Read Black Rain Page 10


  My mind wondered what to do. I tried to come up with a solution and a million things went through my head.

  Get the gun.

  Hold him at gunpoint.

  Tie him up.

  Get the hell out of there.

  That was the only plan. Nothing else came to mind and it wasn’t like I had an array of choices here. Looking up to my car, I saw the slant in the rear on the driver’s side and knew without a doubt I had a flat. No worries. I was sure his truck wasn’t broke down. Get the gun, get his keys, and get the hell out of there.

  There. I had a plan.

  I sat at Pea’s little white desk and opened the drawer. She didn’t have an ink pen, but the box of Crayola markers were fine point. They would do. I chose the black and drew the feather first. My mind was supposed to be figuring out how to get us the hell out of this mess, not Blake. My eyes went out the window to Quinn’s truck and back to my arm.

  I had just carried Pea up to her bed. After laying her down I quietly closed the door behind me.

  “Join me out on my terrace for a drink,” Blake said from his bedroom door.

  “I feel like this is a trap.”

  Blake laughed for the first time. Other than a smirk or a smart snort, I’d never heard him laugh. I knew exactly where Pea got it from as soon as he did it. His shoulders curled, bouncing up and down just like hers. I hate to say it, but it was just as cute on him.

  “I promise. It’s not a trap. I just want to go over a few things with you.”

  “I’ll be right back. I have to get my list too.”

  “List? You have a list of things you want me to do? I can’t wait,” Blake boasted, rubbing his hands together like he’d just won a prize. He did. He just didn’t know it yet.

  “Oh, and this isn’t starting tonight,” I assured him, spinning back to his dumb comment.


  “Great,” I sarcastically cheered, pumping the air with my fist. Oh brother.

  The conversation I had with myself on the way to my room and back consisted of dirty thoughts. Thoughts I knew would come true very soon. Shit. Why did he have to put a date on it? My mind counted the days, the hours, the minutes, and the seconds during my journey down to my room and back.

  I handed my conditions over to Blake and took a gulp of my drink. Holy shit. “Jesus, it’s pure alcohol.”

  “Yeah, that’s sort of the point. Staples? Really?” he asked, eyeing my stipulations, “I don’t get it,” he said flipping to the next page.

  “This isn’t about sex.”

  “No it’s not. You’re the one that wants that. If you’re going to extort me into sleeping with you for money then you’re going to follow my rules too.”

  “It’s not extortion. You can leave any time you want to go.”

  “And go where, Mr. Coast?” I asked, rolling my eyes and shaking my head at number one in his requirements.

  Number one. You will call me Mr. Coast in the bedroom unless instructed to do otherwise… Really?

  “This is all about Pea. I mean London. I don’t have time to do all of this. Go on an adventure with her for two hours next week? What the hell does that even mean? I’ve got work to do. I don’t have time to read a book in some coffee shop, bookstore. You know that place was just reported for having roaches, don’t you?” Blake spewed, going through my list of wants.

  My eyes read over the list of fantasies. I agree to let him use what on me? Seriously? I didn’t want him to do any of the stuff he had listed. Some of them caused me to twitch a little, but it was a totally different list than what he was reading.

  “You think I want to swallow your come?” I asked, reading number seven.

  “This isn’t about that. This is you trying to meddle.”

  “If you can put your dick in my mouth and expect to paint my lips with your come, I think you can handle a few hours with your daughter. Take it or leave it,” I countered.

  “You seem to be forgetting who is in control here. Maybe you need to be reminded of where I can send you back to. You want to go running back to your boyfriend, back to the one who makes you cry at night?”

  “What? You’re crazy.”

  “Am I? I have security cameras. I’ve told you this. Those nights when you sit in my office and draw all over your arm, I can see you.”

  That infuriated me, “You could have told me. You know you really are a dick. I mean, huge, biggest one I’ve ever met.”

