Read Black Woods: Book 1 (Black Woods Series) Page 10

  She finally takes in a deep breath and lets it out, then follows me to the young man.

  Skinner's hysterical with fear and grief for his lost friend. He can't believe his eyes, it must be a bloody joke, this can't be Erick.

  "Get up, you dumb ass, and quit joking around," he says to the dead man. He hopes it's a joke Erick is playing, but it's not, and tears stream down his face as he cries like a child.

  We stand at the scene with him, trying to get him to leave.

  "We're so sorry about your friend, but we have to go fast before it returns," I say to the grieving young man. He doesn't seem to hear what I'm saying and I don't think he even noticed the animal or the gun fire.

  Julie and I start pulling on his arms and he begins to move with us, but his eyes stay on his friend's body. We get him walking and head for safety at the top of the hill.

  Our hearts beat so fast when we reach the top and we look out to our woods. Only twenty feet to go for safety, which looks more like a mile away. The boy slows down when we reach the top and we have to pull at him again to move.

  One foot crosses the line and now two; we are safe in our woods. We both let out a big rush of air, and fall to the ground. We're weak from the quick climb to the top, with fear running through our bodies.

  "I can't believe we got him out safe," Julie says softly, so the young man can't hear. "And the animal stayed away."

  "We're lucky. The thing must have run off after you shot it." I also speak in a whisper.

  "Are you two okay?" Skinner asks as he notices us lying on the cold earth.

  "Yes, just old and tired from the climb," I tell him.

  "What a horrible way for you to find your friend, we're so sorry," Julie says, while she rises to a sitting position.

  He sits down next to us, and cries, covering his face to shield out the world.

  Julie puts her arm around him to comfort him as he weeps.

  I walk a few steps away and call Officer Roy to let him know we now have the boy.

  "Did you fire a gun?" the officer asks me.

  "Yes, that was us, a bobcat was after Julie, and she shot it." I dislike having to lie, but I figure he will think us crazy. "But I have horrible news to relay, the young man named Erick is dead, and looks to have been attacked by a wild animal."

  "I sure hate to have to tell the family and your friend Dick. He has been talking about the four boys all night and it's going to break his heart," the officer says. "How's Skinner taking it?"

  "Not too well as you can imagine, Julie is consoling him now. It might be awhile before he's able to start moving," I reply, and we talk a little more before saying our goodbyes.

  As I walk back to Julie and Skinner, I'm so saddened for the young men and what their lives will be like, with one in the group gone. I sit down and wait for him to come to terms with what he saw.

  * * *

  They walk slower as the night draws on. Greg is weak and needs to rest, but doesn't want to stop for a break. "I'm okay," he answers when they ask him.

  Officer Brad knows the young man needs to rest and he's weak himself.

  "Let's rest a bit anyway; I need it even if you don't. My back is stinging like fire ants are making a nest on it." This is very much the truth but not the reason.

  Greg is grateful to rest. He hadn't realized how tired and weak he was.

  Bob has been carrying both their guns this whole time and he puts them down, also needing to relax with the other two men. He stretches out and leans against a tree trunk. He closes his eyes against the darkened night.

  Greg leans against a different tree and looks over at his exhausted friend with appreciation for their friendship.

  "You know, Bob, you did shoot the biggest turkey on this hunt," Greg tells him and laughs at his own joke. One thing for sure, it's hard to keep a young man from poking fun. All three men laugh at that one.

  "Damn, you know what it's going to cost to get that old tom stuffed? He weighs about one hundred and eighty pounds," Bob replies, with his own joke back at Greg.

  "It's good to see you boys can joke about being shot by your friend, now that takes forgiveness," Officer Brad says.

  Either forgive and forget or hate your friends, but these two could never hate each other.

  Brad watches the young men laugh and joke as they rest. He knows he's only a few years older than they are, but he feels a lot older at the moment.

  Greg and Bob stop telling jokes and now relax quietly.

