Read Blind to Men Page 9

  "People of Palance!"

  His booming voice could certainly be heard all the way to the outer end of the drawbridge. Riding on the effectiveness of his arrival, he lowered his arms and paused to create expectancy.

  "I come before you this day to deny the prediction and to denounce the lies of the sorceress Melisande."

  He unsheathed his blade in a swift move to brandish it toward the skies. Catching fierce rays of sunshine, the weapon glittered while seeming to absorb the vivid light. He held the position a little longer and the iron sword appeared imbued with magical powers. Below the proud monarch, two thousand men, women, and children gasped.

  "Today is summer solstice."

  His blade shining silver, arm outstretched, the king looked like a god as his loud voice reached all the way to the back.

  "People of Palance, the sun is high and bright!"

  Although she still couldn’t see the crowd, she caught an insistent rustling akin to fabric being creased. She realized the assembly was kneeling, awestruck by the monarch’s display. He placed the sword flat in the palms of his hands and held it out for all to see.

  "There shall be no endless night on this kingdom, but I too have been confounded by the witch’s knavish tongue. By my sword and by the mighty gods, I humble myself before you and beseech mercy."

  Not a sound rent the silence as King Harfayn of Palance went down on one knee, still holding out his weapon.

  Sovereigns never kneeled in front of their subjects, but this one did. It was as if time suspended its passing, as if the ethers empowered him with a sacred duty. The magical instant lasted until a loud shout from the back broke the spell.

  "Long live King Harfayn! Long endure our creators! The mighty gods bless our good king!"

  The crowd erupted in cheers and blessings, getting to their feet as one. Women laced their hands in prayer, wailed tears of wonderment, and sniveled. Children jumped up on their fathers’ shoulders to wave their arms, their deafening shouts and cries ringing in her ears.

  Submerged in their intense emotion, deeply moved by her father’s genuine act of contrition and humility, she also wiped a tear from her eye. He might have been right when he told her she'd need time to comprehend the mysteries of the world. What he had just done stunned her.

  On the dais, the king rose and sheathed his sword. He bathed in the crowd's enthusiasm for a short while then glanced back at her and nodded. The time to join her father was upon her.

  Heart pounding in her chest, knees weak, she advanced toward the steps while addressing a silent prayer to the ethers. She needed courage to face the spirited crowd and Kylor didn't stand by her side. They only began to quiet down when King Harfayn held a hand up.

  "People and friends, I hereby present to you my daughter."

  The church bell struck midday. The sovereign slowly stretched his arm back while she climbed the last step, stepped on the thick dais, and came forward to put her hand in his.

  "Princess Anya of Palance!"

  A deep silence met her appearance. To them, she must look like a young, beautiful, fragile princess dressed in white. She was the king’s sole child, stolen from the cradle by a vengeful sorceress.

  She was the infant offered in sacrifice for the life of her people, the cursed girl they all knew about but had never seen in the flesh. Yet there she stood before them, flooded in sunshine and smiling.

  Fingers enfolded in her father’s hand, she laid eyes on her people for the first time. So many watched her, mouths agape, gazes brimming with shock, joy, astonishment and hope. She could tell from their wondrous expressions that they recognized her as a real princess. One proud of them, drawn to them, willing to serve and protect them.

  Enraptured by their awe, she waved at them. They broke free from their admiration and the ensuing roaring was thunderous, rent by wild cries of "An angel of mercy!", "The blessed child has come!" and "Long live Princess Anya!" filling the air around her.

  Uplifted by their demonstration of approval and amity, she floated on happiness, wondering if Kylor watched the ceremony from his cell in the keep. He was no doubt proud of her. As her protector and savior, as her beloved, his rightful place should have been beside her on the dais.

  The crowd still hailing them, King Harfayn took a step back to indicate the ceremony came to an end. She was about to follow his lead when the throng suddenly looked past them. Eyes widened and mouths dropped, an immense surprise etched on their faces.

