Read Black Star's Campaign: A Detective Story Page 3



  Roger Verbeck was the last of his family, a man who moved in the bestsocial circles, who had wealth and good looks and friends, and anathletic body.

  It had been Roger Verbeck who had put the Black Star behind prison bars.When the supercriminal first began his work in the city, the policeseemed to be unable to do anything against him. Verbeck had made a boastat a reception one night that he could capture the Black Star himself.That boast had led to many adventures.

  One of the Black Star's band happened to overhear the boast, for the menand women working for the Black Star were to be found in all walks oflife, and there was nothing strange in the fact that one of themhappened to be a guest at an exclusive social affair. At one stage ofthe game even Verbeck himself had been suspected of being a lieutenantof the master criminal.

  The Black Star had challenged Verbeck to make good his boast, and therehad ensued a duel of wits. Whereas the master rogue had an organizationat his command, Verbeck had nobody except Muggs.

  Muggs was a peculiar individual. Years before, Muggs had stood on abridge over the Seine, in Paris, ready to fling himself into the waterand end an existence that, in a fit of despondency, he had decided wasnot worth carrying out to its logical conclusion.

  Roger Verbeck had grasped him by the arm in time to save him, and hadconvinced Muggs that life was worth the living. So Muggs became attachedto Roger Verbeck. He was known as Verbeck's valet, but he was acomrade-in-arms in reality. He shared Verbeck's adventures, and oftenturned failure into success. He was ready to fight for Verbeck at anymoment.

  Muggs had worked with Verbeck against the Black Star, and when themaster criminal finally was captured and incarcerated, Muggs had turnedvalet again. But Muggs was a man who demanded action, and time hungheavy on his hands. For Roger Verbeck was thinking of getting married,and he had small time for adventuring.

  Muggs was a small man, but one of great strength. There was nothinghandsome about him. Some called him repulsive, but not in RogerVerbeck's hearing.

  Muggs had been a criminal and knew the ways of criminals. He had been ofgreat value to Verbeck on numerous occasions, and once had saved hislife. Between them they possessed nearly all human qualifications, andthey made an excellent team.

  On the night of the rescue of the Black Star, Roger Verbeck had calledupon his fiancee. He returned to his rooms shortly after the hour oftwelve, and immediately went to bed, Muggs retiring a few minutes later.There was to be a golf tournament the following day, and Verbeck was acontestant.

  Both men were asleep almost immediately. Most of the tenants in the bigapartment house had retired. In the office on the ground floor a sleepyclerk was attempting to keep his eyes open and read a magazine. Thenight telephone operator had gone to a restaurant a couple of blocksaway for a midnight cup of coffee, and the sleepy clerk was watching theswitchboard.

  There entered a gentleman from the street--a man whose face was muffledin his coat collar. He was well-dressed, very much the gentleman, andthe clerk got up and hurried to the desk. Somebody with an importantbusiness message for one of the tenants, the clerk supposed.

  "Something I can do for you, sir?" the clerk asked.

  "Yes--go to sleep!" came the reply.

  The visitor drew a vapor gun and discharged it in the clerk's face. Thelatter gasped, and sank to the floor. The one who had used the gunstepped to the door and gave a signal. Three more men sprang from aclosed car standing at the curb, and hurried into the lobby of thehouse.

  "Telephone operator be back in a few minutes," the first man said. "Oneof you remain here and get him. Answer any calls on the switchboard, sothings will look natural."

  One remained; the other three ran quickly up the stairs, ignoring theelevator, which was in the basement, with a sleepy operator hoping thatnobody would call him.

  The three made their way to the floor where Roger Verbeck had his suite.They listened outside Verbeck's door; then one of them inserted askeleton key, pushed out the key on the inside, turned the lock andopened the door half a dozen inches.

  Again they listened, then opened the door wider and slipped inside. Itwas evident that they were well acquainted with the place. While one ofthem remained in the big living room, another went to the door ofVerbeck's bedchamber, and a third to the door of the room used by Muggs.

  There came a sharp hiss. The doors were opened. Figures darted acrossrooms. Two vapor guns were discharged, and Roger Verbeck and Muggs wereinstantly rendered unconscious as they slept.

  "Easy work!" one of the men commented. "Get busy, now!"

