Read Blackwing Wolf Page 4

  “One of us has a boner, and it’s not me.” Emma cocked her eyebrow.

  Dustin bit back a smile and leaned forward, hugged her harder against his chest as he lowered his lips to her ear. “We could be friends with benefits. Doggy style in the woods. You ever been with a shifter?”

  “I don’t even like doggy style.”

  “You would with me. My dick could change your life.”

  “And there it is.” Emma shoved him hard in the chest as he cracked up.

  Barking like a maniac, Gray Dog went blasting past them.

  “Shit!” Dustin said, the humor fading from his face. “Gray Dog! Come back!”

  They both bolted down the dirt road after the dog, but gads, he was fast. She fell behind quickly because, apparently, Dustin had rockets for shoes. And by the time she reached the clearing, and him, she was winded and her legs burned like she’d just finished a marathon instead of a thirty-yard sprint.

  “Why’d you stop?” she wheezed out, hands over her head so she could catch her breath easier.

  “Because of that,” he said in a strange tone, pointing to a doublewide trailer sitting on a concrete slab. No, not at the trailer, but at a furious-looking Dark Kane who stood in front of it, petting Gray Dog, and glaring at Dustin with pure murder in his green dragon eyes.

  Chapter Four

  “Dustin, he’s coming this way,” Emma murmured. She scanned the clearing, but Rowan wasn’t here to stop Dark Kane, and neither were Winter or Logan. Shit.

  Dustin pushed Emma behind him as Kane strode toward them with unnatural grace. The air filled with a noise she’d only heard in a dinosaur movie. Dustin backed them slowly toward the road, blocking her view completely with his wide shoulders.

  “I can explain.”

  “Dustin Porter, bottom of the Valdoro pack. Attempted murderer of Lexi of the Bloodrunners and assumed murderer of my dog. I’ve hunted you for months, and then low and behold, your dumb ass shows up on my doorstep asking to get in my crew.”

  What the fuck was going on? Emma clutched onto Dustin’s shirt as he moved her backward.

  “Do you know how fucking hard it was for me not to burn you to nothing when I first saw you? Do you?” Dark Kane bellowed.

  A crack formed in the ground, splitting the earth between her feet.

  “I didn’t hunt Lexi. I ducked out before the hunt began against my brother’s orders. I couldn’t do it. My punishment for abandoning an order was to kill your dog. Axton thought you would catch me, kill me, or I don’t know, but I couldn’t kill Gray Dog, so I stole him instead. I didn’t have a choice! It was get rid of him, or my alpha would take a pound of my flesh. Stop!” Dustin yelled, holding out one hand. With his other, he gripped Emma’s hip so hard it hurt. “I brought him back because I want to be part of this crew.”

  “Change,” Kane said in a low, dangerous voice.

  “Wait, wait, wait,” Emma murmured, sidling around Dustin.

  He tried to stop her, but she shook him off and put both hands out to keep distance between the two men. God, she wished Rowan was here. And Winter, Logan, and Beast because she wasn’t equipped for this. Dustin was saying something behind her that she couldn’t make out since her hearing aids only projected the rumbling sound that emanated from Kane. His black hair was flipped over to the right, exposing long scars on the side of his head, and his green dragon eyes were completely empty.

  “Please, Kane, just listen. Dustin’s trying to get away from his pack. Look at his neck! Look at it! His own brother tried to kill him last night.”

  “Change,” Kane demanded again, and even Emma—frail human Emma—could feel the power pulse within that order.

  When an awful cracking sound echoed through the clearing, Dustin grunted in pain. The air was sparking with something she didn’t understand. The hairs raised on the back of her neck as she turned slowly. A pitch black wolf stood there, legs splayed, white razor-sharp teeth bared, eyes blazing blue and green. He was so monstrously big he was almost eye-level with Emma.

  “Oh, my God.”

  Something horrifying was happening to Kane. His skin was cracking like the ground he’d split open, and underneath there were matted, black scales. Black smoke seeped through the splits before they closed again and then opened wider.

  “Rowan!” Emma screamed desperately as loud as she could, her voice echoing across the mountains. “Kane, Kane, listen to me.”