  One by one, old and young alike, they went down on one knee in a gesture of veneration. A respectful silence hung in the air as they all stared behind her. Intrigued, she turned her head.

  Her mother walked to her, magnificent in a long golden dress, a diadem crowning her head, the loving smile she knew so well stretching her lips. Hardly able to breathe, she joined the assembly in watching the Queen of Palance with amazement and adoration.

  She heard her father gasp beside her. He let go of her fingers while respectful, hushed exclamations started coming up from the crowd and filled the silence with "Our queen is back!"

  Her mother took hold of her hand without glancing at her husband and faced the crowd.

  "My beloved people, I have missed you so much I cannot begin to express the depth of my feelings."

  Her tone conveyed such vibrant emotion that she wondered if her mother was addressing them or her father.

  "I am here to stay and wish with all my heart that our lives will now be joyful and peaceful."

  A big man with a child on his shoulders shouted from the right side of the dais, instantly followed by others.

  "Welcome to our gentle queen! Welcome to our princess!"

  Before they could all start cheering again, her mother took a step forward but kept avoiding her husband's puzzled stare.

  "Dear people, King Harfayn and I have an announcement to make."

  She felt her father stiffen. He hadn’t known his queen would be here and he obviously had no idea what she was about to say. Too late anyway as her mother's voice resounded loud and clear across the courtyard.

  "On this blessed summer solstice, we are both very proud and happy to proclaim the betrothal of Princess Anya of Palance to Kylor, son of Xandor."

  Chapter Eighteen

  The three of them had climbed down from the dais in a single file, leaving behind them the ecstatic crowd. The events of this special summer solstice proved the sorceress wrong.

  Eighteen springs had passed since she abducted the royal infant, yet the creators didn't strike their children and no giant rocks fell from the skies to transform the land into darkness and desolation.

  The king ascertained the falsity of the prediction, the queen returned to them after so many years of absence, and the princess was betrothed to the highly respected wizard’s son.

  To the people of Palance, such an eventful day was unheard of, restoring hope and confidence in their hearts for years to come. Leaving the courtyard, they had all gone back to their lives filled with eager anticipation.

  It was a different story inside the castle. Her mind was in turmoil, surprise and confusion threatening to prevail over her natural virtue. Although the unexpected arrival of her mother might play to Kylor's advantage, she feared her father wouldn't take it well.

  She observed his stocky, tense body as she hurried behind him. His face had struck her as a mask of fury when they went down the steps. His back straight as an arrow, he strode down the hallways at present and they were having a hard time keeping up with him.

  Her dear mother walked beside her, but she wasn’t a farmer anymore. She was the Queen of Palance. She had quickly whispered to her that her former Amazons had come to the farm on Xandor’s orders, at dawn the morning following her departure.

  Fearful of his son’s fate, the wizard had the sensible idea to ask for the queen’s protection. Now his long, dark red and yellow ceremonial robes flapped around his legs as he shuffled right behind them, hurrying to wherever the determined king decided to take t

  Try as she might, she couldn’t understand her father’s anger. He'd just been reunited with his long-lost daughter and wife. Instead of feeling happy and grateful, he seemed furious with them.

  Was he irked because the queen spoke to their people on his behalf without his permission? Was he offended because she announced her daughter’s betrothal without his royal consent, thus preventing him from hanging Kylor? Or was it only a matter of wounded pride?

  She would know soon enough for they reached her wonderful apartments. They all went inside, her father slamming the door behind them, and she had little time to wonder what a betrothal was.

  Did it have something to do with being wed? The word didn’t mean anything to her, but as long as it happened with Kylor she would enjoy it. Once more, she wished he could be here with her. She missed his blue eyes on her mouth, his strong arms around her shoulders, and his erect cock inside her.

  "How could you?"

  The sovereign pointed an accusing finger at her mother, choking on his words as he unleashed his wrath.

