Read Blaze Erupting Page 5

  She paused. He thought she’d said something outlandish or sexy because she’d had her head bashed into a wall? Humor rippled through her, and she chuckled. So much for being a femme fatale. She turned and looked at him. “You never thought about it? Sex with me?” Curiosity was such a pain in the butt.

  His dark eyebrows rose. “Of course I did. All the time.”

  “Bull,” she blurted before she could stop herself.

  He straightened to his full height. “I was twenty years old, Ellie. All I thought about was sex. And believe me, you starred in more than one fantasy.”

  Well. That warmed all her girly parts right up. What was she supposed to do with that information? Then her gaze caught on the belt around his arm. “Holy crap. I forgot all about you getting shot.” He’d gotten shot saving her. And he’d killed somebody for her. Although tough, Hugh was a good guy. A nice guy. “I’m sorry you had to kill him.”

  “Me too,” Hugh said, gingerly rubbing his bloody arm.

  Just like that, they were back on even footing. They had a job to do, and first was checking out the wound.

  A knock sounded on the door and Connor strode inside carrying a first aid kit.

  “You’re a mind reader,” Ellie said, relaxing for the first time in hours, happy she had left the door unlocked for him. Nothing could happen with Connor there, so she could just get over this silly crush and get to work. She dug out her laptop and sat on the bed to open emails from Deke as Connor took care of Hugh’s wound.

  “It just needs a bandage,” Connor said, his voice a low growl. “Or maybe two.”

  “You’re too kind,” Hugh said, the tone only slightly sarcastic.

  A line of code caught Ellie’s eye, and she forgot about the two men. Interesting. Hmmm. She deciphered it, typing quickly, reading each line. “Somebody hacked into the system. Well, probably from the inside. They were looking for employee records and schedules.” Squinting, she looked up at the two men. “I need to get to Pennsylvania.” She’d be able to do more within the system.

  Connor and Hugh worked for a while and then Connor took off for his own room. Sirens filled the night outside—a constant sound since Scorpius had hit.

  “I’m taking a quick shower,” Hugh said, locking the door and then disappearing into the bathroom.

  Ellie found the right code and then paused. She clicked SAVE and sent the information off to Deke. Then she looked at the closed bathroom door.

  Hugh had wanted her. Years ago.

  She still wanted him.

  Life was tenuous at best right now. The pandemic was getting worse, and people were dying daily. Even the ones who lived seemed to be crazy and ending up dead.

  She stood.

  For years, she’d wondered.

  For some reason, she tiptoed toward the bathroom. Was she brave enough to do this? Hell. She might be dead in a week. Or Hugh might. Why play games or be coy or…wait?

  Fine. She could do this.

  She yanked off her shirt and shoved down her jeans, gingerly sliding into the bathroom buck-ass naked. A semi-clear shower curtain did nothing to conceal the bulk of the man behind it washing his hair. She swallowed.

  This was crazy.

  But she moved closer to the curtain and whipped it open.

  Hugh yelped and tackled her, taking her down to the floor in a move so quick she could only gasp. He flattened her, shoving all the air out of her lungs. His slippery body rubbed against her, and his dick was…right there. Definitely right there.

  “Ellie Mae?” He levered up, soap in his hair and dripping down his hard cheekbone.

  Oh God. What had she done? His large and soapy body was flush against her nude one. Her nipples hardened instantly. “Surprise?”

  He blinked. Once and then twice. He slid a bit to the side, almost off of her, and quickly righted himself with his elbows on the worn bath mat, moving right back into place on top of her.

  “You’re all soapy,” she blurted out. Even his…was soapy.

  His brows drew down. “I was in the shower.” Instantly, his cock hardened against her. Pulsing. Full. Flattening her clit into explosive sparks.

  Oh God. “You’re, ah, really hard.”

  Red tinged his cheekbones. “I wasn’t until I landed on top of you.” Was he a bit defensive?

