Read Black, White and Gray: A Story of Three Homes Page 8



  "It seems as if it had brought luck, don't it?" said Becky.

  She was lying on her hard little sofa, with her hands clasped behind herhead, and her eyes fixed on the grey kitten, who was playing all sortsof pranks in a spot of sunlight it had found on the floor. There was asmile on her thin face as she watched the little creature's merryantics, and it was indeed wonderful to see how much amusement it wasable to find all by itself. First it chased its own tail round andround so fast, that it made one giddy to look at it; then it pounced atits own shadow, and darted back sideways in pretended fear; then itrolled over on its back, and played with its own furry toes. It was aweek now since Dan had brought it home, forlorn and miserable, and ithad quite forgotten its troubles, and was happy all day long. Even whenthere was not much for dinner--and that did happen sometimes, in spiteof Becky's care--it always purred its little song of thankfulness, andwas ready to be pleased, for it had a meek and grateful nature.

  Dan, who was sitting at the foot of Becky's couch, with his feetstretched out in front of him, as though he were very tired, looked upas his sister spoke.

  "What luck?" he asked sleepily.

  Becky turned her dark eyes upon him.

  "I'm sorry I waked you," she said. "I meant, because you brought thekit home the same night father wasn't turned off."

  Dan nodded seriously.

  "It's all been better since," went on Becky. "Father brings his moneyhome, and mother don't worry, and we have dinner every day, and I dothink my back don't go all on aching so bad as it did."

  "If you was to get quite well, it'd be luckier still," said Dan.

  "P'r'aps I shall," said Becky wistfully. "I dreamed ever so beautifullast night, that you and me was dancing to the organ in the street--theone as plays `Pop goes the Weasel.' When I woke, I cried a bit, becauseit wasn't true. Do you think as it'll ever come true?"

  "Just about," said Dan, rousing himself to speak with confidence.

  "If so be as it does," continued Becky, "it'll be along of what thelittle gentleman at Fieldside did for father. If father hadn't kept hisplace, I couldn't got well, because of paying the doctor and thenourishing things."

  "I think of that a deal too," said Dan; "it's all owin' to him."

  "If there was ever anything we could do to please him," said Becky,"wouldn't we be glad! He must be such a very kind little gentleman."

  Dan shook his head decidedly.

  "'Tain't likely," he said. "He belongs to rich folks, him and hissister. They don't want nought from the like of us."

  "Well, I'm sorry," said Becky, with a sigh. "I think over it a dealwhen I'm alone, and sort of make plans in my head; but, of course, theyain't real."

  Poor Becky had plenty of opportunity for making plans in her head, forsince a year ago she had been alone nearly all day. Before that she hadbeen as gay and lively as the kitten itself, and as fond of play, butone unlucky day she had fallen down some stone steps and hurt her back.All her games were over now: she must lie quite still, Dr Price said,and never run about at all, for a long time. That was a new thing forBecky, who had scarcely known what it was to sit still in her life outof school hours; but her back hurt her so much that she was obliged togive up trying to do all the active things she had been used to, one byone. Her father made her a little couch, and on this in her dark cornershe passed many weary hours alone, watching the hands travel round theface of the Dutch clock, and longing for the time for Dan to come homeand talk to her. Dan was her chief friend, for though father was verykind, he went early to work, and sometimes came back very late, so thatshe saw little of him; and as for mother, poor mother went out charing,and was so tired in the evening, that she generally dropped off to sleepdirectly she had washed up the tea-things.

  So Becky's life was lonely, and often full of pain, which was the harderto bear because she had no companion to cheer her and help her to forgetit. She even grew to look forward to Dr Price's visits, short as theywere, for the day did not seem quite so long when he had clattered inwith his dogs at his heels, and spoken to her in his loud kind voice.He was a nice gentleman, she thought, though he did not cure the pain inher back. Besides Dr Price there was only Dan, and when on leavingschool Dan got a place as gardener's boy, Becky felt sad as well aspleased, for he would now be away all day.

  Just at this fortunate moment, when it was so much needed, the greykitten had arrived, to be her friend and playfellow, and to comfort herwith its coaxing ways. It was, as Dan had said, not nearly so dull now.The kitten shared her meals, played all manner of games with her,almost answered her when she talked to it, and when it was tired wouldjump up to her shoulder and snuggle itself to sleep. The feeling of thewarm soft fur against her cheek was so soothing, that often at suchtimes she would take a nap too, and wake up to find that quite a longwhile had passed without her knowing it.