  Blake’s lips curled and his eyes softened, but he didn’t laugh, “Stop crying over some idiot. You’re young. You’ll probably have a million other boyfriends, before you find one you can tolerate. Get over it. I swear nobody is worth the pain you’re putting yourself through,” Although I knew that statement was far from the truth, I refrained from commenting.

  “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Do we have a deal, or not?”

  “No. I’m not doing all of this. I just got done telling you how crazy work is right now. Something’s going on that I don’t know about.”

  “Something like what?”

  “Nothing you would understand. The tension’s high. My point is I don’t have time to be running off to Chuckie Cheese.”

  “Good idea, I’ll add that to the list. I haven’t been there in years. Pea will love that.”

  “Makayla. I’m not going to Chuckie Cheese.”

  “Fine, I’m not sucking your cock. Let me know when my replacement arrives. If I don’t like her, she’s not staying with Pea.”

  “This is crazy.”

  “No. What is crazy is you not knowing anything at all about your child.”

  “Oh my God, will you stop with that? She’s two for Christ’s sake.”

  “She will be three on Saturday. If you’re planning on our little rendezvous beginning after she is asleep, I expect you to be at her birthday party on Saturday. I’ll email you the details. That way I’ll be sure to get your attention.”

  “She won’t be three until next Thursday. You think that pussy is lined in gold or something? You’re not manipulating me into anything.”

  “Hah! Me manipulating you? Look in the mirror, buddy. And to her she will be three Saturday.”

  “Okay, okay, let’s sleep on it. It’s obvious your stubborn ass isn’t going to cave.”

  “My mama didn’t raise a rich bimbo.”

  “Speaking of mama, where’s the social security card?”

  “Oh my God. Goodnight.”

  “Wait. Where are you going? Have another drink with me. Sit down, it’s only nine o’clock. We can sit here and talk like two adults without bickering. Sit down,” Blake ordered, sliding a chair that didn’t need sliding.

  I sat, crossed my arms, and took another sip of the nasty gold colored stuff, “We have nothing in common. What on earth could we possibly talk about?” I asked, over the brim of my glass. I sipped it again, but only pretending that time. I didn’t actually let it pass my lips, I pursed them together and stopped when I felt the tingling burn on my lips. No wonder I couldn’t swallow it. It was pure acid.

  “We might. We haven’t talked about anything to find out.”

  “This isn’t a relationship. It’s a business deal.”

  “Agreed. Tell me about your mom. You seem very close.”

  “We are,” I said forgetting to say were. I was never going to get used to that.

  “You should invite her here some time.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Hey, there’s something I need to tell you,” I said, dodging that conversation. I wasn’t about to ugly cry all over his clean white shirt. He already thought I was crazy.

  “Please don’t tell me you have something. That’s on the list. You need to be checked out before we go any further. I will make you an appointment for tomorrow.”

  I smashed the smartass comment about sleeping on it, “Whatever, and you’re doing the same, right?”

  “Of course, but I never have sex without a condom. Do you?”

  “Nope, never. I’
m going to turn in. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “What? Why? You said there was something you needed to tell me.”

  “I think that pretty much covers it. I’ll look over your list of fantasies here. I presume you’ll do the same?”

  “Sit. That’s an order. You were going to say something else. Say it.”

  I sat down and let out a puff of air, “It may be best if you don’t know. I’ve heard guys don’t really like that responsibility.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? Do you have a disease?”

  “No. I’m…”


  “I’m a…”

  “You’re a—?”

  “I’m a virgin.”

  Blake’s stiff posture sunk back in his seat, “For real?”

  “Yes. For real.”

  “Why? How. What about the ex-boyfriend?”

  “What about him? We didn’t have sex and nobody else was forcing me to do so with my livelihood.”

  “Stop saying it like that. You make it sound way worse than it is. I’m not forcing you. Hell. I don’t know if I want that responsibility.”

  “It’s your call.”

  “Okay, but just for kicks, I still want you to get tested.”

