Read Bitten & Smitten Page 12

  “You’re right,” he said. “Definitely not dead.”

  He leaned toward me with his hand still pressed warmly against my chest. I felt something tighten inside me as I stared into his intense blue eyes—it might have been desire or need or want. I didn’t know. All I knew was he was so cute and vulnerable and deadly. And I was going to kiss him. I really was.

  The gun dropped to the floor as I reached for him.

  I felt a hand clamp down on my shoulder and I was lurched back a few feet out of arm’s reach of Quinn.

  “What the hell?” I turned around.

  Thierry stood behind me, looking very unhappy. He turned his gaze to Quinn and pushed him up against the wall behind the desk, knocking the wind out of him.

  “Thierry, no!” I yelled. “He wasn’t going to hurt me.”

  Thierry had his hands wrapped around Quinn’s neck and had lifted him a few inches off the ground. But he’d heard me. He slowly, very slowly, lowered Quinn back to the ground, where he then sputtered and coughed and sank to the floor in a heap.

  “What did you think you were doing coming in here all by yourself?” Thierry said to me. “I’ve never witnessed such stupidity.”

  I felt my face redden. “I had it under control.”

  “Have you forgotten so soon what he is? A hunter. A hunter of your kind. Open your eyes, little girl, or you will not live long enough to reap the benefits of what you now are.”

  “I said I had it under control.”

  Quinn slowly got to his feet. “I won’t say a word to my father or the others, I swear it. I owe both of you my life.”

  Thierry stared at him. “Words. Only words. I have no assurance that what you say is true.”

  He shrugged. “Then I don’t know what to tell you.”

  “I will give you something more than words,” Thierry said. “I will give you a promise. That if you walk out of here and it leads to danger befalling any of us, any of my customers, my employees, or Sarah herself, then I will hold you responsible.”

  “I understand—”

  “You understand nothing,” Thierry snapped. “I will hold you personally responsible. Therefore, anything in your life that you hold dear, any person you have known, any friends, lovers, or family members—I will hunt them all down and destroy them. Words are meaningless unless you have the will to back them up, so you would do well to mark my words, hunter.”

  Quinn’s face had paled considerably, as I was sure mine had, too. Thierry could be a scary man when he wanted to be, that was for sure.

  George walked into the room and looked at each of us in turn, ending with Thierry.

  “Hey, boss,” he said as he lit a cigarette and exhaled the smoke out slowly, “did Sarah really call you an asshole before?”

  “George!” I moaned. “Now? You have to bring that up now?”

  “Is this a bad time?” He didn’t wait for an answer, or for that matter, a response to his first question. “I just figured that since I haven’t heard any shooting in here, this might be a good time for me to take off.”

  “Go,” Thierry said to him, but he was staring at me. I knew it even without looking because I could feel a distinct burning sensation on the side of my face.

  George smiled and blew me a kiss, then he left.

  It was silent for a moment until Thierry spoke again.

  “Do we understand each other?” he asked softly.

  “Yes, absolutely,” I said.

  “I was talking to the hunter.”

  I noticed for the first time since I’d entered the room that the fang marks on Quinn’s neck had faded so much that I could barely see them anymore. Thierry’s powerful blood at work again. I wondered how soon he’d lose his reflection.

  Quinn didn’t flinch from Thierry’s fierce gaze. “Yes, I think we understand each other just fine.”

  Thierry studied him for a moment longer. “Then go. I won’t try to stop you.”

  Quinn started for the door, but then turned back to look at me. “I meant what I said. I won’t say anything.”

  I forced a smile and nodded at him. As soon as he was gone, I looked at Thierry.

  “Sorry. I know it was stupid.”

  He sighed. “And yet you did it, anyhow.”

  “I had the gun you left for me.”

  “The gun was not meant as artificial courage. It was not so you could come in here and wave it around like you know what you’re doing. Besides, the gun is now on the floor.”

  “Oh.” I bent to pick it up and put it gingerly on the top of his desk. He opened the top drawer and placed the gun inside. “So, where were you, anyhow? When I got here, Zelda didn’t know where you’d gone.”

