Read Blindfold Vol. 1 Page 13

  I nodded and watched as he poured us each half a glass. It was even more wonderful than the wine had been, a perfect complement to the chocolate. After taking a drink, he set down his glass and picked up a smaller truffle.


  “Yes, please.” I waited for him to feed it to me again, but instead, he opened his own mouth and set the chocolate on his tongue.

  As he lowered his head, I realized what he was going to do and eagerly parted my lips to receive his offer. My tongue slid along his as it entered my mouth, the bittersweet flavor of dark chocolate bursting across my taste buds. My fingertips dug into his firm chest as I sucked on his tongue, savoring every last bit of dessert. He gripped my hips and pulled me tight against him. I felt him now, growing against my stomach as I released his tongue. I let myself get lost in his kiss until my lungs started to protest the little bit of oxygen they'd been getting and I had to pull away.

  “Take off your clothes.” He took a step back and ran his eyes over me, as if he was already picturing what I looked like naked.

  I swallowed hard, the taste of chocolate and champagne still heavy on my tongue. This was it, I knew. Sure, if I changed my mind half-way through whatever was about to happen, I trusted that Cade would stop. But I also knew myself well enough to realize that if I made my choice here, I would see it through, no matter how terrified I was. It had been the same the first time Ronald and I had slept together.

  I reached behind me, my stiff fingers fumbling with my zipper for a moment before getting it to slide along its track. Once it started coming down, I raised my eyes to meet Cade's. He was watching me with an intensity that was unnerving. There was an expectation in his gaze, as if he'd never doubted I'd do exactly what he wanted. Once the zipper was down, I started to pull off the dress.

  “Slowly,” he said, halting my motions.

  I let the material slide from my shoulders and down, moving slightly when it caught on my hips. When it pooled onto the floor, I stepped out of it and bent to pick it up. For a moment, I thought he'd tell me to leave it, but he didn't and I was glad. It may have been a thrift store find, but it was the nicest dress I owned and I didn't want it to be accidentally ruined.

  I hung it over the back of the chair next to his jacket and realized why he hadn't stopped me. He was enjoying watching me walk around in my heels, thigh-highs, panties and bra. My already damp panties grew wetter. I'd never had anyone look at me with that much heat in their eyes. I wished I'd had fancier underwear than white lace. My mind flashed to my honeymoon lingerie, but I pushed that thought aside. I still wasn't ready.

  My heels went next and then the stockings. I rolled them down slowly without having to be told and set them on the seat of the chair. As I straightened, I realized he was still completely dressed.

  “Aren't you going to...?” I gestured toward him, unable to finish the sentence.

  “What?” He raised an eyebrow.

  He was going to force me to say it. Fine. “Aren't you going to take off your clothes?”

  His lips curved upwards into a sensual smile. “No.”

  A flush of embarrassment spread through me. Had this all been some kind of joke? A trick to get me naked?

  “You are,” he finished.

  I stared at him.

  “Unbutton my shirt,” he said.

  I swallowed hard and walked over to him. My fingers were trembling and I glanced up to see if he would laugh at my nervousness, but his expression was serious now. His hands stayed at his sides as I began to undo the buttons. The first time my fingers brushed against bare skin, I felt a shock of pure electricity move through me.

  “Touch me, Bree.” His voice somehow managed to be soft and firm at the same time. It wasn't gentle, more like quiet, but there was no doubt in my mind that he expected to be obeyed.

  Not that I wanted to disobey. Not when his command was something I wanted to do anyway.

  I slid my hands between the folds of his shirt, making a sound in the back of my throat as my palms skimmed over rock-hard abs and then up to a broad, muscular chest. My hands moved to his shoulders and pushed the shirt off them. Damn. He was like some sort of sculpture come to life. Well, except I didn't think Michelangelo's David had a tattoo of a Celtic cross over his heart, the letters RIP in fancy script above the word 'mom.'

  “Now my pants.”

