Read Black Tor: A Tale of the Reign of James the First Page 13



  But the men did not come on, and the two lads, now breathing hard fromtheir exertions, had time to think as well as recover their breath, forthe men, after carefully approaching singly from different directions,so as to surround the combatants, now halted as if by one consent a goodfifty yards away, each looking upward from time to time at the burlycloaked figure high above them, and now standing upon a big block ofstone, making signals by waving his arms and pointing.

  In answer to one of these signals, the men all took off the long cloaksthey wore; and in a moment the thought flashed through Mark Eden's brainthat these men must have been seen seated round their fire, somewhereabove, and hence had arisen the rumours of witches on the mountainslope, the cloaks being their long gowns.

  And now, as the men stood fast, in spite of several signs from above,Ralph suddenly said:

  "Perhaps they've only come to see us fight, and are waiting for us tobegin again."

  "Not they," cried Mark excitedly. "I know: they mean to take usprisoners, and keep us till we're ransomed."

  "Perhaps. That is why we have heard of so many robberies," said Ralph,whose hot anger against his enemy was fast cooling down.

  "Yes, that's it. The dogs!" cried Mark. "I know there's a big cave upthere that you go in through a narrow crack. I saw it once. Theycouldn't get my father to have them up at the Tor, and so they've takenpossession of the cavern and turned robbers. Well, my father will soonrout them out of there."

  "If yours don't, mine will," replied Ralph. "But they don't seemdisposed to interfere. Are they stopping to see us fight?"

  "If they are," cried Mark hotly, "they'll have to wait a long time. I'mnot going to make a raree-show of myself to please them."

  "Nor I neither," cried Ralph. "But," he added hastily, "you know I'mnot afraid?"

  "Say you know that I'm not afraid either, and I'll say the same."

  "Oh, I'll say that," replied Ralph, "because I know it."

  "That's right, then," said Mark; "and we can finish having it outanother time."

  "Of course. I say, though, your leg's bleeding a good deal."

  "Oh, never mind that. So's your arm."

  "Can't be deep," said Ralph, "because it only smarts a bit. I say, lookthere! That's Captain Purlrose upon the stone, and he's making signalsagain."

  The wide ring of men saw the signs made by the burly figure above, andthey all wrapped their cloaks round their left arms, and then drew theirswords.

  "Then they do mean to fight," cried Mark excitedly.

  "Yes, but they don't come on. I say: you're not going to let them takeyou prisoner, are you?"

  "I'm not going to run away," said Mark sturdily.

  "But they are six to one," said Ralph.

  "Yes, if you stand still and look on. If you won't let them take you,they'll only be three to one."

  "I'm going to make a dash for it," said Ralph, setting his teeth hard,for his wound smarted a good deal, and there was a peculiar warm feelingas of something trickling down his sleeve.

  "What, run away?"

  "Who said I was going to run away?" cried Ralph. "Look here: in war twokings who hate one another often join together against an enemy."

  "Of course," said Mark.

  "I hate you and all your family, but we don't want any one else to setup here, near our homes, do we?"

  "No," said Mark sharply.

  "Then I'll stand by you like a trump," cried Ralph; "if you'll stand byme now. It's long odds, but we've got right on our side."

  "Shake hands on it then," cried Mark--"No, we can't do that, becauseit's like making friends, when we're enemies and hate one another."

  "No, we can't shake hands," said Ralph warmly, "but we can make ourswords kiss hilts, and that's joining together for the fight."

  "Agreed," cried Mark; and the lace steel shells of their rapiers clinkedtogether, making the men, who were watching them intently, exchangeglances. "I say," said Mark hastily, "wasn't that a mistake?"


  "Joining like that. It's making our swords friends."

  "Only till this skirmish is over," said Ralph.

  "Oh yes; of course. We can make the blades kiss then. Here, what'sthat Captain what-you-may-call-him doing, waving his arms like that?"

  "Means for them to come on and attack. He's savage because they don't,"said Ralph.

  "Yes, that's it. I believe they're afraid of getting more holes intheir jerkins."

  "Ha-ha!" laughed Ralph; "and they have no room, I suppose. Look here,let's have a dash for it."

  "What! run away? That I won't, from them, so long as I've got a sword."

  "Run away! No!" cried Ralph, who was bubbling over with excitement, theslight wound he had received acting as a spur to his natural desire topunish some one for his pain. "Can't you see that if we make a dash atthem on one side, we shall only have two to fight for a bit till theothers can come up; and we might wound the first two if we're quick,before their companions could attack."

  "Well said, general," cried Mark excitedly. "That's right. Let's looksharp then, for my leg hurts as if it was getting stiff."

  "Never mind your leg. Hallo! hark!"

