Read Blind to Men Page 2

  "Are you all right, Kylor?"

  "I'm fine."

  Yet she didn't appear fine as she clenched a knife in her right hand, the knuckles turning white.

  "Sit down and eat before it grows cold."

  The woman's request sounded almost like an order. She must be famished indeed! In spite of her weird mood, Anya listened to her empty belly, settled down at the table and sampled the fare. The food was delicious, a loaf of bread still warm from the oven, the grilled meat buttery, and tasty.

  She ate with delight, undaunted by her companion's silence. When she felt sated, she pushed her plate back, blew a satisfied breath, and watched Kylor finish her meal.

  "Are you an Amazon?"

  She must have taken her by surprise because the woman hurriedly swallowed her food, coughing in the process.

  "No, Anya."

  "Why are you taking me to Palance?"

  "That's for the . . . to tell you."

  She went deaf again. Kylor’s mouth moved, yet she missed a word in the middle of her sentence. Careful not to show irritation at her own impairment, she leant across the table, hands flat on the wooden surface.

  "I can't hear you. Who will speak to me?"

  "I'm sorry, it was a slip of the tongue."

  Kylor stood up with brusqueness, and started piling the tray with their dirty plates and glasses.

  "Your hearing is fine, Anya, don't worry about that. It's just that there are words you can't hear. Secluded as you've been all your life, maybe you haven't noticed there are also things you can't see."

  "What do you mean? What things?"

  The woman stretched her arms, opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again before walking to the tub.

  "It's late. Why don’t you go to bed and take some rest? I might use that bath myself."

  Although she wanted an answer, she suddenly forgot all about it. Her eyes widened and she gasped when the woman discarded her shirt.

  Chapter Three

  "By the gods, Kylor, you’re abnormal!"


  Her companion didn't look as surprised as her. Gaze riveted to the bare chest, she pointed a finger.

  "Your breasts are flat!"

  An expression of understanding crossed Kylor's features. Blinking as if she'd heard something comical, she guffawed.

  "Not all people are made the same way. I assure you I'm quite normal."

  Yet, she gasped anew when the woman removed the tight fabric around her waist and legs. Tall as she stood, her body appeared extremely muscular, and hairy. Fair hair covered her chest, stomach, thighs, and calves. Like an animal, she was furred all over.

  What kind of woman was she? Her solid neck supported far too broad shoulders. She displayed nonexistent breasts and below, her belly looked as flat as a sheet of iron. In spite of her shock, something else sparked her curiosity so she pointed yet another finger.

  "What's that flesh dangling between your thighs?"

  Kylor stepped over the rim of the tub, her sudden grin failing to appease her growing amazement.

  "It has many uses. If you want me to, I'll show you."

  A tingling ran from her toes to her head on hearing 'I'll show you'. Why? She had heard these words before, and on those occasions, no tingling had ever affected her. What was happening to her?

  Kylor sighed with pleasure although the water must have been quite cold. Watching the hairy woman bathe, her disbelief turned to interest. Were there other women like Kylor? If so, where were they?

  Probably living in Palance or in other large settlements. But her mother used to live in the famous city so how come she'd never told her about them? Why had she never seen one? She'd only been traveling for a day, and already she feared the world encompassed too many mysteries.

  She left the table to jump into bed. Hands clasped, she thanked the mighty gods for the pillow under her head and the meal in her belly. She prayed for her mother as well.

  Once she concluded her devotion, she watched the brawny woman happily splashing water on her misshapen body. An unchecked, indefinite emotion swelled within her at the strange sight, yet she soon felt sleepy.

  Although her eyelids drooped, she fully opened her eyes when Kylor got out of the tub, hastily dried off with the large cloth she'd used earlier, and joined her in bed.

  "Come, kiss me goodnight."

  The woman's weight on the straw mattress almost drew their bodies together. Obediently, she planted a kiss on the scarred cheek. She pulled away but shivered as her companion's air conveyed a feeling she had no name for, and her voice sounded even rougher than usual.

