Read Blindfold Vol. 3 Page 3

  Frowning, I found the letter in the file and read it. Then I read it again. There wasn’t much to it so I had it memorized by the time I finished. I couldn’t see how the cops might read into anything it and I was trying hard. It was short, simple and to the point.

  As the cops and agents fired questions at Ash, I shifted my attention to the pictures. Okay...these were a little different. I went through them slowly, seeing younger and younger versions of both Isadora and Ash.

  Feeling a pair of eyes on me in that moment, I looked up. Ash was staring directly at me. I set my jaw and lifted my chin, pretending to focus on what was being said.

  He felt bad. I knew he did. Part of me could even understand. My brothers...


  Even as my brain tried to feed me that bit of bullshit, my conscious mind rejected it. My brothers wouldn’t have pulled strings to get someone arrested, not even if it had been me missing. Unless their gut absolutely screamed yes, she’s guilty, yes, she did it, they wouldn’t have gone after somebody the way Ash had gone after me. And if that had been the case?

  They wouldn’t have slept with the woman.

  So either Ashford Lang was a bigger dick than I’d realized...or I was a bigger fool.

  “We’re looking at somebody with an obsession,” Green continued with whatever she was saying.

  “A grudge.” The words popped out of me without any conscious decision to say anything.

  Everybody in the room shifted their attention to me.

  “Excuse me?” The lieutenant’s voice was coolly polite.

  Marcum’s gaze slid to me. “Excuse me?”

  “Ah...I’m sorry. I just...” I forced a smile. “Never mind. I’m speculating.”

  Green gave a short nod and looked back at the board, but before she could speak, Marcum held up a hand to stop her.

  “Speculating about what, exactly, Ms. Gallagher?”

  Nervous, I reached up and twisted a snarled lock of hair. “Nothing important, Agent Marcum. You guys are the professionals here.”

  “And you’re just shy of your psychology degree. What do you think you see?” Marcum’s eyes narrowed.

  Ash wasn’t the only one staring at me now. I was more nervous than I could remember being in a long, long time. “Ahhhh…” I glanced down at the photographs again. “It’s the pictures. She was…um, well…prepubescent when the first few were taken? Most obsessions don’t start when a girl is still at that stage, do they? Or if they start with a child, they usually stop once the child hits puberty. Most obsessions don't cover both. And Ash – Mr. Lang – is in these photos as well. Besides, how often do kidnappers grab a woman they want to assault, and then make a demand?”

  “We’ve already come to that conclusion, Ms. Gallagher.” Lieutenant Green looked annoyed. “But there are different kinds of obsession, and these pictures do indicate a certain focus on the Lang family. Since Ms. Lang is the one they grabbed, it makes sense she’s the focus of the obsession.”

  “Does it?” I stared at the headstones and how precisely they appeared in the majority of the images. Focal points, even. There wasn’t a single shot that included the stones where the stones were obscured. “I’m not sure she is the focus. Look at most of the pictures. There are a couple of other Langs in them.”

  Confusion flickered in several faces. Except the FBI agents.

  Looking at Agent Marcum, I said softly, “You’re already considering that angle.”

  “The parents?” She picked up one of the copies they’d copied of each photo. “Yes. We’re considering it.”

  “My parents?” Ash nudged one of the images toward Agent Marcum. “In case you didn’t notice, they're dead.”

  “Dead doesn’t mean forgotten, does it, Mr. Lang?” the agent countered.

  He flicked me another look, one I couldn’t read.

  Instead of trying to, I just sat down and closed my eyes, letting the voices wash over me.

  The meeting dragged on so long, I thought I’d fall asleep, but I powered through. When I finally escaped into the slightly fresher air of the main hallway, my brothers were waiting. None of them spoke. Franky pushed a diet soda into my hand while Deacon turned over a bagel. Vic hooked an arm around my neck and hugged me, ignoring the fact that I had already shoved nearly half the bagel into my mouth.

  He held on so tight, I had to nudge him back to take the next bite. “What gives?” I said around the yummy, yeasty goodness.