  The dark dragon didn’t even see her anymore as she waved her arms in front of his face. He was smiling, and his teeth were elongating. When two ominous clicks sounded, the air smelled of smoke. Dustin was going to burn if she didn’t do something.

  “He’s mine! Kane!” She turned and ran to the wolf, and threw her arms around his massive neck. “He’s mine, and if you take him from me, I’ll never forgive you. I’ll never be okay. I’ll hate you forever, and I will call on the Four Devils Coven to avenge him. I will bring every news station within five-hundred miles into your mountains, and you will never escape this decision you’re making. Choose differently!” She dragged in a long, shaking breath. “Please,” she begged.

  Kane’s glowing green eyes flicked to her and then back to Dustin.

  “Kane?” Rowan called from down the road. She was running.

  Hurry Rowan!

  Under Emma’s embrace, Dustin’s thick neck rattled with a constant threatening growl. His fur was coarse and prickled her face, and she was scared to stand this close to his teeth, but what choice did she have?

  All that stood between Dustin and oblivion…was her.

  Kane backed up a step, eyes narrowed. “He’s yours?” The dark dragon didn’t sound convinced.

  “Yes, yes, all mine.”

  “Lie. I can hear it. Why are you lying for him?”

  “What’s happening?” Rowan asked, huffing breath.

  “Change back!” Kane yelled, his voice cracking through the air like the tail of a whip.

  Dustin’s response was immediate. Emma was shoved backward with the powerful force of Dustin’s Change to his human skin. He fell to his knees, and propped himself on one locked arm as he grunted in pain. Every muscle in his body was rigid as if he’d been electrocuted.

  “I don’t understand,” Rowan murmured, her blue eyes wide. “Why is he obeying you like that?”

  Kane shook his head and paced away, spat onto the ground, and yelled, “Fuck! You want to know why? Because his goddamned animal already thinks I’m his alpha. I’m not, Dustin, you fucking shit. I’m not your alpha.”

  “It’s not like I told him to obey,” Dustin yelled. “You think that was enjoyable for me? Fuck, Kane, you forced a Change twice in one minute.” Dustin jammed a finger at Kane who stalked toward Emma. “Get away from her.”

  “You don’t get to tell me what to do!”

  “Well, you’re worked up, she’s human, and you are too fucking close, Kane. Back. Up.”

  Rowan held her hands out like she was settling a startled stallion. “Kane, he’s right.”

  “Whose side are you on, Roe?”

  “The side that doesn’t get you thrown into shifter prison. Is that Gray Dog? I thought he was dead.”

  “He was supposed to be,” Emma rushed out. “Dustin was ordered to kill him, but he stole him instead. To save the dog! He’s not bad.”

  Rowan gave them both a deep frown, shifting her gaze from Emma to Dustin and back again. “You said Dustin’s yours?”

  Emma nodded so she wouldn’t get caught in a lie again.

  “Bullshit,” Kane muttered. “There’s no way these two are a match.”

  “That’s horribly judgmental,” Dustin said, standing stiffly. “What? I can’t get a hot babe like Emma?”

  Kane flung a hand in the air. “No! Because you say shit like ‘hot babe,’ you make four-hundred dick jokes a day, you’re a psychotic werewolf, and Emma’s too good for you by a lot.”

  Dustin’s mouth flopped open. “Well…agreed, but maybe she feels like slumming it, okay?

  “Okay,” Kane said, crossing his arms over his chest. “Then kiss.”

  “What?” Dustin said, slowly covering his very bare and swinging dick. “I’m naked. No.”

  “You wouldn’t kiss your mate naked?” Rowan asked, sounding more and more confused.

  “Whoa there, Cupid,” Dustin said to Rowan. “Emma didn’t say we were a mated pair. Just that…you know…we belong to each other.”

  “Also a lie,” Kane said blandly.

  “We’re in the beginning stages,” Emma blurted out.

  “But he’s yours,” Kane said, his eyes tightening. “You just threw yourself in front of him to save his sorry hide from me, so convince me. Convince me he’s won your devotion because, if so, I’ll believe you that he’s not all bad. Save his life, Emma. Kiss him.”