  “Why? Because you don’t believe me, and you’re going to have your rich doctor friend confirm my confession?”

  “If it is true, why? I mean you’re very pretty. Not like Felicia or Farrah pretty, just like, I mean, you’re not really like them. You’re more of a…”

  “Wow. You suck at compliments.”

  “No. I’m just not used to being around girls who act like you, dress like you, or look like you.”

  “That still sucks.”

  Blake laughed, curling his shoulders in that time. His laugh wasn’t contagious like Pea’s was. This wasn’t funny, I was about to sell my body for sex, my mother would be so proud.

  “Where is your mom? Why doesn’t she see Pea?” I asked, wanting the focus off of me. I never was one to be the center of attention, not like my mom. She could close her eyes and play the piano with no one in the room but her and me. That’s what she used to tell me. Once her eyes closed on that stage, I knew she was playing for me.

  “She does. She’s more like you than I would like to admit.”

  I jumped up and pumped my fists to my body, “Yes! She thinks you suck at being a dad too.” Whoa, that’s a long way down. I quickly took the three steps I had taken out of excitement back to my chair.

  “You’re not going to fall over unless you climb on the banister.”

  “Tell me I’m right,” I ordered. I knew it. I knew there was some sort of morals in there somewhere, “You don’t see your mom, because she doesn’t agree with how you’re raising Pea. I’m right, aren’t I?”

  “Shut up. Let’s make a deal. We don’t have to discuss personal things. We’ll use each other to release the stresses we both have and that’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. Deal?” Blake asked, extending a hand, “This is business. I’ll help you get over this idiot you think you’re in love with, you help keep me focused on my job right now, and we’ll leave it at that. Nothing more, nothing less.”

  “Deal, but just for the record, I don’t need you to help me get over anything. I need you to see Pea.”

  “I see her. Why do you keep saying that? She knows I love her, and I’m sure she could care less if I was around or not.”

  “She couldn’t. Actually, I think she prefers you not be around.”

  “See, you’re trying to fix something that’s not broke.”

  “Oh, it’s broke. That’s the deal. You have to give her a few hours a week of your time for my time. If you can give her ten hours a week, I can do whatever is on this list, but you have to let me do things when I’m ready to them. Also—,”

  “Wait. Why do you get to make all the rules?”

  “Shut up and listen. If you can give Pea ten hours a week you can keep your money,”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, I’m not going to let you pay me for sex. If I’m going to do it, it’s going to be for a purpose. I don’t want your money.”

  “Why is this so important to you?”

  “I’ve watched your little girl invigorated from wilted dandelion to a bright gerbera daisy in a few short months. I’ve never seen anyone so neglected in all my life. I’m going to leave here at some point and nobody will care about her again. If you would just spend some time with her, you would see that too.”

  “You’re a good person, Makayla.”

  “Thanks, now will you call me Mikki?”

  Blake smiled across the table and placed his hand over mine, “No, but thank you for caring about her. We should kiss.”

  “We should not kiss. Look at number nineteen. Kissing means intimacy, holding hands means intimacy,” I said, pulling my hand from his.

  “Are you serious? We’re going to have sex without kissing? Who does that? They go hand in hand.”

  “No they don’t. You can’t kiss someone without it being intimate.”

  “Are you afraid of falling in love with me?” Blake teased.

  “Hardly. I’m saying that’s what you do when you want to fall in love with someone. Neither of us want that, so why would we do it? No kissing. Number nineteen,” I said again.

  “Fine. I’m not worried, you’ll be the one kissing me.”

  I snorted, “Doubtful. What about monogamy? Do I have to worry about catching something from you all the time?”

  “I already told you. I always wear a condom. It will be no different for you.”

  “Okay, no monogamy,” I said, striking out the imaginary line. Blake laughed again. His amusement didn’t over lightly. I wasn’t trying to be funny.

  “What? What do you care if I hook up with someone once in a while?”

  “I thought the whole purpose was to keep your mind on your job.”