  Vic just shook his head. “Come on, kid. Let’s get you...” His voice trailed off, his eyes sliding past my shoulder.

  Sighing, I turned and saw Ash standing there.

  He looked as rumpled and worn as I’d ever seen him. He’d shoved up the sleeves of his dress shirt at some point during the discussion, and his hair looked like he’d combed it with a chainsaw, sans blade. There were shadows under his bloodshot eyes. And damn him to hell, he was still gorgeous.

  All three of my brothers gathered at my side, and I could practically see the testosterone oozing in the air. In the middle of a police station, this was the last thing we needed.

  “Guys, let’s go outside,” I said softly.

  I knew they weren’t in the mood to listen, so I hooked one arm through Franky’s to keep him at my side. He was easily the most volatile one of the group. Vic would do almost anything to avoid getting in trouble again, and Deacon had always been the level-headed one.

  As I started to walk, I pulled my brother with me. He didn't resist, but he did grumble under his breath, “You never let me have any fun, Toni.”

  “Yeah, picking a fight in a police station. That’s fun, all right. Or are you looking to top my experience of having a hooker proposition you while you're in holding?”

  As I'd hoped, that caught their attention. All three of my brothers were suddenly demanding to know what in the hell I was talking about. Needing distance between me and the station, I didn't stop to explain, but rather kept walking towards the nearest subway entrance. As I walked, I told them about the oh-so-subtle offer from the prostitute in the holding cell. I forced a smile and a laugh. “But I turned her down. I’m not into girls and I didn't have any cash on me.”

  “If you tell Mom, she’ll have a heart attack,” Franky said, shaking his head.

  “That’s why we’re not telling her.” Deacon cuffed him on the back of the head, rolling his eyes.

  “Guys.” I couldn’t help but laugh for real this time. “Mom’s the one who gave all of us the sex talk. I don’t think she’d be surprised to hear there was a hooker in a holding cell.”

  I glanced around for Vic to see what his take was, but he wasn't behind me.


  Deacon grunted a similar sentiment under his breath as the three of us turned to see our brother a couple yards back, standing not more than an arm’s length from Ash.

  This could end badly.

  I started back towards the pair. “Vic.”

  I shoved hair back from my face. Annoyed, I gathered it all together with a half-thought of shoving it into a knot when I realized I didn’t have my purse. “Shit. Shit. Shit. My purse.”

  My brothers knew me well enough to know I wasn't upset because I had some sort of expensive little bag. Unless I was going to something special, like a wedding or a club, my purse wasn't an accessory. I had everything in it. Wallet, phone, pictures, notes for work and school...

  At least my voice caught my brother's attention, pulling him away from Ash.

  “Did you have it with you when you were arrested?”

  “Yes – no. I don’t know!” I could feel the panic I'd managed to keep at bay all night threatening to come back.

  “It’s at my house.”

  I whipped my head around. Ash had moved closer without any of us knowing and now he was only a few feet away.

  “Your house,” Deacon said, his voice flat.

  Closing my eyes, I flipped back through my memories of what had happened before I'd gotten arrested – skipping quickl
y over certain parts I didn't want to remember – and then blew out a breath. “Yeah. I put it in the room where I usually work with Isadora. Habit. Then I just...forgot.” I didn't need to remind anyone why I'd forgotten.

  “Fine.” Franky gave Ash a toothy smile. “I can run on over there with Lang here and pick it right up.”

  Ash didn’t even look at my brother. “Are you going to talk to me?”

  I couldn’t avoid him forever. I wanted to. But I knew I couldn’t. It just wasn’t me. Plus, I wasn't about to ruin what I had with Isadora because her brother was an ass.

  Taking a slow breath, I walked over to him. “You know, the entire time I was in there, I kept thinking…wondering if I could have done anything differently yesterday. Done anything that would've changed how things ended up. And I realized I could have…”

  “I could have done a thousand things differently too,” Ash said, his voice hoarse. “Toni, I’m sorry. I–”

  “This isn’t about you.” I held up a hand. “It’s about me. You want to make things square with us?”