  Balls. She was really going to have to do this. Dustin was extremely naked and looked just as uncomfortable as she felt. This was where their lie was going to become really freaking obvious because she was a terrible actress.

  Dustin looked panicked as he glanced at his shredded clothes littering the ground around him, but none of them were big enough to cover his dick. Emma would’ve laughed if this wasn’t so very un-funny.

  Slowly, she squared up to him. With both hands covering his nethers, Dustin rolled his eyes heavenward and leaned forward with a pucker. He laid a chaste kiss on her lips and held for a three-count before easing back.

  “That was pathetic,” Rowan said. “I saw two parrots kiss better than that before. They were in a pet store that smelled like dog poop. Look around you, supposed love-birds. You’re in the Smoky Mountains, in the prettiest country, under the bluest sky.”

  “With two pervy dragons judging our kissing,” Dustin said crossly as he took a step back from Emma like she had cooties.

  He was kind of cute when he was all frowny like this. Emma giggled.

  “It’s not funny.” But on the last word, Dustin cracked a tiny grin. “Look, I have first-kiss jitters, and it’s not helping you looking at me with your little face all scrunched up like that. You look like a raccoon.”

  Emma wanted to swat him. “You aren’t being romantic right now at all. And you were the one who pulled away. Your kiss sucked, but not literally, because that would imply your lips moved. I would rate that like a two and a half. Three, max.”

  “Mouthy,” he accused.

  She arched her eyebrow pointedly and waited. Dustin grinned at the woods and shook his head like he couldn’t believe he was doing this. But he slid his hand against her waist and locked gazes on her. She liked this much better. His eyes were dancing, and his smile was that genuine one he didn’t give very often.

  He twitched his chin up. “Come here,” he murmured in a deep, growly voice.

  Chills rippled up her spine at his command. She didn’t like being told what to do in general, but oh, that was a little sexy. Gently, he pulled her to him. And when she was pressed against his body, he lifted his free hand to her neck and ran his thumb against her cheek. “Three max?” he asked.

  “Better beat that if you want to live, wolf,” she dared him through a grin.

  He released her suddenly. “Nah, I’d rather die than kiss you. You’re gross.”

  Emma went to shove him, but he yanked her arms around his waist, and his lips crashed onto hers. He had a hand on the back of her neck, preventing escape in a way that was so fucking sexy she was pretty sure her system was going into shock. And his other hand…well…it was on her left butt cheek. So Dustin. When he squeezed and lifted, she squeaked. He chuckled against her lips. Oh, this was a game then?

  She pushed her tongue past his lips and brushed into his mouth. When she bit his bottom lip, Dustin jerked, then froze against her. Aahahahaha, that’s what you get.

  Only Dustin had tricks, too. He abandoned his butt-fondle and moved his hand up her back, pressing her against the stone wall of his torso as he pushed his tongue into her mouth, and oh dear goodness what was happening? Her body, the little ho, plastered to him like a strip of wet wallpaper. She slid her arms around the back of his neck like this was real. He angled his head the other direction, and there was that tongue again. Holy hell, Dustin could kiss!

  Emma got lost. Time meant nothing, only touch. It had been so long since she’d been able to let go like this. It was just them here in the woods, just them in the whole world as Dustin worked her to a slow inferno. His hands were everywhere, so gentle, exploring her body. His boner pressed hard against her belly but he didn’t push for more. He kept them slow and steady, building her up until her panties were wet. A soft growl hovered just under her hearing, rattling against her boobs like one of those vibrating beds in cheap motels. She smiled against his mouth and sucked on his bottom lip, bit down softly again, and she was pretty sure he moaned. His fingers slid through her hair and he cupped her head as he walked her backward.

  She was supposed to be doing something. A chore sat there on the edge of her mind but geez Louise it was hard to care about responsibilities when she was pressed up against a tree by a molten hot sex pot. Dustin a sex pot? Hell yep, this kiss sealed it. He’d been hiding his sex appeal with all his walls and pervy jokes.

  Whoa, his lips felt divine against her neck. He sucked hard. Too hard maybe.