  I quickly looked away from his tattoo, feeling like I'd intruded on something personal. My hands had steadied and I didn't have trouble getting the button of his dress pants undone. The zipper, however, made me hesitate. I could see the outline of his erection and knew that if I unzipped his pants, I'd be touching him, albeit through another layer of cloth.

  Cade cupped my chin and tilted my face up so that our eyes could meet. “Do you want me, Bree?” he asked.

  I nodded.

  “Say it,” he commanded.

  “I want you.” My voice was barely above a whisper.

  “I think it's obvious I want you.” He gave me a crooked smile. “So you have nothing to worry about.” He brushed his lips across mine, making me shiver. “Now, unzip my pants and pull them down.”

  I inhaled slowly, my face burning where his skin had touched mine. My head was spinning as I reached for his zipper. Sure, Ronald and I had undressed each other, but never like this. He'd never been this direct. I’d never felt so observed.

  My fingers brushed against the bulge in the front of Cade's pants as I lowered his zipper. I could almost feel his flesh straining against its confines, begging to be released, and I suddenly wanted to be the one who freed him. I wanted to see him. But, I did as I'd been told and nothing more, crouching to finish lowering his pants. At some point earlier, he must've taken off his shoes because they were already gone, as were his socks, and he kicked his pants aside.

  I stood, waiting for my next instruction. I wanted this to be perfect, and I wasn't about to let my lack of experience screw things up. I'd follow Cade's lead.

  “Take off your bra.”

  I'd already mentally prepared myself that he'd ask for that next, so the nerves in my stomach only danced a little. I bit my lip to quell its tremor as self-doubt began to rear its ugly head. The biggest reason I was nervous was fear that he wouldn't like what he saw. My body was proportional, but that meant my breasts were a bit smaller than average, ‘only a handful’ Ronald used to say. I'd spent my life watching men ogle Adelle's much larger chest and I hoped Cade wouldn't be too disappointed.

  As I dropped my bra onto the chair, I saw the heat flicker in Cade's eyes and my nerves quieted and then settled. The cool air made my nipples harden almost immediately and I flushed, the color spreading across my chest as well as my face.

  “You have beautiful breasts,” he said sincerely. He took a step forward and reached out, gently cupping them in his large hands. “Don't ever let anyone tell you differently.”

  I blinked. What had prompted him to say that? I knew Adelle never would've shared any conversations we'd ever had about body issues.

  “Panties next.”

  I swallowed hard and slowly lowered the last thing that was keeping me from being totally naked. When I straightened, it took all of my willpower not to cover myself. When Ronald and I had been together, he'd watched me undress, but he'd never stared at me with this intensity, the burning passion I felt coming from Cade. I'd never been looked at by anyone the way he was looking at me now.

  “Lie back on the bed.” Cade's voice drew my attention.

  I did as he asked, my curiosity piqued as he picked up my half-refilled glass of champagne. What was he going to do with that?

  He moved carefully as he climbed onto the bed next to me, settling about halfway. Despite his previous words, I suddenly felt self-conscious about my breasts. Lying flat on my back, no matter how firm they were, made them seem smaller. Before I could overthink, however, Cade was tipping the glass and I gasped as a small amount cold liquid splashed across my breasts.

  “What...?” I starte
d to sputter half a dozen questions and push myself up.


  I froze, my body automatically obeying the quiet command.

  “Lay back down.”

  I did as I was told, shivering as the now-damp bedspread came in contact with my back.

  “Trust me,” Cade said. “You'll enjoy this. Just relax.”

  I flinched as another splash of champagne came down on my breasts. My nipples hardened even more, pale pink points jutting up from my flesh. The liquid ran down between them as Cade moved the glass down, spilling the expensive drink on my stomach and letting it pool in my bellybutton.

  “Spread your legs.”

  Fuck. My stomach flipped as I parted my legs. I watched, knowing what was coming next, but still unable to completely prepare myself for the contact. I gasped as the champagne ran down my slit, coating my lips, beading in the thin layer of dark curls that I kept neatly trimmed. It was like nothing I'd ever felt before, tingling against my sensitive skin.