  He nodded.

  Surprise widened his eyes a fraction of a second before my fist slammed into his nose. I pulled the punch at the last second when I remembered that my knuckles were already bruised, but I still hit him with considerable force.

  Pain burst up my arm as he stumbled back. He didn’t fall and I didn't see any blood, but I still felt better.

  As he shook his head to clear it, I gave him a hard look. “You're the one I should've hit yesterday. Consider your apology accepted.”

  Chapter 4


  I opened my eyes.

  Confused, I looked around only to wince as a crick in my neck decided to send a shooting pain straight up into my head. The headache that had been lying in wait sprang to life as I peered through tinted glass and tried to remember just where the hell I was.

  “You fell asleep.”

  Groaning, I rubbed at my stiff neck as I looked over at Ash.

  He was sitting on the leather seat across from me.

  My memory turned on and, just like that, the events of the past day came rushing back at me.

  He’d called and said he had some news about Isadora. I’d gone over to his house and he’d had me arrested after accusing me of having something to do with Isadora's kidnapping. I’d spent the night in jail. My brothers had shown up at the station. The officer had declined to press charges. Ash had been there too. I realized I'd left my purse at his house. I vaguely remembered him offering me a ride to his house to get my purse and me accepting just to prove that I could be an adult about this. After that, things started getting hazy.

  I rubbed at my eyes, and out of habit, checked my watch. Then, blinking, I checked it a second time. It was three hours later than it had been when I'd left the police station. I frowned at Ash as I straightened.

  “Where are we?”

  “My house. You needed to get your purse, right?”

  My eyes narrowed. “It doesn't take three hours to get from the police station to your house.”

  The corner of Ash's mouth twitched as if he was amused. “You fell asleep and I didn't want to wake you.”

  “So you've been sitting in your driveway, in the back of a limo, watching me while I slept?” I pinched the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes for a moment. Under my breath, I muttered, “Yeah, that's not creepy at all.”

  “You did say we needed to talk.”

  I opened my eyes to find that smug smile back on his face. The fact that his nose was slightly puffy made it a bit less irritating. But only a little bit less.

  The door next to me opened and I stared at the hand extended by the driver. I wasn’t opposed to men opening doors for me. I actually rather enjoyed it. But I wasn’t entirely sure just what I was willing to accept from Ash right now, and that included things like a hand from the man he paid to chauffeur him around. Ignoring the proffered hand, I climbed out on my own and turned to give the car a pointed look as Ash got out on the other side.

  “You know,” I said. “Plenty of people just use a town car to get around New York.”

  Ash opened his mouth, then closed it. After a moment, a sheepish expression crossed his face. “Usually I do. Or I drive my Porsche. I thought...” He stopped and shook his head, his cheeks an amusing shade of red. “Never mind. Come on.”

  His Porsche? Was he kidding, letting that drop? I let some of my waspish temper out. “Let me decided to see if you could impress me by calling a limo to pick us up?”

  His shoulders stiffened. To my surprise, he turned and met my gaze. He didn’t answer right away, but rather spoke to his driver, “Lewis, I’ll let you know if I’ll need you later. Thank you.”

  As the man climbed back into the car, Ash reached up to rub at his jaw. After the limo pulled away, Ash came towards me. With just a few seconds, he was closer than I liked. Close enough that I could smell the heady, masculine scent of him, and it brought back memories of his body rubbing against mine, his hands on my hips, in my hair, tugging, pulling, driving me on.

  “I never make an effort to impress people, Toni. It just happens,” he said, his voice low. “Did I use the limo to maybe throw you off balance?” He half-smirked. “Obviously, it didn’t work.”

  “I just spent the night in jail being propositioned by a hooker.” I gave him a brightly false smile. “You’ll have to try harder.”

  I cut around him and headed up the steps. My legs felt like blocks of cement and my eyes seemed to be coated with sand. The little nap in the limo had helped a bit. If I could get some coffee and use a bathroom for about five minutes, I’d be good to go for a few hours.