  “You’re gonna give me a hickey.”

  “That’s the damn point,” he rumbled.

  Emma giggled and draped her arms languidly over his muscular shoulders. “You’re sexy when you aren’t talking.”

  “Thank you. You’re sexy when you don’t look like a raccoon.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Okay.” He ground his erection against her pelvis, and she laughed again. Why was she so giddy? She felt like she’d taken three shots of tequila.

  He used his teeth just enough on her neck. Then, neck satisfactorily mauled, he kissed up her jaw and gave her lips attention again. She’d never had so much fun making out with someone in her entire life.

  Emma sighed happily and ran her hands through his hair, pushing it back from his face. One of her hearing aids cut out, but screw it. She still had the other. The sun was high over Dustin’s shoulder, casting him in a halo of blinding light. His eyes were glowing brightly.

  “Pretty eyes,” she murmured.

  He brushed his finger under her eye and murmured, “Prettier eyes.”

  She practically purred. Dustin sure could compliment when he wanted to.

  This time, when he leaned down to kiss her, his lips went gentle against hers, plucking at them with such tenderness Emma got lost with him all over again. He hadn’t shaved this morning and, at some point, his whiskers had turned from tickling to burning. Emma eased back with a smack, then pecked him again, again, and again until he rested his forehead against hers and ran a light touch over her swollen lips.

  I’m hurting you, he mouthed. She couldn’t hear him, which meant her other hearing aid had died. Dangit. She wanted to hear his voice when it was all tender like his eyes were right now.

  At the risk of getting embarrassed by her voice when she couldn’t hear like this, she pointed to her hearing aids and sadly shook her head.

  He looked confused for a moment, but then drew her hand up to his lips. He kissed her wrist, then mouthed clearly, That’s okay.

  Suddenly, he straightened up and looked around the clearing. Easing off her, he froze, a frown darkening his features as he seemed to listen for something.

  What? she signed.

  Dustin glanced at her, then away again. He grabbed her hand and pulled her from the tree. The sun was farther up in the sky than it should’ve been.

  Oh crap, the dragons! She was supposed to kiss Dustin to prove they were together. To save his life! But right now, she and Dustin were the only ones here. How long had they been locked up like that?

  She pressed her fingertips against her throbbing lips as he dragged her at a clipped pace toward where Kane had forced Dustin to Change. He skidded to a stop so hard she ran into t
he back of him.

  Confused, she rested her palm on the strong planes of his back and stepped around him. On the ground, there were two blue folders.

  She and Dustin cast each other matching baffled shrugs, and then they both picked one up. Inside, there was official registration paperwork for the Blackwing Crew. In a clear sleeve was a black bear paw beer bottle opener, and in the other pocket was a packet about a doublewide trailer, cost and specs, that looked identical to the trailer already in the park.

  “It worked,” she said excitedly, hoping it wasn’t too loud.

  Dustin was frowning at a handwritten note in his, though.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  His folder looked identical to hers, but he got a scribbled note? And there was no way that was Rowan’s handwriting. It was too harsh and borderline ugly. Rowan probably dotted her Is with bubble hearts, but this was barely legible.

  Dustin shook his head and tossed the folder to the ground. He handed her the note and then ran his hands through his hair. And then he turned and walked down the dirt road toward where he’d parked the car.

  Troubled to her marrow, she watched him leave and then read the note silently.


  You are invited to join my crew on a few conditions. One, you come clean about why you are really here, and do it quickly before I lose my patience. Two, you will only be able to turn in your registration paperwork to the courthouse and officially become a Blackwing if you secure a claiming mark from Emma. Or you can get married, whatever she wants. You will tether yourself to someone decent before I will let you around my crew or my mate. Three, the singlewide isn’t an option for you. You can get a doublewide and share it with the woman YOU BELONG TO. Have a fucking fantastic day. You were not my choice. Thank Rowan for picking you, and thank Emma while you’re at it for saving you from me. I still want to eat your ashes.

  The End of Days.

  Kane was pissed if he signed his own hate-letter as The End of Days. The media referred to him like that often, but Emma had seen him get furious when Dustin called him that once.