  "Why don't you come on yourself, then?" shouted one of the men, inanswer to a good deal of gesticulation from the captain. "Take care youdon't get a hole in your skin."

  "Hurrah!" cried Mark; "they are afraid. Ready?"

  "Yes; come on!" cried Ralph; and the two lads made a rush at the men whostood in their homeward way, astonishing them so that they turned andran before the attacking party had gone half-a-dozen paces.

  But a yell of execration rose from the others, as they now made a rushafter the lads, who became pursuers and pursued as well.

  A savage yell, too, came from high up the mountain slope, the captainbeing joined by the rest of his gang, and standing shouting and wavinghis hands furiously.

  The position now was this: Two men were running, with the lads somefive-and-twenty yards behind, and gaining on them fast. Two men werefifty yards away, to right and left; and two more were right behind,sixty or seventy yards, in full pursuit.

  "Forward!" shouted Mark. "No mercy, Darley; run your fellow through,and then turn and spit that fellow on your right."

  The two men in front heard the words, and redoubled their efforts, butthey were heavy, middle-aged scoundrels, and plodded clumsily over thestone-strewed ground; while, forgetting their wounds in the excitement,Mark and Ralph bounded along, leaping blocks that stood in their way,and gaining so fast upon their flying enemies, that in a few minutesthey were close up: and the retreating pair, in response to the yells oftheir companions, and in despair, turned at bay, when Mark, who wasfirst, leaped straight at his man, turning the fellow's rusty swordaside, and came upon the lower part of his chest with his knees, like astone from a catapult.

  Down went the man, with his sword flying out of his hand, and Marknearly fell a couple of yards beyond him, but, active as a fallow deer,he saved himself by a couple of leaps, as his feet touched the ground;and he turned, to see Ralph's man down and motionless, as his companionleaped to his side, and faced round to meet the next two, who, urged onby the shouts from the hill, charged at them, carried on by their legs,almost involuntarily, their spirit having little to do with it.

  The next minute swords were clashing, there were a few quick parries andthrusts, and one man dropped his weapon, as Ralph's sword passed throughhis shoulder, almost simultaneously with a sharp clang, caused by theshell of Mark's weapon striking against that of his adversary, whoseblade broke short off at the hilt. Then, without a moment's hesitation,the lad struck sidewise at the fellow with his fist, catching him in theear, and he staggered sidewise, _hors de combat_.

  "Now for the others," cried Ralph wildly, his blood up, and ready foranything; and they were about to dash at them, when, to their utterastonishment, the last two turned and ran up the slope toward their
captain and the rest of the party, who were coming to their aid.

  "No, no, stop, stop!" yelled Mark, half choking the while with a hoarsehysterical laugh. "Oh, what a game! Here, look; that fellow's gettinghis sword."

  Without another word, the pair dashed at the disarmed man, who had risenand picked up his weapon, but he turned and fled.

  "Who'd have thought of that?" cried Mark wildly. "Shall we turn andattack the others as they come on?"

  "No," said Ralph, recovering his coolness; "let's trot on now. It'smadness to try it again."

  "Well, I suppose it would be pushing it too far. They can't say we'recowards if we retreat now."

  "No; but we can say they are," cried Ralph. "Why, what a set of curs,to be beaten by us."

  "Yes, and they can't fight a bit. I could parry their thrusts with astick. But here; I can't lose my pony. Where is he?"

  "And I can't lose my rod and creel," cried Ralph. "There's your ponyyonder ahead."

  "And your fish are right back there. I'll come with you to fetch them."

  "No, no; let them have 'em. We must retreat now. Two, four, six,eight-nine of them now; and I don't think those fellows who are down aremuch hurt. Come along."

  For Captain Purlrose was now descending the slope, and his men wereapproaching menacingly, spurred on by a shower of oaths, threats, andabuse from their leader.

  "Well, I suppose we must; but my blood's up now," said Mark, "and I haterunning from such a set of curs."

  "So do I," said Ralph; "it's like being beaten, when we won. I say,were you hurt?"

  "Only where you jobbed that sword of yours into my leg. Phew! it'sgetting stiffer every moment. I shan't be able to walk directly. Wereyou?"

  "What, hurt? No, only where you scratched me."

  "It was pretty deep, then, for your sleeve's soaked. Here, let me tiemy handkerchief round it."

  "No, no," said Ralph; "they'll overtake us. Let's make a run for itnow."

  "Shall we?" said Mark unwillingly.

  "Yes, we must. I can't use my arm any more."

  "Well, I don't think I can run much farther."

  "You must," cried Ralph, sharply as he looked over his shoulder. "We'renot fit to fight."

  He thrust his sound arm through Mark's, and they ran on pretty swiftlyfor a hundred yards or so, with the enemy in full pursuit, and then Markstopped suddenly.

