’s really important to you. You’re going to need to look for real leaders, freedom-loving patriots, to replace the dictators you have elected. Do you really want to become the next California? I hate to say it, but you’re nearly there. That’s why I’m leaving you.

  You might as well know, I’ve decided to move to Texas. I know how that must hurt, but they understand me there and I deserve to be happy. Like any lady, I deserve to be treated with respect and reverence. You turned your back on me and now you’re going to have to pay the piper. Good luck with that. Maybe when your politicians ban your freedoms, altogether, you’ll see what you lost in me.


  Lady Liberty

  Passing the Torch