  Bob is thinking about the day's events and what all has happened. He can't wait to get out of these damn woods.

  Greg is just grateful to be alive, with his friend and the officer.

  All three are leaning against a different tree trunk, with their eyes closed, when they hear the first....


  Officer Brad and Bob jump to their feet immediately and grab their guns. Bob hands one down to Greg. They are on guard and ready as they wait for the sound to expose its maker.

  * * *

  Skinner calms down and gets his act together. He tells us he's ready to start the walk. We get up and begin walking as we keep an eye on Skinner so he doesn't cross the border of the woods. We don't want to explain the lines, and what is waiting in there, or how it wants to attack. So we keep him on the far side away from the Black Woods.

  "Do you want to go back the way we came, or head over to the open area and go that way?" I ask Julie.

  "Let's just stay on this path we came in on and that way if the missing officers are close, we'll hear them," she replies, and looks over at Skinner. She is reacting as a mother hen would. Last thing we need is for him to go wandering off again.

  "Sounds fine to me," I reply and we keep walking.

  Julie knows why I asked the question and why I want to go the other way, but she's right. We need to stay by the woods even if the animal comes back. From where we are, we can see most of the hills and valleys in those woods because we're on higher ground. We keep a good twenty feet from the line and look for the officers. From time to time, we yell out their names.

  "What do you think happened to Erick?" Skinner asks and it startles us to hear him speak. He's been so quiet this whole time.

  "Oh, Hun," I answer, "that was an awful thing for you to see, I know. But it was probably a bobcat or a mountain lion; it's hard to tell," I reply softly, with care and understanding.

  "Do you think he felt all that pain?" he sadly asks.

  I look at Julie. I didn't want to answer that one, so she replies.

  "He was probably knocked out with the first blow. Wild animals don't take long, so I don't think he felt much," she answers. She didn't really know how to answer his question.

  "Hey, I see some light moving down there in the valley." Skinner points in the direction of a small dot floating around in a valley.

  "That is a flashlight down there," Julie says and we look.

  "Call your friends Bob and Greg and see if that's them," I tell Skinner and look back at the valley. "I wonder why they're staying in one area like that?"

  "I don't know, maybe they're resting before moving on," Julie answers, and then we listen to Skinner speaking into the phone.

  "Hey, I think we see you guys, we're on the big hill across from you. What? What do you think it is? Ah shit man, we'll be right there," Skinner says. He hangs up and says his friends might be in trouble and we need to get to them.

  I grab his arm and stop him.

  "Woo right there, young man, what did they say?" I ask.

  "Something large is stalking them and they're not sure what it is," Skinner answers.

  "Okay, do they have guns?" I ask as he is trying to leave.

  "Yes," he says.

  "Do you want shot? If we go running down there and that animal is there, they're going to shoot before asking who it is," I tell him and he stops to think.

  "We need a plan and fast," Julie says. We know it's urgent for us to react, but what?

  "I know. Now let's thi
nk," I say, hoping someone will come up with a good answer.

  "Well, I think we need to get moving and think of something on the way," Skinner wants to get to his friends, like now.

  "No that's not good, call them back and let me have the phone," Julie tells him.

  "Okay." He dials the number and hands it to her.

  "Hello, I'm Julie and I'm with your friend Skinner. What are you hearing? All right now, look up at the tree tops. I'm shining a light, can you see? Good, now if you can move, start walking this way and we will start moving toward you. And whatever you do, keep your guns in your hands at all times because there is a large animal in these woods and it's extremely dangerous. I know I sound crazy, but I know what I'm talking about. Keep your eyes peeled at all times. We're on our way." She hangs up the phone and looks at me.

  We now must enter the Black Woods for the second time tonight. This time it doesn't look good for any of us.

  * * *

  Bob hangs up the phone and tells them what Julie wants them to do and the crazy story about a large animal. But standing there are three grown men with guns and they're frightened of that noise in the woods. Maybe the animal story isn't all that crazy. As experienced hunters, they know the thing making the noise has to be large, very large. Slowly but steadily, they begin walking to the big hill. They hear the first growl.