  “It is, but what if the one comes along? You know, I wouldn’t want to ruin the chance of finding my soulmate.”

  Great, four more days. Why the hell did I let him put a date on it? Now I was going to do nothing but worry.


  The purple marker streaked down my arm when I heard Quinn snore. My attention went to the truck outside the window and down to my very, colorful arm. Wow. I did all of that? After a quick once over on my marker covered arm, I quietly tiptoed to the closet and grabbed our emergency bags. I hadn’t even made it a month and we were back to square one, living out of bags.

  My entire body froze when I hit the lamp with Pea’s backpack. I stayed still, listening for any sound of Quinn. I couldn’t hear him snoring anymore. Did he hear me? My brain sent a signal to my lungs, reminding them that one could only go three minutes without air. My breathing resumed in one very long breath when I heard the snort from Quinn’s adenoids again, but just like all thriller movies THE FREAKING WINDOW WOULDN’T OPEN! Are you kidding me? Come on…

  A smart person would have tried the window before getting the bags. Placing the bags back in the closet, I stepped quietly across the hall to the bathroom, seeing the dirty socks hang off the foot of my sofa.

  Quietly, I closed the door and I tried like hell to keep the hinge on the closet from squealing and giving me away, one centimeter at a time, I moved the door. My fingers went to the envelope stuffed in the crack first and then to the gun.

  “Shit! No, no, no!” I mouthed with inaudible words. It was gone. He had the gun. Okay. Think Mikki, think. We had to get away from Quinn. That was the only thing there was to do.

  My plan A consisted of getting his keys. If I could get the gun I could get the keys. If I got the keys and no gun I was going to be dead if he woke up. I was hoping plan A was going to work. The plan A that would allow me to tiptoe to the keys he laid on the stand by the door. Jesus Christ. This wasn’t happening. How the hell did I get here? How the hell does a plain nobody like Mikki Carlie get to be in a thriller movie? That’s what it was like,
but worse. You can’t imagine the adrenalin that pumps through your veins when something of this magnitude is staring you down. It was live or die. It was the whole nine yards. I think I might have even heard the eerie music while I made my way to the living room in the dark house. A creepy blue glow from the satellite shutting off illuminated the floor and I chastised myself for making it worse. Jesus. Stop thinking like that.

  Of course it never works out like that. Just like the movies, there were no keys. UGH! Where the hell were they? No gun, no keys. Awesome. I looked up to the dingy ceiling and prayed to my mom. I know you’re here. How about a little help?

  There was no room on my arm for a plan B. The only thing I could do was lay next to Pea and wait. Even with the million scenarios running through my mind, exhaustion won around three in the morning, but only briefly. I was sleeping lightly. Even my subconscious wasn’t taking a chance. I opened my eyes, wondering if I heard something.

  A flicker of light outside Pea’s window caught my attention. I stood behind the curtain and watched Quinn on his cell phone, puffing on a cigarette. I knew I smelled smoke. I quietly walked out to the kitchen to listen, I knew that window worked. Gritting my teeth like that would make it quieter, I lifted the window over the table a half an inch and squatted to the floor.

  “Dude, what do I do now? I think she’s on to me.”

  “I don’t know. I just get this eerie feeling that she knows.”

  “No, you said three days. That’s it. I’m done in the morning and that’s being nice. You want me to throw them in the vehicle and bring then to you, fine. I can do that. I’m not playing this fucking nice guy, daddy shit anymore. I don’t even play with my own kids. You’re the one that told me not to scare them.”

  I listened to Quinn argue with someone on the phone, wishing it wasn’t one sided. Who was he talking to? Was it Holden? Why?

  “No I didn’t fuck her. What do you think I am? I just want my money, dude. This wasn’t in the deal. You said deliver her to you unharmed. I can go in there and do it my way if you don’t mind me scaring the shit out of both of them.”

  Yeah, don’t do that, Quinn. Surely you have plan B.