  Muggs was gagged and bound and lashed to the bed. Roger Verbeck wasdressed quickly by two of the men, while the third remained in theliving room, listening. When Verbeck had been made ready, the man in theliving room slipped into the hall, saw that nobody was there and thatthe elevator was still in the basement. He returned and gave a signal,and the other two picked up Verbeck and carried him into the hall.

  They went down the stairs, flight by flight, meeting nobody, and finallycame to the office again, where the fourth man was waiting. Thetelephone operator had returned and had been rendered unconscious bymeans of a vapor gun.

  They carried Verbeck to the automobile, put him in it, got inthemselves, and the machine darted away. Verbeck groaned, and once morea vapor gun was discharged in his face. He relaxed.

  "That'll do him until we get to headquarters," one of the men said. "Wedon't want him sick, and that stuff is pretty strong. What do yousuppose the boss is going to do with him?"

  "It is an excellent plan not to go supposing what the boss is going todo with anybody," another growled. "I was in the other gang, and Ihappen to know that it's a good thing to let the boss attend to his ownaffairs."

  "Well, I didn't mean anything," snarled the other.

  The automobile traveled across the city, and after a time reached alarge house that sat far back on a quiet lane. Here the car left themain thoroughfare, turned into the lane, and presently stopped beforethe veranda of the house. Roger Verbeck was carried inside. Theautomobile was driven around to the rear, and all its lightsextinguished immediately.

  When Verbeck regained consciousness he was bewildered. He was in a roomthat was brilliantly lighted. He was stretched upon a couch, fullydressed. He could not comprehend it at all.

  He sat up and looked around the room. It was lavishly furnished, and inexcellent taste. In the middle of the room was a long table, and therewere a score of heavy chairs scattered about. There were two doors, oneat either end of the room, but there did not seem to be any windows.Here and there tapestries hung on the walls.

  He heard a bell tinkle, and one of the doors opened. There entered twomen, both wearing long black robes, and black masks.

  Verbeck knew, then. He had seen the costume of the members of the BlackStar's band often before. He had even worn one once, while gatheringevidence for use against the master criminal.

  So he had been abducted by the Black Star's men, and he had supposedthat they were so scattered that they could make no move. Was he to beheld as hostage, or something like that? Verbeck knew that the BlackStar was to be taken to prison within twenty-four hours. Were these mengoing to avenge themselves upon him because he had been instrumental insending their leader to prison?

  "Well?" Verbeck growled.

  Neither man answered him, but he really had not expected that. Themembers of the Black Star's band did not talk much. One of the men wentto the side of the room, and threw back one of the tapestries, revealinga small blackboard.

  Why, this was exactly like the old headquarters of the Black Star, forthey had conversed there by means of blackboards! Could it be possiblethat the band had gathered again, and were going to continue theirnefarious work without their leader, the master mind that had guided andcontrolled them before?

  Verbeck watched as the man wrote:

  "Mr. Verbeck will remain quietly on the couch for the time being. If hedoes not, he
shall be made unconscious again."

  "What is the idea?" Verbeck asked.

  "One is coming who wishes to hold a conversation with you," the manwrote on the blackboard.

  "How long shall I have to wait?" Verbeck demanded.

  "Until he comes!" the other wrote, and then dropped the tapestry andwent to stand beside his companion before the door.

  Verbeck sat down on the couch again and regarded them. He felt in hispocket, found cigarettes and matches, and started smoking. His brainwas not entirely clear yet.

  He wondered what the man had meant. Who was the person for whom he waswaiting? Of course, it couldn't be the Black Star, Verbeck told himself.The Black Star was to go to prison the following day, to begin servinghis sentence of twenty years. He had lost his last appeal. He had been abroken man, evidently, for the past two or three months had acted likeone who had given up all hope of escape.

  Verbeck smoked the cigarette and lighted another. Again a bell tinkledin the distance. Again the door was opened. Roger Verbeck gasped.

  The robed and masked figure that entered was larger than the other men;and on the front of the hood that enveloped his head was a big, flamingblack star of jet.

  The Black Star!

  Then Verbeck chuckled. He saw it now, of course. The band had electedanother leader, and he had assumed the garb of the Black Star. Probablythey expected to punish Roger Verbeck for what he had done.