  "Oh shit, that don't sound good," Greg says as the other two are holding him up. "Let's get to moving, right now."

  "I agree," Brad answers.

  They move more quickly this time and Greg isn't minding at all. Hell, he's almost walking on his own now, and he doesn't even notice. They keep an eye on the woods, as they want to get away from the sound.


  The animal is close, too close, and they know it's behind them. They pick up their pace as much as they can.

  * * *

  We're almost to the bottom of the hill when we hear the loud growl. We know the sound too well, but we have to travel deep into the woods to help.

  Skinner turns to look at us and speeds off in a run, faster than Julie or I can ever do. There's no stopping him. He wants to save his friends from the animal making such awful sounds. He knows killed the creature Erick. We only wish he had a gun for protection.

  * * *

  "I can see the other flashlights coming down the hill. Maybe with enough gun power we'll kill the thing," Brad says.

  "I sure hope so because it sounds pissed," Bob answers. He remembers why he was frozen on the path not so long ago and he hopes they do have enough gun power. "I knew something was out here all along, that's why I was so scared."

  The animal pushes with its hind legs and fiercely leaps from the woods. Astonishingly, it stands in the valley among them. Blood drips from its face from some previous assault. They can't believe what they are seeing. The animal is a hideous monstrosity, and judging by its looks alone, it is ferociously violent.

  "What is that thing?" Greg asks, though he's sure they don't know either.

  "It's the animal that's killed many out here in these Black Woods," the officer answers, because he's heard the stories and knows them to be true.

  They all aim at the mutant animal and open fire. They're sure the bullets will stop it. But before the first bullet leaves its barrel, the animal is already in the air as if it is flying.

  Above them like a slow motion replay, the animal lands on the group and bites Officer Brad's left arm. He screams in pain as the animal's teeth dig in deep and hard. The animal rips Brad's arm from the socket. The sound of tearing flesh is gut wrenching and to have to watch it happen makes it worse. The creature flips its head and throws Brad's arm in the air, like it is playing football with the men. Bob and Greg fire again and this time one bullet hits it in the hind leg and the other hits its side. Now the animal is in pure pain and it bites Officer Brad again, this time around his waist. It shifts its weight to the hind legs, then leaps in the air as it flees with the officer's body dangling from its mouth. It drags Brad like a rag doll.

  Skinner sees the animal coming straight at him, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, is all that's playing in his mind, over and over. The thing still has the officer in its mouth as it runs in his direction. Then for no reason it curves right and into the woods, gone for now. Skinner can still hear the officer screaming and he's trying to block it out of his mind. The screams are worse than the animal's growl. He looks back to check on the two women who are following him. They are a good two hundred feet away. He runs to his friends.

  "Oh man, I didn't think I would see you guys again," Skinner yells as he runs in their direction. He's waving at them with both arms in the air. He trips on some rock and falls to the ground, but he doesn't care, he's found his friends. He gets back up and looks at his buddies, when he notices they're staring at him like he's a ghost.

  "It's me, it's really m..." His voice trails off as he knows what's behind him. He starts to cry. There's a sharp pain going down his back and he can feel the claws cutting in deep. The animal growls a low moan, before it opens its mouth fully, ready to bite...

  Bob and Greg take aim at the creature and hope the two women behind have taken cover as they release their bullets.

  The animal is quick as it bites into Skinner's head, and like a flash in the sky during a thunderstorm, it's gone. The animal takes the boy with it. The young men don't know if they even hit the thing or not. They look at each other and run to the women across the valley.

  * * *

  "Are you two all right?" Bob yells at us.

  Greg is keeping up on his own, with no time to worry about being weak and shot. They had just watched their friend and Officer Brad get carried away by an unknown animal. Shock is only a moment away.