  So, as she told Dan, it had all been better since the kitten came, andsomehow it seemed to make a part of all the fancies and thoughts thatpassed through her mind, as she lay dreaming, yet awake, on her couch.Becky had never made "plans in her head," as she called them, while shewas well and strong, and could run about all day. But now that herlimbs had to be idle, her mind began to grow busy, and though she couldnot move out of the dusky kitchen, she took long journeys in fancy, andsaw many strange things with her eyes fast shut. Some of these shewould describe to Dan, and some she kept quite to herself; but now,since hearing of Dennis Chester's Round Robin, they all took one form.They were always connected with him or his sister, and what he had donefor her father, and curiously enough the grey kitten seemed to belong tothem, and she seldom thought of one without the other. If it could havespoken, how many interesting facts it could have told her about its lifeat Fieldside with Dennis and Maisie! Perhaps its little purring songwas full of such memories, as it lay pressed up so close to Becky'scheek. At any rate it contrived in some way to get into most of herdreams, whether asleep or awake. But though her life was on the wholehappier than it had been, there were still some very hard days for Beckyto bear, days when the kitten's merriest gambols were not enough to makeher forget her pain.

  They were generally days when Mrs Tuvvy had "run short," as she calledit, and left very little for dinner, so that; Becky grew faint and lowfor want of food. For Mrs Tuvvy, even when her husband brought home hiswages regularly, was not a good manager. On Saturday night and Sundayshe would provide a sort of feast, and have everything of the best.After that the supplies became less and less each day, until on Fridayor Saturday there was not much besides bread and cheese, or a redherring, until Tuvvy brought home his wages again. On such uncertainfare poor Becky did not thrive, and she always knew that towards the endof the week she should have a "bad day" of pain and weariness.

  "There ain't much dinner for yer," said Mrs Tuvvy one morning as shestood ready to go out charing. "I've put it on the shelf. Don't you gogiving any to that foolish kitten, and I'll see and bring summat homefor supper."

  The door banged, and Becky was alone. She and the kitten would be alonenow until five o'clock, and must pass the time as they could. Themorning went quickly enough, and when it was nearly one o'clock thekitten, who knew it was dinner-time, began to mew and look up at theshelf.

  Becky sighed a little as she took down the mug and plate. Therecertainly was not "much," as Mrs Tuvvy had said, and, moreover, whatthere was did not look tempting, for there was only a little watery milkand a piece of hard bread and cheese.

  "I wish we had nourishing things for dinner, kitty," she said, as shepoured some milk into a saucer, and crumbled some bread into it. "You'dlike pies and chickens and such, shouldn't you? and so should I. Idon't seem to care about bread and cheese."

  The kitten ate up its portion eagerly and looked for more, with a littleinquiring mew.

  "No, no, Kitty," answered Becky, "there ain't no more to-day. To-day'sFriday, you know. We'll have to wait and see what mother brings ba
ckfor supper. P'r'aps it'll be fried fish or sausages--think of that!You must wash your face now, and go to sleep, and the time'll soonpass."

  The kitten soon took the last part of this advice, and curled itselfinto a soft little ball beside its mistress, but somehow Becky could notsleep this afternoon. The sofa seemed to be harder than usual, full ofstrange knobs and lumps that were not generally there. Whichever wayshe tried to lie was more uncomfortable than the last; the room felt hotand stifling, the rain pattered with a dull sound against the window,and her back began to ache badly. Presently she left off trying to goto sleep, and a few tears dropped on to the kitten's furry back. Itwould be such a long time before any one came home!

  Just then a horse's hoofs clattered down the street, and there was asmart rap on the door. It was flung open, and on the threshold stood DrPrice, booted and spurred, the eager white faces of Snip and Snap in thebackground, with their tongues lolling out thirstily. Poor Beckyclutched her kitten to her breast in terror.

  "Oh," she cried, "the dogs! Don't let 'em come in. I've got a cat!"

  But it was too late. Snip and Snap were in already, running round thekitchen in search of game, sniffing and poking their black noseseverywhere. In another minute Becky felt sure they would leap on thesofa, and snatch the kitten from her.