  The man who wore the star advanced to the middle of the room. One handcame from beneath his robe, and Verbeck saw that he held a vapor gun init. He made a motion, and the other two men left the room and closed thedoor.

  "So we have a new Black Star, have we?" Verbeck said.

  The man before him laughed, then took off his mask and tossed it aside.

  "Not a new one! The same one!" he said.

  Verbeck gave a cry and sprang from the couch. There could be no mistake.The notorious master rogue stood before him. Verbeck knew his face wellenough.

  "But----" he began.

  "My friends rescued me during the night," the Black Star said. "It was avery pretty little plot, indeed. I may as well let you know that I amheading my organization again. My people have been collected by alieutenant of mine who never ceased working while I was in your countyjail. My band is stronger than it was before, and we are going to makethe city pay."

  "Well, what about me?" Verbeck asked.

  "I have had you brought here to show you in what contempt I hold you,"the master criminal said. "You caught me before, but you'll not catch meagain! Here is my new headquarters--take a good look. I suppose you'llbe on my trail again?"

  "And I'll catch you again!" Verbeck cried.

  "It will be a pleasure to have you try, Mr. Verbeck. It adds spice tothe game to have a good foe--and I'll admit that you are a good foe. Itwill be entertaining to outwit you continually, to make you thelaughingstock of the city."

  "You tried that once before, and I had the last laugh!"

  "Pardon me! It is not time for the last laugh yet--but when the timedoes come, I shall have it!"

  "Well, what are you going to do with me?" Verbeck demanded.

  "My dear Mr. Verbeck! Did you imagine you were to be treated withviolence? You know that I abhor violence of all kinds. I merely had youbrought here so that we could have this little conversation. I shallsend a letter to the newspapers telling them how I had you here and letyou see my new headquarters. That will give the city its first laugh atyou."

  "If I get the chance, I'll catch you!" Verbeck declared.

  "I intend you shall have the chance, my dear Mr. Verbeck. I shall renderyou unconscious again, and have you taken to a certain place in the cityand left there. When you regain consciousness, start on my trail, if youcan find it. You were unconscious when you came here, and will be whenyou depart. You understand? And I don't mind telling you, Roger Verbeck,that anything done by me and my band before my arrest was insignificantcompared to what we intend doing now. I shall strike within twenty-fourhours, Mr. Verbeck. You need not trouble to warn the city. I alreadyhave sent letters to the papers telling them of my intention."

  "And you can't get away with it!" Verbeck exclaimed. "I'll hunt youdown----"

  "That is your privilege, Mr. Verbeck," the Black Star interrupted. "Iflatter myself that I am a sportsman. I have you in my power at thepresent moment, and could keep you where you could cause me no troubleor annoyance. But I'd rather have you free to use your wits againstmine. As I remarked before, it will add spice to the game. Heaven knowsthat the police couldn't even make it interesting for me!"

  "So you are going to stagger the city, are you?" Verbeck asked.

  "I am, Mr. Verbeck. We are going to loot the city more thoroughly thanwe did before. We have perfected certain plans, and shall strike soon."

  "Going to play your old game--going to let us know in advance what youare going to do?"

  "Possibly--at times," said the Black Star, smiling. "And I feel surethat this time there will be no little accident that will make itpossible for you to take me into custody. By the way, how is your man,Muggs?"

  "In excellent condition," Verbeck said.

  "My compliments to him, when you see him again, and tell him for me thatit will be a pleasure to clash with him. In a way, I admire Muggs. He issuch a perfect type of a thug."

  "He is not the man to have for an enemy."

  "Bah! I could outwit a score of men like Muggs without calling any of myorganization to my aid. Well, Mr. Verbeck, I am afraid that we shallhave to terminate this interesting conversation. I must get a littlerest, and confer with some of my people."

  He stepped back to the wall and pressed a button. Immediately the dooropened, and the two robed and masked men entered the room. One of themheld a vapor gun in his hand.

  Roger Verbeck was well aware that it would be a losing fight, yet hefought to his utmost. But the fumes were discharged, the pungent odorstruck into his nostrils and filled his lungs, he was forced to gasp forbreath--and unconsciousness claimed him.

  The last thing he heard was the sarcastic laughter of the Black Star!