Read Bleeding Ruby II: The Epic of Iakekutnum Page 2

  In the cave they met Irermaru. He was a strange hermit who had rejected society to live in the wilderness alone. Irermaru was angry that they came into his home and took his “god eyes.” But after the pair of Shadow hunters told the hermit about the legends of the woods regarding the Shadow Man, they had gotten some information from him! “The Shadow Man you seek is camped past the great rocky crevice and in the Black Swamps, I will take you there,” said the hermit. Now the party grew to three, and they spent the night in the home of its newest member!

  Day four was spent on a vicious trek, as the hot morning sun guided them through a dense, mossy valley toward the edge of a rocky mountain. At the foot of this mountain lie the great rocky crevice. Noontime brought them along the edge of this dangerous gorge until it came to an end, and then a descending path into the deep dark woods was next en route. That path led straight to the Black Swamps. After many hours of trudging through the slimy, moist bogs, they came across the flying disc ship of legend! What a genius hiding place this was! Irermaru broke the initial silence by suddenly killing Makidu with a hidden dagger and disappearing into the bushes. The surprise was revealed that Irermaru was the Shadow Man they were seeking! Did I mention that his name translates from Sumerian as “bringer of Death?” Iakekutnum was alone with his bronze spear drawn and the hunt was on, his enemy revealed! The blackness of the swamps hid his shadowy nemesis well, as it also hunted him! The Shadow Man of the Cedar Forest was hidden with its own blackness, and Iakekutnum tried on the “gods eyes”. He could now see a revealed red figure where before he could see nothing, and he preceeded to impale the alien enemy with his spear. The Shadow Man fell dead in the dank, vile waters of the Black Swamp and Iakekutnum removed its head for Entoq to examine. He spent the night eating some frogs and grubs he had harvested and waited until dawn to move out.

  Days later, Iakekutnum had made it back to Nineveh with his trophy and handed it over to the Elder. Entoq was shocked rather than pleased at the head of his enemy, the “gods eyes” brought back with it, and of Iakekutnum's reports of the legends of the woodsmen. It was in fact, an Agazel scout. Entoq went straight to work on his next move. “We cannot eradicate this enemy completely,” said the Elder, “all we can do is somehow trap it into a state of limbo so it can never harm the Universe again!” This is the last of my translations, for now.

  Tablet 6: The War of the Gods; trans. By Dr. James Frank; dated July 27th, 1906:

  When I, Iakekutnum, have brought back my trophy to the great Elder Entoq,

  [Examined] it entirely, he did.

  “This is the head of our enemy, they have followed us here and wish death upon us,” said the Elder.

  His brother, the great Elder Ensuneibur, the fearsome bald-headed warlord dressed in a black hooded cloak, always wearing bladed war garments upon his shoulders and armour of the gods, confirmed this war Entoq spoke of.

  Ensuneibur told me the Agazel rule very many worlds in the Universe, and they are fierce tyrants.

  Entoq told me again that the Agazel destroyed many worlds belonging to the Annunaki [race].

  Entoq spoke of a rebellion led by the Annunaki gods to destroy their far spread empire.

  Ensuneibur told me the horrible secret of the Agazel. The Agazel rule most of their worlds in secret, unknown to the peoples of those [planets]. It is through this shroud of mystery that they hold their power, they dominate all races under their rule without fear of rebellion, as the people would only rebel against themselves and not against their true slave-masters.

  It is said that the Agazel worship the Forsaken Brother as a god, and in turn, it uses the Agazel to wreak havok upon all [intelligent] worlds.

  One of the Annunaki's greatest secrets is that their race alone discovered this secret tyrant in the shadows. No people they have ever contacted believed them, so the Annunaki rebelled by themselves.

  This rebellion has gone on longer than the earth has existed, so it has been told to me by the gods at their council at Nineveh.

  I will stand by the Annunaki gods on behalf of my human brethren, to fight a war that is beyond my race's ability to fight.

  Ensuneibur, and his brother Entoq, have fought hard to gather up a way to summon the Forsaken Brother into the flesh.

  This was a secret only known to the Agazel until now, and even they fear to do it, thus they have never.

  Entoq, the great Elder, has devised a plan to trap this creature of the Agazel's worship and alliance into a sort of gem that I cannot understand.

  The war continues now, on Earth.


  From the desk of Dr. James Frank; dated September 17th, 1906:

  Months have passed since I was able to write confidently on my translations, for the last of the two tablets had many breaks which, I believe, were intentional and I cannot remotely even guess who may have wanted to keep their contents a secret. Had it not been for a small sample of carvings upon the black, faceless figurine I found accompanying the tablets, I would have never been able to fill in the gaps in the information they contained. Put all of it together, and it forms a story that is so truly horrifying that I struggle to write about them here, or anywhere for that matter! This sounds even more like a myth than anything I have discovered before, but I have been more than surprised in my research so far. After what Edwin and I have found over the years, nothing can surprise me any more. But, this is something I must say I cannot believe a single word of without more evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. My next step will be to go out and find that undeniable proof! Unfortunately, part of me knows with an eerie certainty that I will find it, and I am going on this excursion in the highest hopes that I do not find anything!