  “There was a crisis at another club.”

  “So, you own more than this one?”

  “Yes. I own three.”

  “What was the crisis? Did somebody quit on you?”

  He slid the drawer closed and sat down at the desk.

  “No, a little more serious than that, I’m afraid. Just after midnight last night they were raided by vampire hunters. Nearly everyone was killed, and the club was burned to the ground.”

  My breath caught in my throat.

  “So,” he continued, “I’m sure you’ll excuse my rude behavior when dealing with your friend, as it was his friends who were responsible for what happened.”

  I blanched. “Oh, God, Thierry, I’m so sorry.”

  He shook his head. “I suppose I’ve been too wrapped up in my own petty worries lately, but this was enough to fully waken me to the dangers around us.”

  “So you’ve reconsidered the whole killing-yourself thing?” I asked hopefully.

  “No. In fact, it makes me certain that my decision is the right one.”

  I opened my mouth to argue with him, but he waved me off.

  “I wish to be alone for a while, Sarah, if you wouldn’t mind.”

  I nodded solemnly. “No problem. Um, I’ll go home, I guess. I’ve got some stuff I need to take care of.” I turned to the door. “Oh, by the way, I’ll probably be gone until Wednesday. I’ll swing by when I get back.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “I have this family thing to go to.”

  Yes, it was a sudden change of heart on my part, I’ll admit it. But I’d decided the wedding was unavoidable. It would be best for me to go and get it over with. Also, getting out of the city right now sounded like a very good idea.

  Well, maybe not to Thierry.

  He looked at me with annoyance. “I thought I told you to part ways with your old life. That does not include attending ‘family things.’ How many dangerous situations do you need to be involved in before you’ll do as I say?”

  “It’s my cousin’s wedding in Abottsville. I have to go—everyone’s expecting me. I’ll part ways immediately after that, I promise.” I smiled at him and turned to leave, wondering why I felt guilty.

  “No,” he said.

  “Pardon me?”

  He took a deep breath and rubbed his temples before answering. “I said no. You cannot go to this wedding.”

  I frowned deeply and felt anger rising in my chest. “You can’t tell me what to do. I’ll go wherever I want.”

  He was on his feet then, hands clutching the edge of his desk, his expression dark with anger. “Stop acting like a child. You can’t go anywhere you want; you can’t do anything you want. Not anymore. Your actions of the last day have jeopardized all you see around you. Don’t you understand? Going out of the city will mean that I’m unable to protect you, and I have enough to concern myself with here.”

  I felt my throat closing up, but I wasn’t backing down. He couldn’t bully me, no matter how scary he got. No way. No how.

  “How have you been protecting me holed up in this place planning to kill yourself? Yeah, you’ve been a lot of help. And sorry for saving Quinn. I guess I can’t just turn my back on people dying in the street. I’m funny that way.”

  “I don’t wish to arg
ue with you, Sarah.”

  “No, you just want me to obey your every command the way everyone else around here does. Well, forget it. Not going to happen.” I turned again to leave, but before I could get to the door, he was there, blocking my way. He grabbed me and pulled me closer to him. For a crazy moment I thought he was going to kiss me again.

  But he didn’t. He just stared down at me while his fingers bit into my upper arms. “If you leave here and ignore my warnings…” He paused for a moment. “Don’t ever return. You’ll be completely on your own.” There was no more anger in his voice; it was simply a cold, monotone statement. He released me.

  I stared up at him and felt a tear slide down my cheek. I swallowed hard. “That’s fine with me.” I moved past him and out the open door. I commanded myself not to turn around to look at him—to see if he wore any telltale expression on his face. The anger had left me as quickly as it had come. I felt sick and tired and terribly alone.

  Thierry’s main problem was that he was too rigid. He was black or white, there was no give-and-take with him.

  My problem was that I was exactly the same way.

  But what was I supposed to do? Bow my head and say, “Yes, master, whatever you say, master”? Not going to happen.