  "How could you announce their betrothal?"

  "I'm happy to see you, husband."

  The queen spoke softly while completely ignoring the tempestuous man's anger. She stood barely a few feet apart from the king, yet the distance between them seemed a lot wider.

  Feeling as though the gates of the netherworld were about to open, she stayed by Xandor’s side, both of them watching her parents’ reunion while exchanging discreet glances.

  "I trust Xandor told you everything, so you knew Kylor broke a law. You knew he had to be punished for his offense."

  The king shouted, cheeks red, eyes blazing with fury, a shaky finger aimed at his wife.

  "Whatever his motives, he fell under my authority when he touched Anya. She is the Princess of Palance. She is my daughter."

  Having yelled his piece, he hit his chest with his fist and the room seemed to shrink with unspent energy.

  She was amazed at her mother’s absence of response and total lack of reaction. The queen didn’t attempt to assuage him or defend herself. She didn’t even try to explain her point of view. She just stood there, beautiful in her golden dress, her face serene.

  "But no, you don’t have a care."

  Apparently, her husband wasn't finished with her and she stared at him while he carried on.

  "You abandon me for almost twenty years then you just walk in here unheralded and dictate your terms to my people. Do you really believe I will allow that kind of behavior in my kingdom?"

  He yelled the entire tirade in one breath, his chest heaving, his forehead creased with new wrinkles.

  "By the mighty gods, Lucinda, you aren't a peasant living on a farm. You're the queen of Palance."

  Watching her father, she wasn’t at all sure if he was infuriated, frustrated, or resentful. Whatever the case, he was tempestuously having his say, venting his indignation, expecting an answer but getting none.

  This bizarre situation had to be reaching its paroxysm before his veins burst from pressure. Yet her mother just looked at him, as though alone in a quiet room, a gentle smile curving her soft lips.

  "You formally proclaimed their betrothal on my behalf in front of the whole of Palance. They all heard your ridiculous announcement. You know I cannot disavow your words now without looking like a fool."

  The king shouted again, almost breathless, his features and body tense, blatantly exasperated by the queen’s muteness.

  "Or is it what you have in mind? Is that it, Lucinda? Do you want me to look like a fool?"

  She glanced at Xandor to see how he was taking her parents’ reunion and noticed that the wizard didn’t seem troubled by her mother’s absence of reaction. On the contrary, he looked peaceful.

  Standing opposite the three of them, the queen waited. She didn’t move a single muscle upon hearing her husband’s accusations or voice a word. At last, her peculiar attitude struck a chord because the monarch ceased his rambling to scrutinize her right before yelling in a final eruption.

  "Oh, for the love of the mighty gods, say something, woman!"

  The queen came up to him slowly. Their bodies inches apart, she looked deep into his eyes and stroked his cheeks with loving fingers. He stayed motionless but the surprise in his gaze was apparent. Then she put her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder.

  The king opened his mouth as if though about to say something, yet only a deep sigh came out. When his arms took hold of her, it looked like a shield shattered inside him. He seized her, pressed her fiercely against his chest and buried his face in her neck. Eyes closed, they clung to each other.

  A rush of happiness making her a little dizzy, she watched her parents' embrace with fondness in her heart. It seemed that love sometimes proved powerful enough to survive time. Would she have that for herself? Could she experience such a profound emotion with Kylor?

  A sudden, weird noise derailed her train of thought. The clanging sounded like an alarm bell being rung from another part of the castle and raised the hair on the back of her neck.

  She rushed to the window as her parents raised their heads and disentangled themselves. Noble men and women were coming out from the main wing, guards already running across the now deserted courtyard. Something bad was happening yet she couldn’t tell what it was.

  But when she saw a dozen guards scurrying toward the keep, her heart leapt in her chest. She looked up, her fingers flat on the glass panel, and spied Kylor at the window of his cell.