  Once the glass was empty, Cade set it aside and looked down at me. I had a pretty good idea what he was going to do, but my heart still raced with anticipation. He lowered his head and began to circle my breast with his tongue. His lips joined in, cleaning every inch before taking my nipple into his mouth.

  I cried out at the heat contrasted with the cool of my skin, then again as he began to suck. Each pull was slow and deliberate, as if he designed each one specially to send a jolt of pleasure straight through me. When he released my nipple, I made a noise of protest, but then he was moving across the valley between my breasts and starting over, first licking the drying champagne, then sucking on my nipple until I was shaking.

  He sat up slightly, a curious expression on his face. I wondered what he was thinking, but didn't ask. My arousal was more important than my wanting to know. When he moved to kneel between my legs, he handed me a pillow and instructed me to, “Watch.” I propped myself up, just enough to see what he would do next, curiosity and desire mixing to heighten my anticipation.

  I'd never wanted to watch before, satisfied just to have Ronald go down on me. Those times had been few and far between, a reluctant act brought about by his inability to make me come any other way. Not that he managed to do it orally, I thought wryly. I’d just assumed I was broken, one of those women unable to have an orgasm very often. I’d fooled myself into believing that the physical closeness of sex was enough.

  But now, as this man hovered over me, I knew this time would be different and my back arched at the thought.

  He leaned over me, working his way down my stomach to my bellybutton. I laughed as he lapped up the liquid there, his tongue teasing a part of me that was extremely ticklish. He smiled, lingering a bit longer until I was gasping for air.

  While I caught my breath, he stretched out between my legs, settling with his arms underneath my thighs, his hands resting on my hips. When I looked down at him, our eyes met and I knew that's what he'd been waiting for. He wanted to see my face when he did this. He didn't break eye contact as he pressed his mouth against me.

  My hands fisted in the bedspread as his tongue cleaned every last drop of champagne before dipping between my folds to get what was now mixed with my own arousal. I cried out as his mouth found my clit, his tongue working over the little bundle of nerves until I was sure I was going to explode.

  A finger slid inside me and my body jerked. Then he curled it, pressing against something that sent white-hot pleasure coursing through me. His lips closed around my clit and he gently sucked on it, making me cry out. My eyes rolled. It was too much. Tears ran down my cheeks as my body shook. I needed him to stop, but I never wanted it to end. Then, his finger was gone and his mouth moved. My muscles twitched and I felt his hands on my legs, slowly moving up and down, soothing me through the most intense orgasm I'd ever had.

  When I was finally able to force my eyes open, I looked up to see him watching me and I flushed with embarrassment.

  “There's nothing as beautiful as watching a woman come,” he said, pushing himself up off the bed to stand.

  “What was that?” I had to ask. His eyebrows went up and I quickly clarified so he didn't think I was a complete idiot. “I've had orgasms before, but nothing like that.”

  A look of understanding crossed his face. “A lot of women haven't had a g-spot orgasm before.” He gave me a cocky grin. “It's one of the reasons I learned how to do that.”

  “Wow.” I let out a breath. I'd heard of it before, of course, but it had always seemed so elusive. Something women like Adelle and Mindy talked about when they discussed the positives and negatives of certain lovers.

  “We're not done yet,” Cade said.

  My stomach clenched at his words and I watched as he slowly lowered the black boxer briefs that appeared to have grown tighter since I'd taken off his pants earlier. I swallowed hard as the rest of his body came into view. He had a thin trail of black curls under his belly button, but the rest of him was either clean-shaven or waxed, leaving nothing hidden. If I hadn't been so distracted by his body, I might've worried that I should've shaven too, but as it was, the only thing I could think about was that long, thick piece of flesh curving up toward his beautifully defined abs.

  Even though I only had Ronald for personal comparison, Adelle and Mindy were open enough about their sex lives that I knew my ex-fiancé had been average in length but a bit on the thin side. Cade was longer than Ronald by about two or three inches, but it was his thickness that made me wonder if he would fit inside me. He was easily twice as big around as Ronald, nearly three times at the base.