  A nervous giggle erupted from her chest. “I wasn’t accusing you of anything.” Then the thought of what she would have been accusing him caught her breath in her chest. “I mean, I could see you behind the curtain. Your hands were up by your head.” She had to stop talking. Right now. “Your big head—not the other one. You know. At the top of your shoulders.”

  She was a moron. A dumbass. Her mouth would never stop.

  “Quit talking.” He chuckled, amusement lighting his eyes.

  “I’m trying,” she said.

  “Try this.” Then his mouth covered hers. Warm and male. She had time for one thought. Oh holy hell, Hugh Johnson was kissing her. Actually kissing her.

  Then she forgot how to think.

  His lips were firm, his movements slow and seeking. Investigating and oh-so-damn tempting. He explored her gently, in control, teasing and stroking. He went deeper, his muscled body pressing her into the floor, his hands at either side of her head and his mouth destroying hers.

  Her entire body flashed wild and alive, and an aching need centered in her sex. Finally, he lifted his head, pleasure darkening his spectacular eyes.

  The rumors about him in college were true. Beyond true. Hugh could kiss. Really, really kiss. She swallowed, her chest panting against his much harder one. “You can kiss,” she murmured.

  His lips tipped. “So can you. I always figured we’d be like this.”

  What was this? Hot and bothered? Needy? She wrapped her hands over his soapy shoulders, letting ripped muscle fill her palms. A soft hum escaped her as she caressed his chest, finally giving in to curiosity and need from so long ago. “I’m on the pill, Hugh.”

  He hitched against her, and his dick pressed more insistently against her sex. “You blurt out everything in your mind, don’t you?”

  She nodded. “I’m not much of a game player.”

  “Ditto.” He kissed her again, his chest rubbing against her hardened nipples. “I don’t have condoms, but I’m clean. Have to get a physical every year for work.”

  “Me too.” She finally let her hands roam free down his back to slide over his very nice ass.

  He grinned and rolled over, bringing her on top of him. “I don’t want to crush you.”

  Unfortunately, he was so soapy she kept right on going and rolled onto the floor, hitting her back against the cold tub.

  He winced, reaching for her shoulders. “All right. I’m on top.” Then he covered her again.

  Warmth surrounded her. Those words. Those silly, simple words. She wanted them. So she widened her legs, lifting her knees on either side of his. “How about we do this really quickly before one of us breaks something?”

  He lifted his head. His blue eyes studied her—full of want and amusement. His hair fell onto his forehead, his still soapy forehead, giving him the look of a rogue. “I can give you fast right now, but then we’re taking the night in the bed. The entire fucking night.” His dick pressed between her legs as if in perfect agreement.

  “Deal,” she said, leaning up to kiss him hard on the mouth.

  He pushed inside her, going slowly, letting her body accept him.

  “Man, you’re big,” she whispered as her internal walls stretched.

  He barked out a pained laugh, setting his forehead against hers. “Don’t make me laugh. This might be over too quickly if you do.”

  She really didn’t want that. So she bit her tongue. And then, miracle of all miracles, dream of all dreams…Hugh Johnson was fully inside her.


  Chapter Six

  This is the worst time in the history of the world, or at least in my life, to start something up. But Ellie Mae Smithers is one o
f a kind. Can we keep it casual? Is that the fates laughing? Damn it.

  —Hugh Johnson, Brigade Notes and other shit on my mind

  This was beyond insane, and Hugh didn’t give a care. He was inside Ellie Mae, and she was every bit as tight, hot, and delicious as he’d known she would be. For the first time in his life, he felt whole.

  Now, that was crazy.

  Her little body moved beneath his, urging him to get a move on.

  Nope. Not this time. Oh, he’d give her faster than usual, but he was still going to destroy her mind. If he was going to lose himself in her, she was going to do the same thing. Plus, she just felt so fucking good.

  He lowered his head and kissed her again, a long, deep, rich kiss that took any brain power he had and tossed it out of the steamy bathroom. The shower droned on, and he ignored the sound and the slightly chilling air.

  Only her soft breaths and small gasps mattered. They filled him, pouring through his veins.