  She thought at first that he was dangerously leaning out of the window, but she was wrong. Facing upward, he was actually being pushed out by what looked like a strange light surrounding his body.

  Her stomach flipped and lurched. She balled her quivering hands into fists and cried out in alarm.


  Her parents and Xandor rushed to her side. They were staring at the window keep when Kylor was roughly thrust out from the tower. Without the slightest sound, his body plummeted to the ground.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Her scream froze in her throat.

  Beside her, leaning out, Xandor had already stretched out his arms. Nothing could be seen but she felt a warm wave, a tingling on her skin, like a rush of power being unleashed and directed at the falling body.

  A few feet from crashing to the ground, Kylor suddenly seemed to be suspended in midair, floating for the briefest of moments before gently landing. He leaped to his feet, sword unsheathed, ready for battle.

  She stood rooted to the spot while the wizard bolted out of the room, the sound of his running feet echoing in the hallway. Her heart pounding wildly against her ribs, she gripped the tapestry on her left, needing something to hold on to. It had all happened so fast.

  She'd believed her protector dead for an instant and her mind still had trouble registering that he remained unharmed. Yet there he was, blade brandished, running to the entrance of the tower. He looked glorious and vengeful, his sword glinting with every move he made.

  "By the mighty gods, it must be the witch."

  King Harfayn stared at the keep with a deep frown before turning round and striding to the door.

  "Stay here, both of you."

  "No, I want to see Kylor."

  Her determined tone halted him. Although unable to wield magic or a weapon, she had no intention of waiting here without trying to help, without rushing to her beloved.

  "Stay here!"

  He delivered his command in a harsh tone as he left them on their own then barked orders to his guards.

  Frustrated and scared, she took her mother’s hand. They watched the wizard race across the courtyard while Kylor disappeared inside the tower, the royal guard hurrying after them.

  Was the witch actually in the keep? If so, what would be her next move? Did she dare come to Palance to sink her clutches into her after so many years, to kill Kylor because he was the son of her enemy, to get back at the king, or simply to hurt the roy
al family?

  In spite of the deep worry weighing on her, she couldn’t wait for the outcome without telling her mother the truth.

  "Mother, I love Kylor."

  "I know, dearest."

  A concerned smile lifted the lips of the queen of Palance while she squeezed her hand.

  "Before joining you on the dais, I went to the keep. Kylor told me everything. Since you left the farm, I've prayed you'd see the goodness in him. I'm very happy for you."

  "Do you love Father the same way?"

  "I do. He does too, though I knew his reaction would be out of proportion. Xandor was also aware of it, so he made sure I could be here in time to quell the king’s temper."

  Someone shrieked outside. The piercing shrills sounded frenzied, almost enraged, and reminded her of wounded mountain lions. Fear washing over her, eyes riveted to the keep, she quivered.

  At least twenty guards were piled up at the bottom of the tower as if they had all stumbled down the stairs and fallen in a heap. They attempted to get back on their feet but their efforts were impeded and slow, too slow to help Kylor. At least the wizard had already entered the tower.

  Colored shafts of light spilled outside, hurtled from the top. Bright balls of white, blue, and red fire erupted from the windows and slashed through air before exploding. They illuminated the skies like booming streaks of thunder.

  The noise was deafening, the brightness almost impossible to bear. Yet on top of it all, she heard the witch’s screams of pain and wrath, tearing at her heart and soul.

  Then, the world seemed to come to an end. The ground shook, deep vibrations jarring the castle, city, and people. Coming from its core, a grinding rumbling turned into a full blast roar.

  A blinding light burst out of the keep again, shattering its walls, disintegrating the blocks of stone to mere rubble. As if the mighty gods had violently struck the tower, the top fell apart and crumbled to the ground.

  The keep now looked like a giant maw open to the ferocious winds, exposed on all sides except the back wall. As Melisande and Xandor faced each other while destroying the tower, the surging ground seemed to settle down, its roar lessening to a quiet growl.