  "We're fine, boys," I say to them as they now stand beside us. "But we need to hurry before it comes back. Now listen and listen close, just in case something happens to my sister or me. This hill we came down, you follow it up to the top, go at least twenty feet away from the tree line and walk to the lake through the open area. The animal can't leave these woods, are we clear?"

  "Yes," Greg answers, "Now let's go."

  We turn to go back up the hill when we hear the creature growl.

  Chapter 15


  Officer Roy has calls in for an ambulance, and any other rescuers who may be available.

  "We'll need others to look for the missing officers when the groups come out. They won't be able to go back in the woods, they've been out for hours now," he tells the dispatcher. "Also, call the families and tell them to go to the local hospital and wait. That’s where the young men will be going as soon as they get here."

  He walks over to Dick and asks if he needs anything.

  "A drink will be good and any kind is fine," he tiredly replies. He's standing by his truck and stretches his legs while the dog gets a drink of the cool lake water. Dick is upset about Erick, and now his friends are still in those woods. Damn those woods, he thinks when the officer hands him a Diet Coke. He looks at the drink, pops the top, and drinks this one for the girls.

  "That sure tastes good," he says to Roy, "thanks."

  "You're welcome, but it came from the women, not me," he answers.

  "I know," Dick replies with a small smile, "and if I know those girls they're making the poor boys pick mushrooms out there before they will let them leave."

  Both men chuckle.

  Sugar is sniffing the ground around their feet as they wait for the troops to come home. They can see flashing red lights moving down the old county road, fast, and the sirens are on. It pulls in the parking area at the lake and two EMT's jump from the vehicle and walk toward them.

  "Hello, are they out of the woods yet?" one of them asks.

  "No," officer Roy replies, "but we expect them anytime."

  "We hope so anyway," Dick adds.

  "The county coroner and his deputy should be here soon. We saw them loading up the gear for the hike back to the body," the other EMT say

  "His name is Erick, not body," Officer Roy tells the man in a way that lets him know to be sensitive with his words.

  "Sorry," he says.

  The first EMT speaks up.

  "My name is Jim and this sensitive thing is Gary." The men all shake hands and begin to chat.

  In a few minutes, they see the coroner vehicle heading their way and it pulls in behind all the vehicles parked there. It looks like someone is having a moonlit party by the lake, but this is a party no one wants to be at.

  "I've got to get back in my old truck. These legs can't stand for long periods at a time." Dick pats his leg to let his dog know it's time to get in the truck.

  "Hello," the coroner and deputy say. All the men introduce themselves and begin chatting to pass the time.

  "I'm going to close my eyes for a while and I want you to wake me the minute you hear from or see the girls. Got it?" Dick tells Officer Roy.

  "Got it," he replies, "you sleep tight."

  Dick nods his head and relaxes in his truck seat.

  The other men move away from Dick's truck to give him some peace and quiet so the old man can rest.

  * * *

  We're working our way up the hill as fast as our old legs can go. After the torture we've put them through tonight, it is a miracle they can move. We tell the boys to go on, we know our way, but they won't leave without us. They seem like nice young men and we are grateful they're here, but they really should go on. The climb's going to take us about another fifteen minutes to finish and that seems like eternity right now. The boys are not looking too well. Their skin is pale and their faces display shock. Terror is taking over, with each step of their hunting boots.

  "Where are you young men from?" I try to bring them from the unspeakable thoughts banging around their minds.

  The climb is taking too long and it's evident to everyone, but we carry on with our small talk.

  "A little place just north of Terre Haute, it's about two hours from here," Bob answers in an uncaring, flat voice.

  "How did you hear about this forest?" Julie asks them.

  "Oh, Erick's uncle came here once and he liked it, so he told Erick about it. Now we're here," Greg says, also with a dull tone. A look of realization washes over him and he asks, "Has anyone found Erick yet?" in a voice a little more upbeat. The two men haven't heard the news about their friend and we're not telling them.