  "That's how you kiss a mother, not a protector."

  "I'm sorry, I don't know any other way."

  She felt awkward under Kylor’s scrutiny, under the intense gaze now riveted on her mouth.

  "I know, let me show you. Put your lips on mine."

  The touch was soft, light as a fall breeze. She applied a little pressure when a gentle gust of warmth spread throughout her body. Then she let out a silent gasp as Kylor parted her lips and inserted her tongue into her mouth to caress the wet flesh.

  An unknown emotion swept over her. The feel of their tongues touching, moving, and stroking took her breath away. It was utterly unlike the kisses her mother used to give her.

  She sank into Kylor’s open arms as she instinctively opened her mouth wide, letting the woman’s tongue explore it, hearing her now uneven breath. Infused with alien sensations, she felt her body reacting to the kiss with an intense fluttering in the pit of her stomach.

  Her erect nipples brushed against the shirt creating a barrier between them. Her heart and thighs quivered as if she had run a long way. The uncanny feeling was startling by any means, but the most surprising was her desire to continue kissing this stranger, to let her do more.

  More what? She might have dwelled on the oddness of her reaction, yet Kylor didn't allow her any time to ponder the thought as she suddenly drew back, a little breathless.

  "I think I could show you more than I intended to. By the Gods, you're driving me wild, Anya."

  She wasn’t sure what the expression meant, but she took it as a compliment and smiled at her companion.

  "I like when you kiss me. Please, do it again."

  Her pulse rang in her ears while she held the woman’s gaze. Her blue eyes were fixed on her, unflinching.

  "Take your shirt off. Let me see your body."

  But rather than waiting for her to comply, Kylor removed the fabric then looked at her disclosed limbs glowing by candlelight. She released a long breath while her expression shifted to hunger again. How could she be in need of nourishment when they had just finished supper?

  Features drawn, the woman brought her hand closer to stroke her bare thighs, curved belly, and firm breasts with her calloused palm.

  "You're so graceful, my lady, so pleasing to my eye."

  The tender words seemed to flow out of Kylor's lips as she took one of her nipples to fondle and twirl the sensitive flesh. Submitted to the soft contact, she experienced a weird feeling.

  Her whole body started radiating heat, sunny flushes going to her head, leaving her mouth dry, her lungs gasping for air. The sensation was so strong and unfamiliar, she briefly wondered if she should be scared.

  "What's happening to me? I can’t breathe, and I'm so hot."

  Her voice sounded small and alarmed, although the woman petted her breast in a gentle manner.

  "Fear nothing. Your body is simply responding to my affection. It is naught but natural."

  Then she slowly bent her head to suck the aroused nipple into her mouth and begin licking it with efficiency. The fondling made her quiver. Her navel rose to the stranger as if possessed by a mighty force and she couldn't suppress a loud moan. Mind in turmoil, she subjected herself to her companion's attention, swept away by the forceful heat coursing through her.

  "Kylor, I feel like—"

  She took a deep breath in an attempt to clear her jumbl
ed thoughts, a rush of air filling her lungs.

  "I feel like I need something, but I don’t know what it is."

  "I do. I promise you I shall give you release."

  What kind of release? She needed to ask but Kylor looked up, her gaze a darker shade of blue.

  "Close your eyes now, my lady, and spread your legs for me. Trust me, whatever I do."

  She complied, lifting her legs up under the pressure of the woman’s hands. First, she heard her shifting to the end of the bed and settling there. Then she just felt, and her world swayed.

  Firm lips kissed the place between her thighs. A tongue licked and a mouth suckled her skin until she believed her life might come to an end. Yielding to the deep caress, her whole body tensed and loosened, rose and fell like a pawn in the stranger’s tenderness.

  Moist sweeps stroked her, pushing her ever higher, extracting loud moans from her dry throat. Kylor's tongue seemed to be on fire, licking her inside for a while, now lingering over a particular place, a throbbing spot that made her want to scream.