  So that was it. I left Midnight Eclipse through the back door and tried to put his words out of my mind, but they ate at me like hungry termites.

  Was I really fooling myself? Was it a mistake to go to the wedding? My hometown was as safe as anywhere I’d ever been. Almost too safe. And I’d be fine, just fine, without the arrogant and demanding Thierry de Bennicoeur in my life. Jerk.

  Despite my unease with traveling back to my apartment all alone, I sucked it up and took public transit instead of calling for a taxi. I was in such a bad mood the hunters should be scared of me today. On the way back I stopped at Blockbuster and rented three movies to watch for the rest of the afternoon to take my mind off things. After perusing their selection I decided on the original Dracula, with Bela Lugosi; Interview with the Vampire, with Tom Cruise; and Love at First Bite, with George Hamilton.

  The phone was ringing as I pushed open my door. I ran to it, throwing my purse and the DVDs on the kitchen counter. It had to be Thierry, I knew it. He’d apologize for the argument and everything would be okay between us again.

  “Hello?” I said breathlessly.

  “Sarah! I’m glad you’re there.”

  My shoulders slumped. It was only Amy. It had been twenty-four hours since she’d abandoned me in the food court of the Eaton Centre, just before my little adventure with Quinn began. I hoped she hadn’t ended up spending too much money trying to make herself feel better. She was in major credit card debt. But I had my own problems to worry about.

  “Amy, about yesterday—”

  “Forget it,” she cut me off.

  “Forget it?”

  “Yeah, I think maybe I was totally being unreasonable. It’s none of my business if you’re seeing a new guy. In fact, I’m completely happy for you.”

  “You are?”

  “Yeah, he’s a cutie, too. Quinn, right?”

  “Quinn.” I felt the sudden stirrings of a migraine. Or maybe it was a brain tumor. “Yeah, that’s his name, all right.”

  “So, how did you two meet, anyhow?”

  I tried to think up a good lie, then gave up. It hurt too much to think. “I kind of picked him up at a bar and he hasn’t left me alone since.”

  “That is so adorable. Who says you can’t meet a great guy in a bar anymore?”

  “Actually, I say that.”

  “Well, silly, I guess you’ve finally proven yourself wrong. Look, I don’t want to keep you; I know you probably have your hands full getting ready for the wedding, but I just wanted to call to say thanks.”

  “Thanks? What for?”

  She giggled. “When I left you two lovebirds alone yesterday, I went off to feel sorry for myself and ended up meeting a fantastic guy I never would have met if I’d spent the afternoon with you. And I bought the coolest new shoes. Wait till you see them.”

  “Oh,” I said with surprise. Well, not that much surprise. This was Amy we were talking about here. “Well, that’s great. The guy thing, that is. What’s he like?”

  She took a deep breath before she started gushing. “Well, he’s sexy as hell for one thing. He’s new in town, so maybe it’s totally fate. I think he might be the one. You would love him. In fact, I’m thinking that when you get back from the wedding, maybe you and Quinn and Peter and me can get together for a double date?”

  I didn’t answer for a moment.

  “Sarah?” Amy asked. “Are you still there?”

  “Yeah, I’m here.”

  “So? A double date? How much fun would that be?”

  I nodded, mostly from imagining how much fun that would not be. “Yeah, superfun.”

  “Major superfun. Why don’t you give me a call the moment you get back and we’ll set something up?”

  “Okay, I promise.” I was crossing my fingers. “Oh, and, Amy—”


  “Sorry. Really. I’m just sorry if I made you feel bad yesterday.”

  She laughed. “Forget it. When do we ever have boyfriends at the same time? It’s all good.”

  I hung up feeling guilty. There was no way I was going to go on that double date. For too many reasons to list. It wouldn’t be the first time that week I’d agreed to something I had no intention of following through on. Besides, with Amy’s track record, she’d have moved on to her next perfect man by the time I got back.

  For the rest of the day I sat on my couch and watched all three movies back-to-back while feeling very sorry for myself. Every few hours I’d have a small sip from the bottles of newbie special Zelda had made for me.