  "Can't go--any farther," he said. "My leg's awful."

  Ralph looked round, to find that the men had given up the pursuit, andwere going back.

  "Can we catch your pony?" he said.

  "I think so. He's grazing yonder."

  "Would he let me catch him?"

  "No," said Mark. "He'd be off directly. There, I think I can hobble onnow for a bit. What! are they coming again?"

  "No; only watching us," said Ralph rather faintly. "Would you mindtying that tightly round my arm?"

  For answer, Mark seized the handkerchief Ralph held out, and knotted itlast round his companion's arm.

  "Now let me do something to your leg."

  "No; it doesn't bleed now," said Mark. "Let's get on. If they see uscrippled, they'll come on again, and if they do I'm good for nothing.It doesn't bleed; it only feels of no use. There, let's get on. Arethey watching us?"

  "No, I think not. It's getting so dark there. I say; I can see they'relifting one of the men to carry him."

  "Wish some one would carry me," groaned Mark.

  "I don't think I can," said Ralph. "Perhaps I could, though, if youcould hold on."

  "Bah!" cried Mark sharply. "Likely. Come on, and I'll coax that beastof a pony. If I can only get hold of him, I'll make him carry us both."

  They pressed on in silence, Mark using his sword as a walking-stick withone hand, and compelled to accept his enemy's arm, till they came up towhere the cob was grazing.

  It let them come close up before raising its head, and then, aftercontemplating them for a bit, twitching his ears, as Mark uttered aseries of blandishments, and ended by tossing its head, and spinninground, as upon a pivot, to trot off. It failed in this, however, forRalph thrust his foot through the trailing rein, and brought the animalup short.

  "Well done!" cried Mark. "There, jump on, and then pull me across likea sack."

  "Nonsense! Get on yourself. I'll help you."

  "I shan't, it's my pony. You're wounded, so get on."

  "After you," said Ralph, and, after a little more bandying of words,Mark felt so sick with pain that he had either to lie down on the earthor mount.

  He did the latter, after several groans, for his leg was very stiff andpainful.

  "There's a coward for you," he said. "Now jump up behind."

  "There is no need," said Ralph. "I can walk."

  "That's not fair."

  "Never mind.--Get on with you."

  This last to the pony, who walked quietly along with his burden in thepleasant evening light.

  For some minutes now neither of the lads spoke, being too much engrossedby pain and the strangeness of their position.

  "I say," said Mark at last, "you'd better come up to the Tor, and dropme, and I'll lend you the pony to carry your wounded arm home."

  "No," said Ralph quietly. "I shall come a bit farther, and then strikeoff. You can get safe home now."

  "Yes, I suppose so; but you ought to have the pony, or one of our men,to see you safe."

  "He'd finish me off," said Ralph grimly, and Mark was silent.

  "I say," he said at last; "I shan't say we fought."

  "Why?" asked Ralph, in surprise.

  "Because it's like bragging so, to talk of two fights. I shall say therobbers attacked us, and we beat them off; then they'll get the creditof our wounds."

  "But it will not be true."

  "I shan't say they wounded us," replied Mark. "If my father likes tothink they did it, I shall let him."

  "I shan't," said Ralph quietly. "I shall tell my father everything."

  "Well, I suppose it will be best," said Mark. "But, I say, that fightdoesn't count, you know. We must begin again where we can't beinterrupted."

  "When your leg's better."

  "Yes, and your arm's all right."

  "Of course."

  "Queer thing being such enemies, Darley, isn't it?"

  "Very," said Ralph quietly.

  "But I suppose it comes natural, though, to our families."

  "I have always thought so," replied Ralph.

  "I say, I'm glad you're not a coward, though. They say that all theDarleys have been cowards."

  "Yes; and all the Edens too."

  "It's a lie--an abominable lie," cried Mark hotly. "Do you mean to sayI'm a coward?"

  "How could I, after the way you helped me to fight those ruffians thisevening? I thought you very brave," said Ralph gravely.

  "Thank ye. That's what I thought about you. But I think it's a pityyou are a Darley."

  "Don't say that. I am very proud to be one, but I say--"


  "Don't you think, instead of paying compliments to one another, we oughtto go and get our wounds properly seen to?"

  "Yes, it would be more sensible. You'll turn off, and go round by thecliff?"

  "Yes, where the path comes up from the river," replied Ralph.

  "And we'll finish that fight as soon as ever we can," said Mark.

  "Very well. I suppose we must see who's best man."

  "Of course.--Hallo! who's this?"

  A figure was dimly-seen coming up through the bushes, along the trackjust mentioned, and directly after, it became fully visible as MasterRayburn with his fish-creel on his back, and rod on shoulder; and theysaw the old man stop short and cry:

  "Shade of good Queen Bess! What's the meaning of this?"