  Tablet 7 of the Iakekutnum writings picks up where Tablet 6 leaves off, with the Annunaki gods and Iakekutnum conspiring to summon the Forsaken Brother into the flesh in order to trap him into an elaborate mechanism that Entoq created. The plan was to have Elder Entoq speak the incantations they have discovered after years of what seems like espionage/intelligence warfare against the Agazel. The Forsaken Brother would appear in whatever flesh form it so chooses and start to wreak havoc on the world. The great warlord Ensuneibur would have the armies of Earth, man and god, ready to lead a diversionary strike. Entoq would chant the final incantation in order to draw the essence out of the monster into the gem. The gem was to be hidden away from the world for all eternity, or until they can figure out a way to destroy it without releasing the beast.

  Tablet 8 is the one I had many, many problems in translating. It contains the actual events of the day this plan went into action. Needless to say, this day was a disaster and the horrors that occurred almost left all life on this planet extinct as well as Earth as we all know it in obliterated shambles. The heroism of Entoq and Iakekutnum left me in tears for days. We all owe so much to them and no one even knows any part of this. The Tablet reads as follows:


  Tablet 8: The Great Destructor; trans. By Dr. James Frank; Sept. 17th, 1906:

  “Many were to be doomed on the day of the Black Summoning.

  The Great Warlord Ensuneibur fortified all the city-states of Sumer with his armies.

  The Warlord and his armies of both man and god, fighting side by side, stood ready to fight all across the fertile crescent.

  The scorpion-men who guard the underworld and the deserts stood ready to fight.

  On the calm morning preceeding, the united kingdom of Sumer prayed and made offerings of goat, fur, gold, and lavender to the beautiful goddess of love and war, Inanna.

  Inanna, though still remaining in the heavens at this time sorting out her cosmic affairs, gave us our blessing with a saddened and worried look upon her face.

  The beautiful Inanna told Elder Entoq that she would send an army of [ships] from heaven to aid us in our strife, but they may not arrive in time.

  At the highest peak of the sun, a colonel of the gods' army, now fighting as Ensuneibur's sec
ond in command from the city-state of Lagash, sounded the war horns and alerted the armies throughout all of Sumer.

  Ensuneibur was supposed to lead the armies from Umma, but decided to stand aside his brother to guard him personally.

  Entoq, who spoke from the temple of Enki at Ur, had begun the incantation.

  Once the words were spoken and the vibes cast out into the Universe, a terrible daemonic voice resounded from the heavens.

  “The form of the Great Destructor will now be chosen.”

  The skies turned a red, fiery colour and the clouds turned thick with dark smoke, and the people cried out in fear.

  Carvings from the Black Figurine, trans. By Dr. James Frank

  “The choice is made!,” spoke the deep, echo of terror from the sky, “YOUR WORLD WILL BE LAID TO WASTE....”

  Tablet 8: The Great Destructor; continued:

  We awaited in utter horror at what we were about to see, but could never have anticipated the Abomination of the Daemon Star that we were about to encounter.

  The ground began to quake enough to cause entire armies to fall.

  They stood back up, only to fall to the next quake. The ground began to [warp into mountainous] shapes.

  Finally, the ground would quake one last time and be crumbled into pieces as the Great Destructor emerged from the ground.

  I have never seen something to horrifying and was frozen solid with my own fear.

  It was absolutely colossal, bigger than any mountain on Earth, and we could only see it from the waist, as it still stood within its crevice within the Earth.

  The Destructor was even more massive once it stood out of its crevice.


  Its skin was black and made of pure lapis lazuli; invincible from any mortal weapon.

  Its face was that of a sharp-toothed bull with horrible white glowing eyes and a forked tongue.

  It had four wings just like the lord of all fevers and plagues, Pazuzu.

  It had a massive serpent for a tail.

  Its body was like that of a man with hooves.

  With a thunderous roar it gazed upon the Earth that it would destroy, before smashing and laying all of it to waste as far as the beast could see.

  Some by powerful magic, some by crushing brute force, all by pure hatred and evil, it destroyed the entire kingdom of Sumer, destroying the Fertile Crescent that once was and transforming it into a desert.

  A desperate man upon a mountain summit attempted to speak to the beast, “Stop this and show us some mercy, we beg of you daemon! You're going to destroy all that lives!”

  With a fearsome callous coldness, the beast responded with a chilling polyphonic and inhuman voice that resounded with a bone chilling and lifeless reply, “Then so it shall be..” The beast swallowed the man whole, and while still alive.

  The monster continued with its unstoppable rampage.

  It moved next, flying through the sky a long way west into the [African lands past Ethiopia] and Egypt, making the entire upper half of the continent into a desert.