  "There. Oh, yes, right there."

  She exhaled as the woman brushed the pulsating spot with her lips, radiating fiery waves in her body, causing her to arch her back.

  As she did so, Kylor cupped her buttocks and sucked her harder, the darting flesh in unison with the raging heat engulfing her. Her moans filled the room, almost unbroken, rhythmically following the beat of the tongue devouring her. That was when she felt it for the first time.

  Chapter Four

  Coming from her very core, a lively force rushed in her blood, a powerful sensation that spread its wings throughout her limbs and invaded her mind with tremendous pleasure.

  Drummed by the relentless tongue, pinned to the bed by the raw energy releasing pure joy, all of her muscles strained from the violence of the emotion, she shouted her ecstasy.

  She gulped for air when the amazing feeling receded, head dizzy, body abruptly weak and empty. The woman was already by her side, stroking her hair and brow, whispering sweet words to her.

  "There, Anya, take your time. You aren’t used to strong emotions."

  Her touch felt soft and firm at the same time, just like the tongue that had turned her inside out. In spite of her incredulity, she managed to speak between deep intakes of breath.

  "Kylor, that was unbelievable. What in the spirits did you do to me?"

  "I gave you my affection, my lady. Have I satisfied you?"

  "Your affection greatly pleased me, but I'm surprised. Mother never mentioned this emotion to me."

  Hit by an uncommon idea, she sat up to rest on the pillows without breaking their embrace.

  "Do you think she knows about it?"

  "I believe she does."

  Although Kylor sounded serious, a thin smile played on her lips as she brought her closer.

  "Yet, there is a time and a place for everything."

  "I understand. This feeling wasn’t hers to teach."

  Her companion nodded while she opened her mouth to say something else. But she hesitated when her eye caught the strange lump of flesh between the woman’s legs. That mass had been dangling before, now it looked stiff and erect.

  "Look at you, Kylor! What's wrong with your—" Looking for a word she didn’t know, she hesitated for a fleeting instant before blurting out— "Your body part?"

  Features strained as though she was amused, Kylor nonetheless followed the direction of her gaze.

  "It's called a cock. And it's erect because I deeply desire you."


  "Yes, it's calling for the same pleasure I gave you."

  "Is there any way for you to . . . to obtain it?"

  This sudden transformation sparking more than mere curiosity, she gawked at the hard rod until her companion sighed.

  "There is, but I can't use it now. Not before the solstice."

  The answer sounded painful, yet she couldn't see any cause as to her suffering. And what could the solstice have to do with Kylor’s changeable body part? Wondering how the woman would feel comfortable riding in that condition for so long, she made an effort to recall the date.

  "That’s the day after tomorrow. Will your flesh look like a wooden stick until then? Will you still desire me?"

  "I'll desire you longer than a few days, I fear. But don't worry, the hardness will pass. I only need a little time."

  "Can I do anything to help you?"

  The woman winced while she stared at her for an eternity, the clear blue gaze sending shivers down her body.

  "You can, my lady, if you so wish."

  Unexpected eagerness careened through her. She had a chance to please her companion, she wouldn't miss it.

  "It's my wish. What should I do?"

  She knelt by the woman's side, matching words with action. As if her spirits shot up, Kylor sat back to rest her head on the pillow.

  "Take my cock in your hand."

  Encircling the rigid part, she gasped with astonishment when her fingers touched the tender skin. The cock seemed alive, waiting for her to do something. Kylor puffed, but not from surprise as far as she could tell.

  "Am I hurting you?"

  "Not at all, your touch is as gentle as a dove’s feather."

  Even though she held the fascinating shaft with all the care she could muster, her touch appeared to accelerate Kylor's breathing and slur her speech.

  "Anya, could you move your hand up and down?"