  I caught sight of Doug as I stepped inside the house. His face softened when he saw me. I knew he'd been hoping I was Isadora, but he didn't show any disappointment.

  “Ms. Gallagher.” He smiled. “Is there anything I can get you?”

  I smiled back, grateful he wasn't mentioning anything about the arrest. Then again, it was possible he didn't know. “I’d love some coffee.”

  The butler nodded. “Just a moment then.”

  As he disappeared, I glanced over my shoulder at Ash as he walked into the house. “I’m using the restroom.”

  I didn’t go to the closest one, however. That was the one Ash and I had been in when we'd heard the news about Isadora...after we'd gotten a little too friendly with each other. The thought of being in there again...even thinking about it was enough to make my nipples draw tight.

  Distance. I needed distance and probably a solid hit upside the head to knock these insane thoughts out.

  Ducking into the larger bathroom just off the main hall, I locked the door and pressed my back against it. I closed my eyes, and took a slow deep breath. I did it again and again until my brain felt a little more awake and my mood felt level. Only then did I open my eyes and go over to the sink.

  A few seconds of digging around unearthed a variety of expensive toiletries. Never let it be said that the Lang family didn’t know how to provide for unexpected company. I scrubbed my face, then did a quick wash-up before freshening up with lotion and one of the small deodorants I found. The place was better than a hotel. By the time I was done, I felt marginally better. I used the toilet, washed my hands and brushed my teeth. I felt almost human again.

  As I was rinsing, I heard a knock on the door.

  “A moment.”

  When I opened the door, Beth was standing there, a small bundle in her hands. She looked older than she had when she'd told us about Isadora being gone. Older and almost fragile. “Doug thought you might like to change your clothes. These should fit.”

  “I...ah...” I hesitated, then looked down. It took only a glance at the clothes I’d been wearing for way too long and I nodded, taking the garments with a grateful smile.

  I left the bathroom wearing a silk blouse and a loose pair of trousers. The entire outfit probably cost more than I made in a month, the silk sliding against my skin a
nd making me very aware of the inexpensive panties and bra I put with the rest of my inexpensive clothes. My skin was flushed as I stepped out of the restroom, self-conscious of my lack of undergarments.

  Ash was waiting in the room Isadora and I usually used. I almost turned around and walked back out, but this was where my purse was and I'd be damned if I gave Ash the satisfaction of knowing how much he disconcerted me.

  Ash turned to look at me, but before he could say anything, Doug came in, pushing a wheeled cart. There was a silver pot of coffee, and my belly started to rumble as I caught the scent of food.

  “I didn’t know if you’d eaten, Miss Toni.” The older gentleman gave me a smile.

  The yowling of my belly at that precise moment seemed to be answer enough. Blushing, I pressed a hand to it. “I had a bagel earlier.”

  “Perhaps you’d like something more filling?”

  “You're my hero, Doug. Thank you.”

  He gave me a nod, then left without looking at Ash. Neither one spoke, and the silence was filled with ice.

  “He seems mad at you,” I said as I poured myself a cup of coffee.

  “They all are.” Ash sounded weary.

  I didn't have any sympathy for him. “Have you put them up for the chopping block yet?”

  “I’m...” He blew out a breath. “I’m not going to fire them. Isadora...” The hesitation was almost imperceptible. “She’s in charge of the household staff. She’d never forgive me if I did anything like that...rashly.”

  “Hmmm.” I wondered why the staff was mad, but I didn't ask. It wasn't my business.

  I sipped the coffee, desperate for the buzz of caffeine. On the cart was selection of light sandwiches, fruits and cheese. I took a plate and filled it with a bit of everything before heading over to a chair. It faced outside, which meant it was angled away from the couch so, if I wanted, I didn’t even have to look at Ash.

  “I’m sorry.”

  I glanced at him as I took another sip of my coffee. “So you’ve said.” His nose looked more swollen and discolored in this light. “Does your nose hurt?”