  She tasted sweet and spicy and inherently female. She tasted like hope in a desperate world. More importantly, she tasted like…his. Like he would’ve known her instantly. “Are you sure, Ellie?” It was a silly question considering he was inside her, but he had to know. Needed to make sure and protect her. He had no choice.

  “I’m sure.” She lifted her hands and ran her fingers deliciously through his soapy hair. A clump of soap landed on her collarbone, sliding across the small ridge. “Take anything you want, Hugh.” Her smile was filled with a siren’s edge. “I plan to.”

  Then she tugged his hair. Erotic tingles lashed down his body to his balls, ramping up his heartbeat and heat.

  Had he ever been so aroused? Slowly, he pulled out of her and then pushed back in.

  The sound she made stole any control he’d thought he had. Soft little panting with honest need.

  She wanted him and had no problem letting him know. He loved that about her. No games, no walls around her heart. She was sweet and smart and honest.

  In truth, Ellie was fucking amazing. He had to make this good for her.

  Beyond good. “You’re beautiful, Ellie Mae,” he murmured.

  She raked her nails down his sides and grabbed his ass, turning him on enough he started moving faster. Plowing into her. All of a sudden, he went from thought to hunger. There was only Ellie Mae and right here and now. Fire flashed through him. They moved into a wild frenzy, kissing and caressing, their hands all over each other.

  He felt eighteen again. Invincible. Desperate.

  “Hugh,” she moaned. The sounds she made dug into his head, into his heart, planting deep. Her hands were driving him crazy. She clutched at him, rocking to meet his every thrust.

  This was Ellie. That one simple thought nearly destroyed him. She was everything.

  Tremors started around his cock. Thank God. She arched against him, elongating her neck, crying out his name. The orgasm rocked through her entire body, shaking her breasts against his chest.

  Her internal walls gripped him tight.

  He exploded, cupping her head and kissing her as deeply as he could, coming with her name on his lips.

  Finally, they panted quietly against each other.

  He couldn’t move. He might not ever move again. The shower continued, the steam abating, the room chilling. Finally, he lifted his head.

  Her smile was the sweetest thing he’d ever seen. Her eyes were a satisfied blue, and a lovely pink covered her cheeks. A blob of soap covered her right ear, and soap was spread all over her upper chest. His heart rolled right over.

  “So,” she whispered, stretching against him. “What now?”

  * * * *

  Aches and pains—the yummy kind—ran through Ellie’s body as she exited the motel bathroom in the morning and stopped short at seeing what was left of the bed. The covers were all on the floor, and even the mattress looked cockeyed.

  What a marathon of an evening.

  She swallowed. Hugh had gone with Connor to brief the new security team, leaving her lounging in bed after a truly phenomenal night.

  The rumors, although awesome, hadn’t given Hugh enough credit. He was amazing in bed.

  Or maybe her big crush on him helped.

  She pushed wet hair off her shoulder and smoothed down her faded jeans. The air had turned cold enough she was comfortable in her light blue sweater. Her phone dinged, and she tore her gaze away from the demolished bed. “Smithers,” she answered.

  “You alone?” Deke asked without preamble.

  “Yes.” Striding quickly, she reached her laptop next to the computer and flipped it open, easing back to perch at the end of the bed. “What’s up?”

  Deke cleared his throat. “The intel came in on Hugh. He’s not one of the good guys, Eleanor.”

  She snorted and inhaled the scent still left in the room from Hugh. Masculine and tough. “He’s beyond good.” In more ways than one, actually. “You’re being silly.” Was Deke being overprotective? How loud had they been last night? Had Connor somehow heard something from the next room? She bit her lip. Had she screamed at one point? Geez. “Give me a break, Deke.”

  “I’m sending you the intel. Call me after you’ve read it.” He clicked off.

  Well. She huffed and rolled her eyes, quickly opening an attachment from him. Documents, dossiers, and FBI investigational files quickly filled her screen.

  She read them, her stomach beginning to hurt. “This isn’t right.”

  A knock on the door nearly stopped her heart. “Who is it?”


  She stood and quickly unlocked the door for him, moving back to her computer instantly.