  She did what the woman asked. She moved slowly at first, still fearful of hurting her yet amazed by the way her fingers easily stroked the loose skin, covering and uncovering the cock with every motion. In spite of her nervousness, she wanted to be of service to her protector.

  "Am I doing this right? Am I pleasing you?"

  A strange expression twisted Kylor's face while a fierce light burned in her eyes. She didn’t answer straightaway, but her harsher respiration told her all she needed to know.

  Emboldened by her success, she locked into the blue gaze fixed on her. The question came naturally to her lips, instinct infusing her with the knowledge and experience she lacked.

  "Would you like me to rub you faster?"

  Kylor nodded as her stare darkened and her flat, muscular chest began to rise in snatches.

  "Do with me as you wish. It's very agreeable, indeed."

  She quickened her movements and the woman moaned. She rolled her fingers more tightly around the hard cock while prompting her wrist up and down, captivated by the joy she now knew she could offer.

  Although she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the sight of her hand around the stiff flesh, she took great satisfaction in hearing Kylor’s ragged breathing and heavy groans.

  She needed to give as much pleasure as the woman had bestowed on her. As she stroked the strange limb, a sort of humidity dampened her fingers, rendering her motions even more comfortable.

  When this moistness allowed her to rub the swelling cock with more speed, Kylor gripped the sheet. The long muscles in her legs bulged as she clenched the fabric and cried out.

  "I'm coming, Anya. Please don't slow down."

  Happy to be the active messenger of whatever was coming, she intensified her rhythmical strokes, her hand quickly jerking and causing Kylor to utter a harsh cry. The woman panted with difficulty, stuck against the pillow, her words thick and seeming to drip from her mouth.

  "Have no fear, Anya. A liquid will spurt out of my dick but it's—"

  Her whole body shook and she let out a rough grunt as something creamy gushed forth. The fluid whizzed past her face yet she kept on staring at the member in her hand. Another powerful jet issued before the cock seemed to undergo a drastic change, rapidly softening against her palm.

  She simply held it, enjoying the weird transformation and wondering what Kylor was experiencing. She glanced at the perturbing woman slumped on the bed, a sheet of perspiration glistening on her brow.

  "Have I satisfied you?"

  "Beyond my wildest expectatio

  She replied with tenderness in her rough voice while she extended her arm. Curling up in the crook of Kylor’s sturdy shoulder, a deep contentment warmed her heart, mind and body. A feeling of peace settled over her for the time being. Just before falling into sleep, she expressed her last thought to the woman holding her.

  "Will you kiss me another time as a protector? Will you desire me again, and touch the place between my legs?"

  "It will be my pleasure."

  Enjoying her companion's presence and quiet strength, she fell asleep a short while later but woke up when the door banged shut to find out that a new morning was upon them.

  Fully dressed, sword hanging from her hip, Kylor entered the room, looking indeed like a warrior. She walked to the table at a brisk pace, delectable smells wafting from the tray she carried.

  "Good morning. Breakfast is served."

  She jumped out of bed to hurriedly take off the shirt she'd been sleeping in, and put on her dress. Thirsty and hungry, she didn't bother to sit down but bit into a piece of goat cheese.

  She relished the flavor before washing it down with a goblet of milk. As her belly welcomed the warm, nourishing liquid, she pointed at her companion’s legs, interested in such a bizarre craftsmanship.

  "What do you call this fabric?"

  Standing tall by the side of the square table, Kylor used a long knife to cut large slices of bread.


  "I’ve never seen any woman wear those."

  Her protector landed some goat cheese on the bread with easy, precise movements.

  "No, you wouldn’t have, but I find them suitable for riding."

  "Can I wear them?

  If the woman allowed her to wear these intriguing buckskins, maybe she would look like a warrior too. Kylor dropped the slice she held between her fingers, and burst out laughing.

  "I don’t think so, they're for . . . ."

  Although her companion's lips continued to move, she didn't catch the end of her sentence. She blinked and frowned as her hand went instinctively to her ear to knead it.