  "Oh, _do_ send 'em out," she cried in an agony. "They'll kill it."

  "Not they," said the doctor soothingly. "Don't you be afraid. We'llsoon settle 'em.--Here, Snip, Snap, come out of that, you rascals."

  It was not, however, settled very soon. Becky lay trembling on hercouch, while Dr Price gave chase round the kitchen to the dogs, lashingat them with his whip, stumbling over chairs, and giving loud and suddenexclamations as they continually escaped his grasp. At last, however,he caught them, and with one white body dangling from each hand, carriedthem to the door, threw them out, and shut it. Then he straightenedhimself, wiped his forehead with his handkerchief, and cast a glance athis patient.

  "Little beggars!" he said half admiringly. But now that the danger wasover, Becky broke down entirely, and the doctor was dismayed to see thatshe was sobbing violently, and could not say a word. He strode acrossthe room, and put his arm gently round her.

  "It's all right, you know, Becky," he said kindly; "the kitten's allright. You mustn't cry so now. They frightened you, didn't they? Butthey shan't come in again."

  Becky struggled with her tears, and after a while she was able to saythat 'twarn't only the dogs, but her back was a bit bad to-day, and shedidn't seem to be able to help crying.

  "H'm," said the doctor, pulling his hay-coloured moustache thoughtfully,and glancing at the empty plate. "What time did you have dinner?"

  "About one," said Becky faintly; "but I didn't just seem to care aboutit."

  "But I daresay you could fancy something now, couldn't you?" said DrPrice, getting up. "Something very nice and hot. I'll be back in aminute. Don't you mind the dogs; they can't get in."

  In a very short space of time he was out of the door and back again,followed, not by the dogs, but by a boy from the cook-shop, carrying acovered dish.

  "Now," he said, "you just set to work on this, and you'll feel ever somuch better."

  Becky's eyes brightened at the smell of the savoury food. Hot roastmutton and potatoes seemed almost too good to be eaten all by herself;but she did not hesitate long, and began her meal with evidentenjoyment. Dr Price sat near, whistling very softly to himself, andsometimes leaving off to smile a little under his light moustache, asSnip and Snap continued to hurl themselves with hoarse cries against thedoor.

  "Well," he said, as Becky lingered over the last piece on her plate,"how do you like my physic? Is it good?"

  "It's beautiful, sir," answered Becky, "and it's done me a deal of good;but might I give this bit to the kitten? She didn't have much dinnermore than me to-day."

  "To be sure," said the doctor, and he watched with serious interestwhile Becky prepared a little meal for her pet, and put the plate on thefloor. "So _you've_ got a cat, have you," he continued, bending down toexamine the grey kitten. "Little Miss Chester offered me a cat theother day."

  "That's Master Dennis Chester's sister, ain't it?" asked Becky withsudden interest. "Do you know him too?"

  The doctor nodded. "I see them about often," he said. "Nice littlegirl, and nice little boy."

  Becky gave a solemn shake of the head.

  "He's more than nice," she said; "he's just splendid. Do you know whathe did for father?"

  Mr Price did not know; and Becky, strengthened and refreshed by herdinner, sat up eagerly on her sofa and told him the whole story, towhich he listened very gravely.

  "Well, that's a very good job," he said, as she ended. "We must hope MrTuvvy will be able to keep straight. But there's lots of public-housesin Upwell, you know, as well as the Cross Keys at Fieldside, to tempt aman."

  "They don't matter near so much," said Becky. "Father don't as a rulewant to go out again after he's once home. Not unless," she added, witha little sigh, "it's washing day."

  Dr Price gave a slow smile, took out his watch, and jumped to his feetwith a suddenness that made Becky start.

  "I ought to be seven miles off by this," he said, striding to the door."Good-bye, Becky."

  He seemed to Becky to make one spring from the door to his horse's back,and to gallop furiously up the street the next minute. There were oneor two sharp, shrill shrieks from Snip and Snap as they tore after him,and then all was silent.

  Dr Price's visits often ended in this abrupt way, but Becky wished hecould have stayed a little longer this afternoon, for she was just goingto ask him to take a message for her to Master Dennis, and say how verygrateful she and Dan felt. However, as that could not be, she comfortedherself by making up her mind to ask him next time he came, and settledcosily down to wait for Dan's arrival, when she could tell him all thathad passed.