  He slipped inside and leaned back against the door, his dark eyes somber. “I finished at the plant and left Hugh to continue briefing the new security details. Told him I’d be back after grabbing more coffee. Did you read the information from Deke?”

  “Not all of it. I’m about halfway through.” She didn’t believe this. Not at all.

  Connor rubbed a hand across his eyes. “Let me fill you in. Hugh’s family had financial troubles with what had been very successful tire stores, and Gregor bailed out his brothers. That put Hugh in a world of hurt.”

  If there was a way to get to Hugh, it’d be through family. She shook her head anyway. “I don’t believe this.”

  “Believe it,” Connor said grimly. “Hugh had no choice but to work with Gregor. Fed the guy information on nuclear plants, vulnerabilities, and hot targets. There was a hell of a lot more than just one picture of them together. He really was being investigated by the FBI.” His lips pressed into a thin white line as he took in the status of the bed. “Shit, Ellie. You didn’t.”

  She stood, her chest filling. “I did, and he’s not a terrorist. Or a co-conspirator with a terrorist organization.” The information had to be wrong. It just had to be.

  “Read the rest of the files,” Connor said softly. “Hugh has been under FBI investigation for the last four months. His vacation? Yeah. That was forced on him, basically so the FBI could go through all of his records at work without his knowledge. He’s a bad guy, Eleanor.”

  No. She’d known Hugh for years. People didn’t change that much. They just didn’t.

  Connor’s phone blared out a Florida Georgia Line tune, and he pressed a button, igniting the speaker. “Connor here with Eleanor. What do you want us to do, Deke?”

  “Options?” Deke asked, his big voice booming over the speaker.

  Connor’s rugged face lost all expression. “We can leave him here, bring him with us to answer questions, or put him down and not look back.”

  Ellie gasped and tossed her laptop on the bed. “We are not putting him down like a dog.” There had to be a decent explanation for all of this. “Come on. I know this guy.”

  “You knew him. Years ago,” Connor countered, looking beyond deadly with the gun strapped to his thigh. “It has been about ten years, and a lot can happen in that time. I say we put him down and move on from here. Vet p
eople better in the future.”

  “No.” Ellie moved closer to Connor, almost getting into the big guy’s face. “We are going to give him a chance to explain.” Her chest hurt. Was she having a heart attack? A panic attack? Yep. One of those was happening right now.

  “Deke?” Connor asked quietly.

  Silence ticked over the line for a minute. “Fine. Bring him in. But it’ll be a lot easier if he’s cooperative, so don’t let him know we have questions,” Deke said.

  Connor sighed. “That might be difficult. Apparently, Eleanor and Hugh tore up the sheets last night. Literally.”

  Embarrassment roared through Ellie and she punched Connor in his rock-hard arm. “Shut up,” she hissed. When he glowered, she took a measured step back from the soldier. “I can act normally,” she said, her voice only shaking a little bit.

  “You slept with him?” Deke barked, his Scottish brogue emerging deep.

  “None of your business,” Ellie answered, lifting her chin. She wanted to die right then and there. Yep. She sure did.

  “It’s my business if he’s a bloody terrorist,” Deke bellowed.

  Ellie winced. “He’s not.” No way in hell. “Now let me get back to the computer so I can figure out what the hell is going on.”

  Connor glanced down at his phone. “Orders?”

  “Bring him in. If he gives you any problems, shoot him,” Deke said evenly before clicking off.

  Connor shut his phone. “You sure you can do this?”

  “Yes.” She started typing. There was no way the sweet kid she’d known in college had turned into a terrorist she’d just had the most amazing night of her life with. Hugh had to be innocent.

  He just had to be.

  Chapter Seven

  I’m not sure who’s the bigger threat—my friends or my enemies. This world sucks right now.

  —Hugh Johnson, Brigade Notes

  Hugh settled back in the seat of the private plane, his spidey senses clamoring. Connor had been even quieter than usual as they’d driven to and boarded the plane, which was nearly impossible, and Ellie wouldn’t look him in the eye. Was she regretting the previous night?