  Cade ran his hand over himself, his hand moving up and down in an almost hypnotic rhythm. I licked my lips, wondering if I'd get the chance to taste him like he'd tasted me. I wasn't a big fan of giving head, but I didn't detest it either. Then he was rolling a condom over his cock and my heart skipped a beat.

  “Spread your legs.” Cade gave the command again.

  I hadn't even realized I'd closed them, but I opened them, never taking my eyes off of that thick shaft.

  “Trust me,” Cade said as he climbed onto the bed. He knelt between my legs and gripped my hips, lifting them so that my ass rested on his muscular thighs. His cock brushed against my lips and I shivered. “Relax. I promise to go slow.”

  I nodded, still not looking at his face. His finger hooked my chin and raised my head.

  “Aubree, what do you want?”

  “You,” I answered automatically. “Please, Cade.”

  He nodded and let me drop my gaze so I could watch as he slid the head of his cock inside me. My eyelids fluttered. Fuck, if just the tip felt that good, I didn't think I'd be able to deal with the rest of him. Cade reached out and took my hands, threading our fingers together as he began to move forward. He did as he'd said and moved slowly, stretching me inch by agonizing inch.

  I moaned as he filled me, his cock rubbing against my walls with each bit of forward progress. Then his dick pressed against the same spot his fingers had earlier and I gasped, my back arching from the bed. The sudden movement pushed him deeper and I cried out. He stopped, giving me a moment to adapt. My fingers tightened around his as my body tried to process the burn of being stretched too fast with the pleasure of everything else.

  “I'm okay,” I finally said. My eyes flicked up to his face and he nodded.

  By the time he was completely inside of me, we were both panting, muscles straining. I was torn between wanting him to fuck me hard and fast to quench the fire burning inside me, and needing him to take it slow. I didn't know what to do, and so left it to him.

  With careful deliberation, Cade pulled back, then moved forward. The stroke was slow, but steady and without pause. By the third one, any discomfort I'd previously felt was gone, lost in the delicious friction of his body inside mine. After another dozen or so, he shifted, leaning forward slightly as he released my hands. The base of his cock rubbed against my clit, sending new pleasure coursing through me.
r />   “Yes!” I cried out. I slid my hands up his arms as he rested most of his weight on his hands. “Oh fuck.” I could feel my climax approaching, something weighted and intense.

  “Are you ready to come?” Cade asked.

  I squeezed my eyes closed as I nodded.

  “Look at me,” he ordered. “Look at me, Aubree.”

  I opened my eyes and met his. I felt his hips flexing against my thighs as he began to move faster. His thrusts were deep, reaching parts of me I hadn't known could be reached. Each one took me closer to the edge. And then I was going over, calling out his name as I clung to his arms.

  My back arched and my head tilted back. I couldn't keep looking at Cade. There were too many sensations to take in. My body had a mind of its own, every nerve singing, each cell on fire. I was coming and he was still fucking me. His cock pushed through my spasming pussy, sending new waves of pleasure crashing over me, pulling me under before I could come up for air. I wasn't sure if it was multiple orgasms or just one very long one, but I rode it.

  After what felt like years of ecstasy, Cade drove deep, pinning me against the bed. I could feel him swell even more inside me and his body tensed. He groaned as he came, grinding down against me until I was writhing, needing to get away from the friction and pressure. And then he was pulling out and rolling onto his back.

  My pussy twitched, suddenly empty. My legs fell apart, leaving me splayed across the bed, exposed, but I couldn't muster enough energy to move.

  “Wow.” I managed to say as I got my breath back. “I never...I mean...Just, wow.”

  Cade didn't say anything. It took more of an effort to roll over than I'd anticipated, but I managed to get myself onto my side and face him.

  “Thank you,” I said. “I hadn't know it could be like this.”

  He turned his head to look at me.

  “My former fiancé, Ronald, he was the only person I'd ever slept with, and it was nice, but never like this.” I wanted to reach out and touch Cade, take my time and explore those muscles with my fingers and my mouth. I glanced down at where his cock lay against his thigh, spent. And there was something else I wanted in my mouth.