  I didn’t learn much from the movies. Well, other than the fact that when you’re a vampire, you seem to have a need to sink your teeth into any available vein. The thought made me feel a bit ill. There was no way I was doing that. Ever. Cross my heart and hope to…

  Oh, never mind.

  I packed my suitcase and went to bed early. I wanted everything to go smoothly over the next two days. I’d prove once and for all to myself that Thierry was wrong. I could still have a normal life. It would be okay. After the week I’d just had, I wasn’t in the mood for any more bad stuff to happen.

  But seriously, what could possibly go wrong at a wedding?

  Chapter 12

  The town of Abottsville is three hours northwest of Toronto. It has a population of just over eight thousand bright and cheery people who pride themselves on their town and their white-picket-fenced homes. In other words, it’s hell on earth.

  I hot-tailed it out of my hometown just after my eighteenth birthday to go to the university in Toronto— minoring in psychology, majoring in drama. I had big dreams of swiftly becoming a major movie star. But other than landing the lead in a local maxi-pad commercial, my starry-eyed plans fizzled pretty fast.

  I’d been in such a hurry to leave home because three weeks before prom, my high-school boyfriend had surprised me by popping the question. His big dream was to take over his family’s pharmacy and for me to stay at home and squeeze out four kids before I was twenty-five. Some girls might find that to be the meaning of life, but I wasn’t one of them. That had been the end of our relationship. I heard he’d recently won the lottery and moved to Hawaii with a former Playboy centerfold. Hindsight’s a bitch.

  I came back to town every now and then to see my parents, though not as often as I should. The guilty feeling always wore at me about that, but it wasn’t as bad as the queasy feeling I got when I passed the sign that declared WELCOME TO ABOTTSVILLE: HOME OF THE LARGEST PUMPKIN IN ONTARIO. I much preferred city living. Give me rush hour, pollution, and overpriced cappuccinos any day, thank you very much.

  I’d rented an economy-size car to drive into town for the wedding. Monday was filled with happy-happy, joy-joy family reunions and a highly unpleasant
final dress fitting, which only proved that my new liquid “diet” hadn’t helped me lose a single pound. So damn unfair.

  Bridesmaid’s gowns were supposed to be ugly, but the ones Missy had picked out were guaranteed to give me a major case of post-traumatic dress disorder. It consisted of a short, shiny skirt, a wide, sparkly waistband, and a low-cut—very low—satin top. The chosen color was called “eggplant passion.” I felt like a showgirl in a sleazy Las Vegas production. My cousin had obviously been dropping some serious acid.

  But it was her day, after all, and who was I to complain? The other two girls who were in the wedding party looked more miserable than I did. At least I had the coolest shoes since I’d insisted on wearing my own “special occasion only” silver mules.

  So, other than the dress, the day I’d spent in the town of my youth had been uneventful. I was proving to myself that I could pass quite nicely as 100 percent human. And stupid Thierry wanted me to part ways with my old life. I was proving that I could leave things exactly the same, and nobody would ever know the difference.

  I stared at my barely there reflection as I tried to touch up my lip gloss in the church’s powder room.

  I was totally lying.

  The last day had been a nightmare of epic proportions. I wasn’t even exaggerating. All I wanted was to get the wedding over with so I could jump into my rented Toyota Echo and leave town.

  Why was it so bad? Let me count the ways. First, the whole reflection thing. It’s surprising how many reflective surfaces there are in the world. If anyone saw that I didn’t have a reflection, how was I supposed to explain it? So far I’d chosen avoidance as the best course of action.

  Second, at the rehearsal dinner I felt obligated to choke down some fettuccine Alfredo and garlic bread. I then learned by throwing up in the floral centerpiece what happens when certain vampires eat solid food.

  Don’t even get me started on when cousin Jeremy nicked his finger on a steak knife. We almost had a repeat performance of the Ms. Saunders incident. Thank God I found a raw steak to suck on. It wasn’t pretty.

  Now everyone was treating me very cautiously, like I was two minutes away from falling off the narrow edge of sanity, or something. They weren’t far off.