  The Great Destructor did not stop there, but hurled itself from the sky into the land of the Ubaid people (note by Dr. James Frank; The Ubaid people's land is sunken below the Persian Gulf today.)

  The land collapsed and the sea rose, killing everything that lived anywhere near it, causing the Great Deluge to happen. The Great Deluge swallowed the Earth as we know it.

  (note by Dr. James Frank; I have never found any other myth about the Great Deluge other than the common one found by many who study Sumeria and Biblical archaeology. This is completely new and rare material. Perhaps this is a hidden and true one! With this revelation I am currently beside myself. I will continue further translations at a later time.)

  Tablet 8 (continued); trans. By Dr. James Frank; dated Sept. 26th, 1906:

  The shattered Sumerian armies brought distraction to the Great Destructor as it reigned forth its path of oblivion, and it attacked all of us with a terrible vengeance.

  As we fought the beast with no success at all, Elder Entoq pointed his magick gem right at the heart of the daemon and spoke the words, “I seal this Bleeding Ruby with the blood of the past!” He then took the head of the several days dead Irermaru and poured his blood over the glowing gem.

  I watched stunned as Entoq's own brother, Ensuneibur the great warlord of the gods, stabbed him in the back.

  “I rule the kingdom of the Agazel now, brother,” Ensuneibur said.

  As Entoq fell into a puddle of his own blood, and into a puddle of his brother's betrayal, he asked, “brother, why do you turn your back on the Annunaki?”

  Ensuneibur replied,”They have power over the entire Universe, and I offered them a truce. As a peace offering, they wanted all of our worlds within their empire. In exchange, they have elected I, the great Ensuneibur to be their Emperor. I have given them Earth and our home planet, and in turn, I now rule the Universe!”

  Ensuneibur left Earth and his dying brother behind on one of the chariots of the gods, and disappeared into the Heavens, never to be seen again.

  I ran to the temple at which our great Elder lay dying, and on my arrival he told me to chant the incantations he had written on his parchment, and to point the gem at the heart of the beast.

  I started to speak the words: “Destroyer who commeth unto our world, be gone!” The gem glowed with the same fury as the eyes of the daemon.

  The Great Destructor heard my words and rushed to kill me before I could finish the spell.

  With his last breath, Elder Entoq cut himself with his brother's knife even deeper, pouring his own blood onto the gem in an act of self sacrifice, speaking the words, “I seal this Bleeding Ruby with the blood of the present!” These would be the Elder's last words. With this noble deed of self-sacrifice, he became known as the Beloved Brother.

  With this final deed of the Beloved Brother, I spoke the last of the rites, “Destroyer who commeth unto our world, be gone! Into this gem, your heart shall remain for eternity!”

  I stared into the gem and concluded the ritual with the rite, “I seal this Bleeding Ruby with the blood of the future!” The man from the future appeared. This was the man the prophets spoke of by the name of Edwin Walters. It would be by his blood that the ritual would be finished.

  The beast froze, and its soul was drawn into the gem roaring and shrieking, speaking curses in many unknown languages to our race and the race of the Annunaki.

  The body of the beast remained behind, crumbling in its lifelessness.

  ***** (A large break follows.)

  During the rebuilding of Sumeria, we buried the remains of the Great Destructor where the Tigris and Euphrates meet at the lower part of the crescent.

  The grave site was marked with a large obelisk made of lapis lazuli, which was painted black.


  I then kept the gem hidden away from the world, vowing to take it to my grave.

  I, the chosen Iakekutnum, shall protect the world from this beast for eternity.

  Letter from Miss Lucia Walters to Dr. James Frank; dated Sept 29th, 1906:

  Dearest James,

  I still cannot believe the stories you have told me. Your last letters about what were in those tablets have left me shocked and appalled! I am questioning everything that I thought I knew right from birth until now! Do we really know anything at all? We are so small, insignificant and clueless!

  Crazy as this sounds, I am inclined to believe everything in the tablets as absolute truth, even though you still have not investigated the grave site of the Great Destructor yet! It is as if you have already gone to Iraq and have found the damned thing! You've told me many times to remain calm until you find the evidence that this is all mere myth, but I feel as though you will find it for sure! It is a crazy world we live in when we find ourselves trying to disprove insane things rather than to prove these things happened! You have no idea how much I wish you would find contrary evide
nce to the possibility of this thing existing.

  James, as dangerous as this is, I want to come with you to the digging site. I know you have only ever taken me on small digs before for small artefacts and maybe I am not ready to handle the harshness of a major excavation in the rugged deserts of the middle east, but I must come with you. I need to see for myself if what I am believing so easily is true. Is it so strange that even though I feel it deep within my heart that we will find the abandoned flesh of the monster that almost wiped away our world, that daemon whose soul resides within the Bleeding Ruby, I feel inclined to stare the beast in the face? Maybe I just want to confront the monster responsible for the death of Edwin! I have been driving myself completely insane over that part of the translation!